Saturday, May 2, 2015

op ed review 5/3

Riots in Baltimore:
New Black Panther Party Head: “We Are ‘Willing to Kill’ for Black Nation”
Six officers accused in the death of Freddie Gray face a litany of charges that include second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, false imprisonment and misconduct in office. Doesn’t quite fit the racism narrative:  three white, three African American officers.
Last week the media tried to characterize the increasingly violent protests in Baltimore as “peaceful.” Now, even after the demonstrations have turned into outright riots, some members of the media are still trying to excuse the violence or are otherwise downplaying what has been going on since last Thursday.
Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem. Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor.
Police in Baltimore told to stand down and let riots play out.
Need more moms like this:  “One Baltimore mom took matters into her own hands Monday, furiously grabbing her would-be rioter son by the scruff of his neck and dragging him away from the violence.”

Americans bomb Pew test of basic political knowledge

George Soros may owe $6.7B in back taxes.

181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department.  The size and scope of the symbiotic relationship between the Clintons and their donors is striking. At least 181 companies, individuals, and foreign governments that have given to the Clinton Foundation also lobbied the State Department when Hillary Clinton ran the place, according to a Vox analysis of foundation records and federal lobbying disclosures.

Not only did the Clinton Foundation conceal the names of 1100 big foreign donors to an affiliate, it has lied about doing so.

In 2013 the Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent Of Its Budget On Charitable Grants
Is the Clinton Foundation Really a Charity? that more of the press is finally asking tough questions about the Clintons’ activities, it appears that their charity may not pass the basic question donors ask of any philanthropy: how much of the money raised is actually spent on the causes you are supposed to be aiding?

Video: Eleven strange “coincidences” from the Clinton Foundation

Former President Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea left earlier this week on a nine-day African safari with a plane-full of family foundation donors and Hillary Clinton supporters in tow, adding fuel to accusations that contributors are getting rewarded -- and courted for even more money.

Pornographer Larry Flint endorses Hillary Clinton

Michelle Malkin  4/29
It’s never enough. American taxpayers have surrendered billions and billions and billions of dollars to the social-justice-spender-in-chief. But it's never, ever enough.

The latest paroxysm of urban violence, looting, and recriminations in Baltimore prompted President Obama on Tuesday to trot out his frayed Blame The Callous, Tight-Fisted Republicans card. After dispensing with an obligatory wrist-slap to.."protesters" who are burning Charm City to the ground…. the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner got down to his usual business: hectoring his political opponents and grousing that America hasn't forked over enough money for him to make the "massive investments" needed to "make a difference right now."

If we are "serious" about preventing more riots, the president declared, then "the rest of us" (translation: all of us stingy conservatives) have to make sure "we are providing early education" and "making investments" so that inner-city youths are "getting the training they need to find jobs."

Narcissus on the Potomac wheedled that "there's a bunch of my agenda that would make a difference right now." Me, me, me! His laundry list of the supposedly underfunded cures that he can't get through Congress includes "school reform," "job training" and "some investments in infrastructure" to "attract new businesses." I'll give POTUS credit: He can lay it on thicker than a John Deere manure spreader.

Let's talk "massive investments," shall we?

In 2009, Obama and the Democrats rammed the $840 billion federal stimulus package through Capitol Hill under the guise of immediate job creation and economic recovery. An estimated $64 billion went to public school districts; another nearly $50 billion went for other education spending. This included $13 billion for low-income public school kids; $4.1 billion for Head Start and childcare services; $650 million for educational technology; $200 million for working college students; and $70 million for homeless children.

How's that all working out? Last week, economists from the St. Louis Federal Reserve surveyed more than 6,700 education stimulus recipients and concluded that for every $1 million of stimulus grants to a district, a measly 1.5 jobs were created. "Moreover, all of this increase came in the form of nonteaching staff," the report found, and the "jobs effect was also not statistically different from zero."

More than three-quarters of the jobs "created or saved" in the first year of the stimulus were government jobs, while roughly 1 million private sector jobs were forestalled or destroyed, according to Ohio State University. President Obama later admitted "there was no such thing" as "shovel-ready projects." But there were plenty of pork-ready recipients, from green energy billionaires to union bosses to Democratic campaign finance bundlers. About $230 billion in porkulus funds was set aside for infrastructure projects, yet less than a year later, Obama was back asking for another $50 billion to pour down the infrastructure black hole.

In 2010, President Obama signed the so-called Edujobs bill into law -- a $26 billion political wealth redistribution scheme paying back Big Labor for funding Democratic congressional campaigns. In 2012…Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act "to encourage startups and support our nation's small businesses." In July 2014…Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to "help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market”…..In December 2014, the White House unveiled nearly $1 billion in new "investments" to "expand access to high-quality early childhood education to every child in America" from "birth and continuing to age 5."  That's all on top of the $6 billion government-funded national service and education initiative known as the SERVE America Act….The SERVE America Act included $1.1 billion to increase the investment in national service opportunities; $97 million for Learn and Serve America Youth Engagement Zones; and nearly $400 million for the Social Innovation Fund and Volunteer Generation Fund.

The "social innovation" slush fund was intended to "create new knowledge about how to solve social challenges in the areas of economic opportunity, youth development and school support, and healthy futures, and to improve our nation's problem-solving infrastructure in low-income communities." The biggest beneficiaries? Obama's progressive cronies.

Apparently, the richly funded "social innovators" haven't reached the looter-prone neighborhoods of Baltimore yet. But it's not ideologically bankrupt Obama's fault. It's ours.


“I think one of the reasons Obama and his friends are so eager to open the gates to more and more immigrants is they think it’s going to defeat the conservative movement and the Republican Party……Of course, they all come from countries that are not used to the idea of limited government. They’re used to countries where the government makes all the decisions, and they don’t know anything different. “They don’t understand what Americans mean when we talk about limited government, so I think one of their motives clearly is death to the conservative movement and the Republican Party.”
                -Phyllis Schlafly

 “The Republican Party, if it were to nominate a pro-amnesty candidate, would self-destruct and not be able to politically survive having a political candidate that is pro-amnesty……It would just drive a stake in the hearts of the grassroots Republican voters, and there would be almost no chance the Republican nominee could win the election.”
                -Richard Viguerie

“Takeover: The 100-Year War For The Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It,” by
Richard Viguerie.  “One hundred and two years ago Teddy Roosevelt split the Republican Party to advance his progressive agenda. Progressivism, or Big Government Republicanism, became the philosophy of the Republican Party's establishment elite. Fifty years ago conservatives began a battle for control of the party. Now is the time for conservatives to finish the job and take back the Republican Party.  All national polls show that the American people self-identify as conservatives by a margin of 2 to 1 or more. Despite the scandals surrounding the White House, the outrageous failure of ObamaCare, and the lack of leadership from Congress, the Republican Party has failed to win key elections because it has failed to deliver on its promises to roll back the tide of Big Government. In Takeover, prominent Republican strategist and fundraiser Richard Viguerie outlines the way to establish limited government constitutional conservatism as the governing philosophy of the Republican Party and sanity back to Congress and the White House. Viguerie details the storied history of the battle for the soul of Republican Party and offers practical advice and outlines the steps necessary for conservatives to win the civil war in the GOP and govern America by 2017.”

The New Green Religion of Global Warming/Climate Change is coming out of the closet to begin preaching from the pulpit. In the lib-left world timing is everything. Now that Christianity is being persecuted worldwide with the many slings and arrows sent its way flashing out in neon, it’s time for ‘sustainability’ to squeeze out Salvation at Sunday church services. “The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is spending $84,000 to study how churches can be used to combat climate change.”

The blistering drought that has Californians timing their showers, driving dirty cars and staring at brown lawns and empty swimming pools is a “man-made disaster,” according to critics, who say the Golden State’s misguided environmental policies allow much-needed freshwater to flow straight into the Pacific.

The fight to stop climate change is about to become official doctrine of the Catholic Church. By taking this action, the Church turns its back on many of the world’s poorest people, those most vulnerable to the impacts of the United Nations’ dangerously misguided climate and energy policies

The left loves civil unrest:  Salon Magazine:  “Baltimore’s violent protesters are right: Smashing police cars is a legitimate political strategy.”

Bernie Sanders is an avowed socialist. 52 percent of Democrats are OK with that.

Can the Democrats Get Rid of Hillary?

Marco Rubio:  “Obama´s desperation is showing. And it´s dangerous…”

In a conversation with Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Tuesday, Representative Bill Flores (R-TX) argued against same-sex marriage by citing the tumult in Baltimore as an example of the consequences of family breakdown — which, Perkins pointed out, legalized gay marriage would only exacerbate. “The single best indicator of whether or not a child is going to be in poverty or not is whether or not they were raised by a two-parent household or a single parent household, so the breakdown of the family has contributed to poverty,” Flores said. “Look at what is going on in Baltimore today, you see the

What Is China´s Navy Doing in Mediterranean?

Every member of a delegation of Iraqi minority groups has been granted visas to visit Washington for official meetings — except one. An Iraqi nun, who is a representative of the Nineveh Christians who have been forced to flee Iraq or be slaughtered by ISIS, has been barred from entering the United States by the Obama administration.

“Nothing is more dreaded than the national government meddling with religion.”
                -John Adams

 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez


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