op ed review 6/20
ELECTION POLL: Re-elect D incumbent? 34 percent; Re-elect R incumbent? 49 percent...
Sharron Angle has bounced to an 11-point lead over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in
The middle class is abandoning President Barack Obama, according to data released by the Gallup Poll. The only income bracket among which a majority still says they approve of the job he is doing as president are those earning $2,000 per month or less.
President Obama did not attend the May 25 memorial service in
Most Americans support the new
Hispanic voters nationwide haven't shifted their congressional voting preferences since the signing of
Tea party shows its strength at Washington State GOP convention
Republicans have an excellent chance to win [Washington state's] 3rd Congressional District race this year and state Rep. Jaime Herrera would command a big lead in the Republican primary contest if it were held today,
President Obama has a solution to the Gulf oil spill: $7-a-gallon gas. That's a
Elena Kagan, Obama’s most recent Supreme Court nominee, is no friend of gun rights. In 1996, Kagan apparently tied the NRA to the KKK while debating the
Another round of documents from Elena Kagan's time in the Clinton White House was released Friday afternoon, giving further evidence of her decidedly liberal legal and policy positions. The release comes as a Rasmussen poll shows that support for Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court has fallen to 33% while opposition to her nomination has risen eight points to 41%.
This is why we don’t want bureaucracy running anything important like healthcare: Eight days ago, Louisiana Gov. Jindal ordered barges to begin vacuuming crude oil out of his state's oil-soaked waters. They have been ordered shut down for several days now by the Coast Guard because they haven’t verified the proper number of fire extinguishers and life vests on board.
And this: three days after the Gulf oil rig explosion, the
Rep. Darrell Issa, the conservative firebrand whose specialty is lobbing corruption allegations at the Obama White House, is making plans to hire dozens of subpoena-wielding investigators if Republicans win the House this fall.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit was quoted as saying during an appearance on Nile TV that, "The American president told me in confidence that he is a Muslim."
Applicants for a
Nancy Pelosi’s district office in
It looks like Al Gore has been having an affair with a
Internal White House documents reveal that 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage by 2013 due to ObamaCare. That numbers soars to 66% for small-business employers.
The DNC, aided by White House fundraising, has sliced into the RNC's traditional financial edge before congressional midterm elections in November. The RNC, rocked by party infighting and questions about its spending, collected $127.9 million to the DNC's $124.5 million.
“City of
The FBI released over 2,000 pages from their files concerning the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. The files further solidify Teddy’s image as a promiscuous, immoral, trembling blob of sexual excitement.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America's (PPFA) audits show the organization spent just $657.1 million between 2002 and 2008 from federal government grants and programs, but the abortion behemoth's own annual reports show that it took in $2.3 billion from government grants and programs during the same time period. Where did th4e money go?
Cal Thomas, 6/3/10
Three modern myths have been sold to the American people: the promise of a transparent administration (President Obama); the promise of a more ethical Congress (Speaker Pelosi); and the myth of "global warming," or climate change. The first two are daily proving suspect and now the third is sinking with greater force than melting icebergs, if they were melting, which many believe they are not.
After spending years promoting "global warming," the media are beginning to turn in the face of growing evidence that they have been wrong. The London Times recently reported: "
It gets worse, or better, depending on your perspective. Newsweek magazine, which more than 30 years ago promoted global cooling and a new ice age -- and more recently has been drinking the global warming Kool-Aid -- headlined a story, "Uncertain Science: Bickering and Defensive, Climate Researchers Have Lost the Public's Trust." Newsweek does its best to cling to its increasingly discredited doctrine, but the growing body of contrary evidence only adds to the public's disbelief.
The New York Times recently lamented "global warmism's loss of credibility" in a story about hundreds of "environmental activists who met to ponder this question: "if the scientific consensus on climate change has not changed, why have so many people turned away from the idea that human activity is warming the planet?" The "consensus" never was a consensus. Most of us may not have gotten an "A" in science, but we can sense when we are being bamboozled.
The German online news magazine "Focus" recently carried a story, "Warm Times Will Soon Be Over!" Commenting on the "new NASA high temperature record," which may be set, the magazine blames it on El Nino. Meteorologists, like Joe D'Aleo of The Weather Channel, are publicly distancing themselves from the false doctrine of global warming. D'Aleo says, "We'll have La Nina conditions before the summer is over, and it will intensify further through the fall and winter. Thus we'll have cooler temperatures for the next couple of years."
Remember the scare ignited in 2007 by supposed melting Arctic ice caps? The Star Canada says a new analysis shows that the apparent change was the result of "shifting winds," while an expedition last year to the North Pole discovered the ice "100 percent thicker than expected." Much of this information -- and more -- is available at the useful Website www.climatedepot.com.
It is a given that
Instead of trying to sell us a dubious doctrine at an estimated cost of $100 billion a year worldwide (so far), environmentalists would have done themselves and the world more good had they chosen a different strategy, such as not sending oil money to countries that want to destroy us. This would have increased our patriotic spirit and had the additional benefit of not only diversifying our energy supply, but also depriving our enemies of money they use to underwrite terrorism.
Watch for the hardcore "global warming" cultists to continue clinging to their beliefs; but also watch increasing numbers of scientists and eventually politicians to abandon this once "certain" faith and to look for other ways to control our lives. In that pursuit, the left never quits. Rather than acknowledge their error, they will go on to make new mistakes, knowing they will never be held accountable.
"Many Americans are beginning to pick up the strange vibe that for Barack Obama, governing
-Mark Steyn
"We have become accustomed to [Barack Obama's] management style -- target a scapegoat, assign blame and go on the attack. To win health care legislation, he vilified insurance executives; to escape bankruptcy law for General Motors, he demonized senior lenders; to take the focus from the excesses of government, he castigated business meetings in
-Mitt Romney
"I noticed recently that Barack Obama was holding out an olive branch to the Taliban. He claimed to recognize that some of them were not as radical as others. I find it odd, though, that he can somehow spot nuances in terrorists 7,000 miles away, but every member of the Tea Party looks like a thug and a racist to him."
-Burt Prelutsky
"This energy bill of goods, as dangled before us by the administration since the 2008 campaign, obscures practical and economic realities. To wit, trucks and cars don't run on sunlight or wind, and coal is our second cheapest form of energy, next to oil and gas, at 25 cents per megawatt. Nuclear power is $1.59. And how much, according to the energy department, is wind power? Oh, $23.37 per megawatt. Solar power? A whopping $24.34. Green jobs, anybody?"
-Bill Murchison
"President Obama announced [Tuesday] that he wants to use the oil spill to move
-Jay Leno
“The Overton Window” by Glenn Beck. “After five back-to-back #1 New York Times bestsellers, national radio and Fox News television host Glenn Beck has delivered a ripped-from-the-headlines thriller that seamlessly weaves together American history, frightening facts about our present condition, and a heart-stopping plot. The Overton Window will educate, enlighten, and, most important, entertain--with twists and revelations no one will see coming.”
Looking for a good suspense-mystery novel, should you go with Stephen King or Dean Koontz? Dean is a conservative republican (and a dog lover), King is a liberal democrat.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation plastered signs on 75
California atheist attorney and physician Michael Newdow filed a petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to try to stop Chief Justice John Roberts from using the phrase "so help me God" when he administered the oath of office to then-President-elect Obama.
Can't get enough of a brutal dictator responsible for substantial human rights atrocities including millions of deaths, all in the name of a failed ideology? Developer Eigthart, Ltd. presents the iStalin: FREE Communist Posters for the People iPhone/iPad application. "The people can choose between different styles and papers that were approved by the communist party or place a photograph of Stalin or the symbols of the industrial proletariat - the hammer and sickle," the Web site says. "There are some celebrity appearances including the comrades Lenin and Che. Last but not least, the people will be able to add different soviet slogans that tovarish Stalin personally picked."
Wilder Publications, a small publishing company based in
The Senate undermined its constitutional role last week with a vote that allows the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. The 53 senators favoring this huge delegation of authority to the executive branch disregarded the principle of separation of powers. The low quality of the debate that preceded the vote, as well as its result, should put an end to the Senate's reputation as the world's greatest deliberative body. The EPA is now clearly the mightiest agency in government. It has overstepped its bounds to impose its control over the economy - and the Senate has been too craven, feckless, partisan and ideologically blinded to stop it.
Reader Lois Gustafson has been coordinating support for an army trauma team in the
Donations can be made through PayPal or by check sent to Lois, as explained on the blog.
Lois Gustafson
5024 268 Ave NE
More about the base:
The third annual RightOnline Conference will bring together grassroots activists from across the country for important online activism training. We will be joined by top conservative leaders such as Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Congressman Mike Pence, The Wall Street Journal's Steve Moore and John Fund, Fox News Contributor Jim Pinkerton, RedState.com's Erick Erickson, HotAir.com's Ed Morrissey, Talk Radio Hosts Roger Hedgecock, Herman Cain, Curtis Sliwa, Guy Benson, Conservative Comedian and Frequent Fox News Commentator Stephen Kruiser, and many others. Click here for a full list of speakers and the RightOnline agenda.
Sarah Palin has endorsed Republican John Koster in his attempt to unseat Democratic Rep. Rick Larsen in
And Mama Grizzly endorses three more:
“Cathy McMorris Rodgers is running for reelection to serve in Congress. She knows the value of hard work. She grew up as a farmer's daughter and was the first in her family to attend and graduate from college. Her roots in eastern
“I'm proud to endorse Star Parker for
“Mary Fallin is another strong, smart conservative who I am proud to support. Mary is running for Governor of Oklahoma, and the
“Rush Limbaugh Describes the Happiest Weekend of His Life:”
The oil spill is an environmental catastrophe for the
Governments have intervened too much in free markets since the crisis started, to the point that they are affecting the health of the world economy, Marc Faber, the author of "The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report" told CNBC Thursday. "I think that governments have become like a cancer, they have expanded in the financial system," Faber said. "I think the biggest problem is too much intervention. Whatever the government touches is usually done worse than in the private sector," he said. Markets usually give signals when something goes wrong but, if the government is to intervene, as is the case of the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England's bond buying, government intervention hides these signals, according to Faber. "I think any government intervention has unintended consequences and is negative," he said.
Bill Gates, the younger, says to donate your wealth which minimizes the taxes you pay. Bill Gates, the elder, says to pay more taxes.
“The Bad News About ObamaCare Keeps Piling Up” by Karl Rove
When you look at all the formulaic sludge that wins the Pulitzer Prize for Most Unread Multipart Series, it is striking that not one of the major newspapers has done an investigative series on the proliferation of "honor killings", not in
In March the Cato Institute issued a report on the cost of public schools. Policy analyst Adam Schaeffer made a detailed examination of the budgets of 18 school districts in the five largest
Republicans have been engaging in some premature drape-measuring for a few months in anticipation of winning back control of the House of Representatives. Some top GOP aides privately admit that they got ahead of themselves. Turns out, not all Republicans are rooting for their own to win the House. “I want Republicans to make massive gains but I want them to fall one vote short of taking the House,” said Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary to President George W. Bush.
What took so long?
The truth about climate change:
What really happened on the Deepwater Horizon?
Jay Leno: A judge has ruled that Michael Jackson’s doctor, Conrad Murray, can keep his medical license. However, he has to promise not to kill any more members of the
"Here comes the orator! With his flood of words, and his drop of reason."
-Benjamin Franklin

The WA03 Herrera poll was a fantasy she dreamed up... and paid for.
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