Friday, May 12, 2017

op ed review 5/14

Trump fires FBI director Comey.  “Trump goads his critics into incoherent rage……this, and all the other fulminating underway over the Comey firing, is precisely the response that President Trump anticipated. For Trump, the outrage of his critics over the way he handled the firing of his FBI director is not a bug, it is a feature, as they say in the tech world.”
In Firing Comey, Trump Shows He´s Afraid of No One
CNN can’t understand it:Many Trump backers are ´totally OK´ with Comey firing”
Fire Comey! Whole string of Democrats called for Comey’s firing, but that was then, this is now.

The U.S. government had a $182 billion budget surplus in April, confounding market expectations for a deficit, according to Treasury Department data released on Wednesday.
“Steel industry, seeing a new dawn, is cheering for Trump.”
President Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Thursday launching a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression in the U.S. election system, three White House officials said.
The Trump administration on Monday named 10 judges and other law professionals it plans to nominate for key posts as President Donald Trump works to place more conservatives on the nation´s federal courts.

The Mormon church will pull about 150,000 boys out of Boy Scout programs, starting next year.  The announcement is significant. The church and the Boy Scouts of America have had a relationship for more than a century. It was the first partner to sponsor Scouting in the United States, and to this day remains the nation's largest sponsor. The church said the move was meant to shift focus to "spiritual, social, physical and intellectual goals outlined by the Church." But it comes at a time the church has expressed reservations about the Boy Scouts' decision to allow gay and transgender troop leaders.

Middle School Student Suspended 10 days for liking a photo of an airsoft gun on Instagram

Residents of a Mexican city are upset about Central American immigrants causing crime.

Fact Check: It´s a Lie That the GOP Healthcare Bill Abandons People With Pre-Existing Conditions
“Parents Magazine Needs To Check The Facts Before Scaring Moms About Pre-Existing Conditions”
Democrats said the mayor´s election in Omaha was a referendum on President Trump. Then their guy lost.

While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made a personal call to pressure Bangladesh’s prime minister to aid a donor to her husband’s charitable foundation despite federal ethics laws that require government officials to recuse themselves from matters that could impact their spouse’s business.

MTV gets praise from liberal groups for awarding the first “genderless acting award” on a major entertainment awards show.
Oregon planning to be first state with a ´no gender´ option on its driving licenses which could be available from this summer

In the name of progress, Harvard University will segregate graduation ceremonies based on race. Seriously.
Detroit School to Hold ‘Muslim Girls Only’ Prom

Mark Bauerline  5/9

I have given up on discussing the ascendance of Donald Trump with anyone who didn’t vote for him. They are too hard in their denunciation. A mild suggestion that the Democratic Party went so far into identity politics that it pushed people toward a leader outspokenly tired of political correctness leads at most to a pause in the rancor.  “Yes,” they might agree, before returning to the point: “But Trump? You can’t be serious!”

You don’t get a debate, just another accusation. And pledges, too, as in Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ “We’ve got to stop his ass!”

It is clear by now that reactions such as these to Donald Trump’s presidency run deeper than political differences. When you see your liberal friends and colleagues unable to contain their scorn, you know that the offense isn’t about education policy and tax rates. Something fundamentally human is in play.

In the last 50 years of culture wars in America, there has been no stronger weapon than guilt. It is the Left’s great hammer of progress. It figured powerfully in the Civil Rights Movement, the anti-war movement, women’s liberation, and same-sex marriage. Guilt runs through the teaching of U.S. history from 5th grade through college. It colors controversies over affirmative action, transgender bathrooms, and the glass ceiling. The entire careers of Leftist commentators from the self-righteous Bill Moyers to the self-regarding Ta-Nehisi Coates rest upon it. If we add up the successes guilt has brought to progressive causes and identity politics, we realize just how important guilt is to the Left agenda. Without it, in fact, the Left fails.

Which brings us back to Donald Trump. Why do people hate him so?

Because he won’t accept this appointed condition. He has no white guilt. He doesn’t feel any male guilt, either, or American guilt or Christian guilt. He talks about the United States with uncritical approval—“America First”—and that’s a thought crime in the eyes of liberals. It ignores slavery, Jim Crow, the Indian wars, Manzanar . . . Donald Trump would never refer to America as beset by the original sin of racism, as Barack Obama did frequently, and that makes him worse than a conservative. President Trump is a bigot.

He enjoys the company of attractive women and makes no apologies for it. A man of proper male guilt would have bowed out after the bus tapes were released during the campaign, but there he was in the second presidential debate talking about jail time for Hillary.

And he wouldn’t say, “Black Lives Matter,” either, a slogan that implies whites don’t care about black lives, but insisted, “All lives matter.”

Finally, while Christians, especially Catholics and Evangelicals , are supposed to feel guilty for their doctrine on gender roles and abortion, President Trump quickly dropped gender identity from Title IX and nominated a religious conservative to the Supreme Court.

That’s what happens when a political leader doesn’t share the guilt, and progressives know it. For decades they have pushed a campaign of guilt in classrooms, museums, movies, books, and newsrooms precisely to forestall those moves. If you can persuade an opponent that he’s wrong about a political issue, you can win the day’s debate. But if you can make him feel guilty about his opinion, you’ve got him on the defensive forever.

Guilt isn’t political, it’s psychological. When you can make someone feel guilty, it’s a powerful temptation, especially among those who already suffer feelings of resentment. When during the course of the campaign Mr. Trump refused to accept any guilt, the frustration and disbelief among the Democrats and the media were obvious. When he spoke of “Mexican rapists,” the outrage was voluminous, but he wouldn’t apologize. When the former-president of Mexico sputtered an obscenity about the wall, Trump replied, “The wall just got ten feet taller.” A guilty man wouldn’t be so unabashed.

Guilt isn’t political, it’s psychological. When you can make someone feel guilty, it’s a powerful temptation, especially among those who already suffer feelings of resentment.

When David Duke came out in favor of Trump, the media pounced, insisting that surely this time Trump would acknowledge shameful elements in his candidacy. But when asked, Trump looked more puzzled than ashamed. It was as if he didn’t understand why David Duke was even an issue, but that only compounded his vice, for Duke is significant precisely because he embodies American guilt. That Trump minimized the whole thing only showed his absence of shame.

Donald Trump’s success, then, amounts to a calamitous disarmament of the Left. Not his occupation of the White House, but his termination of the game of guilt—for now, at least. Since the election, progressives have only amplified the charges. More and more, the protests look less like political speech and more like tantrums. Yes, but what else could they do? As Freud once said, “hardly anything is harder for a man than to give up a pleasure which he has once experienced.” Until the Left lets go of guilt and begins formulating a political outlook, not a psycho-political one, its steady descent into adolescence will continue.

“The gift Trump has given the Republican party is the power to reject the guilt. He doesn't care about the labels, he doesn't care about the stigma, he doesn't even care what they think of him. Or, as Glenn Reynolds summed up, "He rejects their assumed position of moral and intellectual supremacy. Which is both fair, and painful, because that position has always been a lie."

Conrad Black:  “Trump’s quiet victories”

“Scientists have found 1,559 genetic differences between boys and girls — but try telling that to Oregon officials! The radicals in the Beaver State are doing everything they can to gloss over those distinctions in their latest push to wipe gender off drivers' licenses. In what ought to make every American shake their head, Transgender Oregonians are lobbying for the change, which would let residents identify as ‘nonbinary’ (neither male nor female) on their most significant form of identification.”
                -Tony Perkins

“No one has yet to explain to me what the core crime [is] that would be investigated with regard to Russian influence.”
               -law professor Jonathan Turley

Being a member of the Communist Party would no longer be a fireable offense for California government employees under a bill passed by the state Assembly.

After Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was rudely shouted down by left-wing students during a commencement speech at Bethune-Cookman University on Wednesday, NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning attempted to justify the disrespectful behavior.

A GLOBAL cool down will “march in with vengeance” to usher in a 100-year mini-ice age that could freeze over the River Thames, climate scientists told Daily Star Online.

Obama ‘travels with gas-guzzling 14 car escort to give $3.2 million dollar climate change speech.

If you´re wondering where the Washington, D.C., swamp is being drained as promised, look no further than the Federal Communications Commission and intrepid new Chairman Ajit Pai.

The Democrats who attacked President Trump’s travel order in front of carefully-selected Democratic judges made the extraordinary claim that the President’s statements on the stump, as a candidate, were somehow relevant to whether the order was constitutional. This claim implies that an order may be unconstitutional if issued by one president, while the exact same order would be perfectly fine if issued by another. This is an absurd result. It may be absurd, but it is what the Democrats believe.

The Real Reason Washington Post Republicans Hate Donald Trump

“Claims….about how the U.S. spends more money on health care and gets worse outcomes than any other industrialized nation are nonsense.”

“I want people to be able to get what they need to live: enough food, a place to live, and an education for their children. Government does not provide these as well as private charities and businesses.”
           -Davy Crockett (1786-1836)


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