Saturday, July 3, 2021

op ed review 7/4


Raucous overflow rally crowd greets Trump in Ohio as he looks great and savages Biden’s record

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls AOC a 'Little Communist' at Trump rally in Ohio

Harvard poll: Whopping 80% see border as 'serious' crisis, most want Trump policies restored


Defunding the Police Claims its 41st Victim in Austin

NYT's Thomas Friedman '”terrified” Democrats’ defunding police effort will ‘get Trump re-elected’

Ah! Here’s the solution:  ‘Defund The Police’ Is So Unpopular That Democrats Are Now Claiming Republicans Did It

Media fall in line with Psaki's claim Republicans want to defund the police.

Judge Orders Minneapolis to Hire More Police Officers Amid Crime Surge

Florida cop-shooting suspect, linked to Black militia group, nabbed after FBI joins manhunt.


Facebook calls for snitching on friends:  “Facebook wants to know if you’re ‘concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist’ so that ‘you can take action now’”

Google’s YouTube Takes Down Video of Trump Rally with Over 2 Million Views


Biden Executive Order Mandates Divisive, Unscientific Race ‘Training’ At Every Level Of The Federal Government

Joe bumbles through bill signing ceremony, mispronounces Maxine Waters name, calls her “Senator”.

Joe Biden entertained Hunter's Mexican billionaire business associates in vice president's office in 2014.

Biden Admin Respects Olympic Hammer Thrower Gwen Berry's Decision to Turn Her Back on American Flag

Clean-up on Aisle 2: White House scrambles to salvage flailing Kamala Harris


More Than 500K Illegal Immigrants Crossed Southern Border Since Kamala Harris Named 'Border Czar'

Oregon lawmakers pass bill to make illegal immigrants eligible for Medicaid, Dem gov expected to sign.

Dem Plan: $870M for Border Security in Middle East, None for U.S. Border Wall

Panama: Terrorists Blending With U.S.-Bound Migrants

San Francisco sanctuary protects illegal immigrant hate crime suspect

Trauma nurse at Texas border town reveals hospital beds are full of migrants


Pennsylvania Democrats to Propose Bullet Tax and Encoded Rounds to Track Ammo Owners

WaPo Fact-Checks Biden's Whopper on The Founders' Cannons


The NFL Launches New 'Football Is Gay' Ad Campaign Designed To Alienate Sports Fans Not Already Driven Out By Their Social Justice Polices


RINO Rep. Kevin McCarthy Creates Republican “Climate Change” Task Force?


Trump says Herschel Walker will run for Georgia Senate seat in 2022


Supreme Court upholds Arizona's voting law protections, Democrats panic.

Democrats demand Biden pack Supreme Court with liberal justices after Arizona ruling


ACLU challenges Tennessee law over transgender bathroom warning signs.  “may stigmatize…”

'Proud Transgender Woman of Color' Wins Miss Nevada USA Pageant


Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him - The media Ignores, nothing to see here, doesn’t fit the narrative.


BET billionaire Robert Johnson calls for $14T in reparations.  And he wants a check too.


China building 100 missile launchpads across desert in 'incredible' expansion of nuclear capabilities

Putin's 'city killer' 604ft submarine packed with nuke drones capable of triggering tsunamis sets sail for the first time.


Trump Trounces Kamala Harris In New Head-To-Head Poll - Her Ratings At New Lows




Victor Davis Hanson  6/29

The Cruel Progressive Creed Undoing Civilization


Debt is suffocating us. Our currency is on its way to being Lebanonized. Most major American cities are broke, dirty, unsafe, and run by either corrupt incumbents, neo-Marxists, or both. The law is optional,  and applied asymmetrically on the basis of race and ideology. The past is found guilty by the laws of the present and so it is being undone.


The military budget is on a trajectory to be the smallest in terms of GDP allotment since World War II; its careerist officers, for their own short-term interests, are now demonizing and will soon be driving away the very demographic that has suffered percentage-wise the greatest casualties in recent wars and was once unquestionably the foundation of the military.


There is no U.S. border; it is an abstract construct that millions will illegally cross in the next few years, ostensibly because they will become future soldiers in the progressive wars for America to come. The idea of merit that built America is a dirty word, replaced by medieval tribalism of hiring and promotion by superficial appearance.  In just five months, Joe Biden created a desert and called it progress.


Progressivism is billed as many things. But its foundational brand is devotion to supposedly “scientific” principles to improve the human condition. That Enlightenment project demands greater social welfare expenditure and therapeutic education to “improve” human nature itself. And all this can sometimes require necessary force.


Such utopian dreams of mandated equity attract all sorts to the cause. There are the naïve who feel socialist redistribution, if at last done right just this once, can really, really create social equity and inclusion. Many of the sympathetic rich assume they will be exempt from the tough medicine that follows from their own guilt or sense of civic duty. Some are opportunistic and parasitical careerists piggybacking on the chaos. Others are social and psychological zealots who find meaning and relevance as wannabe soldiers marching to utopia.


But inherent in such 20th-century hubris is the concession that there will be lots of collateral damage in reordering society. When imposing abstract, but uncompromising theories onto the otherwise unenlightened people, eggs will have to be broken to bake the new omelet. And from what we have seen in the last few months, the progressive toll is becoming every bit as excruciating as our woke custodians are indifferent to it.


As a general rule, anytime anyone anywhere announces that he has a master plan to reorder society and “fundamentally transform” or “reset” it by creating larger government, more rules, and an elite hierarchy to oversee compliance for the recalcitrant, then run. You can rest assured ultimately the architect will change the language, demonize and marginalize new opponents, given the omelette always needs more eggs. They will subvert institutions, and, if need be, resort to violence to ensure change.


Take the border. Human nature over the eons has assumed the world functions according to deterrence. People make choices, good and bad, based on their own cost-to-benefit analyses. In other words, they balance incentives against disincentives about whether to enter the United States illegally or stay home. Perhaps nearly 2 million illegal aliens will cross the border over this calendar year. Most would never have attempted to do so last summer. Why? Because after January 20, 2021, they believed the border was open. Now, meeting a border security guard ensures no detention, much less deportation. Now arrivals assume a fast track to permanent residence as “political refugees” and a future of government subsidy and alleviation of the miseries of life south of the border. So they rightly believe the risks of illegal entry are far fewer than the rewards of being not just American residents, but protected by a new progressive paternalism that finds advantage in illegal immigration…..


The crude ideology applies to current spiraling crime—the direct result of progressive rhetoric, policies, and political agendas. It is not that the Left wants violence in the streets, only that it is a small price to pay to implement never-let-a-crisis-go-to waste ideas that normally would have no support. 


Progressives obsess over stop-and-frisk, supposedly inordinate incarceration and racially asymmetrical arrests, but they have little concern for keeping the streets safe for the young, the elderly, the weak, the inner-city poor and the vulnerable from the attacks of history’s archetypical predator, the unbound young male between 15 and 40.  So naturally crime spikes throughout the country, given deterrence is lost. Criminals prove far better students of human nature than do the professors, lawyers, and politicians…….


Last week in Portland, Antifa and Black Lives Matter were poised to protest and riot over the police shooting of a supposed “victim” of color—only to dissipate when the victim was announced to be white and the shooter a black officer. The media covers a white policeman shooting an unarmed black suspect as a teachable moment of systemic racism, but smothers the story of an officer of “unknown” race who shot and killed unarmed Ashli Babbitt attempting to climb through a window inside the Capitol Building—and shows its own racist proclivities. Again, the correct revolutionary narrative matters, not the facts or details, in the manner humanity must be saved even if the truth—and some humans—are sacrificed…..


The new progressivism is not the old Democratic Party, or even 1960s’ liberalism. It is a cruel creed, a faith-based ideology that allows no apostasies. Progressivism envisions humanity as a marbleized abstraction, not incarnate humans. If need be, it will alter language, change names, cancel people, erase events, and destroy elements of existing civilization. It stereotypes both adherents and opponents as either useful or disposable. And the carnage it wreaks on the masses is always acceptable damage for these terrifying visions of the anointed.


Oregonlive letter to editor:  “Seventeen years ago, we moved to Portland to fulfill a dream of joining in a renaissance in Stumptown. For several years, we loved our life here. We shopped locally exclusively. But after too many riots, too many homeless encampments, too many high-rise developments without supporting infrastructure and too many property tax increases for schools and now homeless housing, we’re done. We’ve watched an ineffective mayor and City Council tolerate the nightly destruction of downtown for a year, small-business owners’ lives ruined, iconic statuary defaced and destroyed, and the ranks of law enforcement frustrated and decimated by departures. Not the city we knew and signed up for….We’re done, goodbye Portland.


Prager:  “As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. "Safetyism," as it is sometimes called, like all religions, places what it values -- in this case, being safe -- above other values. Safetyism explains the willingness of Americans to give up their most cherished values -- including liberty -- in the name of safety for the last year and a half.”




Tucker Shreds Vogue Over Its Piece on 'Dr. Jill,' the 'Joy Multiplier'; gag-inducing piece on Jill Biden is so bad it puts the North Koreans to shame.


Tucker Carlson Outlines the Biden Administration Logistic Program to Facilitate the Southern Border Invasion


Whistleblower Tells Tucker Carlson Biden Admin's NSA is Illegally Monitoring His Electronic Communications.  NSA appears to confirm.


CNN Hosts Launch Scripted ‘You Are White Rage’ Attack Against Tucker Carlson




“Is the Pope Catholic?”  now a serious question:   Pope denounces “rigid” Catholics, calls for an end to “intransigent defense of tradition”

The Pope Seems to prefer “Eurabia” to Christian Europe


Connecticut’s largest newspaper says parents objecting to critical race theory are “beginning to sound like the KKK.”

Critical race theory opponents to be researched and targeted by NEA teachers' union.

Ohio private school EXPELS students because their mothers launched campaign against Critical Race Theory


San Francisco officials funding $60,000 tents for the homeless asking for additional $20 million


Homicides in Minneapolis are up 46 percent on the same period last year — AOC dismisses concerns as “hysteria”

Judge Disagrees, Orders Minneapolis to Hire More Police Officers Amid Crime Surge


65% of Democrats have a positive reaction to Socialism.


Hollywood Reimagining Classic TV Sitcoms Like 'Brady Bunch' with Drag Queen Makeovers.

Disney World has removed the 'Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls' greeting from its Magic Kingdom fireworks show, not gender inclusive enough.


Marvel celebrates July 4 weekend by having Captain America say the American dream 'isn't real'.  It’s just “nationalism, jingoism”


Stupid:  Illinois legislature passes law requiring feminine hygiene products in boys' bathrooms


Emmanuel Macron says woke leftist culture imported from the US is 'racialising' France, causing splits in society.




New Jan. 6 video shows police 'walk away' after black-clad men smash windows, FBI uninterested?




57% of Republicans say the pandemic is now over -- while just 4% of Democrats agree

The reason:  “Liberals view the end of COVID as a win for Trump” Fauci Pretty Much Admits Mask-Wearing for Vaccinated Persons Is Just Theater.

Facebook jail:  Say 'ivermectin' on Facebook, get banned.


Preview of the next round of fear:  Half of Australia's population locked down as Delta hysteria worsens


Lisbon court rules that only 0.9% of 'verified cases' attributed to COVID in Portugal actually died of it


People share their adverse reactions to vaccinations.




Powerful:  “An Open Letter to the American Medical Association” by Julio Gonzales, JD,MD.  “I read with great disgust your "Organization Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity.”  Seldom have I read a more destructive, divisive, and inflammatory document by a professional organization, and I have never been more ashamed of being associated with the American Medical Association at any time in my career.”


“The Population Bomb Doomsday Scam…..The narrative we’ve been force-fed for decades is being abandoned by its strictest adherents. (China)…..the most populous nation on the planet, is replacing its brutish childbirth restrictions with a program allowing, and even rewarding, couples for having kids. Beijing has announced that its demographic problem today is too few young people, not too many.”


Did Biden Really Win California?  Something suspicious about vote-by-mail precinct numbers in California.


Issues & Insights:  “One of the most disturbing developments to emerge from the Biden administration has been the Defense Department’s sudden embrace of Marxist Critical Race Theory – so-called ‘Woke’ ideology. It’s a clear and present danger to our national security and should be halted immediately.”


McWhorter: Wokeism is a religion; the problem is that it's a 'sh***y religion'.


“We don’t have a 6-3 conservative court. We have a 3-3-3 court,” including three centrists of varying degrees of malleability. Unless fundamental changes are made that cut to the core of the modern conservative legal movement, conservatives will remain disappointed. The court isn’t, and won’t be, our savior.”


Sundance:  “The one issue that frustrates me personally; amid the known deep weeds and moves of the RNC as a club and their vitriolic hatred for the Tea Party before and MAGA movement now; is why President Trump continues to express confidence in Ronna McDaniel.”


Are Joe Biden and the Democrats in trouble heading into the next election? While it’s early, new data seems to suggest they are losing ground in ways that could lead to a red wave.

Biden Beware: A GOP Tsunami Is Coming in 2022


How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender


Brave, emotional girl from abusive home challenges school board to explain how she’s a case of ‘white privilege’




Is Your Teenager Secretly A Libertarian? 9 Warning Signs To Look For: Examples:  You walk into his room late at night and he frantically tries to hide the video he's watching: Ron Paul's Liberty Report…. You check under his mattress and sure enough, he's been hiding the worst thing imaginable: a copy of Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell.


“’We At The NSA Are Not Spying On You,' Insists Muffled Voice Coming From Tucker Carlson's Toaster”


Lefties hate to be ridiculed.  Mailchimp suspends the Babylon Bee for "harmful information"




The New Budweiser Commercial Goes Full Patriotic and It Uses the Greatest Speech In Movie History to do It


Boebert's blistering pro-gun floor speech: 'They can keep running their mouths, we'll keep adding to our arsenals'


Incredible colorized photos from Battle of the Somme. 1 Million casualties, 300,000 deaths.  “The middle of hell..”


The Top Ten Pending Political Eruptions.  Some of these may boil over this summer.


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