op ed review 10/2
The tea party has emerged as a potent force in American politics and a center of gravity within the Republican Party, with a large majority of Republicans showing an affinity for the movement that has repeatedly bucked the GOP leadership this year, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has found. In the survey, 71% of Republicans described themselves as tea-party supporters, saying they had a favorable image of the movement or hoped tea- party candidates would do well in the Nov. 2 elections.
Republican Rob Portman, a senior official under former President George W. Bush, has opened a commanding 13-point lead over his Democratic rival in a Senate race in
Top GOP pollster predicts: “The Midwest is going to be a killing field for Democrats this year from western [
However, “…a new poll suggests Democrats may turn out in higher numbers than expected.” (Time to get involved!!!)
And this: Despite a finding by the Federal Election Commission’s general counsel that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) violated election law when it required local affiliates to contribute to its political action fund, the FEC’s full board nonetheless quietly voted to overrule its staff attorney and dismissed the original complaint -- clearing the way for the union to squeeze its locals to amass a $9 million war chest for the next election.
Overall, 14 African-Americans across the country are running as GOP nominees for Congress. As the Frederick Douglass Foundation has pointed out, if just three of them win, it would mark the first time since Reconstruction that more than two African-Americans from the Republican Party have served in Congress. In addition, six Republican women are running for U.S. Senate seats, and 128 Republican women filed and ran in primaries for the House, with 47 winning and moving on to the general election.
McDonald's warned federal regulators it could drop its health-insurance plan for nearly 30,000 restaurant workers unless regulators waive a new requirement of Obamacare.
Now that Dino Rossi has been running some attack ads, Rassmussen has him up by 1 point over Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).
Under cover of media darkness,
With an eye to the example of
And a
The Obama administration gave no indication of when the offshore drilling ban would be lifted. Instead, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar promised the industry would face a "dynamic regulatory environment.”.
What do mariachi classes, wine studies and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have in common? They were all funded by federal Department of Education earmarks, according to an extensive new report released Thursday by Sen. Tom Coburn.
Nearly one in five gay men in 21 major
Conservationists are overestimating the number of species that have been driven to extinction, scientists have said. A study has found that a third of all mammal species declared extinct in the past few centuries have turned up alive and well.
A new survey of Americans' knowledge of religion found that atheists, agnostics, Jews and Mormons outperformed Protestants and Roman Catholics in answering questions about major religions, while many respondents could not correctly give the most basic tenets of their own faiths.
The UK Daily Mail: “Bill Gates has thrown his support behind a proposal to tax the rich in his home state of Washington…..Ganging up against the plan are three of America’s other wealthiest men – current Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer, Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos and department store mogul John Nordstrom.”
Ann Coulter 9/29/10
No liberal has standing to call any Republican stupid as long as Patty Murray remains in the U.S. Senate.
Soon after being elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992,
The woman is not sure if ducking under a school desk would help in a nuclear attack. Not only that, but she wants to do something similarly pointless to help children "deal with" school shootings. Maybe imaginary bullet-proof vests!
With amazing understatement, one of
Yes, Osama was out building "day-care facilities" -- and probably sponsoring "Bring Your Daughter to Work" days! I defy anyone to produce something stupider ever uttered by a homo sapiens. Not Barbara Boxer, Joe Biden or even John Edwards can hold their dimly lit candles to her.
She wasn't a parent upset that her child's school was dropping an art history class. She was a deadbeat public employee who didn't want her job cut. No one was taking her course, but she thought taxpayers should be required to pay her salary anyway. Fighting to keep your own cushy job isn't a point of principle; it's evidence of a narcissistic personality disorder.
But you have to do a lot of research to find out that the class being eliminated was
The media's admiration for
This remarkably unimpressive woman has tried to turn being a flat-footed dork into an advantage by selling herself as a tribune of regular folks. Yes, like most regular folk, she listed no religious affiliation whatsoever in the first few additions of the Congressional Almanac. (She probably couldn't remember she was supposed to say "Catholic.")
Soon after being elected to the Senate in 1992,
Democrats have completely infantilized the populace in order to create jobs for useless social workers like
"Progressives want to raise taxes on individuals who make more than $200,000 a year because they say it's wrong for the rich to be 'given' more money. Sunday's New York Times carries a cartoon showing Uncle Sam handing money to a fat cat. They just don't get it. As I've said before, a tax cut is not a handout. It simply means government steals less. What progressives want to do is take money from some -- by force -- and spend it on others. It sounds less noble when plainly stated."
-John Stossel
"What optimistic Americans used to call a rising tide that lifts all boats is now once again derided as trickle-down economics. In other words, a newly peasant-minded
-Victor Davis Hanson
"[The tea party movement] is about electing people who are going to get the Federal government to stop pressing the handle that has been flushing America's wealth, ingenuity, and capacity for hard work down the toilet bowl of history by promising more and more to people who have produced less and less until no one has anything."
"The Social Security Trust Fund is misnamed. It cannot be trusted, and it is not funded."
"President Obama signaled a change in
A coalition of liberal and leftist groups marched Saturday on the Lincoln Memorial and pledged to support Democrats struggling to keep power on Capitol Hill. But Saturday's crowds were less dense and didn't reach as far to the edges as they did during Glenn Beck's rally.
More than a dozen peace activists in the Midwest will face a federal grand jury in
AFL-CIO President
The FBI and the U.S. Labor Department are investigating the former president of the Service Employees International Union “….officials met with federal agents this summer to answer questions about a six-figure book contract that Stern landed in 2006 and his role in approving money to pay the salary of an SEIU leader in California who allegedly performed no work.”
Nation of Islam leader minister Louis Farrakhan was among more than 100 American Muslim leaders to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week in
An Iranian court sentenced the founder of one of the first Farsi-language blogs, credited with sparking the boom in Iranian reform bloggers, to more than 19 years in prison for his writings.
“Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders” by Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and
“Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama” by Bill O'Reilly. “Regular viewers of "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox Television will be thrilled with this volume. As with his previous books it is easy reading, fair and balanced, and includes lots of Bill's famous, dry humor.”
A new line at HarperCollins, called Broadside Books, is dedicated to publishing titles of a conservative bent. It used to be that Regnery Publishing, based in
Heritage Foundation presents: “We still hold these truths” If you want to get involved in the battle to restore constitutional government in the
“It’s the film the teachers unions don’t want you to see. The revelatory documentary “Waiting for ‘Superman’ ” opened Friday to parents’ cheers — and union howls. The film follows five families trying desperately to escape failing traditional public schools in favor of charter schools — and it profiles education reformers rebuilding a national school system that’s in ruins. It exposes how unions drag kids down into the swamp, spotlighting how bad teachers are passed from school to school and how all-but-automatic tenure allows even the worst teachers to stay on the job.”
Kirby Wilbur: “Our November is Coming campaign plans on distributing voter education material in a number of legislative districts around the state by door dropping key precincts and calling voters. We cannot achieve success and change the destructive policies of Congress and the state legislature without you. It’s time to stop the talk and do the walk! Please, contact us today at afpwa2010@gmail.com and volunteer to help educate voters in these districts. This is the most important election in our lifetimes. Wake up the morning of Wednesday, November 3rd, knowing you made a difference.”
Bill Clinton traveled to
Help Michelle defend herself against Bill Clinton, make a contribution here:
The Tea Party Express revealed details of its final bus tour for 2010, setting the stage for some of the final political battles ahead of midterm elections. The "
The anniversary of Che Guevara’s death is coming up. It’s October 9, a day that many celebrate the guerrilla fighter who helped Fidel Castro come to power and crusaded to bring communism to the other nations of
Most House Republicans envision killing Nancy Pelosi’s special global warming committee if they claw their way back into the majority this November. But one senior GOP lawmaker has another idea in mind: sweet revenge. Wisconsin Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner wants to keep the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming alive so it can investigate climate science and police President Barack Obama’s green policies.
Al Gore heckled in
On Feb. 7, 2009, the cover of Newsweek magazine proclaimed, "We Are All Socialists Now." Since then, much has transpired, including the sale of Newsweek (the business entity) to the highest bidder for $1. Now, 1 1/2 years later, a more poignant cover story might be "We Are All Tea Partiers Now." The Tea Party is the leading edge of a "Great Awakening" in
Here's an exercise for some evening when you're curious about big nationwide trends in this year's elections. Get an outline map showing the 50 states and take a look at the latest poll averages in pollster.com in each race for senator and governor. Color in the percentage (rounded off; no need for tenths) by which either the Republican or Democratic candidate is leading in each state. The results are revealing, even breathtaking. The map of the Senate races shows Republicans leading over almost all the landmass of
CATO’s Fiscal Policy Report Card on
“Well, it’s official: President Obama has destroyed my health plan and those of two dozen of my employees. Several media outlets are reporting this morning that Principal Financial, which sells health plans to the John Locke Foundation and nearly a million Americans, will exit the health-insurance marketplace. The company is responding to the new costs and incentives created by Obamacare…”
A terrorist group bombs a police funeral? It must be some "patriots" upset about health care reform and our black president, or something. That, at least, is what some viewers took away from the season premiere of CBS's hit show "CSI
A generation after Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping made mastering neodymium and 16 other elements known as rare earths a priority,
This photo will come back to haunt Hillary:
The Heritage Foundation has issued its Solutions for
Interesting maps that show the racial breakdown of
Jay Leno: They now say the titanic sank because the captain had a big problem when he tried to turn way to the left. To which Obama said, “Tell me about it.”…..President Obama said he plans on training 10,000 new math and science teachers. How about teaching math to that economic team of his?.....Forbes has come out with its list of the richest 400 people in
"We demand entire freedom of action and then expect the government in some miraculous way to save us from the consequences of our own acts.... Self-government means self-reliance."
-Calvin Coolidge
"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him."
-Robert A. Heinlein
"Government can do something for the people only in proportion as it can do something to the people."
-Thomas Jefferson
"The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and assistance to foreign hands should be curtailed, lest
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 B.C.
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