Sunday, January 28, 2018

op ed review 1/28

Trump wins shutdown standoff.  “Progressive lawmakers and activists are furious over the Senate´s Monday vote to advance legislation to end the government shutdown.”

Davos:  European CEOs Go One By One To Tell Trump They Are Investing Billions Back In The US

The establishment media have saved Democrats from embarrassment by refusing to cover their struggling attempts to explain away the positive economic effects the Republican tax bill delivered for the working class……Pelosi, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, has consistently dismissed the typical $1000 bonuses that workers are receiving as “pathetic” and “crumbs.”

President Trump Wins 'Medal of Life' From Int'l Human Rights Group (But Fake News Media Blacks Out News)

As Congress and the White House go back to the drawing board on immigration, the administration took a hard line against compromise plans pushed by Senate moderates, and a new Harvard University poll backed up President Trump’s plan.
Shock poll: Americans want massive cuts to legal immigration
“Actually, It’s Lindsey Graham Who Is Out of the Mainstream on Immigration”
Enough obfuscation. Here are some of the most pernicious myths of illegal immigration, debunked

If you want a sign of a growing economy, look at the disability rolls. They've been shrinking rapidly of late, as fewer apply for benefits and more disabled return to work.
“No question about it— one year into President Trump's first term, the economy is on a roll, creating wealth, income and jobs for Americans, and building opportunities for the young. It's a triumph of economic realism over foolish skepticism.”
President Trump’s Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has taken new steps to restore religious protections for physicians and other health care providers long under attack by the bureaucratic bullies of the Obama administration.

Deafening is the word for the silence that has greeted the report that former Secretary of State John Kerry has sent a message urging the Palestinian Arab leader Mahmoud Abbas to stay strong, resist “Trump’s demands”, and to “play for time.” “…..this is an appalling thing from a former state secretary.”

Sanctuaries: 675 Jurisdictions Won’t Turn Over Criminal Aliens to ICE
New study:  Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born.
New California law will automatically register illegal immigrants to vote... and it all begins on April Fool´s Day!

FBI Text Said To “Directly” Link Obama To Illegal 2016 Election Tampering

NFL rejects ad by veterans group featuring American soldiers carrying the flag, with the hashtag #PleaseStand.

Florida lawmakers consider requiring schools to post “In God we trust”

“It was by most accounts (with the exception of those among the most biased of the anti-Trump media) a remarkably successful showing by POTUS Trump in Davos. He was confident, cordial, tough, yet fair – and in the end, the world cheered this new era of “America first but not America alone” leadership.  Within minutes of finishing his speech, the stock markets rocketed to new all-time highs, adding TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars more into the retirement accounts of the American Middle Class. Where once world markets groaned when Barack Obama gave another meandering anti-American diatribe, those same markets now cheer a U.S. president’s promise of opportunity, freedom, and innovation. By nearly every measure, the lives of ALL Americans are better since Donald Trump became President. It is for that reason his enemies wish to see him destroyed. He is a true political outsider, someone far removed from the incestuous-globalist echo chamber, who continues to play by his own rules – not theirs, and who also puts the needs of the American people first, not those of America’s enemies. What a remarkable time we now live in.”

Investors Business Daily
As Special Counsel Robert Mueller's vast and fruitless investigation into supposed ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government drags on, it's the FBI itself that appears to have been engaged in nefarious activities.

First there is the memo circulating among lawmakers on Capitol Hill regarding how the FBI went about obtaining its warrants to wiretap Trump campaign officials during the campaign.
The speculation is that the memo — drafted by the House Intelligence Committee — will confirm what many already suspect, that the FBI used a phony "dossier" — which was nothing more than a factually challenged compilation of gossip and innuendo secretly financed by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton's campaign — to get those warrants. To hear from House Republicans who've seen it, the memo is explosive…

If it's as bad as Republicans say, what the Intelligence Committee findings mean is that the FBI used unsubstantiated politically motivated opposition research paid for by one campaign as a pretext to spy on members of another campaign. As Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept rightly explains, "One of the gravest and most damaging abuses of state power is to misuse surveillance authorities for political purposes." (Which makes the mainstream media's utter disinterest in this story so bewildering.)

In a previously released batch of (text messages), FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page called Trump an "utter idiot," said that Hillary Clinton "just has to win," and talked about a mysterious "insurance policy" they had in case Trump won the election. The two had been involved in the FBI's Trump-Russia investigation, and until these exchanges were uncovered, had served on Mueller's team. A new batch of texts deepens the intrigue, with one mentioning a "secret society" after Trump's victory in November, and another suggesting that the FBI needed to quickly close the books on the Clinton email investigation once Trump secured the nomination.

Then there's the text where Strzok says he was conflicted about joining Mueller's team because the Russia investigation was, in his own estimation, much ado about nothing. "You and I both know the odds are nothing," he texted. "If I thought it was likely, I'd be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern that there's no big there there."..

(One way) of reading this is that corrupt FBI officials used the immense power at their disposal to illegally eavesdrop on private citizens, fuel a costly and bogus investigation into Trump — while giving Hillary Clinton a free pass on her own scandals — and then tried to keep these machinations under wraps.

We are not conspiracy-mongers here. And we, like everyone in the country, want to be able to trust that our federal law enforcement officials aren't serving as political pawns. But the facts keep pointing to the latter interpretation.


“You know a Republican is in the White House when Apple announces a commitment to the economy of $350B and 20,000 new jobs, North and South Korea are talking, the Dow closes above 26,000 for the first time … and the news media is focused like a laser on the president’s weight.”
                 -Twitter satirist @hale_razor

“Government shutting down — partially — is not a disaster. The real disaster is paying $4 trillion a year to keep it running and getting such poor service in return.”
                -John Stossel

Fox News is digging into the Bill Clinton presidency with the gripping new documentary series “Scandalous,” a no-holds-barred look into the numerous controversies that plagued America’s 42nd president. Episode 2, set to air Sunday, January 28 at 8 p.m. ET, will focus on former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones’ unsuccessful suing of then-President Clinton for sexual harassment, as well as the emergence of then-first lady Hillary Clinton in the public eye.

What a remarkable contrast: President Trump was in command at Davos talking about economic growth and prosperity, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and disgraced former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) were babbling and belittling thousand-dollar bonuses and increased take-home pay for American workers. Specifically, in case you missed it, Wasserman Schultz actually said she is “not sure that $1,000 … goes very far for almost anyone.” And Pelosi, who once described a $40-per-paycheck Obama-era tax cut as a “victory for America,” said thousand-dollar bonuses are just “crumbs.”

Unhinged Michael Moore assails Trump, 'unfit,' 'narcissist, 'sociopath,' 'threat to humanity'

Letting an 8-year-old be a drag queen isn't progressive, it's child abuse

Heritage Foundation ranks President Trump as doing even better than conservative icon President Ronald Reagan in the first year of his Presidency –
Dennis Prager: ‘My Opposition to Donald Trump Was Wrong,’ He Is a ‘Great President’

Most politically polarizing brand names.

Pussy Hats And Church Hymns: A Tale Of Two Movements :  “There could not be a starker contrast than that between the March for Life and the Women's March one day later.  (WARNING: some women’s march signs VERY offensive)

Lawyer Victoria Toensing:  “What alleged illegality is Mueller investigating? Trump exercising lawful presidential authority?”

Not that they needed one, but progressive wing nuts and their fellow travelers are getting another reason to hate President Trump. He’s proving that capitalism works.

Scholarly study finds conservatives are more attractive than liberals.

Psychoanalyzing Seattle:  everything Seattle does is designed to show San Francisco and the world that Seattle is big…To the progressives who run big cities the word "big" is synonymous with progressive. Many American cities are headed down the same decivilizing progressive dead end as Seattle.

The scourge of multiculturalism.

Forget Coattails: GOP Needs Trump’s Backbone in 2018

“Many of those who attack capitalism know very well that their situation under any other economic system will be less favorable. Nevertheless, with full knowledge of this fact, they advocate a reform, e.g., socialism, because they hope that the rich, whom they envy, will also suffer under it.”
         -Ludwig von Mises


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