Saturday, August 21, 2021

op ed review 8/22


The Taliban has seized US weapons left in Afghanistan worth billions — possibly including 600,000 assault rifles, 2,000 armored vehicles, and 40 aircraft, including Black Hawk helicopters.  The US gave the Afghan military an estimated $28 billion in weaponry between 2002 and 2017 — including seven brand new helicopters delivered to Kabul just a month ago. The war chest also includes as 162,000 pieces of communication equipment and 16,000 night-vision goggles, 7,035 machine guns, 4,702 Humvees, 20,040 hand grenades, 2,520 bombs and 1,394 grenade launchers all belong to the Taliban now.

Biden administration appears to have stockpiled military equipment for Taliban months before collapse.  “What other explanation is there?”

Waste over the years:   $549M in planes sold as scrap and a $176M road to nowhere: How the US wasted billions in Afghanistan

Biden blames Trump and Afghan army, Pentagon and CIA take aim at each other


Photo shows 640 Afghans inside a US C-17, designed to carry 150 - after they ran on before soldiers could close ramp and pilot decided to take off from Kabul and save them. all

Three stowaways 'fall to their deaths from plane' and five are killed at Kabul airport.  Some were cut in half by the plane’s landing gear.

Up to 80K Americans, Afghans need to be evacuated from Kabul

Bagram Air Base could have helped, but it was abandoned on July 6 at night without prior notice to our Afghan allies.  Watching closely were the Taliban, Beijing, Moscow, and numerous other centers of evil in the modern world.

Who benefits?  Western Embassies Retreat from Afghanistan, Russia and China Remain.

Biden's Afghanistan Debacle May Have Been Intentional


French and Brits Are Rescuing Their Citizens in Kabul, Americans told “you are on your own”.

US general tells British special forces: Stop rescuing people in Kabul, you're making us look bad

Biden Admin Tells Americans Stranded In Afghanistan To Pay For Their Own Flights Home

Sec. of State Blinken was warned last month Kabul would fall.

Biden Scrapped and Defunded Trump Afghanistan Rescue Plan

Afghan president flees Kabul in a helicopter filled with $169 million in cash.


Taliban Going Door To Door Seeking Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report

Taliban terror begins with ‘kill list’ drawn up as women face torture and death.

Afghan moms throw babies over barbed wire to UK troops at airport

Taliban in Kabul start collecting weapons from civilians..”no longer need them”

Pentagon, Marine brass send theraputic messages to Afghan war vets, reassuring those traumatized that they are “not alone.”


Rep. Van Drew (R-NJ) calls for Biden's resignation amid Taliban takeover in Afghanistan

Marjorie Taylor Greene Readying Articles Of Impeachment For Biden Over Afghanistan Fiasco

UK Parliament votes to hold Joe Biden in contempt.

General Petraeus: “catastrophic for the US and the world'”

Navy SEAL who shot Bin Laden demands General Milley resign over Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

Biden Thunders Past Jimmy Carter as The Worse President, Ever

Biden's appalling speech on Afghanistan merits a 25th Amendment discussion

But here’s “Why Joe Biden can't resign, or be removed — or die.”


'They will not pin this s*** on me!' Unconfirmed sources claim Kamala is boiling

Kamala Harris tries to flee Joe Biden's sinking ship


Trump rips Biden's Afghan actions: 'Our country has never been so humiliated'; 'blows Vietnam away'


NBC News complains the GOP has 'seized' on 'optical comparison' of the fall of Kabul and Saigon

Washington Post explains: Taliban gets a voice on Twitter because they ‘play by the rules’, unlike Trump.


Hill Democrats Launch Another Effort to Federalize Elections

Wave election coming next year?  Republican Flips State Senate Seat Where Biden Won By 25%

Stunning Poll Reveals Trump Would Win Election Held Today, as Nearly 1 in 10 Democrats 'Regret' Their 2020 Vote.


China sees US weakness:   vows to 'crush' any US troops on Taiwan 'by force' after Biden abandons Afghanistan

Chinese state media: Once war breaks out with Taiwan, the US will abandon it.


Suspected terrorists crossing border 'at a level we have never seen before,' outgoing Border Patrol chief says.

Border Patrol agents in Calif. Fired on from Mexican side of border while apprehending migrants.

Border Patrol asks overwhelmed agents to help process Afghan refugees.


Judge Blocks Obamacare Requirement for Doctors to Perform Transgender Surgeries

Texas Ban on Common 2nd-Trimester Abortion Method Upheld by Appeals Court

Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Limiting Arrests of Illegal Immigrants


Exclusive: Space Force Officer, Punished After Denouncing Marxism, to Leave Military


Jamaicans demand removal of LGBTQ pride flag from US embassy in Jamaica.  “Form of cultural imperialism.”


Larry Elder vows to do away with vaccine, mask mandates in Calif. if elected governor

But here comes the fix:  In California, your recall vote is not secret.  State ballot envelope contains two holes placed strategically to show how you voted. Now leftie mail handlers can toss selected ballots.




Call to Action

Sally Zelikovsky  8/21


Probably the most truthful thing Nancy Pelosi has ever uttered is “We [Democrats] don’t agonize.  We organize.   For decades, Democrats have been strategically honing extensive networks that coordinate action and funding between government agencies, elected officials, NGOs, corporations, schools, houses of worship, cultural institutions, unions, industries, and now the military.  They are the industrious ant colonies of politics.


Republicans, on the other hand, do not organize.  We agonize.  We are more comfortable wringing our hands, quoting the Founding Fathers, listening to talk radio, and going on cruises than organizing and taking meaningful action.  We are the Woody Allens of politics.


No doubt there are Republicans and conservatives who indefatigably dedicate endless hours to politics. But for those who’ve tried to herd conservative cats and nudge them to action, the “assiduous conservative activist” appears to be an outlier.


I honestly don’t know why, so I fall back on It’s just not in our DNA.  Maybe we so value our privacy that we prefer going it alone? Maybe our rugged individualism makes us hopelessly self-sufficient? Maybe Don’t Tread on Me implicitly promises And I Won’t Tread on You?   Whatever the reason, the country is under a coordinated attack from within and if we don’t organize and take action, America will wither on the vine.


The good news is that Democrats have so wildly overplayed their hand, they’ve proven they aren’t sincere negotiating partners who share our goals for America.  There is no reason, then, for Republicans to cross the aisle…..


Thankfully, fed-up parents are standing up to school closings, mask mandates, CRT, and Queer Theory. Popular support for President FUBAR is dwindling as “Joe’s ability to F things up” has resulted in his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, his manufactured border chaos, and his inconsistent messaging, censorship, and authoritarianism regarding COVID -- not to mention his government subsidies and economic constraints that have destroyed businesses, created a labor shortage, jacked-up wages, and fueled inflation;  and his indescribable lunacy closing down our pipelines while supporting the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline and begging OPEC for oil.


An exhausted and frustrated populace finally recognizes that Democrats, who enjoy one-party rule in D.C., in some of our largest states, and most major cities, have gone bat sh-t berserk with power.  If Republicans had any gumption, they’d exploit these vulnerabilities.  Instead, nineteen Senate Republicans sold us out for a pork-laden  infrastructure” bill that holds them hostage to a $3.5 trillion progressive spending orgy.


The only way to demand responsible governance from Democrats and Republicans is for every one of us to consistently exert pressure on them.  The cure is not at the ballot box alone.  Yet, when prodded to take action, I consistently encounter two excuses from otherwise dependable conservatives:  I can’t change anything or I’ve already done my time; let someone else do it.


The side that lacks the will can never win a cold civil war and leftists rely on conservatives to retreat and surrender.  We should never make it so easy for them.  Is there even one Democrat who thinks like this? I burned my bra in the 60s, let someone else protest #MeToo or I squatted at Occupy Wall Street, let the BLMers take it from here or Trump won so all is lost; I’ll just smoke this weed and wait for the Trumpocalypse.


No. They swapped bras for pussy hats and OWS signs for BLM t-shirts.  They stonewalled Trump appointments and sabotaged SCOTUS nominees.  Democrat bureaucrats burrowed into their agencies to topple Trump from within. They fought him on every policy.  They saturated traditional and social media with lies.  They marshaled porn stars, creepy lawyers, socialites, invisible whistleblowers, and biased Ukrainian-born servicemen.  They manufactured reasons to impeach him -- twice!  The more they were proven wrong, the louder and more relentless they became, understanding that victory necessitates outrageous action, participation, and sacrifice! 


Calling out President FUBAR’s dementia and waiting for 2022 isn’t enough. There are no conservative superheroes who will magically make this all disappear or conservative grassroots organizations waiting to pounce.  That network the left has?   Conservatives don’t have anything like it.


The Republic’s preservation is entrusted not to our representatives but to the People through our representatives.  We are the ultimate check on the three branches of government.  Our responsibility is to ensure that constitutional principles endure and to tenderly care for the mechanisms built into a political system that guarantees maximum freedom for the most people with the least amount of government interference.


Popular sovereignty requires the lifetime participation of all.  There is no box to check that you served and can now go home.  No one exemplifies this more than Washington who understood that his duty after the Revolution was to the fledgling Republic, not his farm…..


Stop whining that America is doomed because the Dems control everything.  Snap out of your bewilderment that West Coast insanity has come to a flyover state near you.  Yeah, it’s in your school, church, neighborhood, your local councils, and state legislatures.  That’s no reason to flinch.  Did you learn nothing from Trump?  Push back harder than they push!  Punch back harder than they punch!

Or, has all this talk about patriotism, liberty, the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and our constitutional republic, just been idle talk?  Criticizing congressional Republicans for their linguine spines is meaningless if our spines aren’t made of granite.


This is an all-hands-on-deck-call-to-action moment for conservatives.  Being busy with work and family, hosting a radio show, donating to a think tank, being a tea partier, or working on a campaign does not absolve us from our constitutional obligation to further participate.  It’s time conservatives adopted the left’s mantra that “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”  It’s time conservatives stop agonizing and start organizing.


“Biden basically surrendered, after 20 years and over a trillion dollars and countless American and Afghan lives sacrificed to the cause of bringing faculty lounge democracy to a largely illiterate band of thugs living in the 7th century. He blamed Trump for attempting to end a war that now Biden says he opposed all along, neglecting to mention how he presided over eight years of this war while serving as vice-president. Or that he and Obama’s administration released the masterminds of this current Taliban surge from Gitmo in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.”


JD Vance, Iraq war veteran and US Senate candidate:  : “The Americans who died in Afghanistan won’t have done so in vain if we learn the long-term lesson here: the people who lead this country aren’t fit for the task.”


Mark Levin: Biden operating 'the most diabolical presidency and Democratic Party probably since slavery'




“Unmasked, Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, 2021” by Andy Ngo.  A journalist who's been attacked by Antifa writes a deeply researched and reported account of the group's history and tactics.




Jaw dropping Tucker interview with Lara Logan, must see, everything explained.


Lara Logan:   If The U.S. Government Wanted it to be Different, It Would Be


Tucker slams Biden over plan to accept 30,000 Afghan refugees




Afghan Who Had Her Eyes Gouged Out By Taliban Says They ‘Make Animals Feed’ On Women’s Bodies




Stephen Colbert Compares Capitol Hill Rioters to Taliban in Afghanistan

MSNBC host compares religious right to Taliban

MSNBC 'expert' equates Republicans to terrorists, warns of QAnon supporters 'who are preparing for civil war'

DHS Suggests Opposition To COVID-19 Restrictions Could Make Someone “A Domestic Terrorism Threat”

DHS Considers Hiring Firms to Conduct Dragnet Social Media Surveillance to Profile Trump Supporters as Terrorists in order to circumvent violations of the 4th Amendment by outsourcing it to corporations.


AP Exam Requires Students To Choose Answers Indicating Voting Laws Are Racially Biased


Boston's Old North Church, made famous by Paul Revere, cancelled over “ties to slavery”


USDA to permanently boost food stamp benefits by 25 percent.  More incentives to not work.


Taliban Spokesman Has Active Twitter Account, Trump Still Suspended




FBI admits no evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated.  That means it wasn’t an “insurrection”.  It also means the names of the “unindicted co-conspirators” won’t be released.

Tucker Carlson sees coverup plot behind this announcement.




Rantz: UW Medicine pulls heart transplant patient from list after refusing COVID vaccine

Quinnipiac University Announces WiFi Restrictions For Unvaccinated Students


Education Dept. to Target Governors for ‘Civil Rights’ Violations for Banning School Mask Mandates


Denmark says goodbye to masks with decision to remove COVID obligatory rules


Fauci Downplays New COVID-19 Vaccine Study

Fauci: Unvaccinated Need to 'Put Aside' Concerns of Personal Liberty


Washington State Rolls Out Strictest School Vaccine Mandate in US




The Afghanistan Debacle is Exactly What the Left Wanted “The pattern is clear for those who wish to see. Simply put, the left thinks America is not only evil but irredeemably so.  Hence, any policy, be it foreign or domestic, that weakens our nation-state should be pursued, the goal being that the nation-state will eventually corrode to the point of collapse. They don't care that the hollowed-out dystopia will be long past its desirability for subjugation, so long as they get to be in charge.  As Lord Varys said of Littlefinger, "He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes".


Our Ridiculous Way of Fighting Wars

Biden Afghanistan policy counts on war weary Americans to lose interest

Afghanistan and the Cost of Having a ‘Normal’ President


Dear Media: You got what you wanted and what you worked for. Happy now?


Widburg, must read:  “ Let's talk about what to expect as the Afghans head for America”


How Did We Go From Energy Dominance To Energy Begging In Just 8 Months?




Trump Sneaks Back On Twitter By Disguising Himself As Taliban Spokesperson.


Biden: 'The Taliban Can't Have Won The War In Afghanistan; They Haven't Got Any Nukes Or F-15s'




Must see: Black dad in Colorado passionately denounces CRT, then school board votes to ban it: 'Let racism die the death it deserves'


The fall of Afghanistan explained in 41 seconds…trying to train morons.


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