op ed review 11/5
Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile spills the beans: Hillary took over the DNC last year and
rigged the nomination in her favor. Used
DNC funds to pay for her primary campaign. Brazile endorses Politico’s
assertion, made in May of last year, that Clinton’s arrangement with the DNC
was “essentially…money laundering.”
The broadcast evening newscasts on three major networks on
Thursday didn’t find this story newsworthy.
“Did the Clintons Turn the DNC Into a Criminal Conspiracy?”
More money laundering?
President Obama’s PAC, Obama for America, paid nearly $1 million in 2016
to the law firm that retained Fusion GPS, the consulting group responsible for
the infamous Trump “dossier.”
Over the weekend, the mainstream media was absolutely giddy
with delight upon learning there would be an indictment by special counsel,
Robert Mueller. This was proof positive, they insisted, that Trump “colluded”
with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election. Their exuberance was
The charges have nothing to do with collusion. As Andrew
McCarthy anticipated this past August, they are evidently intended to put the
squeeze on Manafort.
Still no evidence of Trump-Russia ´collusion´ - but Hillary
is a different matter
The Washington Post (!!) demolishes Democrat’s lies about
the new GOP Tax Plan.
The new GOP tax overhaul would strip illegal immigrants of
the ability to claim several major tax credits, saving the government $23.1
billion over the next decade,
Purists are furious about a little noticed surcharge in the
tax proposal that takes an additional $12,420 from those earning more than $1M.
NYC terror attack, 8 people killed, the suspect entered the US
through the “Diversity Visa Program”, also known as the “green card lottery”.
The State Department program offers a lottery for people from
“underrepresented” countries. The program originated as part of a bill
introduced in 1990 by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., then a member of the House.
“How’s all that diversity working out
for you?”
Trump reveals New York terror suspect brought in TWENTY
THREE ´family members after winning Green Card lottery as he says it´s time to
end ´chain migration´
Democrat Political Ad in Virginia Depicts a Republican Truck
Driver Trying To Run Over Immigrant Children.
It backfires: New poll shows Republican Ed
Gillespie, who is running for Virginia governor, is ahead of his Democratic
challenger by 8 points.
Roy Moore up 17 points for Senator in Alabama.
The New Orleans Saints invited retired Navy Commander John
Wells to Sunday´s game, where he was to receive an award. He declined.
"I am unable, in good conscience, to enter an NFL stadium while
this discourtesy prevails."
Religious people more likely to give to charity, study shows
Poll: 68% of Voters Say Dems Own Obamacare
JFK Files: Documents Show Democrat President Lyndon Johnson
Was KKK Member. This is not a surprise.
The Ku Klux Klan was founded as the activist wing of the Democratic Party.
America going to pot:
Northern Michigan University to Offer Marijuana Studies Degree
is depressing: Nearly one in five
millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a
Thursday poll. The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and
communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of
Communism Memorial Fund.
One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a
socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to
the poll.
They need to read this: “This year marks the 100th anniversary of one of the worst
mistakes ever made: the Communist revolution in Russia. Communist regimes went
on to kill about 100 million people. Most died in famines after socialist
tyrants forced people to practice inefficient collective farming. Millions of
others were executed in political purges.”
this: “Communism’s Bloody Century….the
effort to eliminate markets and private property has brought about the deaths
of an astounding number of people. Since 1917—in the Soviet Union, China,
Mongolia, Eastern Europe, Indochina, Africa, Afghanistan and parts of Latin
America—communism has claimed at least 65 million lives, according to the
painstaking research of demographers.”
Thomas Lifson 11/1:
“I’m not celebrating diversity visas”
America owe everyone in the world a lottery ticket chance to gain entry to our
homeland? Sayfullo Saipov, the jihadi who mowed down bikers and pedestrians in
New York City, shouting “Allahu akbar!” (“Allah is supreme!”) before being shot
and captured, was in this country thanks to the Diversity Visa Process that operates as if our first duty is
to make sure everyone has a shot at immigrating here, instead of picking who
will benefit Americans. The State Department instructs applicants (as Saipov
was years ago):
program blindly prefers ethnic fragmentation (aka, diversity). There is
zero weight placed on benefit to Americans. Let public schools try to
find teachers who can instruct students in languages like Khmer, Turkish, and
Sinhala (languages in which it is possible to apply for diversity visas). It is
the opposite of President Trump’s injunction of “America first,” and
unsurprisingly President Trump has proposed ending it.
horror may at last spur long overdue reform of our visa system. Let the
foes of President Trump argue that the most important thing is to be fair to
foreigners and make sure we have given everyone a random chance of coming into
this country to live, instead of choosing people with skills we need, who will
not become a burden on the taxpayers, but will rather contribute to our
welfare. Or, in a tiny but lethal percentage of sharia-believing Muslims,
inflict horrific terror upon us.
“It is far easier for a progressive to avoid daily contact
with a conservative than it is for a conservative to avoid progressives. It is
also far more likely that a Republican will encounter more diverse voices in
his party than a Democrat will. Democrats have made pro-life and traditional
marriage supporters unwelcome in their party. Republicans have both
pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage supporters among them. Democrats talk a great
game on tolerance and diversity, but they increasingly view anyone who thinks
differently from them as evil. They can do so only because they have chosen the
superficial diversity of color and gender over the more complex diversity of
-Erick Erickson
DNC staff hiring:
“straight white males need not apply.”
Although Karl Marx, not Adolf Hitler, was arguably the most
destructive German ever born, Bret Stephens writes in the New York Times that
Western intellectuals will go to extreme lengths to deny it.
A City University of New York sociology professor reportedly
said in a tweetstorm last week that “the white-nuclear family” promotes racism
and white supremacy.
A former manager of one of George Soros´ investment funds
has been accused of human trafficking, violent rape and assault in an
extraordinary $27million lawsuit filed by three Florida models.
Dellingpole: The
István Markó Interview: Possibly the Best Thing You Will Ever Read on Global
In defense of CO2
Simon: “Two of the more repugnant
Americans today are the moral narcissist judges from Maryland (Theodore Chuang)
and Hawaii (Derrick Watson) who tried to upend Donald Trump´s travel ban. They
have metaphorical blood on their robes, whether they know it or not. The fact
is the travel ban is insufficient, not illegal. It´s only a meager beginning in
dealing with a situation that has not changed in any real sense since 9/11, as
the events in New York Tuesday testify. If we do not move even more seriously
to prevent them, they will indeed become the "new normal." Globally,
they already have.”
When George Washington´s memory has been deemed
"unacceptable" to Americans, will America still exist? In the
fundamental transformation of any nation, there will be a moment that stands as
the symbolic termination of that nation as anything recognizable, and the
beginning of a completely new nation unrelated to the old except in name.
Apparently these statements aren’t acceptable anymore: “Robert E. Lee was an honorable man”, “the
lack of ability to compromise led to the Civil War”, and “men of women of good
faith on both sides”. David Gregory
kicked off the CNN pile on, calling the former general’s comments “very
One of the easiest ways to gain 15 minutes of fame as a
Republican is to attack another Republican. The cameras will roll, the pundits
will marvel, and we will soon be assured of a collapsing conservative movement.
This week, Jeff Flake of Arizona garnered himself a full 17 minutes of fame
with his defiant speech on the U.S. Senate floor.
Republicans who want to be loved (by the media)
VDH: “Progressive
obsessions with race and class blur individual achievement. Those of the past
instead are judged as one-dimensional players, either good or bad based on
their perceived liberalism as interpreted by 2017 standards. The humane General
James Longstreet and the racist General Nathan Bedford Forrest are equally
culpable because they fought for the Confederacy. It doesn’t matter that Teddy
Roosevelt was an environmentalist and trust-buster when few others were —
because his views of imperialism were uncouth by our standards. In contrast,
the racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger is spared progressive hell, because her
pro-abortion advocacy helped found what became Planned Parenthood.”
The 6 Big Ways Liberals Are Destroying America’s Culture
Food for thought: “Diversity, therefore, is far from being a virtue, because
getting people who have a common culture and history to agree is already
hard work; doing so without a shared foundation is especially daunting…….Americans
used to take it for granted that immigration was a mixed good at best and,
without assimilation, a disaster ……If foreigners are to take part in that
endeavor, assimilation is indispensable—otherwise there can only be chaos. The
Chinese are the world’s oldest civilization. This sophisticated, accomplished,
and increasingly powerful people did not endure thanks to “diversity” or that
sentimental, resentment-driven leveling known as democracy. Because of the
influence of our inept intellectual class, assimilation is no longer assumed to
be a necessity. On the contrary, it is tantamount to “racism.”
Hilarious video.
“It is not the function of the government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the
government from falling into error.”
Robert H. Jackson
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