Sunday, July 13, 2014

op ed review 7/13

Obama locks in his “transformation of America” by encouraging border meltdown:  The deluge of 290,000 illegals — so far — are exploiting legal loopholes that allow them to get temporary permits to stay in the United States. Experts say that President Obama’s administration has failed to close the loopholes and is unlikely to deport more than a small percentage of the illegals, despite the high unemployment rates among American Latino, African-American and white youths, and the strapped budgets of many cities and towns. The Central American parents of the 50,000 youths and children are using a 2008 law to ensure their children are transported to them for free by a relay of border patrol and DHHS officials. The youths are delivered to the border patrol by smugglers in exchange for several thousand dollars. Half of the 50,000 Central American youths were delivered by taxpayer-funded employees directly to their parents now living in the United States, and another third were delivered to people who said they were close relatives…
It may be part of a secret deal:  “Honduran President Vows To Keep Dumping Illegal Alien Children On U.S. Border Until His Friend President Obama Says To Stop….”
Texas Gov. Rick Perry repeated an accusation that undocumented children coming to the U.S. from Latin American countries might be a result of “ulterior motives” from President Obama. “I don’t believe he particularly cares whether or not the border of the United States is secure.”
Obama seeks brisk passage of border children funding bill.  The bill would subsidize schooling, health care and lawyers for illegal immigrants
Noonan:  Is a nation without borders a nation?

Protests spread:  Michigan residents protest plans to house illegal immigrants
Chicago Inner City Blacks Turn Against Obama Over Illegal Immigration “Worst President Ever”
According to Border Patrol sources, violent MS-13 gang members are using the Nogales processing center in Arizona as a recruitment hub and transfer point for gang members to get into the United States.
An illegal immigrant from Guatemala is currently being treated for active tuberculosis (TB) at the University Medical Center (UMC) of El Paso.  
United Nations officials are pushing for many of the Central Americans fleeing to the U.S. to be treated as refugees displaced by armed conflict, a designation meant to increase pressure on the United States to accept tens of thousands of people currently ineligible for asylum.

“Obama Skips Border Chaos, Will Fundraise in Austin with Director of Pro-Illegal Immigration Film”

A Fourth of July parade float that depicted a figure standing outside an outhouse labeled the “Obama Presidential Library” has caused a stir. The U.S. Department of Justice is now investigating the incident.
Obama’s highest approval rating is with Muslims (72%)

Just as the IRS tea party targeting scandal was erupting, Lois G. Lerner warned colleagues to “be cautious” about what information they put in emails because it could end up being turned over to Congress.
Weakness:  The People's Republic of China now believes it can successfully prevent the United States from intervening in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or some other military assault by Beijing.

After a disappointing primary season, the Tea Party is getting set for a revival going into the fall general elections with one of the nation´s leading movement representatives, the 2.5 million member, bringing back its top strategist to run the organization. On Tuesday, the Washington-based group announced the appointment of Niger Innis as executive director, a prominent black conservative and civil rights activist.

Support For Hillary Drops 11 Points—Among Democrats.

Coming to Washington:  “More Colorado drivers in fatal crashes positive for pot, study says”

Capping off a months-long lobbying effort, Cleveland has been selected to host the 2016 Republican National Convention.

Peggy Noonan  7/11
What is happening at the southern border is a true and actual crisis. News accounts justly use words like chaos, collapse and breakdown. They feature images of children—toddlers, 4- and 5-year-olds—being shuffled to warehouse holding centers, sleeping crowded at night on what look like pallets, covered only in Mylar blankets. "I never thought we'd have refugee camps in America," said Texas Sen. John Cornyn, "but that's what it's appearing."

All this gives normal people a feeling of besiegement and foreboding. Is a nation without borders a nation? Washington's leaders seem to recognize what's happening as a political problem, not a real problem. That is, they betray no honest alarm. They just sort of stand in clusters and say things.

There seem only two groups that view the situation with appropriate alarm.  One is the children themselves, dragged through deserts to be deposited here. ……The other group feeling a proper alarm is normal Americans, who are seeing all this on TV and who judge they are witnessing a level of lawlessness that has terrible implications for the country.  This is how I think normal people are experiencing what is happening:

It's like you live in a house that's falling apart. The roof needs to be patched and there are squirrels in the attic, a hornet's nest in the eaves. The basement's wet. The walkway to the front door is cracked with grass growing through it. The old boiler is making funny sounds. On top of that it's always on your mind that you could lose your job tomorrow and must live within strict confines so you can meet the mortgage and pay the electric bill. You can't keep the place up and you're equal parts anxious, ashamed and angry. And then one morning you look outside and see . . . all these people standing on your property, looking at you, making some mute demand. Little children looking lost—no one's taking care of them. Older ones settling in the garage, or working a window to the cellar. You call the cops. At first they don't come. Then they come and shout through a bull horn and take some of the kids and put them in a shelter a few blocks away. But more kids keep coming! You call your alderman and he says there's nothing he can do. Then he says wait, we're going to pass a bill and get more money to handle the crisis. You ask, "Does that mean the kids will go home?" He says no, but it may make things feel more orderly. You call the local TV station and they come do a report on your stoop and then they're gone, because really, what can they do, and after a few days it's getting to be an old story.

No one's in charge! No one is taking responsibility. No one who wants to help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.  America is the house that is both falling apart and under new stress. Those living within it, those most upset by what they're seeing, know America has big problems—unemployment, low workforce participation, a rickety physical infrastructure, an unsound culture, poor public education. And of course discord of all sorts—a lot of mad squirrels running around the attic. They know America can't pay its bills. They fear we're living on the fumes of greatness. They want us to be strong again. Watching our border collapse doesn't look like a harbinger of progress.

Here it must be said that those who live comfortable lives can afford to roll with the historical punches. But people who are not affluent live closer to the ground, and closer to the country's deterioration. The rougher America becomes, the more they feel the abrasion. They're not protected. And they know no one wants to be in charge, wants to seize this thing and take responsibility. The mind-boggling fact is that everyone in charge more or less suggests they're powerless to do anything. And the children keep coming.

The latest border surge has been going on for at least two years. Children and others are coming because they believe that under the president's leadership, if they get here they'll get a pass to stay. (They're probably right.) This was predictable. Two years ago Texas Gov. Rick Perry wrote the president that the number of unaccompanied children was spiking sharply. He warned that unless the government moves, other minors would attempt the journey and find themselves in "extremely dangerous situations." The generally agreed-upon number of those who've come so far this year is 50,000. Now government estimates are rising to at least 90,000 by year's end. Meanwhile some in the conservative press call the president incapable, unable to handle the situation. But he is not so stupid he doesn't know this is a crisis. He knows his poll numbers are going to go even lower next month because of it……There is every sign he let the crisis on the border build to put heat on Republicans and make them pass his idea of good immigration reform. It would be "comprehensive," meaning huge, impenetrable and probably full of mischief. His base wants it. It would no doubt benefit the Democratic Party in the long term.

The little children in great danger, holding hands, staring blankly ahead, are pawns in a larger game. That game is run by adults. How cold do you have to be to use children in this way?


“Does an act that’s clearly immoral when done privately become moral when it is done collectively and under the color of law? Put another way, does legality establish morality? For most of our history, Congress did a far better job of limiting its activities to what was both moral and constitutional. As a result, federal spending was only 3 to 5 percent of the gross domestic product from our founding until the 1920s, in contrast with today’s 25 percent. Close to three-quarters of today’s federal spending can be described as Congress taking the earnings of one American to give to another through thousands of handout programs, such as farm subsidies, business bailouts and welfare. … [S]pending is not our basic problem. We’ve become an immoral people demanding that Congress forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another. Deficits and runaway national debt are merely symptoms of that larger problem.”
             -Walter Williams

“House Speaker John Boehner is threatening to sue President Obama for using executive actions to create laws, instead of going through Congress first. Then Obama shrugged and made a new law that you can’t sue the president.”
          -Jimmy Fallon

Costco Wholesale has issued an order to remove all copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book, “America: Imagine the World Without Her,” from the shelves of its stores nationwide. The book, in this midterm election year, is a strong rebuttal of the progressive ideology behind President Obama’s policies, which have been supported by Costco co-founder and director Jim Sinegal, a major Democrat donor and a speaker at the 2012 DNC convention that nominated the president. At, D’Souza’s book, released June 2, is ranked No. 5 overall and No. 1 in Political Commentary and Opinion.

David Limbaugh:  “Do we conservatives really mean it when we say that we need to promote our ideas in the popular culture through books, movies and other media? If so, we need to support people like Dinesh D´Souza and his latest movie and book, America: Imagine a World Without Her. I saw the movie, and I loved it. D´Souza is a passionate patriot who "chose this country" and loves it with every fiber of his being. Like many of the rest of us, he recognizes that America is under assault, and he is doing all he can to save it.”

Order the book here:

Recycling is authoritarian, demeaning and an unutterable waste of time, energy and money. No surprise, then, that the European Union is planning to force its vassal states to do much, much more of it. Last week, the European Commission proposed its most draconian waste disposal legislation yet: a plan requiring 70 percent of all municipal waste and 80 percent of packaging waste to be recycled by 2030; a total ban of the landfill of recyclable waste by 2025, aiming "to virtually eliminate landfill" by 2030.

“Global warming computer models confounded as Antarctic sea ice hits new record high with 2.1 million square miles more than is usual for time of year”
Australian city hits coldest temperature in 103 years.
Al Gore ramps up warnings about global warming.

Voters strongly believe the debate about global warming is not over yet and reject the decision by some news organizations to ban comments from those who deny that global warming is a problem.  Only 20% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the scientific debate about global warming is over, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

President Obama has quietly promised Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren complete support if she runs for president — a stinging rebuke to his nemesis Hillary Clinton. Publicly, Obama has remained noncommittal on the 2016 race, but privately he worries that Clinton would undo and undermine many of his policies. There’s also a personal animosity, especially with Bill Clinton, that dates from their tough race six years ago. A former Harvard law professor and administration aide, Warren would energize the left wing of the Democrat Party just as Obama did against Clinton in 2008.

Just in time for Independence Day, an old lefty teacher has trotted out a bunch of tired canards about the American Revolutionary War. Writing for a website called The Zinn Education Project, the teacher, Bill Bigelow, also manages to criticize American firework displays on the Fourth of July because “the United States is waging war with real fireworks around the world.”

The Left rewards its own:  University of North Carolina School of Law’s Professor Gene Nichol is a real opponent of income inequality. That’s why he gets paid $205,400 to teach one class, plus more to run the Poverty Center at the school. Nichol’s noble opposition to income inequality puts him in a class with other great academic class warriors like Elizabeth Warren, who was paid $350,000 by Harvard Law to teach a single course and Clinton’s former Labor Secretary turned inequality campaigner Robert Reich who pulls in $235,791 a year from a public university at UC-Berkeley to teach a course on “Wealth and Poverty”.

President Obama’s aggressive and controversial Climate Action Plan grew out of a draft proposal from one of America´s richest environmental activist groups, The Natural Resources Defense Council, which spent $41 million of its $210 million nest egg last year pushing for changes in energy policy, circulated a 110-page document in 2012 that outlined what would become the president´s latest salvo in the global-warming wars.

“…..even absurdity has its limits, and the National Organization for Women has surpassed it in the wake of the Supreme Court´s decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby. As part of its full-throated defense of ObamaCare´s contraception mandate, NOW has a list of what it calls "The Dirty 100" ….. Almost square in the middle of the list…..are the Little Sisters of the Poor.”

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees said it will no longer partner with or raise funds for the United Negro College Fund  (“A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste”) because the UNCF accepted a $25M grant from the Koch brothers.

The Democrat narrative for the midterms:  For most of 2014, the Democrats looked on the looming congressional elections with considerable dread. All of the standard indicators portend an unhappy outcome for their party…..Then came last week’s Hobby Lobby ruling. In that imminently sensible Supreme Court decision, the Democrats found an unhoped-for opportunity for shameless demagoguery. Indulging their gift for Orwellian rhetoric, they declared that the Court had re-opened hostilities in the fabled “war on women.”……Millions of American women, they thundered, will now be denied access to birth control because five male justices sided with the closet theocrats who own Hobby Lobby.


A story about a woman stabbing a schoolteacher to death in front of a class of five and six-year-olds occurred in the southern French town of Albi; the victim was a 34-year-old mother of two. But a certain bit of information is conspicuously missing from virtually all the reportage.   The Mother – get the digitalis and hold on to your hat – is “Moroccan-born.” …..Now, come on, lamestream media, you can do it. Say, “Mus…lah…” That’s it, come on, concentrate. “Musl…l…l…ugh…”

Shootings, beheadings, hangings and crucifixions continued in ISIS-controlled Iraq over the holiday weekend.
Shocking moment ISIS militants take sledgehammers to Mosul tomb of the Prophet Jonah……”Rebels believe special veneration of tombs is against teachings of Islam.”
Evil terror boss Abu Bakr ­al-Baghdadi came out of the shadows for the first time ­today – in a dramatic video in which he glorifies the slaughter of innocent people. The warlord whose jihadi militants are behind hundreds of brutal killings in Syria and Iraq delivered a chilling sermon to fanatics. His 15-minute rant was filmed at the grand mosque in the captured city of Mosul, northern Iraq. Surrounded by henchmen and rows of Kalashnikovs, al-Baghdadi’s eyes appeared lifeless. But his words were laced with hatred as he called on all Muslims to rise up and kill those who oppose him. “Allah likes us to kill his enemies and make jihad,” he bellowed.
Hamas’ Interior Ministry has ordered residents of the Gaza Strip to remain in their houses if they are about to be bombed by the Israelis, a move that effectively turns citizens into human shields and is intentionally meant to boost the casualty rate.
Israel:  ‘We Use Missiles to Defend Civilians, Hamas Uses Civilians to Defend Missiles’


“There comes a point where the Left’s calumnizing of conservatives, its endless quest to delegitimize ordinary words, and its determination to criminalize religious expression all combine to make me want to offend as many leftists as I can, in response, just for fun. But not only for fun: Deliberately choosing to offend them, and thus trying to shred their ideological straitjackets, is occasionally a necessary endeavor. We on the right must show that we need not cower; we can and must fight back.  In that spirit……..”

Glenn Reynolds:   Life is hard. It´s harder still when an entire class of people with their hands out stands between you and success. Unfortunately, that´s increasingly the problem, all around the world. A recent New York Times piece tells the story of a Greek woman´s efforts to survive that country´s financial collapse. After losing her job, she tried to start a pastry business, only to find the regulatory environment impossible. Among other things, they wanted her to pay the business´s first two years of taxes up front, before it had taken in a cent. When the business failed, her lesson was this: "I…..learned that I would be at the mercy of public employees who interpreted the laws so they could profit themselves."

An obscure, chicken-sized bird best known for its mating dance could help determine whether Democrats or Republicans control the U.S. Senate in November. The federal government is considering listing the greater sage grouse as an endangered species next year. Doing so could limit development, energy exploration, hunting and ranching on the 165 million acres of the bird´s habitat across 11 Western states. Apart from the potential economic disruption, which some officials in Western states discuss in tones usually reserved for natural disasters, the specter of the bird´s listing is reviving the centuries-old debates about local vs. federal control.

“Who is Steve Scalise?”    “Scalise is a rare breed — a genial fighter. He will charge at his goals, and then not back off, like a bulldog. But, to borrow a line from Mike Huckabee, he knows how to be a conservative “without being mad about it…….nobody will outwork him, and nobody can claim anything other than that he is the most conservative member in the top three of House Republican leadership since Dick Armey.

Sarah Palin: 'It's Time to Impeach' President Obama
Maybe not the best strategy just before the midterm elections.  “For Republicans hoping to avoid the kind of drama that might derail what looks to be a very good midterm election year, this kind of call is both a nuisance and a trend.”

“21 Conservative Writers To Read At The Beach”

"Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families."
                       -Benjamin Rush (1773)


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