Saturday, July 17, 2021

op ed review 7/18




Biden's Open Border to Drive 1.7M Illegal Aliens to U.S. in 2021, largest number in history, Democrats working with RINOS on amnesty for all.

How shocking!: Migrants released with instructions to report to ICE within 60 days aren't showing up.

Finally.  Judge orders Biden to BLOCK new DACA applications


Now we learn Delaware US Attorney Blocked Hunter Biden Warrants and Subpoenas in Order to Protect the Joe Biden 2020 Election Effort


Arizona Chairwoman Kelli Ward Recaps Stunning Senate Hearing About Maricopa County Audit

Arizona state senator demands electors be recalled for new election, calls for audit of all 50 states

It looks as if there was massive election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia

Georgia Official Tries To Explain Why He's Just Now Finding 10,300 Illegal 2020 Votes.

Vernon Jones Calls for Resignation of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for Certifying 'Fraudulent Election'

Wisconsin official says Zuckerberg-funded group seized control of 2020 election.


Media narrative ruined!  Poll Shows 1.8 Million Turned Down Jobs Because of Government Handouts


Biden to send child tax credits to 39 million families.  $300/month, $3600 per child per year.

Biden Melts Down During Angry Hyperbolic Speech On Voting Rights

Biden Administration Claims Cuban Anti-Communist Protests Are About 'Rising COVID Cases/Deaths'

Biden State Department Invites United Nations to Investigate Racism in the U.S.

Twitter explodes after White House press secretary urges Big Tech to unite on bans for 'misinformation' spreaders.

The Dreaded Misery Index Is On The Rise Under Biden

'Bidenflation' -- The next thing big tech censors. They've already started.

Hunter Biden’s ‘Art’ Sale Is A Clinton Style Influence-Peddling Scam

Peter Schweizer: Our Copy of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Confirms ‘Joe Biden Was a Direct Beneficiary’ of His Son’s Deals


YouTube deletes Trump video, freezes CPAC account.

White House and Facebook colluding to limit “misinformation”

Biden’s FBI Tells Americans to Report Family, Peers for 'Suspicious Behaviors'

Hey, just like in Cuba:  Cuba resorting to citizen spies, internet limits to crush dissent


Massive Demonstrations in Cuba Demanding Freedom, Waving American Flags, Taking on Police


George Floyd Mural in Toledo, Ohio Destroyed by Lightning Strike


Milk Carton Democrats Strike Again - Texas Democrats Leave State to Block Voter Integrity Legislation, Fly Private Jets to Washington DC for Support

Texas House votes to ARREST runaway Dems who say they are willing to go to jail to block voting bill

Kamala Harris says Texas House Democrats' show "extraordinary courage"

Arguably not hyperbole:   Newt Gingrich says Biden's attacks on voting reform is 'greatest threat to US since Civil War'.


Navy is in disarray and focusing more on diversity training than warfighting, report says

Oliver North:  President Joe Biden and the left are doing what no adversary has ever accomplished: destroying America's military.


Conservative Radio Host And Author Larry Elder Throws His Hat Into CA Governor's Race


Climate change: Just 25 mega-cities emit 52 per cent of the world's urban greenhouse gases, 23 of them are in China.  But the Paris agreement doesn’t require anything of China until 2030.


Alaska GOP endorses Sen. Murkowski primary challenger

RINO GOP Senators Tillis, Cornyn Seek Democrat Help to Pass DACA Amnesty

Biden rewards RINO Jeff Flake with ambassadorship to Turkey


Study: Smoking weed linked to aggression




What Is to Be Done? See the Adversary Clearly

Michael Walsh  6/28


What is to be done? Lenin’s 1902 question, posed as he was effecting his takeover of the Bolsheviks with an eye to absolute power in Russia, continues to echo down the decades. Lenin understood that first, the struggle for supremacy had to be won at the intellectual and theoretical level and then, when the moment was right, by direct action—i.e., violence. In other words, the revolution had to be conceived and believed by the intelligentsia before it could be achieved. And, of course, it needed a leader.


In the United States, our own Marxist revolution arrived on our shores in the 1930s from Frankfurt in National Socialist Germany, when a handful of Marxist scholars—if one can dignify Marxism, a philosophy of resentful losers, with the term “scholarship”—were given refuge and immediately began their task of subverting the nation via their preferred brand of socialism: communism.


Their weapon was something called critical theory, and it went like this: everything about a culture (in this case, Western civilization) needs to be questioned, attacked, mocked, invalidated, and destroyed. That’s it. What comes after was and remains not their problem. Some men, after all, really do just want to watch the world burn.


As only something this juvenile could be, critical theory was taken seriously and introduced into the American university system, starting with Columbia in New York City, and from there, quickly spread like a cancer across the nation, especially once the 1960s got underway. The death of JFK in 1963, racial unrest in mid-decade, more political assassinations in 1968, and, above all, the war in Vietnam and the rise of the baby boomers as they entered college proved the perfect petri dish for the destabilization and overthrow of the existing order.


Launching simultaneous assaults on our language, customs, history, art, literature, and institutions, the “progressive” left seized the high grounds of education, the media, entertainment, big business, and even science—which is why you now live in a world of multiple “genders,” men competing in women’s sports, sex-change operations for children, proscriptions on speech and freedom of association, and all the other blessings that the Frankfurters have spawned.


And how has Western civilization reacted? By welcoming them into its bosom, nursing and nurturing them, surrendering to their demands for “tolerance” and “diversity” without giving a second thought to exactly what is meant by those two terms or what the results might be. Nearly a century after their landing on our shores, their doctrine of critical theory has given us political correctness, “wokeness,” critical race theory, and a whole raft of cultural ills never dreamed of by the country that emerged victorious from World War II.


So, what is to be done? Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve begun to lay out a program—in part, employing Leninist principles—to chart a restorative course. Among the prescriptions so far: to complete Donald Trump’s capture of the Republican Party by purging what currently passes for “leadership,” which never accepted Trump’s 2016 victory and has fought a rearguard action against him ever since; and to primary and remove from office every single congressional representative who voted either to impeach the president or convict him and replace them with a MAGA representative. Whether Trump chooses to run again in 2024 matters less at this point than having a Congress of allies, instead of enemies, to support the next Republican president……


Conservatives, by definition, are always playing black in the chess game of life, forced to react to whatever moves white makes as the game opens and develops. Similarly, the right is always drawing lines in the sand—this far, and no farther—but is consistently unable to defend the boundaries it has set and gets rolled over time and again. Occasionally, there are a few victories, but for the most part, the history of modern America has been a long, slow slide to the left. There is too much dike to defend and too many holes already punched in it: no wonder the left feels so triumphal right about now. With just a handful of seats giving them control of both houses of Congress, they might as well have a mandate.


The GOP has, from time to time, tried to fight back, but it rarely chooses its battlefields wisely. One wing of the party still chants the mantras of the “free trade” (goodbye, jobs for high school grads), “private companies” (hello, international behemoth cartels such as Amazon and Facebook), “low taxes” (Amazon chief Jeff Bezos’s net worth: $196 billion), and other quaint maxims from when Milton Friedman was a pup.


And so, jobs vanish once more (Trump had brought many of them back), the middle class is crushed by income taxes as the tech moguls’ fortunes grow, and China laughs all the way to the World Bank as its slaves churn out an unending array of cheap plastic amusements, so that everyone can fiddle on PlayStation or Guitar Hero while the United States burns…


Understand that a new economic model is needed for a new era. Break up the tech companies before they swallow the country whole and regurgitate it into China’s lap. The 19th-century robber barons at least left behind infrastructure in the form of railroads and the towns and cities that sprang up alongside them. Of what use will your iPhone be a century hence?


Reform the tax code away from penalizing income (an outmoded, frankly Marxist view of wages left over from the must-repeal 16th Amendment) to some sort of consumption tax—the more you buy, the more tax you pay; frugality is thus rewarded. Institute a kind of percentage-based inherited wealth tax on the super-rich who have benefited more than anyone from the U.S. economic system and the liberties that attend it.


And while we’re at it, strip both the elite private universities (Harvard’s current endowment: $41 billion) and the churches and other religious institutions of their tax-free status, in part to stop them from gobbling up block after block of prime real estate in America’s major cities and then taking it off the tax rolls.


Republican protestations about the American Dream are laughable when, as everyone can plainly see, that dream is more threatened than ever. The toxic combination of state capitalism/fascism of the Chinese model, currently being engineered by members of both parties, and the hard-left cultural/social Marxism being enforced by obscenely wealthy enterprises and institutions will be the death of us if we don’t stop it—now.


Now, about that leader we need …


“Perhaps the biggest difference between our situation now, circa 2021, and the long decade of the 1960s is the extent to which, this time around, corporate culture and the entrenched bureaucrats who run the institutions of our federal, state, and local governments are there on the barricades helping to destroy the very civilization whose survival they had been entrusted to preserve.”


California and Florida battle for the soul of a nation:  “Thanks to the blessings of decentralization, life can vary greatly in America depending on where you sit. Those differences are growing into a chasm of philosophical and practical contrasts between two basic models for the American future. Call them the California way and the Florida way.”




Bestsellers:  Mark Levin is at #1 and Jesse Watters is at #2.  Liberal media ignore both, obsess about new anti-Trump books.




Tucker Carlson: The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be fired.  Milley describes Donald Trump and the millions who supported him, as the moral equivalent of Adolph Hitler.”

Trump goes step further, Calls For General Milley To Be Court Martialed After Reports In Book Say He Believed Trump Wanted Coup

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is straight out of Dr. Strangelove


Dominion Voting System's Website Goes Offline Right After Tucker's Report & AZ Audit Findings


House Republicans Demand Information From NSA About Allegations The Agency Illegally Spied On Tucker Carlson

Richard Grenell Urges Federal Action Over Alleged ‘Unmasking’ of Tucker Carlson


US Drug overdose deaths hit record high 93,000 during lockdowns.  Precursors to making fentanyl made where??  Wuhan.


Tucker interviews Ruth Edmonds, running for Congress.  “Caucasians are not villains and they’re not oppressors and brown-skinned people are not victims and we’re not oppressed", says the former President of the Columbus OH NAACP.  I sent her some money.




Walt Whitman cancelled, statue to be removed from Rutgers–Camden campus

Lewis & Clark cancelled.  Charlottesville takes down Lewis/Clark/Sacagawea statue after Confederate removals.  The positioning of Sacagawea looked too subordinate for progressive tastes.

Scientists Ask Americans to Help Change Racist Insect Names


A small school district in California is planning to spend $40 million teaching 'ethnic studies' to high school students - with consultants training teachers on the new curriculum at a cost of $1,500 an hour.


California Reconsiders Math 'Social Justice' Curriculum Overhaul after blowback.


NFL plans to play Black national anthem ahead of the 2021 season


Now it turns out “Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy”


Eight Shot in Downtown Portland Mass Shooting…city gets more dangerous by the day.


'Squad' member Cori Bush, a 'defund the police' advocate, recently spent $70,000 on private security


'Nobody should trust Wikipedia,' co-founder Larry Sanger warns:  “site has been taken over by left-wing 'volunteers' who write off sources that don't fit their agenda”




January 6 inmates endure ‘human rights violations on a daily basis,’ bail motion alleges

A Big Post-January 6th Narrative Gets Officially Debunked

Steyn, always worth reading:  Blizzard of Lies Hits Legoland




The COVID Aftermath and Lessons Learned..”A first lesson is that these lockdowns didn't work….. second lesson: overreliance on certain "scientific" experts….  third lesson is that authorities were granted too much power under various "emergency" orders….. A fourth lesson is to be found in the contemptuous dismissal of the competence of the general populace, coupled with massive disinformation campaigns by both government and media designed to manipulate rather than inform.


Major funder of Wuhan lab refuses House request for docs as Democrats fail to subpoena.  Nothing to see here.




“I’m A Middle School Teacher And I See How Critical Race Curriculum Is Creating Racial Hostility In School”  books destroyed ( Go Tell it on the Mountain, Romeo and Juliet, Anne Frank), Holocaust education ended because students “can’t relate to the story”.


South Africa - The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” - Officially Implodes


Barr’s Mistaken Choice:  “Political damage, not conviction and removal, was the goal of the impeachers; and that was precisely what they achieved by dishonest means, helped along by William Barr’s reticence. By keeping the laptop under wraps until the New York Post revealed the contents months later (and much closer to the election) Barr inadvertently condemned the electorate to making its vital choice largely ignorant of the nature of the man ultimately elevated to the presidency.”

A Tale of Two Bills:   Barr v. McSwain


Cuba: The Collapse Of Another Socialist Utopia? Let’s Hope So


See what happens to you if you burn the rainbow flag.   When 'Woke' is More Sacred than Old Glory


Dick Morris: Biden Aides Attacking Harris to Prevent Her From Invoking 25th Amendment.  “Harris is not ready for prime time.”


Country music getting “woke”.




Scientists Warn That Within 6 Months Humanity Will Run Out Of Things To Call Racist



The Op-Ed Review is a compilation of the week’s news and opinions of interest to the conservative activist. I follow a variety of news sources and note what I think are the important events of the week that may be underreported in the mainstream dia. I also read about 50 syndicated op-ed columns each week and reprint part of what I think is the best one. The goal is to help the reader be a more effective activist for the conservative cause. If you would like to receive this as an e-mail each weekend, click here to drop  a note. mailto:garyfoss3@comcast.netGary Foss 47th District Republicans


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