op ed review 7/25
Rasmussen poll: Donald Trump More Popular with U.S. Voters than Joe Biden
Panicking Democrats introduce bill to stop Trump from becoming House Speaker
Donald Trump Tells Dinner Guests He is Running for President in 2024, According to New Report
61% of Voters Agree with Trump on Need for State Election Reform
GOP radio host Larry Elder sues to get on California ballot
West Virginia passes law banning transgender students from girls sports, blocked by Clinton judge.
Biden, Who Led Attack On Robert Bork, Confirming “Progressive” Judges At A Rate Not Seen In Over 50 Years
Court rules law mandating trans pronoun use violation of first amendment
California Appeals Court Overturns Anti-Misgendering Law on First Amendment Grounds
Mississippi Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Roe V. Wade
Teacher fired in Chicago for criticizing riots, posting things like “white privilege is as racist as the N word”, praising Candace Owens. She files suit.
Yale/MIT model says there could be 35 million illegal immigrants living in the US, 10% of the population. Joe Biden wants to give them all amnesty. Obama’s “fundamental transformation” proceeding.
Buses leaving Texas border town packed with illegal migrants to be released in red states.
Franklin Graham: Sen. Blackburn Is 'Absolutely Right,' War Is Between 'Judeo-Christian Values and Marxism'
Biden ATF nominee mocks gun buyers as 'Tiger Kings' prepping for zombies.
Biden tells restaurant owner that those struggling to find staff will just have to pay better wages
Biden tells fleeing Cubans to get lost (too many Cubans vote Republican)
Biden drifts off answering a question during CNN’s town hall with Don Lemon, appears to listen to earpiece to get out of incoherent ramble.
Joe Biden Says He Was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee 150 Years Ago
Biden Tells One Heck of a Breathtaking Lie at CNN Town Hall
Biden admin promotes radical group pushing critical race theory in schools
HUH?? On what planet does this work?? Joe Biden: Massive Spending Bill Will Help Fend Off Inflation
Secretary of State Blinken is setting us up for paying reparations
Majority thinks second-in-line Harris unprepared to be president
‘Devout Catholic’ Pelosi Calls Taxpayer Funded Abortion an ‘Issue of Fairness and Justice for Poor Women’
Weird headline, AP tries to put a happy appearance on bad unemployment figures: “jobless claims show surprise gain, well above expectations”
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Dems making ‘power grab’ during infrastructure negotiations
2020 polls badly understated support for GOP candidates, review finds, and “nobody's sure why” ??
Cuba Protester: 'You Don't See Americans Going to Cuba on a Raft!'
Time to find a new search engine. Google will remove your account if you have content questioning election results.
Martin Fuentes 7/20
Zombie chimps from heck
Can a civilization continue to function when the most basic truths cannot be spoken, yet blatant falsehoods are dogma? When radical upheavals are justified not by wisdom, but by disorienting barrages of phony "outrages" and "crises"?
Think of a great ship. A nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is an integrated system of immense complexity, requiring thousands of specially trained men to operate and maintain. What if someone suddenly replaced a carrier's human crew with 3,000 excitable chimpanzees? The giant vessel would soon drift to a halt, catch fire, and sink — while the chimps threw feces at each other.
Now imagine a nation designed by brilliant men for a moral and conscientious citizenry. How long could that society endure once the chimps took over?
This nation's president calls a proposed voter identification requirement "Jim Crow on steroids," an existential threat to democracy. But even an idiot understands that in a world where store clerks check the IDs of 50-year-olds buying beer, it's ludicrous not to request an ID from some homeless guy being paid to vote. If an idiot understands this, what kind of society is led by a man who pretends the opposite is true?
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff testifies that "white
supremacism" is the biggest current threat to national
security. But the death toll from white supremacist terror acts in
the last 50 years is a number approaching zero, whereas Islamic terror victims
in America number somewhere around 4,000, including dozens of military victims.
And all of the burning, looting, street violence, and political attacks of recent years have been from Antifa- and Black Lives Matters–aligned agitators. Furthermore, Blacks are approximately 27 times more likely to commit interracial violence than whites are, so blaming "white supremacy" for anything is insanely irrational. Yet the military chiefs are openly zeroing their weapons in on the heartland. The January 6 unpleasantness at the U.S. Capitol has been called "another 9/11," a "violent insurrection," and worse. But only one person died violently that day, and she was an unarmed white protester shot by a reportedly Black Capitol Police officer. Police literally opened the Capitol doors to let the marchers come inside. There was some major shoving by the mob and limited but oft-replayed breaking of windows (including some by people dressed like Antifa), but no serious violence and, considering the circumstances, rather a cordial relationship with police.
All kinds of videos show well-behaved crowds inside the Capitol, in hilarious contrast to Antifa Marxists.
The famous Buffalo Shaman guy literally strolled quietly into the Senate Chamber accompanied by a policeman. Then he led a small group in a prayer. That mellow dude remains locked up in isolation, for no other reason than to maintain the fiction of the "attempted overthrow." It's much like the New York Times' fabrication that Officer Brian Sicknick was beaten with a fire extinguisher, when in fact he died, uninjured, of a stroke the following day.
A year ago, leftists blamed COVID deaths on the sitting president; the accelerated vaccine he promoted would surely be both late and dangerous. Now, these same doubters have morphed into vaccine Nazis, demanding passports and punishments for the unvaccinated. These fear-mongers claim that a new "Delta variant" is especially scary for the young and unvaccinated. Yet statistics from the U.K. clearly show that the Delta death rate is crazy-low (0.1%) and that recent COVID case numbers have jumped precisely after millions had been fully vaccinated. Furthermore, fully vaccinated people in England are currently over five times more likely to die from the Delta variant than are the unvaccinated. Maybe those death statistics are tilted by age bias in the vaccinated U.K. population, but once again, it reveals this: the basic premise behind the Permanent Pandemic is 180 degrees wrong.
Meanwhile, the Earth's temperature is determined by a star 93 million miles away radiating at 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is affected by the massive forces of ocean currents and atmospheric patterns. The Great Lakes were left behind when the massive ice covering of the northern hemisphere suddenly melted 15,000 years ago. Europeans lived and raised animals on Greenland until it got too cold around the 1700s. Climates change, near- and long-term.
Man's generation of carbon dioxide, an inert molecule constituting less than one-twentieth of one percent of the atmosphere, is obviously not the critical determinant of the "global" climate. A quick data check reveals that CO2 levels rise and fall with cyclical regularity over millions of years and that the current rise began 15,000 years ago. Man, who contributes perhaps a tenth to natural CO2 levels, is but a wart on the giant frog of climate change. Still, the bosses would have us re-order the economic world and tear down — like superstitious primitives — a robust, multi-layered energy network in favor of costly and fragile "green" projects that cannot yet pass market muster on their own merits.
Everywhere, we see frauds posing as leaders, while brainwashing replaces knowledge and manufactured crises are weaponized to crush and control regular humans. So how long can Zombie America continue to coast on the inertia of systems created by men far superior to our modern ruling class?
Probably about as long as a ship in the all-chimp navy.
The Biden Regime Has Made Us All Enemies of the State
The Antifa/FBI Coalition
Former Marine and Iraq War veteran . J.D. Vance campaigns for Senate in Ohio. “The southern border has gotten so out of hand that the Marine Corps should be sent there”
Action Alert - Wall Street and Democrats Fundraising for Ten House RINOs Who Voted to Impeach President Trump. Here’s the rogue’s gallery, along with their challengers.
NSA confirmed to have 'unmasked' Tucker Carlson in surveilled communications.
After criticism from Tucker, Texas Gov. Abbott Begins Arresting Illegal Immigrants for Trespassing
Latest Washington Post hit piece on Tucker: “Carlson is the voice of white grievance”
Taliban Demands War Booty, Women Aged 15-45, as Sex Slaves in Captured Afghanistan
Nature Is Racist? 'Systemic Racism' Blocks Black People From Going Outdoors
'Soros Defund the police' officially on November ballot in Minneapolis
Bill Gates- and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out COVID-19 Testing Company
Sound Stalinist? Liberal Media Demands Trump Supporters Undergo Deprogramming
Using this model? “North Korea sets stern punishments for ‘anti-socialist’ acts”
‘They believe their job is to REMAKE your child': WSJ writer warns public schools may be LOST to woke trans activism.
Camp Kook: Minnesota Summer Camp Replaces American Flag With BLM Flag
Surprise! 1619 Project Creator Professed Her Love For Free & ‘Equal’ Communist Cuba
Where are DC Republicans on this travesty? “It’s clear the Biden regime, in cooperation with federal judges, will stop at nothing to destroy the lives of people who protested the 2020 presidential election. This includes people like Paul Hodgkins, who was sentenced to eight months in prison for denouncing what his government was about to do on January 6—certify a rigged, corrupt presidential election—and for supporting Donald Trump….Like many pro-Trump protesters, Hodgkins did not bring a weapon. He did not assault a police officer or damage any property. He was inside the building for roughly 22 minutes, entered the Senate chamber, hoisted a “Trump 2020” flag, took some selfies, and left.”
Lee Smith: The Real Story of January 6
World Ivermectin Day: “Many physicians now believe our overall COVID response has focused on the wrong thing. When Ivermectin is prescribed immediately after a test comes back positive, they say, almost no one requires hospitalization. When it’s given to family members of infected people, additional illness is prevented. But rather than treating people early so they never become seriously ill, our focus has been on managing hospital resources such as ICU beds and ventilators.” (But that would diminish fear of COVID – which benefits the Left)
The Panic Pandemic: Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus.
Authoritative article in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: “COVID-19: A Weapon to Fundamentally Transform America” “The COVID-19 pandemic has become a major ally in paving the way for extreme social engineering. The U.S. political elite and the assorted rich and powerful have one overarching goal: to maintain and accumulate more power at any cost.”
Sweden’s no-lockdown Covid strategy vindicated
MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is 'Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,' and 'Sophisticated'
For Second Week in a Row: More COVID-19 Vaccination Deaths than COVID-19 Deaths in the US According to CDC and VAERS Websites
Dr. Fauci's 2012 slide presentation on the benefits of the “Gain-of-Function Research that we do”
Washington Post Reporter: 'Rand Paul Was Right and Fauci Was Wrong'
Rand Paul writes to the Justice Department seeking a criminal referral of Dr Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress.
Survey of Practicing Physicians Shows Support for Mass Injections ‘Far From Unanimous’
Federal Court Rules CDC’s COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Is Unlawful
NASA caught "adjusting" Global Temperature Graph so they could claim record heat in 2020.
“Immigrants like me have to reject the new America-hatred”
Schlichter: “Are There Any Good Apples at the FBI?”
Vdh: The American Descent into Madness
The IRS' persecution of a Christian nonprofit should terrify all of us
Ben Carson: Critical Race Theory Is About Creating Division and Strife
This is the weasel who changed the outcome of the 2020 election: The US Attorney for Delaware. He smothered the investigation into the Hunter Biden laptop.
Makes some fair points: “Conservatism Is Over: A New Vocabulary for a New Right”
Who's Next? The Biden Administration's Domestic Terrorism Strategy is an announcement that they're coming for you.
“Bernie Sanders Tells Cuban Protesters To Be More Grateful For Their Excellent Social Programs”
10 Reasons to Question the Election
Master of Misinformation: Joe Biden's 10 Worst Lies
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