op ed review 12/27
the Beltway, the right is livid with new Speaker Paul Ryan’s trillion-dollar
spending deal with Democrats.
conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly unloaded on Republicans in Congress for
passing the $1.1 trillion omnibus bill last week: “This is a betrayal of the
grassroots and of the Republican Party…….We thought we were electing a
different crowd to stand up for America, and they didn’t…..Nancy Pelosi
couldn’t have engineered it any better. I think the people are going to react
by electing Donald Trump.”
cue, Nancy Pelosi brags that speaker Ryan and the GOP “gave away the store” to democrats in
spending bill.
Franklin Graham has announced he is abandoning the Republican Party in disgust
over the move by the GOP-led Congress last week to pass the spending bill.
if they had done this to Obama. Washington Post pulls online cartoon late
Tuesday that depicted Ted
Cruz's young daughters
as trained monkeys.
probably does here too: UK Central Bank
Report confirms Immigration Leads To Lower Wages For Nearly 1/4 Of Britons
Names Hillary 'Worst Ethics Violator' Of 2015, “In a League of her own..”
Parenthood is perfectly fine with HIV-positive people who want to hide their
status from their sexual partners, declaring it a “human right”. It’s all spelled out in International Planned
Parenthood Federation’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and
Whoops. Hillary Clinton claimed during a primary
debate on Saturday that Donald Trump's heated anti-Muslim rhetoric had become a
recruiting tool for the Middle Eastern terrorists. Fact checkers have shown that he’s not. But a propaganda video the ISIS terror army
released last month in several languages used the image of former U.S.
President Bill Clinton as a rallying point, calling him a 'fornicator'. The four-minute video, titled 'No Respite,'
urges male Muslims to take up the cause of the ISIS 'caliphate' and counter the
influence of America and its ‘fornicators’.
administration Support of Gay Rights in Africa May Have Done More Harm Than
Good…..”Fierce opposition has come from African governments and private
organizations, which accuse the United States of cultural imperialism. Pressing
gay rights on an unwilling continent, they say, is the latest attempt by
Western nations to impose their values on Africa.”
rules in favor of Seattle’s gun tax.
Horowitz: “(Note: This article is not an
endorsement of Donald Trump or any candidate. It is a plea to conservatives to
disband their circular firing squad and direct their attacks at the appeasers
among us, and the saboteurs of the war against radical Islamic terrorists.) ……The only serious fire
coming from the Republican side is directed at Donald Trump. (Think about
it – all the Democrats need is a damaged Trump. Then they can condemn
Republicans for merely associating with him.) If Republicans want to join
Democrats and match their viciousness in taking down the Republican
front-runner, Hillary Clinton is going to be our next president…..How much
innocent blood do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have on their hands? How
much innocent blood will be spilled in the next four years if Clinton is
elected? These are the questions Republicans should be asking, not whether
Donald Trump is a bigot. He obviously is not. Impolitic yes. Racist no.
Donald Trump has many faults but lack of political courage is not one of them.
He seems motivated by concern for the pit into which this country has fallen
under an administration with catastrophic priorities and uncertain loyalties.
That is what Republicans need to think about when framing their next attacks.
Otherwise the future is dim indeed.”
Beck: “Trump is not a true
conservative….I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton, and I won’t vote for Donald
Trump. I just won’t.”
Hannity “defends Trump from Glenn Beck pouncing, explains 'the
Donald's' huge appeal, cautions against being so 'dismissive'”
Limbaugh: I tell you, folks, for all of you people who
have complained and whined about the media over the years, and how unfair they
are to Republicans and how unfair that makes the whole process and, ‘What are
we gonna do?’ You need to be studying Donald Trump….he is playing the media
like a Stradivarius”
Will: “If Trump wins the nomination,
prepare for the end of the conservative party…….Beating Hillary Less Important
Than Stopping Trump”
Krauthammer: “Trump’s recklessness
threatens the GOP…..Republicans have an unusually talented field with a good
chance of winning back the presidency. Do they really want to be dragged into
the swamps — right now, on immigration — that will make that prospect
electorally impossible?”
Medved: “Trump’s imperial ego makes Obama’s
surly intransigence look as accommodating as Mr. Rogers’ neighborliness.”
Michael Savage: “Trump is the “Winston Churchill
of our time.”
R. Emmet Tyrrell Jr.: “I shall vote for whomever the Republicans nominate…..If Donald Trump wins the nomination I shall vote for him, invest in the stock market, and bid adieu to ISIS and to illegal immigrants from our shores.”
Quinnipiac poll says half of U.S. voters say they would be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as president (If you read a little farther, 35 % would be embarrassed to have Hillary)
“Polls may actually underestimate Trump's support, study finds”
conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly believes that the only person who can save
America from the precipice of disaster is Donald J. Trump. In a weekend
interview with WND, Schlafly said of the GOP front-runner, “He does look like
he’s the last hope [for America]. We don’t hear anybody saying what he’s
saying. In fact, most of the people who ought to be lining up with him are
attacking him.”
PJ Media’s Roger Simon: “Whether Trump realizes it or not, and I
think he does, the situation in the USA has outgrown the finer points
of political theory -- left, right and center or anywhere in between.
It's far graver than that. Barack Obama has murdered America's
magnificent sense of optimism -- the very thing that made this country unique, that propelled this country, and
therefore much of the world, forward in a generally positive
way through Republican and Democratic administrations. Now
it's the reverse. America, the global leader, is a despondent, pessimistic
country, leaving a void to be filled by the worst imaginable actors like ISIS.
Donald Trump wants to make her great again. Bravo for him. That is
something we should all be applauding this Christmas. In fact, it is the
most important thing of all. So if Donald does get the nomination,
that's what I'll be focusing on. Indeed, I'll be focusing on that too if
it goes to someone else. First, we need our country back.
We can worry about the ideological implications later. Merry Xmas.”
know, we don't even need a Republican Party if they're gonna do this (the
spending deal)…..You know, just elect Democrats, disband the Republican Party,
and let the Democrats run it, because that's what's happening anyway."
-Rush Limbaugh
“At least
two-thirds of (the federal budget) can be described as Congress taking the
earnings of one American to give to another. I personally believe in helping
one’s fellow man in need. Doing so by reaching into one’s own pockets is
laudable and praiseworthy. Doing so by reaching into another’s pockets is evil
and worthy of condemnation.”
-Walter Williams
a decade on the advance, the left in South America is in retreat. Just in the
past month, voters in Argentina elected a conservative businessman president
over the chosen successor of Cristina Fernandez and Brazil's congress launched
an impeachment probe against President Dilma Rousseff, whose approval ratings
have been languishing in single digits.
Three Global
Warming Stories the Media Don´t Want You
To See
stunning new development is creating waves across the global warming community
of activists with a report from NASA that burning carbon fuels actually lowers
the temperatures in local environments. According to a new report in the
Express, the result throws “into doubt” many of the major theories about what
causes temperatures to rise.
is touting the “record heat” forecast for Christmas Eve, even though most
of the country will be below normal temperature. Christmas Eve 1955 was
much warmer.
Islamic State mortar attack on a school for girls has killed nine students and
injured another 20 in an attack in north east Syria.
queen crowned the first Miss Iraq since 1972 'is warned she will be abducted if
she does not join ISIS in chilling phonecall'
Bless the USA Christmas Lights
“To disprove
the rumor that the DNC hopes no one sees the Dem debates, Debbie Wasserman
Schultz immediately scheduled another for Dec. 32.”
-Twitter satirist
never consider a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy,
as cause for withdrawing from a friend.”
-Thomas Jefferson
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