Saturday, December 30, 2017

op ed review 12/31

Tax reform:  143 million will pay less in '18...
Holiday spending record
The Left is angry about all the corporate tax cut bonuses to employees.
Trump rolls back Obama legacy
Trump Sets Off Democrats With Epic Global Warming Tweet
Trump approval matches Obama at end of first year: 46% approve, 53% disapprove
Pretty good considering only 5 percent of MSM news stories about Trump are positive.

CNN ignores stories like the defeat of ISIS, but obsesses for two days over a white truck that blocked their view of the Trump golf course.  Turns out it was a Sheriff’s Dept. truck.

Alan Dershowitz on defending Trump: 'My liberal friends don't invite me to dinner anymore'

Celebrate LGBT or else:  California has become the first state in the union to mandate the use of LGBT textbooks in elementary schools and have given parents no way to opt out.
Oregon appeals court rules bakers who refused to make lesbian wedding cake will have to pay $135,000 in damages.
Mueller witch hunt now targeting the Republican National Committee

Ambassador Nikki Haley tells the United Nations what they can do with their resolution to condemn the U.S. over the Jerusalem announcement: US to cut the UN operating budget by $285M.
If U.N. officials didn’t like that, they’re certainly not going to enjoy this New York Post cover:

Another group of weasels:  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued yet another ruling Friday blocking most of President Trump’s latest version of his travel ban, finding that the White House exceeded its powers.

China carried out the first flight-tests of a new kind of ballistic missile with a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV). “The missile successfully made impact “within meters” of the intended target…. Hypersonic glide vehicles delivered by ballistic missile boosters are an emerging threat that will pose new challenges to missile defense systems.”
China dominates the global drone hardware market, which is forecast to surpass $11 billion by 2020.
China to Overtake U.S. Economy by 2032 as Asian might builds

The number of US-born children who were given birthright citizenship despite at least one of their parents being an illegal alien now outnumbers one year of all American births.

How Democrats build their Machines: “Guess where high school dropouts can earn $400/hr.”

Sundance, 12/25

As the year winds down there will be lots of reviews of all things political. Lists of shifts and outlined accomplishments will be compiled to either show the advances or declines depending on tribal affiliation of the pundit. However, not many people ever ask the questions behind the “why”.  Why is there so much opposition to President Trump?

In the larger analysis, Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) proposition is a daily reminder that citizen inspired government can eliminate the decades-long notion of politics as a profession. There are hundreds-of-thousands of people within the institutional system known as politics. Each member carving out a specialty and selling their expertise as necessary within the opaque organization known as government. From city council, through state legislature and into federal representation, the primary selling point of each participating member is to declare their operational skill within the institution. Heck, the professional political enterprise is so accepted as ordinary you can even go to college and earn a degree in how to be a politician. Why?

Boil down government to its most basic of institutional objectives and the entire premise is about operating common systems to the benefit of the aggregate assembly. The only thing that changes is the scale of the assembled constituency, local, state or federal. In the private sector success or failure is measured on competence in achieving the objective, usually financial growth. In the public sector success or failure is measured in how effectively the individual retains the perception that governance is necessary.

When businessman Donald Trump arrived in Washington DC he represented a wrecking ball to a decades-long Potemkin village that only politicians can govern. As a direct consequence, if Trump succeeds in solving problems or making things better he’s essentially embarrassing an entire profession; and fundamentally changing the dynamic.

Now, if your core purpose, and evaluation by your peers of success, was to convince people that only a specifically trained group of people could govern effectively, and along comes Trump and does it better than… well, see the problem? If a team of little people showed up to the winter Olympics and easily won the bobsled competition because their physical stature meant they could remove half the weight of the sled; well, the next winter Olympic year the entire field of bobsled teams would be midgets……Then what happens to the ‘regular-sized‘ career bobsled professionals?

Never has there been a more brutally obvious intention on display, than with President Trump’s cabinet selections.  Toward the end goal of MAGA, President-Elect Trump assembled his cabinet; these would be the subject matter experts to whom he assigns specific responsibilities.
Now, unlike most ‘politicians’, the filter of cabinet selection qualification did not include political repayment for campaign support rendered. Indeed, all previous political presidencies used cabinet positions to repay political favors; generally, it has always been thus.  However, for POTUS Trump the intensely mapped-out MAGA objective is the primary filter. He was looking for results oriented doers not politicians. Within this cabinet, the level of competency and skill is stunning.

President Trump hired the most traveled business executive on the planet to be the COO of the administration. He actually hired the Chief Executive of the largest private business in the world.  to be the Secretary of State….With economics as the backbone to MAGA, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross is as comfortable dancing through the fine print of international trade contracts as Fred Astaire gliding in a Viennese Waltz……An odd duck within the international finance world, also considered a rain-man of sorts by those who tried to figure out his mental algorithms for currency exchange…is Steven Mnuchin, and President Trump took Wall Street’s mild-mannered rain-man to be our Treasury Secretary…Rain-Man Mnuchin scared the left-coast elites so much Hollywood made a movie about their perception of him but they never credited the origin of the screenplay…….Knowing China was the dominant threat to MAGA on the trade front, the filter for USTR consideration would be depth of knowledge, scale of understanding the Chinese psyche, and willingness to confront an opponent that will never come to equitable terms. That’s why Robert Lighthizer is our combat wolverine US Trade Representative…..Trump hired an eagle-scout, Navy SEAL, outdoors-man to be Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke; a life-long Georgia farmer to be Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue.  The list of exceptional qualifications goes on, but hopefully you see the larger picture.  The Trump Administration is a strategic assembly of the most inherently competent people ever put together within a U.S. cabinet.  And yes, I do mean so much more so than even President Ronald Reagan was able to assemble.

All prior presidencies needed to balance politics with the assignment. Political debts owed, to whom, what party, for what reason, etc. all of this was part-and-parcel of the prism of cabinet nominee selection. But not Donald Trump. For this administration there is one objective: Make America Great Again.  That’s the nucleus, the core, the central goal that radiates outward into the concentric circles of the cabinet and aggregate Trump administration. That central objective, in combination with the competency currently in place to accomplish that mission, is why Donald J Trump is considered an existential threat to the system.


The Left is scrambling to explain how record breaking cold weather is consistent with global warming.

BuzzFeed is being slammed for a racially charged article it published Wednesday titled, “37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018,” which lists “America” among the things that whites are supposedly ruining.

Leftists declare war on Thomas The Tank Engine and Paw Patrol for being racist or fascist.
It’s a Wonderful Life is now a sexist movie that must be suppressed.

Obama adviser Ben Rhodes crossed the line with many Americans when he tweeted that he hopes for the death of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence.

Krugman: “Lets make pink pussy hats the symbol of our deliverance from evil.”

Linda Sarsour, the new Islamist face of the left: ‘you have no right to tell us we can’t kill Jews.’

“Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesn't want you to know” by Gregory Wrightstone.  Easy to read and even easier to understand narrative using sound scientific evidence disproving many of the climate change opinions…..An excellent read for all those interested in meaningful discussion.”

The new Steven Spielberg historical drama The Post is a celebration of how Democrats turn lemons into lemonade via their control of the media. A prequel to the 1976 Watergate movie All the President’s Men, the new movie recounts how the Democratic Washington Post used an embarrassing 1971 Democratic scandal—Daniel Ellsberg’s leaking of the Pentagon Papers, the LBJ administration’s secret history of its own incompetence and insincerity in Vietnam—to take its first tentative steps toward eventually teaming up with the Deep State to overthrow the elected Republican president.

Here’s proof Democrats don’t believe in private property.

Provocative article: “The most important lesson from Judge Roy Moore's U.S. Senate loss to Doug Jones in Alabama is that the reliable red state is dead. What, then, turns state red?  The answer is so simple that it's often overlooked: turnout, turnout, turnout.  Showing up and turning out is all that ultimately matters in politics…..Alabama's tally confirms….Two million registered voters stayed home, and Jones won by 21,000 votes.

On Christmas Eve, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a tweet wishing Christians around the world a Merry Christmas, pointing out that Israel is a tolerant nation that protects the right of people from different faiths to worship at their holy shrines…Netanyahu then offered to personally lead Christians next year on a tour of their most holy sites.

Tucker Carlson’s list of “100racistthings”

Sharyl Attkisson’s list of 10 times the intel community has violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies with illegal surveillance.

“A rigid economy of the public contributions and absolute interdiction of all useless expenses will go far towards keeping the government honest and unoppressive.”
            -Thomas Jefferson


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