Saturday, January 2, 2016

op ed review 1/3

Comedian Jerry Lewis slams Obama, praises Donald Trump.  'Refugees should stay where the hell they are'... Obama 'never prepared;' Not real leader...

Clint Eastwood on Republicans: 'Any Of Them Would Be Better than what we got ... “  Eastwood praised Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson.   “I like Ben Carson because he is kind of a common sense guy,” he added.

Obama implements gun control by executive order.

Despite the heavy media and political pressure to make global warming and climate change the top issue in the nation, it is more of a concern to citizens in 36 of 40 other industrialized nations than in the United States, according to Pew Research Center.

In response to the allegations of Black Lives Matter activists, the Washington Post launched an unprecedented, case-by-case study of police shootings. After a year of research, the data are in, and they confirm the conservative position: The police use force mainly to protect human life, the use of force against unarmed suspects is rare, and the use of force against black Americans is largely proportional to their share of the violent crime rate.
The moral of this story is: Don’t point a gun at the cops and don’t run when they tell you stop, and you’re likely to survive. Since the population of the US is about 318 million people, a thousand deaths at the hands of police works out to 1 in 318,000. You have a better chance of being killed in a violent storm (1 in 68,000) or slipping in the tub (1 in 11,500) than being shot by a cop, no matter what color you are.

New poll has Trump leading the race, shows 40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians. Blacks and Hispanics, in fact, even support Trump at a higher level than whites.
 “Time to face facts: Donald Trump could very well win”

EPA sends 185 Americans to jail for environmental crimes,  while not disciplining anyone for its own toxic mine spill

In a Tuesday op-ed for The Washington Post, liberal columnist Ruth Marcus wrote that “Bill Clinton’s conduct toward women is far worse than any of the offensive things that [Donald] Trump has said.”

“CNN correspondent Deborah Feyerick just asked the network’s best question of 2015. “Please set the record straight,” she began. “Is Bill Clinton sexist, or does he simply like women?”

An aspiring suicide bomber and his secret wife who had a ´common interest´ in violent jihad have been found guilty of planning an ISIS-inspired terror attack on London after testing lethal bombs in their back garden.

“We Lost Too Many Conservative Luminaries in 2015 — R.I.P.”

Did you call a transsexual person “he” or “she” when they preferred to be called “zhe?” According to a newly updated anti-discrimination law in New York City, you could be fined an eye-watering $250,000. In the latest, astonishing act of draconian political correctness, the NYC Commission on Human Rights have updated a law on “Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Expression” to threaten staggering financial penalties against property owners who “misgender” employees or tenants. Incidents that are deemed “wilful and malicious” will see property owners face up to $250,000 in fines

ISIS release Sharia compliant 'rape handbook' to fighters, with 15 sickening new rules revealed.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Saturday the idea of religious neutrality is not grounded in the country´s constitutional traditions and that God has been good to the U.S. exactly because Americans honor him.


Cal Thomas   “The Sum of all Fears”  12/29

President Obama and members of his administration assure us we have nothing to fear when it comes to terrorism. Whether you accept this, or not -- and opinion polls show a majority do not -- there is another fear that in large part is behind the phenomenon known as Donald Trump. It is the fear we are in danger of losing America.

Speaking as a member of a group that will in this century become a minority in America -- that would be white people -- I don't fear minority status. I fear that those who will soon make up the majority will not embrace the values and traditions that have built and sustained America through wars, economic downturns and other challenges to our way of life.

Yes, yes, I know about slavery and discrimination, but the principles laid down by the Founders, which allowed America's flaws to be addressed and corrected by their posterity, seem to be disappearing.

Many Americans are angry that politicians of both parties seem to have placed their careers ahead of their responsibility to take care of the nation. As Ronald Reagan said, we are just one generation away from losing it all. That's because democracy and equal rights are not the norm in the world. They must be fought for and maintained if we wish to pass them on to our descendants.

Yes, we want immigrants to come to America, but we want them to come respecting our laws (otherwise what are laws for?), to learn English, our history and values and to become -- as earlier immigrants did -- fully American without hyphens.

Many who are native-born want today's immigrants to leave behind ideologies and agendas that do not promote the general welfare. Earlier immigrants and the native-born have invested in America through taxes, blood and sacrificed lives. New immigrants will benefit from those investments and sacrifices and should respect them enough to make investments of their own to preserve what they admire and what has drawn them here.

Two forces are at work, undermining our foundations. One is apathy and the other is a determined assault on the beliefs, traditions, practices and faith that once characterized America. Either one causes harm enough, but when both are in play, we become like a boxer who is pummeled unconscious by a relentless opponent.

Fear can be a factor that motivates to action, or it can cause one to retreat. It seems the people who embrace and practice our historic beliefs and traditions are in retreat, fearful of being called names by the forces of political correctness. "Racist," "bigot" and "intolerant" are three words that cause many to cower, in part because of their inability to disprove a negative.

The most effective response to people operating this cultural and political wrecking ball is to turn the tables. Whose values and beliefs have worked in the past to improve the lot of the people, and whose have failed? Traditionalists don't have to play defense. They have only to remind Americans of the mess the secular progressives have made. Having been handed by the "greatest generation" a nation with numerous opportunities and a bright future, the baby boomers and their progeny set about destroying it on the altar of self-indulgence.

There is barely enough time to begin repairing the damage. The 2016 election is only part of the process. "We the people" remains the most powerful force among us. If our citizens don't pay attention to what is happening, future generations will rightly condemn us.

Fear of losing what we have should motivate traditionalists to begin fighting back against an anti-American tide that is undermining truths once considered self-evident. But they must first win the argument before winning the next election.


How the Clintons got rich:  It turns out that Bill Clinton raked in millions from entities with matters before Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Oh, and the Clinton Foundation collected millions more from the same bunch. In total, The Wall Street Journal reports, two dozen companies and groups, plus the Abu Dhabi government, gave Bill more than $8 million for speeches, even as they were hoping for favorable treatment from Hillary’s bureaucracy. And 15 of them also gave at least $5 million total to the foundation.

“May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us in all our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy."
                      -George Washington, 1790


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