op ed review 8/8
Dem. NY Gov. Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women in violation of state and federal law, NY AG finds
After being the media’s most coddled, falsely praised politician in America, nearly impervious to any and all criticisms, a new report alleges that Gov. Cuomo engaged in serial criminal behavior while governor. Dems Suddenly Want Cuomo Gone.
With Joe Biden’s Illegal ‘Eviction Moratorium’ Democrats Embrace Lawlessness
Biden administration keeps processing DACA applications, despite judicial order to stop. Where’s Republican outcry?
Biden looks to have federal government provide lawyers for migrants at border
You Were Warned: Automakers Team Up With Biden To Force Electric Cars On Consumers
He does it again: Biden Spots A Little Girl Out In The Crowd, Calls Her Over To Sit In His Lap, Whispers In Her Ear And Tries To Sniff Her
"Nightmare On Elm Street": Biden Staffers Reportedly Sick Of Biden, Hammering Him Behind His Back
Polls: Kamala Harris Least Popular Vice President in Modern History
Ex–Hillary Clinton operatives hold crisis meeting to find way to make Kamala Harris more likeable
Infrastructure Bill Could Enable Government to Track Drivers’ mileage for tax purposes, goal is to make it too expensive to drive.
Trump-backed political newcomer wins crowded GOP primary in Ohio House race as former president demonstrates his ongoing influence in the party
Trump raises a record-breaking $82M in first half of 2021, despite bans from Big Tech
Peter Thiel flexes financial muscle ahead of 2022
China has stolen enough data to compile a 'dossier' on every American
China Jails Billionaire for “Picking Quarrels” and Offending Government.
New Floyd Case Exhibit Confirms That the Medical Examiner was coerced into declaring asphyxia. Without a diagnosis of asphyxia, the State could not prosecute the officers for murder.
Former Nuncio Brands Pope Francis ‘Liquidator of the Catholic Church’
Why did the DC Medical Examiner's Office request cremation of Ashli Babbitt's Remains 2 Days after the Murder. What was the rush? Family not consulted??
RINO GOP Senator Says He's Grateful (!) for Ashli Babbitt's Killer - Insists 'Criminal" Babbitt Was Warned before She Was Shot Dead in Cold Blood. (She wasn’t)
Pleasant surprise, wokesters' nightmare: Almost all of the Olympic medal winners are patriots.
Canceled: Anthem-Protester Gwen Berry Fails to Medal at Olympics
Olympic gold medalist wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock: ‘I love representing the US'
Jackie Gingrich Cushman on Mensah-Stock: “An American Superhero With a Heart of Gold”
Nearly a thousand illegal immigrants held under a bridge in Texas
Report: Nearly 190K illegal immigrant encounters in June alone. Flooding across the border.
New York Times guest essay lets cat out of bag, argues non-citizens should have right to vote
'It’s time for Democrats to radically expand the electorate.'
King County Sheriff Orders Employees To Work From Home Due To Dangers Created By Seattle Homeless Camp Next Door
Robert Spencer 8/4/21
Reading PJ Media the other day, I discovered to my shock that, without my knowing it, I’ve somehow become a violent extremist. As a result, the social media giants Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube are determined to eradicate my nefarious presence from the interwebs. I don’t know when this particular boom will be lowered on me, if ever, but if my website Jihad Watch and I suddenly disappear from your daily Internet reading, you’ll know that our intrepid self-appointed protectors are working night and day to keep you safe from violent extremism, and are to be commended for doing so.
It turns out that I’m a violent extremist in the view of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), which I might have viewed as yet another crackpot Leftist attempt to deflect attention away from the ongoing reality of Islamic jihad terrorism, and toward the chimeras of “white supremacist terrorism,” “Trumpist terrorism,” and whatever else they’re calling foes of Old White Joe these days. However, as Tyler O’Neil explained, GIFCT is not just some odiferous Antifa ideologue typing away in his mother’s basement. GIFCT “shares terrorism data among Big Tech companies, enabling them to flag and remove terrorist content,” and has just announced that it “significantly expanded the types of extremist content in its database, aiming to crack down on material from white supremacists and far-right militias.”
Among those “white supremacists and far-right militias” that the GIFCT is going to crack down on is a middle-aged writer who spends most of every day typing. Yeah, I do make it a point to exercise regularly, but I could do a whole lot more of that, and I hardly think that qualifies me as a “militia.” Nevertheless, in the list of the dangerous violent extremist groups it is heading into mortal combat against, there is Jihad Watch, my small organization designed to report on jihad activity and its motivating ideology.
Jihad Watch is right there among the real terrorists. At the highest level of the GIFCT’s threat chart, Level 3, are the groups it considers as actual bloodthirsty, dangerous terrorists: Boogaloo Boys, Ku Klux Klan, the National Socialist Network, Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS), the Irish Republican Army, and the like. Some of this makes sense. ISIS and al-Qaeda? Sure. The KKK threat is wildly overblown today for political purposes, but I won’t quibble with their classification here; they’re certainly an evil group. The IRA is still around, although its glory days have passed, and I won’t argue with that either.
After that, however, the list gets much stranger. On Level 2, “Violent Extremism,” you’ve got groups that are being scapegoated as the “Trumpist terrorists” responsible for the January 6 “insurrection”: Blood & Honour, Oath Keepers, and the Proud Boys. And right along with them is Jihad Watch.
One reassuring thing amid this Internet death sentence is the fact that Antifa, of all people, is also listed at Level 2. Are Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube really going to crack down on Antifa activity on their platforms? Yeah, sure they are, and I’m the King of Siam. So their inclusion may mean that Jihad Watch and I won’t be targeted, any more than Antifa will, but on the other hand, lumping us in with Antifa is ominous: Here is a gang of violent, criminal thugs that has been openly calling for and applauding violence in cities all over the country, and as far as the counter-terror “experts” at the GIFCT are concerned, it’s essentially equivalent to an organization with a minuscule staff that tracks jihad terror activity and elucidates its motives and goals.
That’s the worst aspect of the GIFCT’s classification. If the social media giants can nonetheless tar us as “violent extremists” and threaten to shut us down accordingly, they can do it to anyone. They can do it to you. You don’t have a criminal record? Neither do I. You’ve never called for any violence? Neither have I. You don’t approve of any violence? Neither do I. If now the Left has decided that anyone who opposes its totalitarian agenda is a “violent extremist,” evidence be damned, no one is safe. And no one is.
If I disappear from the net, or even from society, someday soon, you’ll know that the good folks at the GIFCT have done their job. But it didn’t begin with me, and it won’t end with me. And if the faceless mega-corporations that control the means of communication today can brand me a violent extremist with no evidence whatsoever, but also with no means of discussion or appeal, I won’t be the last one to whom they do it.
You may not like what I say. You may not even think I’m telling the truth, even though I am. You may think that your political views line up with those of Big Tech, such that you have nothing to worry about. But you do. If evidence isn’t needed in my case, it won’t be needed in yours, either. Your time will come. The GIFCT is another significant move away from a society based on evidence and the rule of law. Societies have experienced this before, and have slid all the way into totalitarianism. It isn’t too late to stop that slide here. But it’s getting there.
Gen. Michael Flynn long article but good read: “10 Indisputable Facts on the 2020 Election That Argue for Audits”
Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán on Tucker
You don’t control your own property anymore, an unelected bureaucrat does. Tucker Carlson blasts CDC director Rochelle Walensky for extending eviction moratorium.
“Woke, Inc.”, Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam by Vivek Ramaswamy. A young entrepreneur makes the case that politics has no place in business, and sets out a new vision for the future of American capitalism.
Do as I say, not as I do. Climate Czar Kerry's Family Jet has Taken 16 Flights This Year
LGBT Activist Caught In A Pedophile Sting Claims That He Works For Hillary Clinton And Nancy Pelosi
American Medical Association Faces Backlash for Calling to Remove Sex From Birth Certificates
Coming soon: America's own social credit system, just like China’s.
General Milley's Imaginary Coup
Everett WA neighbors say 7-year-old’s lemonade stand shut down by the city while complaints over homeless encampment go unaddressed.
MSNBC Contributor Spews HATE: Fox News Is Al Jazeera, Trump Is Bin Laden
Even some traditional liberals can’t take woke: Bill Maher SLAMS woke culture as something 'that belongs in Stalin’s Russia’
Wife of Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Outraged Over Double Standard: Why Are Black Lives Matter Protesters awarded $70,000 after getting banned from the Iowa state capitol and fighting police officers. (Obama appointed judge.)
Liberals Worldwide Are Ramping Up the Panic About COVID Stats. Here Are Some Fast Facts.
Oh my God, the Delta Variant is going to kill us all!
Democrats Are Bringing Back Segregation
The Masking of America. Faceless people make compliant subjects, not good citizens. “The importance of the human face reminds of the importance of individuals.”
(Jeffrey Anderson served as director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the DOJ from 2017 to 2021)
On the Treatment of Covid-19 – Swiss Policy Research
Why I Refuse to Be Vaccinated
Criticizing scientists like Fauci could soon become 'hate crime'
“You were made to think that there was a 300 percent increase in deaths. There’s a reason why the media focuses on percentages instead of figures. You can make a slight uptick in deaths into something more horrifying by adding a percentage to it.”
What the Nazis Had in Common With Every Other Collectivist Regime in the 20th Century
“I might have a slight advantage over most of the brilliant people who write for American Thinker. I am significantly older and from the ex-USSR, so I have lived through and experienced first-hand all the charms of the regime that is now -- slowly, but steadily – being installed in America (and, subsequently, in the whole civilized world).”
What's Ripping American Families Apart? Responses From the Bizarre World of New York Times Readers, by Dennis Prager
Classical Music’s Suicide Pact
A Day in the Life of a Low-Information Voter
Wake Up, RINOs!
Running against Rep. Newhouse
Brad Klippert
Jerrad Sessler
Loren Culp
Running against Rep. Herrera-Beutler
Joe Kent
Heidi St. John
“Wrestler Stripped Of Gold Medal After Pro-USA Comments Surface…..A spokesman for the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) said there’s no place for that type of vulgar language in sports today.”
Election Analysis by Seth Keshel - US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance….. Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN
9 Crazy Examples of Waste, Unrelated Pet Projects Snuck into Massive Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
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