Saturday, September 9, 2017

op ed review 9/10

CNN has dismantled its vaunted Trump-colluded-with-the-Russians investigative unit in a wretched concession to reality. The only thing the unit found was an empty well for stories, surrounded by a crust of fake news. The whole caper damaged the network´s credibility and the public just wasn´t buying it anymore. So the whole unit had to go. What a shabby end to what the network had put so much stock in in the heady days of trying to oust President Trump just as he had taken office.

Here is video of James Comey testifying under oath that he did not make up his mind about Hillary Clinton’s guilt prior to the FBI interview that took place just days before he announced she had done nothing illegal. Ah, but that is in direct contrast to the breaking news this week that Mr. Comey had in fact sent out a draft memo to upper level FBI administrators exonerating Hillary Clinton TWO MONTHS BEFORE THE INTERVIEW.
Comey and Clinton: Rigged from the beginning

Trump Immigration Crackdown Raises Middle-Class Construction Wages In America By 30%
Many seasonal businesses had to hire Americans this summer — and pay their workers more.

Fraud is rampant and “huge” for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a former official with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency alleges.

The National Science Foundation is spending over $130,000 on a study that asks four-year-olds about their "internal sense of gender identity."

This weekend in Philadelphia, a four-day long convention of LGBTQ (gay, lesbian, transsexual, bisexual, queer) activists is meeting with leading mainstream journalists and corporate media producers and executives. The stated purpose is to influence mainstream reporting on issues close to the heart of the LGBTQ activist community. The issues include same sex marriage, transgenders in the military, isolating conservative religious groups as hate mongers, and even how to cover President Donald Trump. Incredibly, the journalists are there not to report on the event – but to be enthusiastic participants while their employers help to pay for it.

Corruption: A sitting U.S. Senator is currently on trial for bribery, and if he´s found guilty it could have major political ramifications. Haven´t heard about this case? That´s because the Senator in question is a Democrat.
The New York Times refuses to call Menendez a Democrat.
NBC News even claimed that Menendez is a Republican.

It Appears That Out-of-State Voters Changed the Outcome of the New Hampshire U.S. Senate Race

Regnery, the nation’s premier publisher of conservative books, has cut ties with The New York Times over long-simmering allegations the newspaper took a decided left-leaning slant in picking which books to feature on its best-seller lists.

Brace yourself for the next health insurance crisis: the uninsured middle class. The Affordable Care Act added millions of mostly poor people to the insurance rolls. But the law is driving premiums so high that middle class people can no longer afford insurance.

Catch and Release: 9 Illegals Arrested at Trump Tower Protest, Mayor De Blasio Sets Them Free

Canadian negotiators are demanding the United States roll back so-called "right to work" laws as part of the renegotiation of the North American free-trade agreement.

President Trump is staying out of the military´s way as he trusts the judgment of our soldiers. Unlike Barack Obama who envisioned himself as the Shaka Zulu of the Potomac, Trump does not have to prove his manhood. The generals appreciate it. “Winning a war instead of managing it.”

Top Democrat Tim Kaine’s Son Is an Antifa Member–Congratulations Tim, You’ve Raised a Terrorist

52% of Likely U.S. Voters agree with Reagan’s statement that government is the problem.

Ben Shapiro  9/7
Politics is the art of shifting the playing field. This is an art Republicans simply don’t understand. Perhaps it’s because they spend so much time attempting to stop the Democratic snowball from running downhill too quickly, but Republicans in power have an unfortunate tendency to conserve their political capital rather than invest it. That’s unfortunate because political capital doesn’t accrue when you save it; it degrades.

Just as sticking your cash in a mattress is a bad strategy when it comes to investment, inaction in power is a bad strategy when it comes to politics. Democrats understand that political capital must be used, not to pass popular legislation but to fundamentally change the nature of the political game itself. Democrats do not see ObamaCare — a piece of legislation that cost them the House, the Senate and, eventually, the presidency — as a disaster area. They see it as an investment in a leftist future: By making Americans accustomed to the idea that the government is responsible for universal coverage, they understand that any future failures will be attributed to lack of government, not an excess of it.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) understood that in 2013 when he attempted to block ObamaCare funding. He quite rightly explained that once ObamaCare went into effect, it would be nearly impossible to dismantle it. That became obvious this year, just four years after its full implementation, when congressional Republicans obviously have no political will to get rid of ObamaCare at all.

This is the difference between Republicans and Democrats: Democrats see their radical legislative moves as building blocks for the future. Republicans, afraid that their carefully crafted tower of electability will come crumbling down, make no radical legislative moves. That basic formula is playing out yet again with regard to former President Obama’s executive amnesty. Obama implemented the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, knowing full well that a Republican president could get rid of it with the stroke of a pen. But he also knew that Republicans would not want to be responsible for changing the status quo — they wouldn’t want to own the political consequences of allowing the deportation of DACA recipients.

And Obama was completely right. Republicans promised for years that they would get rid of Obama’s executive amnesty if given power. Finally, President Trump has pledged to get rid of it . . . in six months. And everyone knows that he is willing to trade away DACA enforcement for border-wall funding. The Democratic status quo will win out, one way or another.

Now, quickly: Name the last transformational conservative change Republicans have made — a change to the field of play; any change that would redound to the detriment of Democrats. It’s pretty tough. That’s despite Republican control of Congress and the presidency from 2002 to 2006; that’s a longer period of unified control than Democrats had from 2008 to 2010.

Republicans have unified control of government once again. But they seem less willing to use it than ever, afraid that their tenuous control will dissipate. That must end. If Republicans hope to set a foundation for future victory, they’ll need to do more than act as an impediment to bad Democratic ideas. They’ll need to take political risks in order to shift the playing field itself. If they don’t, they’ll lose quickly. And they’ll deserve to lose


“Democrats love to say that Trump is violating constitutional norms. Well, Obama violated them when he unilaterally implemented DAPA and DACA. The Supreme Court threw out DAPA and — if Gorsuch had been on the court — it probably would have quashed DACA too. By winding down DACA — slowly — and asking Congress to find a legislative fix, Trump is returning us to a constitutional norm. That liberal congressmen are scandalized by being asked to fulfill their constitutional duties tells you more about the expediency of contemporary liberalism than it does about Trump.”
              -Jonah Goldberg

“In her ‘reporting’ on the ending of the DACA program, Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC asserted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was wrong to use the term ‘illegal alien,’ which she deemed both ‘offensive’ and ‘not correct.’ But ‘illegal alien’ is in fact the correct legal term. … The politically correct term ‘undocumented immigrant’ that she and others insist on using is a made-up term used by progressive groups and media sources to extinguish the line between legal immigrants and illegal aliens. That makes it easier for them to claim that anyone who wants our immigration laws enforced is ‘anti-immigrant.’ As civil-rights icon Barbara Jordan (who chaired Bill Clinton’s Commission on Immigration Reform) aptly said, ‘We disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. It is both a right and responsibility for a democratic society to manage immigration so it serves the national interest…. Unless this country does a better job in curbing illegal immigration, we risk irreparably undermining our commitment to legal immigration.’”
                     -Hans von Spakovsky:

Renowned climate scientist jailed for fraud
New York’s Marxist Mayor:   In a wide-ranging and candid interview with New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio casually noted that the “way our legal system is structured to favor private property” provokes his “anger, which is visceral.” The mayor elaborated on this point, insisting that “people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be.”

Getting rich on poverty law:  We’ve had the number of the ludicrously misnamed Southern Poverty Law Center for a long time. It is a vastly influential left-wing hate cult operating in the form of a nonprofit fundraising phenom most famous for its supposed “hate map” and related designations.  It’s is neither poor nor devoted to law…….
The SPLC invests almost 20 percent of its nearly $320 million endowment fund in offshore equities and other investments.

Tens of thousands of witches around the world join forces every month to cast a ‘binding’ spell on Donald Trump and ‘protect’ us from his actions.

ISIS Supporters Celebrate Hurricane Irma: “May Allah Drown the Enemies of Islam”

ISIS terrorists have put out a call for jihadists to head to disaster areas in Texas and do whatever they can to put those outside the Islam faith “out of their misery.”

"Argh, I´m a pirate!" So says every boy after watching the animated movie Peter Pan. Then he slips into his daddy´s boots, makes a cardboard sword and puts on a funny hat. He prances around in his getup imitating Captain Hook. His mom is delighted. "Oh, indeed you are. You´re quite a daring and darling pirate." She videotapes him and posts it on Facebook for everyone to adore. "Now go to bed, you cutie-pie pirate." So the boy goes to bed. Most boys outgrow this but not the left. They imagine themselves as outlaw swashbucklers even as they slavishly conform to establishment politics.”

“Republicans cower”……Last month’s events in Charlottesville have given our Republican elected officials an excellent opportunity to educate the public on the violence of the hard Left and sources of their funding. Sadly, most are squandering the opportunity to make use of their bully pulpit and shed light on these disturbing realities. President Trump was correct that there were two violent sides involved in Charlottesville and “both sides” need to be denounced, and investigated. But you wouldn’t know it from listening to the media, or to most Republican officials for that matter.”

“The greatest danger to liberty today comes from the men who are most needed and most powerful in modern government, namely, the efficient expert administrators exclusively concerned with what they regard as the public good.”
                       -Friedrich August von Hayek

“The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”
                      -Thomas Jefferson


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