Sunday, March 12, 2017

op ed review 3/12

Trump Economics kicking in: – February Private Sector Job Growth Shatters Expectations, 298,000 Jobs Added… “February proved to be an incredibly strong month for employment with increases we have not seen in years,”
Americans’ confidence continued to mount as the Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index reached the highest point in a decade.
A record 152,528,000 Americans were employed in February, 447,000 more than in January, and the labor force participation rate went up.

The mainstream media´s open hostility to President Trump may be starting to backfire, according to the latest IBD/TIPP poll. The poll found that 55% of the public says they´ve grown "weary from the media´s persistently negative coverage of President Trump.

The United States has the highest top statutory corporate tax rate—39.1%--of any nation in the G20. The U.S. won the top spot on the statutory-corporate-tax-rate list after Japan and Germany, which formerly ranked first and second, cut their rates.

Illegal immigration across the southwest border plummeted in the weeks after President Trump took office, Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly announced Wednesday, calling the drop an early sign that Mr. Trump’s get-tough policies are working.

The IRS has told a federal court that they´ve recently identified almost 7,000 more documents that could contain information on how the agency targeted the tax-exempt applications of Tea Party organizations or other conservative political groups starting back in 2010.

Gender-swap experiment shows Hillary even less likable as a man...

EPA environmental justice leader resigns, amid White House plans to dismantle program
The Trump administration has informed Planned Parenthood it will have to quit performing abortions in order to keep its federal taxpayer funding.
Supporters of President Trump turned out in droves for marches in cities across the U.S. last Saturday.

Former Attorney General Lynch suggests we need more ´marching,´ ´blood,´ and ´death´ in the streets

President Donald Trump shook the world by accusing former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower in the final weeks of the 2016 presidential election — a scandal comparable to "Nixon/Watergate." While news outlets reported that Trump cited "no evidence" to support his claims, there is a disturbing trail of breadcrumbs suggesting that the Obama administration did indeed do this. A spokesman for the former president denied the allegations, but the very denial was disingenuous at best. In fact, one might even call it Orwellian.
The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark Levin
A well structured outline showing how current public information does indeed appear to lay out a solid case that President Obama manipulated the legal use of intelligence gathering tools to monitor candidate Donald Trump.
“Obama Admin Source Confirms Wiretapping Was Conducted?”
NSA Whistleblower Backs Trump Up on Wiretap.

Meanwhile, CNN just published the results of an outright espionage operation against the Trump White House, by pointing a vibration-sensitive camera at the window of the Oval Office. This is an espionage technique, and it is obviously a major violation of national security laws.

Here’s a Russian connection:  Tony Podesta, Democrat super-lobbyist and brother of Hillary’s campaign manager was paid $170,000 over a six-month period last year to represent Russia’s largest bank, seeking to end one of the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against that country,

“Soft drinks maker Coca-Cola Co has launched a gay-friendly ad featuring a brother and sister vying for the attention of a handsome pool boy in the campaign that has won praise for diversity and inclusion.” "Sibling rivalry never looked more inclusive…."
During an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos proclaimed that whites will become a minority within 30 years and that “this is our country”.

Starbucks Corp's vow to hire thousands of refugees appears to be hurting customer sentiment of the coffee chain.

Understanding Right Wing Rage    David French, National Review

You simply can’t understand Milo Yiannopoulos (or, for that matter, Ann Coulter or Donald Trump) without understanding the level of conservative rage and frustration at the leftist takeover of our nation’s leading, ostensibly “neutral” cultural institutions, and the corresponding arrogance and ignorance that spews from the nation’s commanding cultural heights.

In the academy, in mainstream media, in pop culture, in large corporations, and now even in industries with heavily conservative audiences (like sports), workplace after workplace is stocked almost exclusively with men and women of the Left. That’s why even mainstream media outlets that try to be fair often fail. That’s why so much of pop culture grotesquely caricatures, say, people of faith. They don’t encounter thoughtful Evangelicals ever, much less at work (or as part of the creative process). That’s why companies launch progressive crusades. Their internal constituencies demand that the company be as woke as they are, and it gives their (nearly) uniformly liberal workforce a sense of mission beyond “mere” profit-making.

The law of group polarization works its magic. Articulated by Cass Sunstein in a 1999 paper, the law posits that “in a striking empirical regularity, deliberation tends to move groups, and the individuals who compose them, toward a more extreme point in the direction indicated by their own predeliberation judgments.” In plain English, this means that like-minded groups grow more extreme over time, and that like-mindedness sometimes pushes groups toward so-called cascades — where they move quite rapidly to new consensus. (Think, for example, of the incredible speed at which it became bigoted to declare that men can’t get pregnant.) Those on the receiving end of group polarization experience a wall of ignorance and intolerance. Spend much time on an elite campus, and you’ll be amazed at the sheer paucity of conservative voices. Entire faculty departments don’t include a single conservative voice. The result is a community that often can’t conceive of a single, non-bigoted reason for classical conservative social views.

There is no good answer to this group polarization, but conservatives have generally tried three different approaches: Reason with the machine, replace the machine, or rage against the machine. Conservatives who reason with the machine are those who aim to join elite institutions and thrive within them. Numbered in their ranks are the precious few consistent conservatives who can gain tenure, or land column space at major newspapers, or write screenplays. The path is narrow, and few can walk down that road. It typically involves admission to an elite institution, a level of accomplishment that exceeds that of your more liberal peers, and then a delicate dance within that institution — where you express yourself enough to maintain your voice but not so much that you trigger an overwhelming internal backlash.

Then there are the conservatives who seek to replace the machine. In essence, this means creating parallel institutions that compete with elite liberal outlets for religious, cultural, and political influence. This is the conservative think tank or the conservative college. This is talk radio, Fox News, or The Blaze. This is contemporary Christian music or Christian filmmaking such as God’s Not Dead. This is National Review, the Weekly Standard, or Commentary.

Finally, there is the rage against the machine. This is the outlet for conservative fury — the pent-up frustrations at liberal arrogance and ignorance. This is the folk-hero Right, and it lives, eats, and breathes pure defiance. It picks fights with the Left for the purpose of creating a predictable overreaction, and then it uses that overreaction to prove its critique. Its lifeblood is its fighting spirit. Its oxygen is liberal fury. This is Milo’s world. This is Ann Coulter’s world. Yes, this is Donald Trump’s world.

To successfully rage against the machine, the formula is clear. First, you use the parallel conservative institutions such as talk radio, Fox, or conservative publishing to gain a following. Once the following is large enough (and your speech provocative enough), the mainstream media will take notice. If you can then wade into hostile ground and take on your worst critics with the right mix of wit, flair, and sheer defiance, the resulting YouTube clips and Fox appearances will further build your reputation. Rinse, repeat, and soon enough you’re an industry unto yourself.


“Replacing Obamacare is complicated. There are trade-offs. Somebody’s going to walk away convinced they got a bad deal. Even worse, whenever a legislator has the courage to tell the public that trade-offs and compromises are necessary, a political challenger will insist that it is not, that it represents lawmakers being stupid, or spineless, or selling out. … [I]t is very easy to promise a better health-care system with no compromises and trade-offs; it is pretty much impossible to deliver it.”
                    -Jim Geraghty

Judging by the popularity of “Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide,” one would think the party out of power were making a comeback. There’s just one problem — the top-seller is completely blank. Written by Michael J. Knowles, managing editor for the Daily Wire, the book is described as the “most exhaustively researched and coherently argued Democrat Party apologia to date” and “a political treatise sure to stand the test of time.” On Wednesday, it was the seventh most popular book sold on Amazon. Released Feb. 8, the 266-page volume has racked up overwhelmingly positive reviews, with 94 percent of readers giving it five stars.

Pope Francis issues veiled warning about Donald Trump: 'Populism is evil'

An Italian archbishop close to Pope Benedict XVI has claimed that the Obama administration may have been complicit in the “tremendous pressures” that led the former pope to resign in 2013.

Politics, it is said, makes curious bedfellows, and the longstanding relationship between Barack Obama and presidential adviser and confidante Valerie Jarrett is curious indeed. It had become curiouser and curiouser with the news that Jarrett is moving into Obama’s D.C. home, which is to serve as the nerve center to the resistance to the presidency of Donald Trump.

Opposition Party In Action: NYT columnist Nick Kristof asks IRS to leak Trump’s tax return.

The Beginnings of Obama’s Shadow Government

VDH:  The recent Academy Awards ceremony turned into a monotony of hate. Many of the stars who mounted the stage ranted on cue about the evils of President Donald Trump. Such cheap rhetoric is easy. But first, accusers should guarantee that their own ceremony is well run. Instead, utter bedlam ruined the event, as no one on the Oscar stage even knew who had won the Best Picture award. Stars issued lots of rants about Trump but were apparently unaware that one of the ceremony´s impromptu invited guests was a recent parolee and registered sex offender.

Good news items keep appearing every day. Ironically, there are so many, they are easy to miss. Here are ten happy headlines showing the progress team Trump is making this week on many fronts – jobs, the border, law and order, deregulation, fair trade, rule of law, the Middle East, reining in bureaucrats. Trump´s first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February -Winning Level – Wolverine Grandmaster: Secretary Ross Imposes $1.19 Billion Fine Against Chinese Company… Congress Takes Aim at DOJ ‘Slush Fund’ to Left-Wing Activists -U.S. Ambassador to UN

Social Justice Syndrome: ‘Rising Tide of Personality Disorders Among Millennials’

These days, the press is carrying on a running battle with the Trump administration. Pretty much every news story, every day, is intended to undermine President Trump and perhaps drive him from office. The New York Times, Washington Post and Associated Press are the worst offenders, but almost every news outlet is in this category. It wasn’t always that way. Until January, our press slavishly reported every pronouncement of the administration in power, sometimes reinforcing it, sometimes just letting it stand. This was its own form of fake news:

President Trump won the White House by running against the establishment, mocking the accepted positions and the approved rhetoric of both the political ruling class in Washington and the cultural ruling class in Hollywood. In so doing, he became the de facto spokesman of the forgotten Americans overlooked if not held in disdain by these coastal elites. All the while, he won the undying enmity of an establishment that see him as a mortal threat to their continued dominance. Since the shock of Trump´s resounding electoral victory, that establishment has kicked into full panic mode and is resorting to increasingly desperate measures in a doomed attempt to reverse the election results.

Here’s the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama’s Many Wiretaps.

“Any man who tries to incite class hatred, sectional hate, hate of creeds, any kind of hatred in our community, though he may affect to do so in the interest of the class he is addressing, is in the long run with absolute certainty that class’s own worst enemy.”
                   -Theodore Roosevelt


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