op ed review 8/12
All 5 candidates President Trump endorsed won victories on
Hollywood-backed Democratic candidates didn’t fare as well
as politically engaged celebrities had hoped in Tuesday’s elections, which
sparked Russian meddling conspiracy theorizing and celebs bashing Green Party
voters in Ohio.
Socialist star Ocasio-Cortez strikes out: All endorsed
candidates lose Tuesday primaries.
Democrats still hoping for a “blue flood.”
On the other hand: “The
Democrats’ ‘Generic Ballot’ Advantage Has All But Disappeared”
But if Republicans don’t get out the vote: “Could ‘blue wave’ wash away all but one House
seat for Washington GOP?”
155,965,000 Employed in June: 11th Record-Setter Under Trump
Trump’s new ‘zero tolerance’ rules cut welfare-dependent
foreigners from taxpayer money spigot.
Trump administration reimposes harsh Iran sanctions.
For Most Trump Voters, ‘Very Warm’ Feelings for Him Endure.
Sarah Jeong, the newest editorial board member of The New
York Times, has history of anti-white, anti-cop and anti-men tweets.
“white people are bull—t” won’t get you banned from Twitter but saying Jewish
people are will. That’s what happened to conservative activist Candace Owens,
who was suspended from Twitter for purposely mimicking the racist tweets of new
New York Times editorial-board member Sarah Jeong.
Are Tech giants working together to censor conservatives?
Now YouTube Is Adding ‘Fact Checks’ to Videos that Question
‘Climate Change’
Trump derangement syndrome:
Former John McCain presidential campaign chief strategist says the
Republican Party of Donald Trump must “burn to the ground.”
How a senior DOJ official helped Democrat researchers on
Trump-Russia case.
? An evangelist had to take down a series of billboards
depicting him holding a Bible, advertising his upcoming outreach event. Someone
apparently complained, and "management reserves the right to not display
any materials that could be constructed as vulgar or offensive."
More than 600,000 foreigners overstayed U.S. visas in 2017
Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has
criminal history, yet avoided deportation, report says
Man arrested at 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound was
training kids to commit school shootings.
Nancy Pelosi comes clean on illegal immigration — Admits
Democrats are an illegal’s best friend!
As vice chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a
ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA.)
has been investigating allegations of President Trump’s “collusion” with Russia. But now we learn Feinstein may be the one
compromised by a foreign power. Turns out that Communist China had a spy in her
David Catron 8/10
Conservative Confusion About Who and What We’re Fighting: The
worst Republican is better than the best Democrat.
this moment, Ohio Democrats and their Beltway masters are diligently working to
steal the state’s 12th Congressional District from Republican Troy Balderson.
Balderson’s Democratic opponent, Danny O’Connor, refused to concede after
narrowly losing the special election and a few hours later — the county where he works — miraculously
“discovered” 588 uncounted votes in a “routine audit.” When they were counted,
Balderson’s lead shrank by 190. Similar skullduggery will accompany the count
of provisional and absentee ballots, which will inevitably lead to an automatic
recount, which will ultimately lead to an O’Connor “victory.”
has this to do with conservative confusion? It’s a timely reminder that the
Democratic Party is little more than a criminal conspiracy and that any
conservative who sits at home during the midterms, griping about “GOPes,” will
be complicit in the destruction of the republic. If this sounds over the top,
think about who will take over the leadership of crucial committees if the
Democrats flip enough seats to regain a majority in the House: Adam Schiff will
probably become the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee — Adam Schiff!
Before we go any further, think about that. This buffoon is still braying about Russian collusion even as he
covers up the crimes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
first order of business as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee will be
to halt any ongoing investigations into Obama administration abuses of power —
particularly the illegal deployment of the FBI, CIA, and IRS against domestic political
opponents of the Democratic Party, including the Trump presidential campaign.
Schiff will likewise close down all inquiries into Mrs. Clinton’s copious
catalogue of crimes. Having thus enabled Obama administration officials to
escape justice, Schiff will then pivot to his primary goal — destroying the
Trump Presidency. Just three months ago, he wrote the following in the New York Times:
President Trump participated in a conspiracy to defraud the United States
during the campaign by colluding with the Russians, there is a historical basis
for the Senate to remove him from office. It is even more clear that if he
committed the offense of obstruction of justice while in office, that would
provide a legal basis for removal.… During the course of our investigation in
the House Intelligence Committee, we have found troubling evidence of both
collusion and obstruction of justice.
will turn the Intelligence Committee into a Trump-seeking missile, and he’ll
have lots of help from other committees. Maxine Waters, who calls for the President’s impeachment at
every opportunity, is the ranking Democrat on the House Banking Committee.
Other top Democrats on House committees who supported last January’s impeachment
motion include Tim
Walz (Veterans Affairs), Raúl Grijalva (Natural Resources), Bennie Thompson
(Homeland Security), Frank Pallone (Energy & Commerce), Eliot Engel
(Foreign Affairs), Jim McGovern (Rules), and Nydia Velázquez (Small Business).
And this doesn’t include subcommittees.
will not require a Democratic landslide. All it will take is a few thousand
cranky conservatives in each of 23 pivotal congressional districts who can’t
figure out who the bad guys are, who think the enemy is Speaker of the House
Paul Ryan or Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. There are, of course,
legitimate reasons to be disappointed with the GOP leadership. They didn’t work
hard enough to rid us of Obamacare, and their fiscal incontinence has not
exactly been a feather in their cap. But allowing the Democrats to capture a
majority would be a disaster for the nation. As former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr writes at Fox News: “Even
if the midterm elections do not result in the “blue wave” for which Democrats
pine, a bare majority of one Democratic House member will cost the GOP every
committee chairmanship, the speakership, and control of the legislative
agenda.… Up to now, the question of impeachment has resided on the ideological
and financial fringes of the Democratic Party.… All that will change on Nov. 7
if the previous day’s voting confirms a House and possibly a Senate majority
win for the Democrats.”
doesn’t matter that the impeachment of the President, for mythical crimes
committed in Adam Schiff’s tawdry little mind, wouldn’t result in a Senate
conviction. Fighting it would involve so much White House time that virtually
nothing else would get done. And this is the Democratic goal. President Trump,
to the surprise of yours truly, has been a very effective president: On his
watch, unemployment has dropped to 3.8 percent, economic growth is twice what
it was under Obama, taxes have been cut for 8 in 10 Americans, Obamacare’s
justly reviled individual mandate has been effectively repealed, the VA has
been overhauled, ad infinitum.
Democrats need to stop this, or they will go the way of the Whig Party. But
they can’t pull it off by running empty-headed candidates like Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, who thinks arithmetic is a conservative talking point. They can’t win a majority
in either house of Congress by calling for open borders or pimping
Medicare-for-All. They plan to regain their lost majorities by vote fraud — as
they are demonstrating in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District right now — lying
to the voters through their toad eaters in the legacy media, and demoralizing
conservatives to the extent that they sit home on November 6, allowing hard-won
GOP majorities to collapse.
shouldn’t have been close enough for the Democrats to steal. The razor-thin
majority by which Balderson won is the result of absent suburban voters who
have forgotten that, after 2006, the Democrats nearly destroyed the U.S. economy
and set the stage for the Obama era with all its trademark criminality. The
Democrats are crooks and liars. Even worse, they are incompetent. If they are
allowed to get their tentacles on the levers of power again, they will ruin
everything they touch, and it will probably require more than mere votes to get
rid of them next time. Conservatives can save the republic from all this by
showing up for the midterms.
“Tax experts at The Heritage Foundation used IRS data to
calculate the effects of last December’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and found
that in 2018 taxpayers will save an average of $1,400. Married couples with two
children will save more than twice that: $2,917. And when I say ‘nationwide,’ I
mean it. A new report by Heritage’s Kevin Dayaratna, Parker Sheppard and Adam
Michel shows that every U.S. congressional district will enjoy these tax
“Trump’s tariffs are
meant to force other countries to lower theirs. It’s a dangerous game, for
sure, because it can risk a trade war escalation — as we are now seeing with China.
But Trump has always believed that the United States has the upper hand because
of our massive consumer market, and that our trading partners will be forced to
capitulate sooner rather than later. What is clear is that he has played the
Europeans like a fiddle here. His threat of a 20 percent auto tariff scared the
daylights out of the Germans. Those levies could cripple their
already-struggling economy. The panic in Berlin is what drove the EU to the
bargaining table. Even more masterful was how Trump got the Europeans to agree
to buy more American natural gas. … I often disagree with Trump’s
saber-rattling trade antics. But it’s getting harder all the time to find fault
with the results.”
-Stephen Moore
In his new book ”Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election”, Eric
Eggers details the Democrat Party’s reliance on illegal voting and their
efforts to keep those vulnerabilities intact.
Beginning in the 1980s, the federal government has adopted
mandates requiring ethanol be mixed into gasoline in order to stretch out oil
supplies and to save the environment. Now the Environmental Protection Agency
has finally admitted that ethanol does more harm than good.
Failed Prognostications of Climate Alarm
A Massachusetts man was arrested Thursday on charges of
offering a $500 bounty on Twitter to anyone who killed an ICE agent — the
latest in a series of horrific threats aimed at the immigration law enforcement
amid the ongoing deportation debate. In another online forum, which the
indictment doesn’t name, Mr. Ziobrowski in February said “shooting a cop should
get you a medal.” Ziobrowski had expressed "extreme anti-U.S."
rhetoric on his account, and professed support for "socialist" and
"communist" ideology.
Santa Barbara city councilman inadvertently let slip the primary purpose of
progressivism in 21st century America. The city recently criminalized the use
of plastic straws. Speaking to that issue, Councilman Jesse Dominguez said, “Unfortunately,
common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s
No big deal, just Peter Fonda encouraging voter fraud so
Dems can win in 2018
Far Left mobs riot in 3 major US cities — NOT ONE mainstream
outlet reports on the widespread leftist violence
Why did France’s government vote against having an age of
consent? The answer is obvious. Muhammad married his favorite wife Aisha when
she was six and consummated the marriage when Aisha was nine. Since Muhammad
did that, and since he is the “excellent example” for all Muslims to follow,
child marriage is acceptable in Islam. This is a sign of France’s capitulation
and Islamization. They cannot set an age of consent, because Islam doesn’t have
one. This is a sign of how quickly Western values erode when our leaders do not
have the will to defend them.
Dennis Prager: Pope
Francis Rewrites Catholicism ... and the Bible
Making men masculine again: ‘It’s not masculinity that’s
toxic. It’s the lack of it’
In Chicago, Hillary Clinton received 84 percent of the 2016
presidential vote and there hasn’t been a Republican mayor since 1931. Between
Friday afternoon and Monday morning, 74 people were shot in the city,12 of them
fatally. “The Real Reasons for Chicago's Deadly Crime Wave
30 Years Later, Rush Limbaugh Still Drives the Liberal Media
Howie Carr: “If I ever get jammed up, I ask for no special
treatment — just treat me like an illegal immigrant. That’s my takeaway from the outrageous claim by Sen.
Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian, that the U.S. criminal justice system is
“racist — all the way, I mean front to back.” There are two systems of justice, but it’s not so much about
race as it is about immigration status. If you’re an American, chances are you
get hard time. If
you’re an illegal immigrant, you get everything, and I do mean everything,
including an EBT card, MassHealth and a Sect. 8 housing certificate.
all Donald Trump’s many sins against the Great Church of the Transnational
Leftist Establishment, his greatest may be his stubborn refusal to subordinate
the needs of the normal citizens of the United States to the dogmas of our
alleged betters. He rejects the secular civic religion of our betters, one that
urges the sacrifice of regular folk’s interests on the altar of their
self-regard and cheesy self-interest. Trump is a heretic, a blasphemer, and
it’s no surprise they want to burn him at the stake. Horrors! He demands that
the Europeans fund their own defense at levels that come to about half of what
America spends! Oh well, I never! He refuses to hobble the American economy as
a tribute to the false god of the weird weather religion and he dumped the
Paris Climate Grift! Vapors! He rejects the notion that free trade is a one-way
street into America’s markets and thinks that we ought to get the same deal on
stuff we sell to outsiders as they get selling to us. The bizarre part is that
Trump isn’t even seeking an advantage over these foreigners who have been
getting over on us. He seeks only reciprocity in our relations, and as a result
the foreign policy elite is collectively wetting itself.
Click on your state below to see 700 examples
of pay raises, bonuses, 401(k) match increases, expansions, benefit increases,
and utility rate reductions due to the Republican tax cuts.
Canadian professor declares war on political
correctness. Great interview with Tucker
“The minute you read something that you can’t understand,
you can almost be sure it was drawn up by a lawyer.”
“During the course of
administration, and in order to disturb it, the artillery of the press has been
levelled against us, charged with whatsoever its licentiousness could devise or
dare. These abuses of an institution so important to freedom and science are
deeply to be regretted, inasmuch as they tend to lessen its usefulness and to
sap its safety.”
-Thomas Jefferson
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