Saturday, September 20, 2014

op ed review 9/21

Top military official opens door to ground troops in ISIS fight, despite Obama pledge of “no boots on the ground”
Retired Head Of Marine Corps says “Obama’s ISIS Strategy Doesn’t Have ‘A Snowball’s Chance In Hell Of Succeeding’”
Reports Warn Of ISIS Terrorist Cells Coming Across The Mexican Border
Four known terrorists were apprehended at the US border in Texas on September 10 – the day before the 13th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks.

What will this do for recruitment?:  “In response to the growing Ebola crisis, the U.S. says it will send 3,000 troops to Liberia to “fight the disease.”

President Obama has declined to attend a dedication ceremony in October for a new memorial honoring American veterans who have been disabled fighting for their country in wars.

Obama Fundraises Every Five Days

This will only get worse:  “A new report has found nearly 1 in 10 Americans are showing up to work high on marijuana.”

Politico reports that "long-simmering doubts" and a renewed lack of confidence in DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the White House, congressional Dems and other Washington Democrats has Schultz struggling to try and hold onto her job.

How perfectly Clintonian: “While a crowd of several thousand Democrats waited on a sloping, grassy field below, Mrs Clinton, her husband and Senator Harkin staged a mini-grilling of steaks for the press at a single barbecue grill in a fenced-off enclosure, framed by a handsome tree and a picnic table filled with some patient Iowans. Mrs Clinton gamely posed, pretending to grill a steak that had been pre-cooked for her.”

More Biden gaffes:   Vice President Joe Biden drew fire from a prominent Jewish group on Tuesday after he described unscrupulous bankers who prey on servicemen and servicewomen deployed overseas as “Shylocks” a term frequently condemned as an anti-Semitic caricature.
Hours after apologizing for his anti-semitic slur, Biden described Lee KuanYew of Singapore as “the wisest man in the Orient.” The terms “orient” and “oriental” are considered widely outdated and offensive to Asians.

The US energy industry has been warning for years that the Obama EPA’s caps on carbon emissions will lead to several bad outcomes for Americans, including skyrocketing energy prices and even brownouts and blackouts. The EPA’s Janet McCabe was testifying in the House today on the agency’s plan to cap carbon emissions. And then the power went out….

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants Democratic candidates to win, but it may be more important that Republican candidates lose. That may explain why Democrats in two key races with implications for Senate control have dropped their bids, strengthening the odds for third-party candidates while creating tougher contests for Republicans.

Although state polling shows the GOP slipping some in the Republican quest to win the U.S. Senate, a New York Times/CBS News poll reveals that President Obama is polling worse than George W. Bush on issues important to voters, while the GOP is gaining strength.

Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating Benghazi security lapses.
“..senior aides convened an after-hours boiler room operation to sift through Benghazi-related documents and separate out those that might be damaging to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”

Pelosi is furious: ‘We never treated President Bush the way they treat President Obama’

This sounds a little creepy:  Department of Justice is launching a new program that will train "community leaders" like teachers and social workers to monitor their communities and watch for “radicals.”. Targets will be “those who would sow intolerance, division, and hate in the homeland.”

Gov. Bobby Jindal says Americans are clamoring for a “hostile takeover” of Washington, D.C. That means not just talking about repealing Obamacare, Jindal continued, but taking measures to repeal and replace it.

 “John Kerry Says 40 Countries Have Joined Obama’s Coalition Against ISIS – But Nobody Knows Who They Are”    By comparison, former President George W. Bush put together a 48 member coalition for the Iraq War in 2003 and everyone knew who they were. Despite these numbers the liberal media continues to push the lie that Bush “went it alone” in Iraq.

Mark Alexander
Losing the Half-Century War on Poverty

We were only a few short years into the War on Terror when the Left demanded we pull the plug because of a lack of results. Yet 50 years into the War on Poverty declared by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964, we’ve spent an estimated $22 trillion trying to alleviate poverty with little to show for it.

One in seven Americans still live in poverty, roughly the same rate as when the policies began to take effect in the late 1960s. The 2013 poverty rate of 14.5% was the first decline in the year-over-year rate since 2006, as the 2012 rate was 15%. But even during flush economic times, we’ve never driven the poverty rate below 10%.

Despite the stagnation in the poverty rate, the changes wrought by Johnson’s “Great Society” have manifested themselves in a number of societal ills that were uncommon five decades ago. Many of those stem from an out-of-wedlock birthrate that has skyrocketed from single-digits in 1964 to over 40% today. With the marriage rate in steep decline, we could call it the era of the “baby daddy” – despite recent U.S. Census reports indicating a female-headed single-parent family is five times more likely to be poor than a married-couple one. Marriage really does matter.

On the other hand, to be poor in this day and age carries with it a number of advantages even middle-class families could only dream of a generation or two ago. Contrary to popular perception, the average poverty-level family likely has a car (and perhaps two) as well as their own place to live, whether a single-family home or apartment – less than one in 10 live in a mobile home or trailer. Just 4% of those considered poor are homeless at some point during a calendar year, according to Census Bureau statistics. (The Heritage Foundation has done an outstanding study detailing these and other facts about our poor.)

The dirty little secret about America’s “poor” is that most of the dozens of means-tested government programs aren’t considered income for recipients. If these programs were given an income equivalent, only a tiny percentage of the 45.3 million Americans who fall below the poverty line would be considered poor and the perceived need for these programs would decrease. Last year the Cato Institute put out a controversial study claiming that welfare programs in many states paid more than minimum wage jobs, providing a disincentive to work but a tremendous incentive to vote in such a way as to assure the gravy train will continue to roll. The more people who are touched by government assistance, the easier it is for politicians distributing the “help” to maintain power. As the saying goes, those who rob Peter to pay Paul can always count on the vote of Paul.

In short, the Great Society has created the great dependent underclass, a massive voting bloc that is now beholden to statists. No longer do we hear of the generation too proud to accept “relief” from the government. And no longer do we subject our dependent class to the humiliation of cashing welfare checks or counting out food stamps – now it’s as easy as swiping a credit card, only with no payment due. Meanwhile, those from the faith-based community who used to provide for society’s less fortunate by providing a hand up rather than a handout are more and more shut out of the process.

The stated intention of the Great Society was to simply provide the tools to bring people out of poverty – they still had to do the work. But work is hard and handouts are easy, and that simple truism has brought us to the unsustainable situation we’re in today, with no end in sight unless radical change comes from the very government that has become the vote-gathering provider to so many. It won’t be under this regime, of course, as Barack Obama has put us on a path to throw another $13 trillion at the problem over the next fruitless decade.


"The demographic groups that voted most heavily for Barack Obama in 2012 have suffered the most from this president’s economic policies. … I looked at the most recent Census Bureau data as analyzed by statisticians from Sentier Research. … According to the Sentier research, single women with and without children present saw their incomes fall by roughly 5 percent. Those age 25-34 experienced an income decline of 4.4 percent. Black heads of households saw their income tumble by 7.7 percent, while the income of Hispanic heads of households fell 5.6 percent. In other words, many of these groups experienced double the income fall than the average voter. Oh and by the way, the poor and unskilled that Mr. Obama says he cares so much about saw their incomes fall by 7.4 percent for those with less than a high-school diploma and 8.2 percent for those with only a high-school diploma. … Income redistribution isn’t an economic strategy for growth. It’s a lifeboat strategy. … The poor and minorities have taken the big hit – and that’s the real injustice of Obamanomics.”
                -Stephen Moore

“Bill Clinton and George W. Bush spoke onstage together at the Newseum in Washington to launch a scholarship program. They have a great act. George W. Bush talks about the importance of faith and family for thirty minutes and then Bill Clinton delivers the rebuttal.”
               -Argus Hamilton

Hillary in trouble from Left?   Emails sent by liberal activists and obtained by The Hill reveal significant dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.

A Broadway-styled musical play has gone down to disastrous failure both critically and from audiences, despite having been funded by tax dollars to push global warming. "The Great Immensity," was just as advertised; immense. Not just an immense bomb, but according to one Congressman an immense waste of the $700,000 in tax dollars spent to float the production.

There they go again. The New York Times Book Review, which has a history of belatedly recognizing conservative bestsellers, has banished conservative legal author David Limbaugh’s latest, Jesus on Trial, from its upcoming best seller list despite having sales better than 17 other books on the list.

Islamist police in Saudi Arabia have stormed a Christian prayer meeting and arrested its entire congregation, including women and children, and confiscated their bibles.  The raid was the latest incident of a crackdown on religious minorities in Saudi Arabia by the country's Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.  The 28 Christians were said to be worshipping at the home of an Indian national in the eastern city of Khafji, when the police entered the building and took them into custody. They have not been seen or heard from since, raising concerns among human rights groups as to their whereabouts.
“We have a profoundly serious problem of illegal immigration, but we also have a problem of legal immigration, Unfortunately, it is a problem that can barely be discussed. Is there anyone who thinks the continued stream of Muslim immigration from countries with active jihadist groups is a good idea?”

“Stop Glorifying Football Players and Start Glorifying Soldiers”

Are conservative cities better than cities run by liberals? “As the great Democratic-run cities across the country—Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles—face fiscal calamity, America’s conservative cities are showing that there’s another way.”

There’s a lot of competition for Barack Obama’s biggest lie. The man who could assure the American public with a straight face over thirty times that they could keep their doctor under his health plan, when he knew that to be completely false, is one hellluva fibber. But execrable as that serial prevarication may have been, it doesn’t hold a proverbial candle to his most recent whopper — that the Islamic State is not Islamic — not to mention its corollary, or perhaps subsidiary lie, that real religions do not indulge in murder. Islam has been doing that pretty much straight

Not so popular anymore:  Obamagear is being marked down to fire sale prices.  Get your Obama diapers here.

“The natural cure for an ill-administration, in a popular or representative constitution, is a change of men.”
                      -Alexander Hamilton

Sunday, September 14, 2014

op ed review 9/14

Political analyst Stu Rothenberg sees a wave election upcoming for Senate Republicans in November. In a Roll Call column published Monday, the electoral expert said he is expecting Republicans to gain at least seven seats in the Senate and earn a November victory more dramatic than several pollsters have suggested. “I am now expecting a substantial Republican Senate wave in November, with a net gain of at least seven seats,” he said. “But I wouldn’t be shocked by a larger gain.”
Polling avalanche: GOP leads in eight races for Democrat-held Senate seats
Gallup:  “The Republican Party has expanded its historical edge over the Democratic Party in Americans' minds as being better able to protect the U.S. from international terrorism and military threats. At this point, 55% of Americans choose the GOP on this dimension, while 32% choose the Democratic Party. This is the widest Republican advantage in Gallup's history of asking this question since 2002.”
American voters disagree with President Obama that the economy is in better shape today than in 2008. Most are unhappy with ObamaCare. And optimism about the future of the country is down. With only 54 days until Election Day, these sentiments are pretty well baked into the cake -- boosting Republican candidates in a new Fox News poll.
By a wide margin of 52-42%, voters see President Obama as a failed president.

Nancy Pelosi says civilization is ‘In Jeopardy’ If GOP Takes Senate.

Obama losing the confidence of women?

Bowing to political concerns, President Obama will not announce any plans to take executive action to change immigration policy until after the November elections.

In the NEW YORK TIMES! “Obama’s Betrayal of the Constitution……Nothing attempted by his predecessor, George W. Bush, remotely compares in imperial hubris.”

Is it a “safety net” or a hammock?  . On the average day, an unemployed American is more likely to be shopping—for things other than groceries and gas---than to be looking for a new job, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “An unemployed person—on the average day—was more likely to spend time on shopping, sports and recreation, socializing and leisure, than they were searching for and interviewing for a new job, according to BLS.”

Secretary of State John Kerry refused to say we are at war with ISIS.
That’ll show ‘em!  State Department fights  ISIS by making videos.
“White House, Pentagon contradict Kerry, say US ‘at war’ with ISIS”

Gaffes 1:  A senior Obama administration official declared in a press release that “Saudi Arabia has an extensive border with Syria.” (It doesn’t)
Gaffes 2:  The third-ranking House Democrat, recently told a C-SPAN caller that “sexting” is an important tool for organizing voters.

Senate Republicans are preparing an agenda for their first 100 days in power next year in case they win majority control of the upper chamber. The agenda includes authorizing the long-delayed Keystone XL oil pipeline, approving “fast-track” trade authority, rolling back new Environmental Protection Agency regulations and repealing Obamacare’s unpopular tax on medical devices.

Welfare recipients can’t use their EBT cards at liquor stores but they can at marijuana dispensaries in states such as Colorado that have legalized pot, Sen. Jeff Sessions revealed Tuesday.

The Obama administration announced that their court case against the Little Sisters of the Poor will continue.  The Little Sisters of the Poor provide care for the elderly poor, regardless of their religious affiliation.

An Illinois woman tried to used the popular crowdfunding website GoFundMe to raise money for a late term abortion so she can continue to party. The funding page, “Bailey’s Abortion Fund” has been taken down, but Life Site News reported Friday that 106 people had already donated $1,654 towards the woman’s goal of $2,500. “The page was written by Bailey’s current boyfriend, Lücifer Ryzing.”  ??

During a California gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) revealed that nearly 30% of the state's schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English.

Greta Van Susteren admitted Friday “Off the Record” that she was called by the Obama White House and told to push FOX reporter Jennifer Griffin to drop her Benghazi investigation.

A Pennsylvania county council has voted 8-6 against posting the national motto, "In God We Trust," in its chambers. Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald had threatened to veto the measure, which he called "a movement by the right-wing evangelical Christians across the country basically to impose Christianity" in public buildings. Fitzgerald is a Democrat, as are the eight council members who opposed the display, which would also have included Pennsylvania's state motto "Virtue, Liberty and Independence" and another U.S. motto, "E Pluribus Unum."

Thomas Sowell  9/13/14
While we talk about democracy and equal rights, we seem increasingly to let both private and government decisions be determined by mob rule. There is nothing democratic about mob rule. It means that some people's votes are to be overruled by other people's disruptions, harassments and threats.

The latest examples are the mobs in the streets in cities across the country, demanding that employers pay a minimum wage of $15 an hour, or else that the government makes them do so by law. Some of the more gullible observers think the issue is whether what some people are making now is "a living wage." This misconstrues the whole point of hiring someone to do work. Those who are being hired are paid for the value of the work they do.

If their work is really worth more than what their employer is paying them, all they have to do is quit and go work for some other employer, who will pay them what their work is really worth. If they can't find any other employer who will pay them more, then what makes them think their work is worth more?

As for a "living wage," the employer is not hiring people in order to acquire dependents and become their meal ticket. He is hiring them for what they produce. Are some people not able to produce much? Absolutely! I know because I was once one of those people.

After leaving home as a teenager, I discovered that what I could earn would only enable me to rent a furnished room about 6 by 9 feet. Instead of a closet, it had a nail on the back of the door -- which was completely adequate for my wardrobe at the time. It became painfully clear that there was no great demand for a high school dropout with no skills and no experience. My choices were to get angry at my employer or to acquire some skills and experience -- and try to pick up some more education, while I was at it. Even to a teenage dropout, that choice was a no-brainer. There was no one around to confuse the issue by telling me that I was somehow "entitled" to what other people had produced, whether at the expense of the taxpayers or the employer.

There was a minimum wage law, even back in those days. But it had been passed ten years earlier, and inflation had raised both prices and wages to the point where it was the same as if there were no minimum wage law. Thank heaven! The unemployment rate among black teenagers back then was a fraction of what it would become in later years, after "compassionate" politicians repeatedly raised the minimum wage rate to keep up with inflation.

In 1948, the year I left home, the unemployment rate among black 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds was 9.4 percent, slightly lower than that for white kids the same ages, which was 10.2 percent. Over the decades since then, we have gotten used to unemployment rates among black teenagers being over 30 percent, 40 percent or in some years even 50 percent. Such is the price of political "compassion." Whatever the good intentions behind minimum wage laws, what matters are the actual consequences. Many people have ideological, financial or political incentives to obfuscate the consequences.

Labor unions are the biggest force behind attempts to raise the minimum wage, not only in the United States but in other countries around the world. That may seem strange, since most union members already earn more than the minimum wage. But the unions know what they are doing, even if too many gullible observers do not. Low-skill workers with correspondingly low wages compete in the labor market with higher skilled union members with correspondingly higher wages. Many kinds of work can be done by various mixtures of low-skilled workers and high-skilled workers.

Minimum wage rates that are higher than what most low-skilled and inexperienced workers are worth simply price those workers out of the job markets, leaving more work for union members. All the unions have to do is camouflage what is happening by using rhetoric about "a living wage," or "social justice" or whatever else will impress the gullible.

Life was tough when all I could get were low-paying jobs. But it would have been a lot tougher if I couldn't get any job at all. And a tough life made me go get some skills and knowledge.


“Welfare caseloads aren’t falling in part because this administration doesn’t want them to. Times sure have changed. Bill Clinton boasted about the reduction in welfare caseloads in the 1990s. What’s most important as a first step toward restoring self-reliance is to at least acknowledge as a nation that when there are 109 million Americans collecting some form of welfare, we have a crisis on our hands. It’s partly the economy, but partly cultural. The poverty lobby has worked hard to erase any negative stigma attached to welfare benefits. In some cities in America food stamps are like a parallel currency. By the way, in 2012 there were 51 million Americans on food stamps. One possible approach has been suggested by Rep. Paul Ryan. He would turn many of the welfare programs, like food stamps, back to the states so they can find ways to expeditiously move people swiftly back into work. What is for sure is that the feds have failed in replacing welfare with the dignity of work. Or worse, they haven’t even tried.”
                    -Stephen Moore

Washington D.C. Public Schools homework assignment asks 6th graders to compare Bush to Hitler.
The Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Montana last month dodged questions about her ties to a group that explicitly advocates the abolition of capitalism in the United States. “That sounds like contemporary communism,” said Montana Public Radio reporter Edward O’Brien of the Industrial Workers of the World, a labor group for which Montana legislator Amanda Curtis’ husband is a representative.

Free money for everyone! Arguments for a universal basic income (UBI) — in which everyone without exception would receive an equal stipend — have flourished in policy-centric areas of the internet

NY Mayor Bill de Blasio does not have security clearance to get classified information from the feds — ­unlike his two predecessors — and he has never even bothered to apply for it.  A law enforcement source said that if he does apply for clearance, he will have to endure an arduous vetting process that would include questions about his 1991 trip to Communist Cuba and support of the Marxist Sandinista regime during his visit to Nicaragua in the 1980s.

 “Gwyneth Paltrow to host October fundraiser for President Obama at her Los Angeles home.” Taxpayers get to pay his travel expenses, but “he simply can´t stay away from California´s famously deep-pocketed Democratic donors.”

“Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous." The "97 percent" claim is an utter nonsense. This report released today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation explains exactly why.

This is $1B that won’t be used for education. The University of California, keeping pace with the state government’s obsession with climate change, is proposing to invest $1 billion over five years in companies and researchers that are seeking solutions solving climate change.

Global warming??  “Rapid City SD sees earliest snowfall since 1888”

Despite the administration´s claim, the CIA operatives who fought for their lives and others´ from a rooftop say that a stand-down order may have cost four Americans their lives while their ignoring it saved others. ….There was even a second stand-down order, according to the trio in their book, "13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi," written with Mitchell Zuckoff. After Tiegen insisted they had to leave right away, "Bob" told them to "hold up" because "we´re going to let the local militia handle it." It was an incredible order, one telling Americans not to rescue Americans.

Ray Ibrahim:  “To understand why the Islamic State not only decapitates its “infidel” captives, but also mutilates and mocks their corpses—and all to sadistic laughter—one need only turn to the Koran and deeds of the prophet Muhammad………pious Muslims are so full of zeal for Allah’s cause that the only way their inflamed hearts can be at rest is to see those who oppose Allah and his prophet utterly crushed—humiliated, mutilated, decapitated.  Then the hearts of the believers can be at ease and “healed.” This is surely one of the reasons behind the Islamic State’s dissemination of gory videos and pictures of its victims: the new “caliphate” is trying to heal the hearts of every believer inflamed for the cause of Allah……If this sounds too farfetched, consider the following picture of a decapitated “infidel” from the Islamic State’s websites.   The Arabic caption to the left says “healing for hearts”—a clear reference to the aforementioned Koran verse…”

Former Muslim Nonie Darwish:  “Obama does not want to go down in history as the one who destroyed and extinguished the dream of resurrecting the Islamic State. That was never his intention. In fact, Obama’s plan when he took office was exactly the opposite: to end American supremacy as the one and only most powerful superpower in the world…..If Obama annihilates ISIS, he will turn into infidel enemy number one of Islam -- one who supported Muslims in their dream of the Caliphate by looking the other way, only to later crush it. Obama’s dream has turned into an unexpected nightmare…..Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries are paralyzed……Could there be a hidden reason to explain why Arabs do not want to destroy ISIS but would rather give the job to America? Could fighting and killing the ISIS jihadists be a violation of Sharia Islamic Law? I think that is the reason Saudi Arabia is desperately trying to convince Obama to destroy ISIS for them.
´Sharia Police´ Patrolling Streets in Germany

Imagine a sex scandal centered on a small area, involving decades of abuse, with hundreds of children raped, assaulted and prostituted. Authorities suspected or knew of the crimes but did nothing, preferring to protect the abusers than aid their victims or see justice done. If that city were in, say, Ireland, and the abusers Catholic priests, the U.S. networks would report it immediately and continuously. And rightly so. But move that city to northern England, and make the perpetrators Muslim men? Don’t look to ABC, NBC or CBS for details.

At least THREE young Minnesota women have traveled to Syria to aid ISIS jihadis
You won’t hear about it in the mainstream media but a Jihadist serial killer has been traveling across America. Ali Muhammad Brown, a “devout Muslim” has murdered at least four random men as an act of Islamic jihad.

How do Islamic extremists fire up the troops? Poems about virgins, of course.

Charlie Daniels: (yes, THAT Charlie Daniels)  “Hidden things have a habit of coming to light after a while. This is especially true when the hidden thing is an exposed lie, propagated by more lies and cover ups, and involves the lives of four Americans, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Manager Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were left alone to die at the hands of Islamic fanatics with no attempt at rescue on September 11, 2012. The issue was supposedly laid to rest by a congressional hearing, but only to the satisfaction of partisan politicians, lapdog journalists and those who think Obama is incapable of mistakes and downright wrongdoing.”

Five things that could go horribly wrong with Obama's action in Iraq

“I could have sworn we were going to war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).But the president, a well-known theologian, has informed us that despite what the Muslims of ISIS say, the Islamic State “is not Islamic.” So I guess we’re in a war against SIS — the State of Iraq and Syria. But it still is a war, isn’t it, Mr. Secretary Kerry?“I think that’s the wrong terminology,” he sniffed yesterday. “What we are engaging in is a very significant counterterrorism operation.” Does that make it … a police action?

Head Start, the federal preschool program for low-income kids, is a politician’s favorite. They regard the sum of the money poured into Head Start as the measurement of the depth of their concern “for the children.” No wonder it’s costing $8 billion a year. There’s no limit to the concern the right-minded have “for the children.” For all that money, we’re not getting much. This is the conclusion in a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The bureau is unable to find lasting benefits for the 900,000 children enrolled in the program. When children who attend Head Start begin.

"There is a rank due to the United States, among nations, which will be withheld, if not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness. If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known that we are at all times ready for war."
                  -George Washington