op ed review 9/9
U.S. weekly jobless claims drop to near 49-year low
Trump’s Tight Labor Market Wins U.S. Construction Workers
Higher Wages
President Trump says he could use the military to build his
wall if Congress won't fund it through Homeland Security's budget.
Trump deputies toss Obama’s “Catch-and-Release” loophole.
Obama tries to take credit for Trump economy/
New York Times runs anonymous op-ed: “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump
work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart
parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”
Washington Post brags about “sleeper cells” in the Trump
Democrats Deploy Alinsky Tactics – Create Chaos, Crisis
During Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings – children have to be escorted from chambers
under armed guard…
Police Arrest 143 Protesters in the First Two Days of the Kavanaugh Hearings.
Protestors seen getting paid from bags of cash, probably Soros money.
“I’m Burning My Nikes” – Americans launch boycott against
Nike after Colin Kaepernick named as poster boy for Nike 30th Anniversary.
“Nike Becomes Face of Social Justice Despite History of
Outsourcing and Employing Slave Labor”
Massive Collapse in Brand Image for Nike Following New Colin
Kaepernick Branding Campaign…
“Honor Chris Kyle and Pat Tillman, Not Colin Kaepernick”
Clinton campaign colluded with 'nearly every' top official
at the DOJ and FBI
A study shows that more than 90 percent of political
donations by Google employees went to Democrats.
Democrats, eyeing a House majority, prepare an investigative
So far in 2018, Democratic House candidates have raised $620
million, $150 million more than Republican House candidates have raised.
“Democrats hold widest advantage in midterm election vote
preferences since 2006, when they seized control of both houses of Congress.”
“Republican Party officials begin deciding which GOP
lawmakers to save and which ones to cut loose. ‘Tough decisions have to be
Optimistic view: “Why the GOP will likely maintain control
of Congress”
Pessimistic view: “Signs
grow for Dem wave in House race”
Chuck Schumer on Impeaching Trump: ‘The Sooner the Better’
What you can do: make a contribution to the NRCC.
Seahawks owner Paul Allen gives $100,000 to help Republicans
keep control of U.S. House
In-N-Out Hamburger chain donates to Republicans, Dem party
chief calls for boycott.
Investigation: Potentially 39M Cases of Identity Theft by
Illegal Aliens in Last Four Years
Democrat Congressman threatens ICE officials: ‘When the Worm
Turns You Will Not Be Safe’
The Scandal of Left-Wing Journalists Covering a Left-Wing
Does Mueller Have an October Surprise?
investigation that was ostensibly initiated to ascertain if the Trump campaign
colluded with the Russians to affect the 2016 election has been ongoing for
twenty-seven months. Seventeen months of
which have been in the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his Democrat
phalanx of investigators and prosecutors spending in excess of $1.4 million a
month. This prolonged inquisition has
produced no evidence or indictments supporting the collusion allegation. Yet the investigation marches on with no end
in sight.
is there, in fact, an end game? Is that
end game waiting until late October to impact an election in order to switch
control of Congress to the Democrats? Is
it to make certain Trump cannot run for re-election in 2020? Or is it both?
upcoming mid-term election is perhaps the most consequential since 1932 when
the Democrats won 97 House and 12 Senate seats, setting in motion the
big-government agenda of Franklin D. Roosevelt as well as nearly 62 years of
Democrat dominance of Congress. Were the current iteration of the
Democratic Party to regain control of Congress, the impeachment of Donald Trump
would be inevitable. Further, there would be a cessation, perhaps
permanently, of any effort to undo the damage inflicted on the nation by Barack
Obama and todays unabashedly socialist Democratic Party now steeped in cultural
1992 a special prosecutor also investigating alleged collusion with a foreign
nation by another presidential administration took it upon himself to
deliberately impact an election in the last week of a campaign thus assuring
the election of Bill Clinton.
so-called scandal was the Iran-Contra Affair and the President originally in
the cross-hairs was Ronald Reagan. The
charge: the Reagan Administration colluded with Israel and Iran to sell arms to
Iran in an effort to obtain the release of American hostages and divert the
proceeds to fund an insurgency in communist Nicaragua in an alleged violation
of an arcane amendment to a spending bill.
The unwritten objective in the investigation was to permanently damage
Reagan’s popularity and legacy as well as undermine his potential Republican
successor in the election of 1988. Lawrence Walsh, appointed in 1986 as
Independent Counsel, spent six years and $75 Million (adjusted for inflation)
leaving no stone unturned in his attempt to ensnare Reagan but he failed to
discover any evidence of criminality on the part of the White House….Given six
years and an unlimited budget, Walsh, in the manner of the monomaniacal
Inspector Javert in Les Misérables, indicted six former Reagan officials
on dubious perjury and obstruction charges-- none served any prison time and
all were later pardoned. Two others,
Oliver North and John Poindexter, were convicted on a number of counts, but
both had all convictions overturned on appeal…..
forward to today. Based on his insistence that Trump testify in what is
obviously a perjury trap, the innumerable leaks emanating from Mueller’s office, the conviction of Paul
Manafort on unrelated charges and the coerced guilty plea by Michael Cohen
again on unrelated charges, Robert Mueller appears to have a much greater
animus toward Donald Trump than Lawrence Walsh toward Ronald Reagan or George
Reagan was disliked by the Washington Establishment (Bush less so), Trump is
loathed not only by the Washington Establishment but by almost the entirety of
the media/entertainment complex. During
the Bush presidency the mainstream media leaned overwhelmingly Democratic,
however, 40% of the coverage of George Bush was generally favorable as compared
to just 10% with Donald
Mueller has at his disposal a veritable army of like-minded foot soldiers
prepared, on a strategically timed basis, to promote leaks, false stories and
innuendos as well as the fine print in any indictment or plea
week or less before November 6, 2018, Mueller can do what Walsh did and imbed
an implication of wrongdoing by Trump in an indictment or, as has already happened,
a plea bargain, such as the Michael Cohen coerced guilty plea vis-a-vis legal campaign
contributions. Which was done solely to
implicate and embarrass Donald Trump.
Mueller’s henchmen could, in collusion with the many willing accomplices in the
Democratic Party and the media, plant a series of dubious leaks and
incriminatory insinuations about Trump or his campaign. There would not be enough time for the Trump
administration to successfully refute the incessant media drumbeat of scandal as
every Republican candidate for Congress would be forced to answer for the
charges. Thereby shifting the advantage to their Democrat opponents.
fact that Mueller did not wrap up the investigation prior to Labor Day of 2018
and displays no intention of doing so in the near future insinuates the very
real possibility that he or his dyed-in-the-wool Democratic prosecutors may
well make a play in October to rid the nation of Donald Trump and the
Republican Congress. There is little doubt that this strategy has been
thought of and is being contemplated by the diehard anti-Trump cabal within the
Ruling Class.
if the Mueller team has not issued a final report on alleged Russian collusion
by the middle of September, Donald Trump, the individual Republican candidates
as well as the Republican National Committee must go on an unbridled offensive
relentlessly alerting the citizenry to the very real possibility of sabotage
and collusion by pointing to history and the behavior to date of the Mueller inquisitors.
“If Nike is ashamed of America, we are ashamed of them. We
also believe that those who know what sacrifice is all about are more likely to
be wearing a military uniform than an athletic uniform.”
of the Ozarks President Jerry C. Davis,
“Perhaps Colin Kaepernick and the ad executives at Nike
should pay a visit to Walter Reed or Arlington Cemetery. They might have an
opportunity to learn what it means to ‘sacrifice everything.’”
Smith, mother of a severely wounded veteran
“The notion that the bureaucratic class in Washington should
dictate which policies presidents are allowed to advocate simply by ignoring
their wishes sounds a lot more like a soft coup than a constitutionally
principled resistance.”
-David Harsanyi
Iran admits: Regime working with Soros organization
Texas school board says Do NOT call the defenders of the
Alamo HEROIC because the word is too “'value-charged”.
7 points on the anonymous New York Times 'resistance' op-ed 1)
It concedes Trump's accomplishments are big. 2) Its complaints are small. 3) It
suggests there is a government conspiracy to thwart the president. 4) A
"senior official" could be a lot of people. 5) Anonymity is good
marketing. 6) It looks like a Woodward tie-in. Perhaps the author has been
planning the piece for months. 7) We'll
know more soon enough.
“Who Ghostwrote the Times Op-ed?”
The Kitchen Sink and John McCain
This is one of the reasons Florida leans Republican:
fastest-growing U.S. city for the second year in a row, 115,000 retirees, “a
huge, vibrant,
Trump-friendly retirement community north of Orlando.”
A Comparison of Two Presidents: President Trump versus
President Obama – Their First 600 Days
The most outlandish bout of
political theater on abortion this week occurred while Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-CA) was lecturing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh: “In the 1950s and
‘60s, the two decades before Roe, deaths from illegal abortions
in this country ran between 200,000 and 1.2 million. … So, a lot of women
died.” Whoops, the actual number was in the hundreds.
Video: 25 straight minutes of illegal aliens
crossing a ranch in Arizona.
Border Agent Explains Why ‘Walls Do Work’
Hillsdale College history professor Paul A. Rahe has written
an extremely important analysis of the Catholic Church’s current — and
self-inflicted — dilemma. His conclusion? One of the world’s foremost religious
institutions is headed for civil war.
satire site; example: “Pope to
Purge Priests Who Drink from Plastic Straws”
Good news stories only, example: “Nurse Discovers New Doctor Is Premature Baby
She Cared For 28 Years Ago”
“Judges, therefore, should be always men of learning and
experience in the laws, of exemplary morals, great patience, calmness,
coolness, and attention. Their minds should not be distracted with jarring
interests; they should not be dependent upon any man, or body of men.”
Adams (1776)
“This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart,
and in time depraves all its good disposition.”
-Thomas Jefferson
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