op ed review 11/13
'Strangest election I've ever seen': Stephen Moore at a loss over 'angry' voters choosing more of the same
Three Primary Factors Stopped That Red Wave (Republican elites, misinformed voters, early voting)
?? Republicans Won 6 Million More Votes than Democrats in House Races, But Gained Relatively Few Seats
Trump becomes political punching bag for underwhelming GOP performance as party looks to DeSantis
“It’s Ron DeSantis’ GOP Now?”
Some blame trump: Don Surber: Life after Trump
Farage: ‘Titanic Clash’ Brewing Between Trump and DeSantis
Sundance: 2022 Midterm Elections Highlight the Distinction between going after ballots (dems) and going after votes (republicans).
Newt Gingrich Has a Take on Why Election Night Turned Out to Be Such a Disappointment: “perhaps President Joe Biden's strategy of going after his Republican opponents and threatening that democracy was on the line worked…..Much as I think it's despicable.."
Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability
Dem activist Carville: “Dems Should Have Lost 57 Seats – Trump Is Reason We Didn’t”
Another Democrat analyst claims Supreme Court killed the red wave with Dobbs.
Exit Poll: Generation Z, Millennials Break Big for Democrats
Exit Poll: 68% of Unmarried Women Favored Democrats in Midterms
JD Vance defeats Tim Ryan to win Ohio Senate race
Lauren Boebert Wins Colorado CD-03
Sarah Sanders, ex-Trump spokeswoman, elected Arkansas governor
Katie Britt becomes 1st Republican woman to claim Alabama Senate seat
Ron Johnson Hangs on to Win Wisconsin Senate Race
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reelected
Georgia Gov. Kemp Wins Re-Election, Overcoming Second Challenge From Stacey Abrams
“MSNBC Devastated Over 'Catastrophic' Hispanic GOP Vote”
Sen. Mike Lee Wins Reelection, Defeats Never Trumper Evan McMullin
Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott Wins Reelection BY 12 POINTS! Sends Beto Packing
Half of Oregon votes to join Idaho
Unexplained Ballot Drop in GA Senate Race Likely Prevented Herschel Walker from Winning Race Outright - 'Drop and Roll' Pushed Race to Runoff
Biden's student loan handout struck down by federal judge in Texas
Video: Biden Thinks Russia Invaded Iraq
Biden Ignores 'Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens'
Almost 87,000 Unknown Illegal Aliens Got Past Border Patrol in October
Biden Welcoming 6.2K Illegal Aliens into U.S. Daily at Border
Joe Biden Promises Climate Activist at Rally in New York: 'No More Drilling'
Since Dobbs Decision Leak, Violence Against Pro-Lifers Was Over 22 Times That Against Pro-Choicers
TikTok's Chinese platform enriches kids while US version dumbs them down: report
Oregon Gun Control Measure appears to pass, Bankrolled by Out-of-State Money
“We’re done here, kids. You know actual human beings who voted for Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, John Fetterman in Pennsylvania, and Kathy Hochul in New York? These are not people who are conducive to the continued existence of this once-glorious Republic. What happened last night should have been an emphatic correction to the hell this country has been subjected to since Joe Biden was artificially installed in the White House. Instead, we got a bunch of bleating socialist sheep….”
“Keep a weather-eye on the (establishment) Republican Party as soon as the elections are over. Don’t expect them to rush head over heels to represent your views……Trump did what the voters wanted and look what they did to him—and by “they” I mean the Republicans as much as the Democrats: You can serve the people or you can serve the government, but you can’t do both. Guess which side the GOP leadership is on?”
Hinderaker: “It turns out that there are a great many voters who don’t care much about what traditionally have been considered decisive issues: inflation, crime, illegal immigration, lousy schools, etc. Many millions of Democrats, confronted with these facts, didn’t conclude that they should consider voting for someone else. Rather, they seem to have thought, My team is in trouble! All the more reason why I need to support my team……..While Dobbs was plainly right as a matter of constitutional law, Justice Alito and his colleagues probably cost Republicans control of Congress. I thought the Democrats were wasting their money when they spent countless millions over the summer, pounding Republicans on abortion. The conventional wisdom, which I shared, was that the issue would likely help to drive turnout, but wouldn’t win over any undecided or middle of the road voters. But driving turnout was decisive: liberals trooped to the polls, while in many areas Republican turnout was not what it should have been…”
America’s Death Wish: “The truth is that whoever owns the culture in the end owns politics. The complacent assumption of many pundits is that politics revolves around the “economy, stupid.” But what truly animates politics is the culture that shapes voters. Whoever controls that culture usually wins. The American people are electing the pols they deserve, demagogues who mirror the woke prejudices of an increasingly propagandized people. The Left has dominated American culture for decades and thus enjoys a perpetual advantage in our politics.”
Soros Tops List of Biggest Donors This Midterm Season, Gave $128 Million to Help Elect Democrats
Big banks setting actual loan rates to big businesses based on 'diversity' quotas instead of ability to repay
The Democrats Told Us Who They Were When They Locked Us Down
COVID shots linked to plummeting fertility, study says
Widburg: Ron DeSantis understands that the culture war is a winner
The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA: “Billionaire investor Ken Griffin, who has invested heavily in Governor DeSantis, has said he wants to "blunt the vein of populism that has complicated the party's relationship with the corporate world." Think about those words for a second. Griffin and his Establishment Club friends want the American people to stop voting for things in their own best interest and return to a time when they voted for things in the best interest of the small, insular, privileged, corporate few.”
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