Saturday, September 2, 2017

op ed review 9/3

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gave President Trump´s administration an A+ on its response to Hurricane Harvey during a press briefing Monday.
Proving they are the opposition party, journalists completely switched complaints when it comes to the subject of Republican presidents and Hurricanes. While reporters spun George W. Bush as callously staying away from Hurricane Katrina, MSNBC’s Katy Turn on Monday whined about President Trump visiting Texas too quickly.

A professor who said Texans ‘Deserve’ Harvey because they voted for Trump, is now looking for a new job.

New York Times defends Antifa:  “Antifa is…..a defensive response to the growing presence of right-wing extremism.”
Many on the left are starting to see the goons of Antifa as the menace they are. Too bad the Berkeley, Calif., Police Department remains clueless.   “…when hundreds of masked, armored thugs arrived in quasi-military formation, carrying shields banned under police rules, the cops were ordered to retreat.”
Governor Terry McAuliffe’s efforts to evade responsibility for the shocking violence at Charlottesville just got even more implausible. He and local authorities were warned by Homeland Security, and yet allowed, if not forced, the two violence-prone parties into such close proximity that violence was a near certainty.

The fix was in:  Fired FBI Director James Comey had already drafted a preliminary conclusion that Hillary Clinton was not going to be held responsible even before sixteen key investigative witnesses, including Mrs. Clinton herself, were interviewed.
HUH?? Hillary Clinton’s case isn’t interesting enough to the public to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her, the bureau said this week in rejecting an open-records request by a lawyer seeking to have the former secretary of state punished for perjury.
“Dead Broke” Hillary Clinton Sells Summer Home for $29 Million

A federal appeals court ruled that Arkansas can kick Planned Parenthood out of its network of Medicaid-approved health providers. The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Medicaid recipients are entitled to care, but cannot dictate to the states where they get that care

In 1990, 88 percent of the world’s energy came from fossil fuels. After more than 25 years and over a trillion dollars in subsidies for “renewable” energy, in 2015 the world’s share of energy from fossil fuels was . . . 86 percent.

Denmark, the world’s most taxed nation, is proposing tax cuts that will hit all income groups, “making it more attractive to work”

Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc., which does business as D. James Kennedy Ministries, has sued the Southern Poverty Law Center, Amazon and Guidestar in federal court for declaring the Kennedy Ministries as a “hate group” because, consistent with Christian doctrine, it opposes gay marriage.

Arpaio Pardoned, RINOs melt down
After President Trump pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the media went on a RINO hunt. Speaker Paul Ryan was happy to criticize President Trump for pardoning a former Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio, becoming the highest-ranking Republican to object to the move. Who needs Nancy when we have Ryan?

AP, NY Times Have Ignored Wasserman Schultz-Dem IT Scandal for Over a Month


With President Trump turning his attention to tax reform, Democrats are busy dusting off their shopworn claims about federal income taxes. Almost nothing they say about taxes is true.
Here are the three big lies:

1. Bush tax cuts didn't work. "The American people," says Winnie Stachelberg of the Center for American Progress, "know from experience under the Bush era that tax cuts for millionaires and corporations will not benefit the U.S. economy, jobs, or the middle class." They also supposedly boosted the deficit. Democrats have been peddling this lie for so long that no amount of hard data will likely stop them. But here goes, anyway. Federal deficits steadily declined after Bush signed the 2003 tax law, which retroactively cut income tax rates — the deficits dropped from $470 billion in 2004 to $167 billion by 2007. The economy perked up, with GDP jumping 6.9% in Q3 2003 and 4.8% in Q4. In the six quarters after Bush signed those tax cuts, average quarterly GPD growth topped 4%, compared with 2.1% in the previous six quarters. Anyone want to guess how Obama's tax hikes affected GDP growth?

By the end of 2007, the unemployment rate had dropped to 4.7% — down from 6.1% when Bush signed the 2003 tax cuts into law. Median household income climbed 3%. Income inequality, meanwhile, didn't change at all. It was the financial crisis — which, as we have repeatedly shown in this space, was caused by misguided federal policies first enacted under President Clinton — that erased these gains.

2. The rich don't pay their fair share. "The last thing we need is for the tax code to be even more rigged in favor of millionaires, billionaires, and corporate insiders," claims the organizers of Not One Penny, a liberal coalition that includes the George Soros-backed If by "rigged" liberals mean a tax code under which the top 1% pay 39% of federal income taxes — which is up from 33% in 2001 — and that U.S. is the most progressive in the industrialized world, then we'd agree. But the idea that the "rich don't pay their fair share" is utterly false. In fact, one reason tax cuts always seem to benefit the rich more than the middle class is precisely because the tax code is so heavily skewed toward the wealthy. According to the IRS, the bottom 50% of taxpayers account for less than 3% of federal income taxes paid.

As for corporate taxes, the U.S. imposes the highest corporate income tax rate of any industrialized nation — up to 40% when federal and state taxes are combined. Yet it has one of the lowest collection rates as a share of GDP. Why? Because the code is riddled with loopholes that benefit "corporate insiders." The GOP plan is to cut the tax rate, close loopholes and simplify the code. The only losers will be companies that on political connections and gimmicks to lower their tax burden.

3. Tax reform must be 'revenue neutral'. "At a bare minimum, tax reform should not lose revenues," declares the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. What they and other Democrats mean by this is that any tax cuts must be offset by tax hikes somewhere else, and that no account can be made of the growth effect of tax cuts. But the idea the tax reform must be revenue neutral is based on a myth that taxes are at an acceptable level today. The fact is, they are historically high. As it stands, taxes as share of GDP will be 18% this year, which is well above the 17.2% average since World War II.

The reason the federal government is running deficits is because spending will equal 21% of GDP this year, which is also well above the post-War average. Clearly, then, the country doesn't have a tax problem, it has a spending problem, which means that both taxes and spending should be cut. And, since tax cuts will boost economic growth, at least some of the revenue "lost" to tax cuts will be regained from an expanded economy.

One final point worth keeping in mind. The mainstream media won't correct any of these lies, despite their supposed role as guardians against "fake news."

Depressing article by Brent Bozell, read at your own risk:  “The Grand Old Party is about to commit suicide.”

“In totalitarian societies, cities change their names regularly. Statues go up and are torn down. Words, as the historian Thucydides warned 2,400 years ago, habitually change their meanings to reflect passing political orthodoxy — and thugs, commissars and brownshirts oversee the charade. For an antidote to these statue-smashers and name-changers, Americans seek just one honest public official who dares to say ‘no more’ — and arrests rather than appeases those who destroy public property, or shames those who ruin people through guilt by association.”
                   -Victor Davis Hanson

“Antifa chants, ‘No Trump, no wall, no USA at all.’ The label ‘anti-American’ is not a pejorative, it’s just descriptive.”
                   -Jim Geraghty

Members of the major media —who apparently moonlight as climate scientists —are already politicizing Hurricane Harvey, insisting the storm proves the validity of the global warming theory, and mocking Republicans who disagree. 

“Neo-Nazis have been around for a long time. I remember learning as a teenager that there was an American Nazi party led by George Lincoln Rockwell. It seemed odd, but no one paid much attention. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists–the terms seem to be used interchangeably these days–have been with us for decades, regarded as irrelevant fringe groups consisting of nuts and watchful FBI agents. Suddenly, though, that has changed. Neo-Nazi/white supremacist groups turned out a few hundred tiki torch-carrying goofs in Charlottesville, and now these fringe kooks have become, we are told, a crisis of the republic.”

Understanding Charlottesville:  “The specification is Mr. Trump’s insistence that at Charlottesville, there was violence on both sides.  To say this was a dastardly abrogation of duty, even though the Doctor (Krauthammer) himself acknowledges it to be true (“Yes, there was violence on both sides.”).  It is true, but “not the point.”   It is not the point because all the leaders “in this generation,” all except Trump, recognize the unique importance and evil of white racism in American society.  And so, if there was a faction in the streets of Charlottesville that stood for racism, it is immoral to criticize another faction opposing it. It makes no difference what the other faction did, or what part it played in the mayhem.  It makes no difference that the “Unite the Right” demonstrators had a permit, affirmed by a court of law.  It is immaterial whether all of those protesting the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue were actually Nazis or Klansmen.  It does not matter that the President had denounced the Nazis and the Klan in his second statement, and specifically the one who murdered a woman with his car. Trump must be deemed to have taken all that back when he said there was violence on both sides.  And it makes no difference whether the bloody confrontation was, in effect, engineered by calculating politicians, who restrained the police from intervening to prevent violence.  All Krauthammer knows is that there were elements harkening back to Jim Crow on the scene, and so it is a moral disgrace to talk about anyone else.”

“Over the past few months, we have finally entered the fully realized historical revisionism promised in George Orwell’s “1984,” in which the motto, “Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future,” was central to shaping the book’s dystopian world. In the book, history was continually being rewritten and re-promulgated to meet the political necessities of the moment. There was no history to be remembered, let alone lessons to be learned. For all the talk of Trumpian bluster or exaggeration, there is only one group that seeks to systematically and violently achieve its goals here……”

VDH: TrumpHaters & supporters, a civil war field guide.

“A man’s admiration for absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him.”
                -Alexis de Tocqueville


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