op ed review 5/9
Only 39% of voters said they would vote to re-elect Pres. Obama if the election were held today.
At Ground Zero they're building a 13-story mosque – on the site of an old Burlington Coat Factory damaged by airplane debris on 9/11. “So, in the ruins of a building reduced to rubble in the name of Islam, a temple to Islam will arise.”
Comedy Central might censor every image of the Prophet Muhammad on "
An SUV found in
The bomber suspect, Faisal Shahzad was placed on a Department of Homeland Security travel lookout list in 1999. He was pulled off a jetliner bound for the
Why was he allowed on the airplane? Apparently, he was removed from the lookout list sometime after Barack Obama came into office.
The suspect told authorities he trained at a terrorism camp in
Tragedy was averted because he used the wrong kind of firecrackers and the wrong kind of fertilizer explosive.
If confirmed that the Taliban in
“Yesterday's New York Times, home to the most obsessively anti-Tea Party editorial page in
The third most senior democrat in the House, and author of last year's $862 billion economic stimulus law, said he won't seek re-election this year.
Though his agency was charged with coordinating the federal response to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland was white water rafting in the
As the
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says that Americans are “tired” of driving cars and are instead looking for other options such as bicycle lanes and walking paths, which the government will add to its infrastructure
Despite their expectation that it will burden police departments and disproportionately affect certain ethnic groups, a majority of Americans believe the controversial illegal immigration measure recently signed into law in Arizona is "about right" in its approach, according to a newly-released CBS News/New York Times poll.
The immigrants’ rights marches last weekend weren’t all so peaceful. Close to 20 businesses were damaged in downtown
As President Obama, most Democrats, and most of the media proclaim it racist to enforce immigration laws, five students were sent home from school in
Huh? The NATO commander in
The editors at the biggest newspaper on the West Coast, who were expected to endorse Sen. Barbara Boxer in her primary campaign against token opposition, have decided to remain neutral, saying the California Democrat “doesn't display enough intellectual firepower.”
83% of Americans say God answers prayers, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of 1,000 adults. 57% favor a National Day of Prayer.
Great moments in socialized medicine: In the UK, NHS bosses are refusing to let cancer patients be treated with potentially life-saving technology – endorsed by senior doctors – at a hospital which has just spent £3m on it.
What If
Michael Filozof, American Thinker
Suppose for a moment that 15 million Americans -- the population of
Suppose that the 15 million illegal American aliens included large numbers of criminals, drug dealers from Vermont, and arms traffickers, causing Quebec's crime rate to soar; that they comprised 20% to 30% of Quebec's prison inmates; and that they routinely evaded capture by Canadian authorities by sneaking back across the border, where they engaged in gang warfare.
Suppose that the illegal Americans congregated in packs on
Let us further suppose that when the Montreal Canadiens played the Washington Capitals at the Bell Centre, large numbers of illegal Americans waved the American flag, booed, hissed, and doused Canadiens fans with beer when "O, Canada" was sung in French prior to the opening face-off.
How do you suppose
Of course not. Anyone remotely familiar with Canadian politics knows exactly what would happen. A situation like the one described above would cause the province to explode.
At the very least, you can bet that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Customs Canada would have tactical units all along the border from Massena to
French-Canadians are extremely prickly about their cultural heritage.
It is utterly mind-boggling to see the reaction of the cultural and political elites in the
The Constitution grants Congress the authority to "establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization" and to "repel Invasions." But prominent congressional leaders like Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Raúl Grijalva have taken positions opposing the enforcement of the immigration laws Congress itself has passed.
Even the president has criticized
No sane country has ever elected elites who have systematically undermined their own culture and erased their national borders. Even the French-Canadians know how to stand up for themselves. Who will stand up for the
I'm not certain what it will take to preserve the
"The American president has the power to control America's borders if he wants to, but George W. Bush and Barack Obama did not and do not want to, and for the same reason, and we all know what it is. The fastest-growing demographic in
-Peggy Noonan
"Strangely enough -- for a bill that allegedly sticks it to Wall Street -- during the Senate Banking Committee hearing [last] week, Goldman Sachs chairman Lloyd Blankfein endorsed the Dodd bill. Someone should have asked him who from Goldman wrote it. In 2008, Goldman employees gave a record-breaking $1,007,370 to the Obama campaign. This year, the 'securities and investment' industry has already given twice as much money to the Democrats as to the Republicans. ABC News reports that 'the five biggest hedge fund donors all gave almost all their donations to Democrats.' Among the biggest recipients of hedge fund money were Senators Harry Reid (Democrat), Chris Dodd (Democrat) and Charles Schumer (Democrat). Even with the evidence right in front of their eyes, people still believe that it's the Republicans who are in Wall Street's pocket. How out of touch with reality would a comedy writer have to be to write the following joke for Jay Leno [last] week: 'The head of Goldman Sachs was going through security and was asked to empty his pockets -- and five Republican senators fell out.' Why didn't Barack Obama or Chuck Schumer fall out? Why not Rahm Emanuel, who worked for Goldman? Or Greg Craig, who used to work for Obama but just took a job with Goldman? The fact that anyone laughed at that joke proves that Republicans have a serious PR problem."
-Ann Coulter
“Blacks, Whites & Racist Democrats: The Untold History of Race and Politics within the Democratic Party from 1792-2009” by Wayne Perryman. After reading this book, you will understand that: for over 150 years, blacks were victims of terrorist attacks by the Democrats and their Klan supporters, including lynching, beating, rapes and mutilations. On the issue of slavery, the Democrats literally gave their lives to expand it; the Republicans gave their lives to ban it. Many believed the Democrats had a change of heart and fell in love with blacks. To the contrary, history reveals the democrats didn't fall in love with black folks, they fell in love with the black vote knowing this would be their ticket into the white house.
Rev. Al Sharpton says:: “We Won’t Have True Social Justice Until Everything Is ‘Equal in Everybody’s House’
A great opportunity for OER readers in the
The Big Picture - We will be taking a look at the political climate of our state, discussing both the crises we presently face and the opportunities that arise as a result.
Mobilizing Your Community - All politics are local. We will show you the strategies and tactics necessary to create real change in your hometown.
The Art of Persuasion - If our movement is going to change the hearts and minds of people, we must learn to be persuasive in how we present our message. Our experts will demonstrate how to craft an winning argument.
Online Activism - The opportunities for communication online are too large for our movement to ignore. We will walk you through the basics of Internet activist tools and how you can get started.
Opposition Research - Knowing your opponent is key to victory. Discover several effective tactics you can utilize to dig up the truth.
Town Hall Workshop - We will stage a mock town hall meeting to help give you an idea of what works and what doesn't.
Kirby Wilbur says: “The sessions are extensive and well done, you will learn so much and you will leave a better advocate for liberty, limited government and the free market.”
Saturday, May 15 –
Saturday, May 22 – Shoreline – Shoreline Community College
Saturday, June 5 –
Cost is $30.00 which includes lunch. If you gather a group of ten or more, the fee is $25.00 per person.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has accused
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer: ”In my 28 years of public service, I have made a lot of tough calls. But with a federal government unwilling to secure our border for years and years,
“Liberals are painting the Arizona bill as “racist” and claiming that it will subject Hispanics to “racial profiling.” Those again are code words whose only purpose is to stir up fear, but the real intent of liberal opposition is plain — let the illegal immigrants stay in
Don't mess with Allah. That's the new, unwritten code in
Phyllis Schlafly: Proof that the Tea Partiers and others are on target when they criticize both political parties was supplied by the behavior of the U.S. House on April 29. Demoting all major economic and corruption problems facing our country to the bottom of the agenda, the House devoted a long afternoon and 12 roll-call votes to passing a bill to force
Rocker Ted Nugent says it well: “What the Tea Parties stand for.”
Steve Chapman: “Sarah Palin may hunt moose with a rifle, but when she's out for bigger game, she relies on an unorthodox approach to bring down her quarry: Deprive it of food. "Please, starve the beast!" she recently implored a Tea Party Express rally in
“Since resigning from her governorship last July, Sarah Palin hasn't made a false move. This is surprising for someone who is more passionate than cautious and one reputed to be...well, you know, a dummy. Her book tour went exceedingly well. She has received thousands of invitations to speak, notwithstanding her $100,000 price tag. She continues to raise huge sums of money for her sponsors and draw sellout crowds. Her policy announcements have been spot-on, whether delivered in her speeches, interviews, or Facebook posts. Because of her ignominious charge of "death panels" to decry Obamacare, she more than anyone is responsible for the overwhelming majority now opposed to the law….”
Seven reasons not to vote for Democrats
Great t-shirts. Check out their dog shirts: “Semper Fido”, “Right Wing Attack Dog”, “I Bite Liberals”
Al Franken explains a cartoon to the US Senate. “This is not a "Saturday Night Live" skit. This is the real thing from the Senate floor where the 100 members are paid $174,000 -- each -- for this work. The folks back home must be very proud of the honorable gentleman from
Read for yourself: The full text of
Snopes confirms: “Obama appoints two devout Muslims to Homeland Security posts”
Leno: Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo and today was Cinco de Dow Jones......Cinco de Mayo is a holiday celebrated by over 80 million Mexicans — and that’s just here in Los Angeles…..The market was so bad today that Goldman Sachs had to lay off three congressmen……Greece has overspent on large social programs, with a national debt so large that they can never pay it back. Thank God that could never happen here ……The United Nations has appointed Iran to sit on the Women’s Rights panel. Also on the panel: Ben Roethlisberger, Chris Brown, Phil Spector, Robert Blake, and chairman, O.J. Simpson.
"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."
-Ayn Rand
"Let the American youth never forget, that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils, and sufferings, and blood of their ancestors."
-Joseph Story

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