Sunday, November 14, 2021

op ed review 11/14



Virginia turns red.  Republicans Sweep Virginia Election; 'It's a bloodbath for Democrats’

Republican Winsome Sears makes history as the first Black woman elected to statewide office in Virginia.  Former marine.

Check out her campaign poster, “with assault style weapon!”.  Liberals aplopletic.

Voters in Minnesota's largest city reject move to dismantle the police department.

In Seattle, where Donald Trump got 8 percent of the vote in 2020, a Republican won as city attorney, the first of his party to win a city office in 30 years.

Republican Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin got more support from Hispanic voters than the Democrat.

Slate of conservative candidates declare victory in hotly contested Denver suburb school board race

One of the most fascinating stories was that of Republican truck driver Edward Durr, who spent just $153.31 on his campaign for the state Senate in New Jersey, to defeat a seven-term Democratic state Senate President. Durr reportedly spent that money on Dunkin’ Donuts and paper fliers to deliver door to door.


Poll: Biden Approval Plummets to Under 38 Percent as Republicans Take Commanding 8-Point Lead in Generic Midterm Ballot

Rumors that Joe Biden had a bathroom accident during his visit with the Pope.

Joe Biden Marvels at $4.50 a Gallon Gas Prices, Offers No Solutions

Biden’s ‘Marxist’ Treasury Nominee Saule Omarova Wants To Bankrupt, ‘Starve’ Fossil Fuel Industry To Tackle Climate Change

Biden Admin Weighing Shutting Down Oil Pipeline In Michigan As Gas Prices Skyrocket Across U.S.: Report

Joe Biden's plan would make income tax highest rate in developed world

Secretary Buttigieg says admin will use infrastructure bill to address “racist highway designs”??

Former WH Doctor says Joe has ‘Age-Related Cognitive Decline’:, Says Obama Wrote Him ‘Scathing’ Email Over ‘Betrayal of Joe’

Biden rages that illegal aliens 'deserve compensation'

Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records on US Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown on Firearms


13 RINO Republicans Help Democrats Pass $1.2B Infrastructure bill with $0 for Border Wall.


Offering a path to citizenship to illegal immigrants and opening the doors to more legal immigrants will cost the federal government more than $500 billion over the next few decades, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.


Joe Kent Takes Lead in Washington State Congressional Race


Special counsel John Durham's investigators arrest analyst behind Steele dossier which claimed Donald Trump had been compromised by Russian intelligence


While the Washington Post piously reminds us that “democracy dies in darkness,” it’s busy shooting out the lights: On Tuesday it published a lengthy call to Facebook to shut down dissident media, including PJ Media, because, you see, the non-Leftist publications are daring to spread “climate change denial” on the platform.


Shocking to learn that, during a joint training exercise in the Mojave Desert, Britain’s Royal Marines inflicted such a shellacking on the Americans that the latter had to surrender halfway through the exercise. Result of a woke Pentagon..


Kumbaya, finally: Disgust with cancel culture now bipartisan


Remington Moving Headquarters From New York to Gun-Friendly Georgia, Will Invest $100M


MIT alums: We can't support a school that caved to woke mentality.


Procter & Gamble employees issue a warning to America




Steve McCann  11/3


The primary reason the United States finds itself in its current predicament is the vast number of credulous and miseducated Americans who, over the past two decades, have blindly pledged their undying allegiance to the current iteration of the Democrat party.  They do so because they have been willingly duped into believing that the political opposition, conservatives, and Republicans, are the personification of evil who are hellbent on transforming the nation into a dystopian nightmare.


The philosophical underpinnings of the Democrat party or the falsehoods its elected members regurgitate are immaterial to their voters, as long as this dire threat, as personified by Donald Trump in 2020, is vanquished by any and all means possible, including unconstrained voter fraud and manipulation.  It was this mindset that foisted upon the nation a senescent Joe Biden in the White House and left-wing ideologues in Congress.


The landscape of America today is littered with innumerable crises that, taken together, have the potential to permanently marginalize and transform the country.  Nearly all the current fiascos are deliberately and openly being fomented by the American left and its wholly-owned subsidiary the Democrat party, secure in the knowledge that once the nation is permanently set on the track of a one-party fascist oligarchy there is no turning back.


Yes, a fascist oligarchy.  While mindlessly voting for Democrat candidates, the bulk of these easily exploitable voters do not comprehend that the philosophical underpinning of the American left, and thus the Democrat party, is a proprietary strain of fascism with its roots in Marxism.  Fascism is socialism/Marxism with a veneer of capitalism.  Whereas pure communism advocates the abolishment of all market relations outright, fascism leaves the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities with favored state-sanctioned unions and corporations.  Whereas communism essentially abolishes money and prices, fascism controls the monetary system and for all intents and purposes sets prices and wages politically.


Under fascism, the state, through official agencies, controls all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture, even though ownership remains in private hands.  For all practical purposes, near-universal government licensing exists, as essentially no economic activity can be undertaken without de facto government permission.  Levels of consumption are dictated by the state, and “excess” income and wealth must be surrendered as taxes.


The concept of a corporate state has been a staple of the American left since Franklin Roosevelt, an early admirer of fascism.  It was FDR that initiated the National Labor Relations Board to make the federal government the final arbiter in labor issues.  The National Recovery Act governed all aspects of manufacturing and commerce and the Agricultural Adjustment Act introduced central planning to agriculture……


Barack Obama, marinated in this stew since his childhood, is chiefly responsible for a hybrid of fascism evolving into the dominant philosophy of the Democrat party.  During his two terms as president, he was successful in advancing the tenets of this distinctive American political movement by adding one important ingredient.  Obama orchestrated the confluence of the economic tenets of fascism and the narcissistic anti-Americanism of the 1960s with the race-based philosophies and tactics the Nazis used in their rise to power in the 1920s and early 1930s.   Among the tactics promoted by Obama in common with the Nazis are:


An obsession with race.  The Nazis maliciously and falsely claimed that the supposed inferiority of various racial groups throughout Europe was responsible for all the theoretical ills of society.  In the United States, the left blames non-existent “systemic racism” by the White population for American society’s theoretical ills.


“Identity politics” or the promulgation of grievance-riddled policies by government favored groups against unfavored groups in order to destabilize society.  Hitler fomented anger at Jews in Germany and in America the left isolates white, heterosexual Christians.


“Wokeism” or “cancel culture.”  The Nazis staged book burnings and incessant public and media intimidation to shut down any person, publication, or institution that did not align with accepted ideology.  In America, the left uses incessant social and mainstream media intimidation to do the same.


The Nazis manipulated a willingly allied German mainstream media to relentlessly regurgitate outright lies, fabrications, and propaganda in order to indoctrinate and deceive the populace.  The American Left currently manipulates a willingly allied American mainstream media to do the same.  Per Nazi dogma:  “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. …[as] the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.”


Both the Nazis and the Democrats established a financially beneficial rapport with the corporate class.  In Germany, it was the industrialists and in America Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires.  Both authoritarian parties did so by promising the corporate class they would be left alone and given near-monopoly status if they mindlessly and generously supported the Party……


Both the Nazis and the American left fabricated or grossly exaggerated events, such as the Reichstag fire in 1933 or January 6, 2021, in order to turn the citizenry against their political opposition and justify an expansion of their political and police power. Among the contemporary end-products of these Nazi-originated tactics is the political persecution and jailing without trial the January 6th defendants charged with simple misdemeanors and the ongoing premeditated abuse of government mandates to exploit the Covid-19 pandemic.  Both tactics are aimed at browbeating the citizenry into meekly accepting a quasi-police state…..The purpose of the “Build Back Better Act” currently winding its way through Congress is to expand control of people’s lives by reshaping and permanently putting control of all aspects of the economy in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats.


Despite decades of unprecedented prosperity and access to information, far too many Democrat voters are among the most gullible people on earth.  By mindlessly voting for the Democrats, these same fools are complicit in denigrating the nation’s founding, denying its accomplishments, and degrading the future for their progeny, all the while incomprehensibly ignoring and downplaying how their own world-leading standard of living came to be. With so many not knowing who or what they are voting for, it is little wonder that the United States faces so many crises today.


“Democrats haven’t grasped this yet, but it’s too late for them. The die is cast. An electoral bloodbath awaits next year, akin to or surpassing what happened to their party in 2010. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s and the Squad’s anti-American leftist politics drive their party, and that’s beginning to register at a gut-level with voters. What voters – critically, that big, pivotal segment known as independents – now feel is revulsion for Democrats in not just one way but many. The intensity of that revulsion is bound to grow in the coming months….”




“First, the good news about what has happened since (Sam Quinones’s last book): Heroin has largely disappeared from much of America. The bad news: That’s because heroin has been replaced by the synthetic anesthetic fentanyl, which is much stronger and deadlier. The worse news: Fentanyl is so cheap that drug dealers have taken to sprinkling it into most of the other drugs they sell, such as cocaine and meth, because a dash of fentanyl makes all drugs more euphoric. Plus, it’s extraordinarily addictive, so you can become a fentanyl addict without even knowing you have been ingesting it. You just want your dealer to sell you more of that good stuff…..”




Widburg: Must-see Tucker Carlson video about the cause of America's woes


“Everyone Should Watch Tucker Carlson’s ‘Patriot Purge’”


DEA agent charged in MAGA riot tells Tucker Carlson an FBI informant urged him to break into the Capitol: The Army veteran faces 15 years prison despite never entering the building




Bosses at one of world's biggest investment firms will need special top management approval to hire white men.


MSNBC host Joy Reid goes on ‘Disgusting Racist Rant’ Attacking Black Republican.


Democratic senator's millionaire SON blasts him and his 'cronies' for 'hating the American dream'


San Francisco Chronicle blasted for asking if residents should 'tolerate burglaries'.


California Plan To Inject ‘Social Justice’ Into High School Math On Hold After Backlash




“….And yet despite all this, members of the FDA advisory panel still thought that injecting children who are at virtually zero risk of serious Covid with these inadequately tested substances is a good idea.

To say that this is reckless and irresponsible would be an understatement.  Why would they do such a thing? Money is the main reason. The effort to inject your children likely is primarily driven by a desire to further increase the already immense profits of the pharmaceutical giants that produce these vaccines.”


Jewish court rules:  'Absolutely forbidden' to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women.


The science behind why kids should not get (and don't need) the COVID shot


Dr. Joondeph:  Vaccine Mandates – What’s the End Game?


“How COVID Vaccine Coercion Drove Me Out  Of West Point”


Despite Mandates Aplenty, California's COVID Rate Now Double that of Florida


Here's Why Vaccine Mandates Are A Cloward-Piven Plan To Destroy USA and End Capitalism




“Trickle-Down Bidenism”


Our World Gone (Climate) Mad


“Inside the Clinton dossier and the con behind the Russiagate scandal”




“Can You Spot All The Signs Of Racism In This Ordinary Picture Of A Highway?”



The Op-Ed Review is a compilation of the week’s news and opinions of interest to the conservative activist. I follow a variety of news sources and note what I think are the important events of the week that may be underreported in the mainstream dia. I also read about 50 syndicated op-ed columns each week and reprint part of what I think is the best one. The goal is to help the reader be a more effective activist for the conservative cause. If you would like to receive this as an e-mail each weekend, click here to drop  a note. mailto:garyfoss3@comcast.netGary Foss 47th District Republicans


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