Saturday, December 23, 2017

op ed review 12/24

President Trump signed tax cut legislation on Friday, the most significant piece of legislation since he took office. While not the biggest tax cut in history, White House staff argues that the tax cuts together with the tax reforms make it the most significant tax policy bill in the history of the United States.
Five Key Facts About the Republican Tax Reform Bill Signed by President Donald Trump
Five ways the media tries to convince us tax cuts are bad.
Democrats plan tax cut protest, have to cancel when no one shows up.

In response to the tax cut, Comcast announces 100,000 employees will get $1000 bonus; will spend $50 billion on investment…
AT&T announces 200,000 employees will each get a $1000 bonus in response to tax cuts.
Boeing announces $300 million in initiatives in response to tax cut.
Wells Fargo says it will boost its minimum wage to $15 an hour, and will target $400 million in donations to community and nonprofit organizations next year.

Economic optimism soars, boosting Trump's approval rating
“….polling measures of economic optimism are reaching new records. …..a specific choice of words (in the CNBC survey was) used to describe the economic conditions being measured: …”We’re not measuring a marginal change in the economy, we’re measuring a different economy.”…

Trump Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed. Here’s the list:

Dow rises 5,000 points in a year for the first time ever
Black unemployment rate lowest in 17 years.
US home sales hit 11 year high.
Trump makes regulations disappear.
Environmental Protection Agency officials are “leaving in droves”, reports the New York Times.
Congress opens Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration.
Here's how much ground ISIS has lost since Trump took over

Does illegal immigration cost us money?  DOJ has released new quarterly numbers, requested by President Trump, detailing how many foreign born individuals are currently incarcerated in the U.S. federal prison system. The answer? One in 5.  The majority are here illegally.
Liberals tell us we can’t afford a border wall. Would it surprise you to learn that another country built a 1,700-mile wall to keep illegal aliens out?......a small, impoverished country with only a fraction of the resources of the United States?

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook.

Seattle Seahawk Players Account for More than Half of NFL’s Anthem Protesters in Week 15

The deadly train derailment near Lacey WA was on tracks built with Obama stimulus money.  $187 million to shave ten minutes off commuter time.

Legalizing ‘Dreamers’ would cost $26 billion, says the Congressional Budget Office.
The Democrats’ draft Dream Act amnesty would likely add as many chain-migration foreigners to the United States population as are added by the total number of Americans who are born in four years’ time.
California Democrats Proposing Spending $1 Billion Giving Health Care To Illegal Immigrants

We Now Know Trump Accusers are Paid $750,000 by Dem Donors to Say Trump Abused Them

Investor’s Business Daily
As tax cuts become a reality, Democrats have gone ballistic, claiming that the GOP's sweeping tax plan will rob the middle class and the poor, line the pockets of the rich, and tank the economy. It's all false, class-warfare clap-trap, and they know it.

Following passage of the Republican tax reform, Democrat politicians and leftist media celebrities have become nearly unhinged, and that may be an understatement.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called the tax cuts a "scam" and "simply theft, monumental, brazen theft from the American middle class and from every person who aspires to reach it." She added that it was "not a vote for an investment in growth or jobs," but "a vote to install a permanent plutocracy in our nation." Plutocracy?

Not to be outdone, former Democratic presidential candidate and millionaire socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont called it "a great day for the Koch brothers and other billionaire Republican campaign contributors who will see huge tax breaks for themselves while driving up the deficit by almost $1.5 trillion."

Celebrity leftists fared no better. "Woman, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, you have betrayed us all," former comedian and TV host Rosie O'Donnell tweeted at Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, who voted for the tax cut plan. "Dear god, ask for forgiveness, redeem your soul tomorrow." She even offered her $2 million in cash to vote "no."

This is how desperate the left has become, and how divorced from reality. For all the talk of how tax cuts will line the pockets of the rich and destroy the economy, virtually no one in the mainstream of the economics profession, left or right, agrees.

The Tax Policy Center (TPC), a liberal think tank, noted that more than 80% of Americans will get tax cuts under the plan just passed. And the benefits will go to every income group, not "billionaires." This, by the way, is bolstered by other recent analyses by Congress' Joint Committee on Taxation and by the widely respected nonpartisan Tax Foundation. TPC estimates an average tax cut of about $2,140 per person. By the way, some 16% of the richest Americans — those in the top 0.1% of incomes — will face an average tax increase of $387,610.
Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute, further crunching the TPC numbers, found that while the top 1% of incomes now pay 27% of all federal taxes, they will get just 21% of the tax cuts. The bottom 80%, including the middle class, pays only 33% of all taxes, but will take home 35% of the tax cuts.

Of the 12% who will face tax hikes, they're overwhelmingly among the rich — not the middle class. So, no, it's not "tax cuts for the rich." That's a totally bogus argument. For that matter, so are the arguments that tax cuts tank the economy. History is replete with examples of why that isn't true.

The tax cuts on corporations and small, pass-through businesses, along with letting companies immediately expense the cost of new equipment, should lead to more business investment. So should shrinking the death tax, which should encourage more small-business investment.
How much more is an open question, but the Heritage Foundation, which employs a widely used economic model, estimates that the tax cuts will tack on 2.2% to long-term GDP, or roughly $3,000 per household.

That estimate includes a 4.5% jump in capital investment, mainly in equipment, and a hefty 9.4% gain in business structures. Along with expected rises in both the number of jobs and hours worked, after-tax wages for the average worker will be 3.5% higher than they would have been without the tax cuts. Others see more modest, yet still significant, gains. The Tax Foundation, for instance, forecasts a long-term permanent rise of 1.7% in GDP and 1.5% for wages. It also sees 339,000 new jobs.

These aren't pie-in-the sky guesses. As history clearly shows, growth-oriented tax cuts such as these almost always have major benefits for the economy and for average workers. During the 20th century, big tax cuts in the 1920s (Harding, Coolidge), 1960s (Kennedy) and 1980s (Reagan) all yielded major growth dividends for the U.S. economy.

What's more, those past major tax cuts were to varying degrees bipartisan. Sadly, not this time. Not one Democrat voted for them. Not one. That's why the Democrats and progressive left have become so utterly unhinged. They've failed to stop the one thing that might deny them a chance to retake both houses of Congress in the 2018 midterm elections: an economic boom.

When the economy really begins cooking, with the economy growing close to 3%, hundreds of thousands of new jobs being created and workers seeing more in their paychecks, how will they explain that to their constituents?

Another good read:  “Defending country, not climate:   Trump’s ‘principled realism’ prevails over radical environmentalism”

“I like when the poor get tax cuts. I like when the middle class get tax cuts. I like when the rich get tax cuts. I like when the super rich get tax cuts. I like everybody keeping the money they earned.”
             -Frank Fleming

“What are the lessons for the nation from 21st-century California? Fix premodern problems before dreaming about postmodern solutions. Loudly virtue-signaling about addressing misdemeanors does not excuse quietly ignoring felonies. Learn how an entire culture is fed, housed and fueled before faulting those who address such needs…….Remember that voting progressively in the abstract does not automatically translate into living progressively in the concrete.”
              -Victor Davis Hanson:

BuzzFeed science editor:  “All I Want For Christmas Is Full Communism Now”

Twitter Leftists Beg Baseball Shooter To 'Finish The Job' After Rep. Steve Scalise Votes For Tax Cut.

Portland’s Disgraceful Anarchy:  A city’s besieged businesses close rather than deal with unchecked urban degradation.

As socialist Venezuela Collapses, Scores Of Children Are Dying Of Starvation–And The Government Is Trying To Hide It

University teaches white employees how to cope with the ‘discomfort’ of being white.
Liberals Celebrate Christmas with ‘I Am So Sick of White Guys’ Coloring Book
Student at UCSD accused of racism and hauled into the Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination for posting pictures of Kate Steinle with the caption “She had dreams too.”

Branded “hate chicken” by the left, Chick-fil-A feeds Atlanta's stranded travelers at the airport during the power outage last week.

Muslim convert and would-be domestic terrorist Everitt Aaron Jameson, who planned to carry out a Christmas Day massacre on Pier 39 in San Francisco, was a supporter of Antifa and counted amongst his favorite news organizations CNN, BuzzFeed and Al-Jazeera.

Chappaquidick trailer

Record snows in Alaskan mountains.

Too many polar bears, not too few.

“The Democracy Dies in Darkness Café is located conveniently near the Capitol, the Hill and the FBI headquarters. It’s open all night and I stopped in for a late-night coffee with my friend, a fiction novelist who was depressed. “I spent a year writing about a coup attempt against an outsider who by strategic brilliance defeated the handpicked candidate of a cabal of establishment powerhouses. It involved the highest officials of the FBI and Department of Justice. They manipulated a FISA Court into letting them electronically surveil the candidate and all who worked with him, unmasked their names, leaked what they found, and they still couldn’t beat him. Then they engineered the recusal of the attorney general, got his deputy to appoint their bestest pal to be special counsel. Given free rein, he hired fierce partisans of the defeated candidate, used the ill-gotten information against her opponents to prosecute three people with minimal connection to the campaign -- one for a dubious process crime dependent on the notes of an FBI agent who had earlier orchestrated lies about Benghazi, covered up for the misuse of classified information by the losing candidate, and oversaw the investigation into the president.” “Sounds great,” I said, so why are you depressed?” “Every publisher I sent it to rejected it as being too implausible to sell to readers.”
Trump offers a daring program to restore US dominance…..US President proposes a muscular kind of global activism, fostering new alliances while reinforcing America’s existing commitments; plus a layered missile defense shield

Never Trumpers: The good (who have re-evaluated), the bad (who can’t get over themselves) and the ugly (who have thrown in with the Left)
…it is time for the remaining NeverTrumpers to apologize for a reason far more important than self-castigation or merely to make things "right."… More conservative goals have been achieved or put in motion in eleven months than in any time in recent, or even distant, memory. It's an astonishing reversal for our country accompanied by the beginnings of an economic boom. The next year seems poised to be an ideological duel as close to the death as we have seen in a long time.  If the right does not win, the gains of 2017 will be stymied by the election of 2018 and completely washed away in 2020. It's an all-hands-on-deck situation and we need the NeverTrumpers' help. We need -- to borrow a hoary leftist term – a united front.

Thousands of students attend conservative boot camp.

Why I quit teaching (college)..

“There is no part of the administration of government that requires extensive information and a thorough knowledge of the principles of political economy, so much as the business of taxation. The man who understands those principles best will be least likely to resort to oppressive expedients, or sacrifice any particular class of citizens to the procurement of revenue.”
           -Alexander Hamilton


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