op ed review 7/2
President Trump celebrated the unanimous per curiam
opinion by the Supreme Court, effectively nullifying lower court attempts to
stay his travel ban, calling it a “clear victory” for national security.
House passes Kate’s Law, as part of illegal immigrant
The Department of Homeland Security will start construction
of prototypes for a border wall this summer in the San Diego area
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan
said at a White House press briefing that no illegal immigrant should “be
comfortable” in the U.S.
Meanwhile, San Francisco taxpayers could soon pay $190,000
in a lawsuit settlement with an undocumented immigrant who claimed he was
reported to federal immigration authorities in violation of the city’s
sanctuary city ordinance.
President Trump signed an executive order reestablishing the
National Space Council, which he said would launch a “whole new chapter” for
the U.S.
When a University of Washington study came out this week
showing Seattle’s minimum wage has cost 5,000 jobs and is hurting low income
workers, city leaders fired the messenger –- a team of respected economists at
Washington’s premiere public university. Now they’ve hired Prof. Michael Reich
of UC Berkeley to do a new study. Before
earning his PhD in economics, Reich was a founding member of the Union for
Radical Political Economics (URPE), a group seeking a "human-centered
radical alternative to capitalism," according to its website.
Maine restaurant workers successfully lobby to reduce their
minimum wage.
A nonprofit group founded in part by Home Depot co-founder
Bernie Marcus kicked off a new nationwide campaign aimed at collecting stories
from Americans about how the Affordable Care Act hurt them.
Three CNN employees have resigned amid the network’s very
fake news scandal in which it was forced to retract a hit piece on President
Donald Trump and his associates.
CNN, in an apparent effort to elevate its journalistic
standards, welcomed famed Sesame Street puppet Elmo onto a political panel,
where he opined on the Syrian refugee crisis.
Mark Steyn: “I'm In Favor of Replacing Jim Acosta With Elmo
on CNN”
As the Russia story fizzles, CNN ratings crash and burn…Fox
back on top.
Secretly-recorded video shows a CNN associate producer
calling American voters "stupid as s***".
Networks Ignore Loretta Lynch Story in Favor of More Trump-Russia
Actor and filmmaker Rob Reiner was shredded by social media
users over the weekend after he called for an “all out war” to resist President
Donald Trump.
Two dozen Democrats get behind bill to lay foundation for
removing Trump for being mentally 'incapacitated'
Condoleeza Rice: “President
Donald Trump may sound different than other presidents, but he believes in
American values and tries to act in the best interest of the United States.”
19th Obamacare Co-Op Folds, Leaving Only 4 Operating in 2018
A student at James Madison University who was working for a
political organization affiliated with the Democratic party was sentenced to go
to prison for at least 100 days after he pleaded guilty to registering dead
people to vote.
Lutheran Church of Columbia, Missouri, wins First Amendment appeal at the
Supreme Court, with a 7-2 majority saying the state may not deny public money
to religious institutions competing for grants along with private secular
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had stern words for
his colleagues when the Court declined to hear a case challenging California’s
handgun laws, saying that the jurists do not understand the importance of
Investor’s Business Daily 6/27
When Seattle embarked on its progressive path to force up
the minimum wage in the city, the results were predictable: Those it was
intended to help would be hurt the most. Will policymakers never learn?
It's tragic, but even policies passed with the best of
intentions can hurt those they're intended to help. So it is with Seattle's
minimum wage. Last August, we asked: "What will happen when Seattle raises
its minimum to $15 an hour in 2017? It could get ugly." Unfortunately, we
were right. Economists at the University of Washington looked at the recent
increases in Seattle's minimum wage from $9.47 to $11 an hour in 2015 to $13 an
hour in 2016. Their findings are devastating for supporters of a higher minimum
wage. "We conclude that the second wage increase to $13 reduced hours
worked in low-wage jobs by around 9%, while hourly wages in such jobs increased
by around 3%."
The math is not favorable: The average low-wage employee in
the city saw his or her earnings decline by $125 a month last year due to the
"generous" minimum wage increase. That's a $1,500 reduction in pay
for those who can afford it least. It's likely to get even worse when they
really jack the wage up to $15 an hour, and hundreds if not thousands of people
lose their jobs because their employers can no longer afford to pay them.
Even the Washington Post took notice of the Seattle
minimum-wage disaster, and what it portends. "The city is gradually
increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years," wrote Max
Ehrenfreund on the Post's Wonkblog . "Already, though, some employers
have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their
payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go,
the study found."
It's a fact that those who earn minimum wages are not
equipped to earn more without further training, education or skills
acquisition. As economist Mark J. Perry, a fellow with the American Enterprise
Institute and professor at the University of Michigan, noted back in 2015,
"minimum-wage workers tend to be young, single, part-time workers with
less than a high school diploma." What do you call people of that
description after government forces a business to pay them far more than their
productivity suggests they're worth? Disposable. They lose jobs, or have their
hours cut. It's devastating.
Nor is the University of Washington study some kind of
statistical outlier. In what has turned into an indictment of the union-backed
"Fight for $15" movement, a study by economist David Neumark of the
University of California at Irvine tallied the results of over 100 minimum-wage
studies going back two decades. His findings were depressing: 85% of the
studies said that minimum-wage laws destroyed jobs, led to fewer hours worked,
and caused small businesses to close. So saying huge forced hikes in the
minimum wage destroy jobs and reduce earnings isn't exactly controversial.
Even the federal government, which itself imposes a national
minimum wage on businesses, understands this. A 2014 study by the Congressional
Budget Office predicted that raising the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to
$10.10 an hour and indexing it to inflation would kill 1 million jobs.
Who is hurt worst? Young minority workers, African-Americans
and Latinos, mostly. Statistically, they have the least education, training and
skills of any group in the workforce. If you wonder why the youth unemployment
rate for minority youth remains stuck in the double digits, look no farther
than the minimum wage.
A job provides a ladder of opportunity to gain work and life
skills and training that ultimately can lead to better things down the road. But
what happens when the ladder is removed? Responding to growing pressure around
the country and the prospect of a national $15-an-hour minimum wage, companies
such as Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Wendy's and many others today are busy automating
their operations, installing digital cashiers in place of human ones, and
looking for other ways to cut swelling labor costs. It's a logical and
inevitable response to soaring wages for unskilled workers.
With thousands and thousands losing their jobs, the
progressive Democrats and union activists who are behind the "Fight for
$15" movement and many local minimum-wage-hiking initiatives have much to
answer for. They talk a great game about helping the poor and uneducated better
their lives, but then push destructive policies that ensure those very same
people lose their jobs and end up on welfare.
"Fight for $15"? How about a new movement, one based not on
destroying jobs and reducing incomes, but on creating jobs and raising workers'
earnings. Call it "Fight Against $15."
“In a new paper,
Peter Sprigg estimates (based on the Left’s own assumptions!) that opening the
[military] doors to people who identify as transgender will cost a whopping
$3.7 billion over the next 10 years for medical costs and
lost deployment time. … With the price tag of $89,050 for female-to-male
procedures and $110,450 for male-to-female procedures, taxpayers would be
forking over hundreds of millions of dollars a year for people who are just
using the military as their free ticket to elective surgery! And that’s just
the surgery — not the cost of hormone treatment and counseling, which can run
in the thousands per person. To put it in perspective, over the next ten years
America would be spending roughly half of its annual ballistic defense budget
on elective sexual reassignment surgery! While our troops are literally
scavenging museums for jet parts, which would you rather pay for: hundreds of
gender transitions or 22 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Planes? Obama’s extreme
transgender agenda or 3,700 tomahawk missiles? Political correctness run amok
or half of our annual cyber defense budget? I’m sure ISIS will sleep better at
night knowing that we sacrificed 116 Chinook helicopters so that our troops
could get radical makeovers.”
The good news: “A
controversial Pentagon directive that would allow transgender men and women to
join the military beginning this summer now faces indefinite delay as senior leaders
within each of the services voice lingering concerns about the Obama-era
“Politicians like to defend some law on the grounds that ‘if
it saves just one life, it’s worth it.’ But by that logic we should make the
speed limit 5 mph. That would surely save lives. Are you a murderer if you
oppose such a move?”
Eric Bolling’s new book is "The Swamp: Washington’s
Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How Trump Can Drain It”. “Wow! I could not put
this down….Bolling gets to the truth of what really goes on in Washington DC!”
“False Black Power?” by Jason Riley. Riley
believes that America’s African-American community has been badly served by the
emphasis on achieving political power as a means to advance. Much more
important, in his view, are the “skills, habits, and values” that are necessary
to personal ambition and achievement.
“The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News
Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote” by former CBS reporter
Sharyl Attkisson.
A Florida leftist was arrested this week after threatening
to kill Republican state Rep. Jose Felix Diaz (R-Miami).
Since the election, scores of activists have taken to the
streets, town halls and rallies to blast President Trump. That’s all with the
blessing of their boss thanks to “social justice benefits” and paid time off
work policies that are growing in popularity. At San Francisco marketing firm
Traction, social justice benefits take the form of two so-called "Days of
Action" a year.
Last week, a group of female protesters dressed as handmaids
from the popular show "The Handmaid´s Tale" ventured through the Ohio
Statehouse in protest of Senate Bill 145, which would restrict abortion
methods. “Although protesting often involves hyperbole designed to make a
point, this goes too far. Equating the abortion debate to a dystopian show
where women are used as incubator slaves is intellectually dishonest––and, frankly,
deeply offensive.”
Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President
to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day
Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner
murdered. Matthews reiterated his belief that Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump are
akin to the murderous sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay. “Matthews's joke about Trump
murdering his son-in-law was brought to you by Cascade, Johnson's baby lotion,
and Lincoln Financial.”
The National Endowment for the Arts is funding a progressive
rendition of Pride and Prejudice, a choreographed traffic jam, and a play about
climate change causing the end of the world. Aside from spending $20,000 on a
musical about a lesbian illegal immigrant in love with an ICE agent and giving
$100,000 to the theater company that put on a Trump assassination play, the
NEA´s list of new grants includes numerous frivolous art projects. The San Francisco arts center "Fresh Meat
Productions" received $15,000 for a "full-throttle" gay and
transgender dance performance about AIDS.
Children at a Christian preschool in Sweden are no longer
allowed to say grace at mealtimes, “Amen”, or talk about the Bible, after a
ruling by the Umeå municipality.
“Al Gore is an idiot’ who only made his vast fortune just
because he happened to get lucky by obsessing about climate change. Possibly we’d all guessed
this already. Now it has been confirmed by an expert in the field of
finance – Warren
Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman and fellow investment billionaire
Charlie Munger.”
Global Warming: The Imminent Crisis That Never Arrives
During almost seven years of Barack Obama’s tenure,
congressional Republicans held useless Repeal Obamacare rehearsal votes dozens
of times. The law was unpopular, so they raised millions off a promise to
repeal it for real once they got a GOP president. And, lo and behold,
Republicans last November won control of Congress and the White House. But now
that they hold the offices, they can’t seem to get it done. So, how do
Republicans respond? They start fighting among themselves while Democrats watch
with glee.
Thomas Lifson suspects a strategy behind Trump tweets: “As usual, President Trump is outraging the
political-media establishment, who all assume that his early-morning tweets
yesterday zinging the Morning Joe odd couple, "hitting back ten
times as hard," as wife Melania once characterized his tactical doctrine,
were the result of some form of derangement.
They are not equipped to understand the strategy that lies behind his
tweets. Like fish unaware of the water
in which they swim, they operate on the basis of unconscious beliefs. President
Trump understands that the current informal-but-very-real rules of the game
have allowed Mika and Joe (and the rest of the media-political world as well)
free rein to savage him and his family, while he is supposed to be a gentleman
and just take it while they get support for attacking him. That's
what President George W. Bush did, and it cost him dearly, unto this day. His suffering may be noble, but that form of
greatness does not seem to interest President Trump. Trump
understands that the culture governing D.C. and the media has to change because
it systematically favors his opponents
Must see, very powerful NRA ad. This ad is driving the left crazy.
Another powerful NRA ad by Charlie Daniels, legendary
American singer, song writer, guitarist, and fiddler.
“There are certain
social principles in human nature, from which we may draw the most solid conclusions
with respect to the conduct of individuals and of communities. We love our
families more than our neighbors; we love our neighbors more than our
countrymen in general. The human affections, like solar heat, lose their
intensity as they depart from the centre.”
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