Sunday, September 16, 2018

op ed review 9/16

Democrats pull Anita Hill 2.0 for the Kavanaugh nomination.  At the 11th hour, Sen. Feinstein finds a college professor who claims Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in high school thirty-five years ago. Kavanaugh and a witness strongly deny the incident. On Friday, more than five dozen women came forward to defend Kavanaugh, calling him “a good person" in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee. (No word yet on how much the accuser was paid.)

USA is now the largest global crude oil producer – surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia
Middle-class income rose to the highest level ever recorded in 2017 and the national poverty rate declined as the benefits of the strong economy lifted the fortunes of more Americans.
The number of job openings sets new record:  6.94 million in July.
Trump drops poverty rate to 11-year low
Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reagan.
Trump Keeps Campaign Promise to Scale Back Size of the EPA
Trump administration closes the PLO office in Washington because the Palestinians are unwilling to negotiate any peace agreement with Israel. US also ending its decades of funding for the U.N. agency that helps Palestinian refugees.
Companies took advantage of last year's tax cuts to bring home profits they had stored overseas. In the first quarter alone, multinational enterprises brought home about $300 billion of the $1 trillion held abroad.
Who needs Paris Climate Agreement?  America leads the world by a huge margin in carbon emissions reduction since year 2000.

All this success scares liberals to death.  Washington Post blames President Trump for Hurricane Florence.
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough says Trump is “a bigger threat to the American dream than foreign adversaries” in 9/11 op ed.
DC police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at a MAGA event in Trump International Hotel
Arson fire at Wyoming GOP Office.
Woman sends out powerful tweet denouncing the abortion movement, days later she is hiding, scared for her life. When she went public about receiving death and rape threats, pro-abortion Twitter users championed the threats against her.
California man accused of switchblade assault on GOP congressional candidate.
Broadway Star Asks ‘Where Is John Wilkes Booth?’ for Trump

A leaked video of Google executives trying to console employees who were upset after the election of President Trump has infuriated conservatives, who say the remarks illustrate the search giant's political bias and should prompt regulators to take a close look at the company.
“It’s Official: Google Is a Democratic Party Front”
Twitter suspends Benghazi hero after criticism of President Obama!
Twitter is tagging the phrase ‘illegal alien’ as ‘hateful content’

At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664.
Because of restrictive judicial orders and catch and release loopholes, 98 percent of families who were apprehended after illegally entering the United States from Mexico in fiscal year 2017 were never deported and remain in the country.
The percentage of the U.S population that is immigrant has reached the highest level in 107 years, with nearly one-in-seven being foreign born.
Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers
Border Patrol agent shot at while sitting in patrol car near border
Assaults on ICE and Border Patrol surge as illegal immigrants get more violent
After fighting President Trump over separating illegal alien children from their parents, ACLU has discovered the families don't want the children back.

Just say no to NFL football:  Anthem Protests: 10 Players from 6 Teams Protest on Week One

Chinese officials burn bibles, close churches, force Christian to denounce faith amid 'escalating' crackdown

Chet Richards, 9/12
The Oval Office is in chaos.  Donald Trump is mercurial, scatter-brained, given to changing his opinion every few minutes.  Talks all the time.  Doesn’t listen.  Is opinionated.  Often wrong.  He is interested only in today, not tomorrow.  He lacks caution.  It all adds up to a president who clearly is mentally deficient – insane even.  Or so some say.  They say it is vital for the Nation’s future that Donald Trump be relieved of his office – or at least tightly controlled.

All of the above may, or may not, be true.  Only those in a day-to-day working relationship with the president know the reality, and publicly they say only positive things about the man. Whatever the truth, the simple fact is that Donald Trump is, thus far, perhaps the most productive president in American history.  Only Teddy Roosevelt is a productive rival, and chaos surrounded him, as well.  How can Trump’s purported chaotic insanity produce such positive results?

The simplest explanation is simple:  Donald Trump may be a genius!  Don’t laugh.  He may be the real thing.  He jokes about it, which suggests he doesn’t realize that he really is (see the Dunning-Kruger effect). His career record certainly suggests he is a major creative talent – and a gutsy one at that.

Perhaps President Trump is the kind of genius who thrives on turmoil.  If so, that explains the chaos.  In my profession of physics, there have been several brilliant notables with exactly that characteristic.  It is not to say that Donald Trump lacks self-discipline.  He wouldn’t be where he is today if discipline was lacking.  His discipline is probably very different from the norm, but it clearly works.

Creative people understand chaos. They especially understand it if they have collaborated with other talented people on a difficult problem.  Creative chaos is the norm in such an environment.  Without that chaos productivity can vanish.

More than half a century ago, equipped with a fresh physics degree, I attracted the attention of a group of professional inventors and was hired.  Most of the time the work was routine. The real fun came, most days, when things were winding down. Then a few of us would gather together for exercises in pure invention. We were led by the group’s technical boss, a master inventor. It was in these sessions that I received my training as a professional inventor. The most noteworthy things about these sessions were their chaos and their entertainment value – they really were fun.

A problem would be posed. It didn’t matter what kind of problem as long as there was no known solution.  Then came a great deal of discordant, often simultaneous, often loud, back and forth.  Chaos.  Then, sometimes popping out of the blue, a solution magically appeared.  Almost always these sessions would produce at least one patentable invention (and often more than one)…Given the creative ferment there it is little wonder that the group produced a series of engineering masterpieces. Later, after several uninspiring years in graduate school, I found myself working directly for one of the aerospace industry’s great geniuses.  Chaos again.  I was back in my element. People change, personalities change, but the creative chaos is always the same – provided the talent is there.

Trump faces a problem: the Government.  The Government is not, by its nature, a creative institution.  When it tries to be it almost invariable gets it wrong.  Just consider all the failed social programs if you doubt this.

Government is good at routine.  Routine minds are repelled by the kind of turbulence that surrounds Donald Trump.  Which, of course, is the reason they have routine minds in routine jobs.  Government is process oriented and rule bound.  Once a routine is established things tend to go smoothly for a while.  Unfortunately, routine breaks down in stressing situations.  Then, creative thinking is required.  But the creativity is usually not there.  Creative people just don’t fit comfortably in a process oriented organization.

The aerospace industry has many examples where process breaks down.  One program, where I was involved at a senior level, suffered from excessive process.  The program manager was a retired Lieutenant General who had had great success managing a key part of the first Gulf War.  He was highly intelligent and accessible.  But he did not understand the creative chaos required for success in this kind of program.  What he did understand was process.

Key decisions were to be made according to a detailed schedule, not for technical merit.  After an expenditure of more than a billion dollars of government money, and hundreds of millions of dollars of corporate investment, the program was canceled.  Process had killed the program.

The people who thrive at upper levels in Government are mostly highly intelligent conventional thinkers.  Put them in the service of someone like Donald Trump and they may do outstanding work.  Or, they may rebel and engage in subversion.  Such rebellion seems to be a problem today…..In time the mix of the people around the president will have evolved to be a buffer between the productive conventional thinkers and their highly unconventional boss.  In engineering terms, Trump’s senior staff should serve as an efficient impedance matching device.  Given Donald Trump’s major talents, and with such a mature staff around the president, we can expect this administration to go down as one of history’s greatest.

“It’s no small irony that one of the major factors driving Trump supporters’ steadfast loyalty is the arrogance and outrageousness of the left. They expect support for Trump to evaporate because he supposedly exhibits the very type of extremism and unhinged conduct they display themselves — every single day.”
      -David Limbaugh

First look at the trailer for a forthcoming film, "Trump @ War," that Steve Bannon released on Sept. 9.

When readers see the new book, “The Worst President In History, the Legacy of Barack Obama,” liberals are likely to laugh at the list of 200 reasons. Conservatives are likely to think 200 is too few.

Far-left Islamic activist Linda Sarsour calls for the “dehumanization of Israelis”.

After all the left wing activist trouble last year, Evergreen State College freshmen enrollment drops 50%.

Nancy Pelosi Trashes Jobs Report Some Analysts Call ‘Greatest of All Time’

Left-wing activists threaten Sen. Susan Collins with $1M for her next democrat opponent if she doesn’t vote against Kavanaugh. “I consider this…an attempt to bribe me..”

The bombshell admission came last week on MSNBC. New York uber-liberal Donny Deutsch said, “Trump will be re-elected in 2020 by a landslide.”  That—while amazing—is not the bomb.  It’s what he said next: “That’s why Trump must be removed from office now.” 

VDH: The Circus of Resistance

Mass Shootings in America: Anatomy of a Hyped Statistic

Democrats Silent As Violence Against Republicans Escalates

Conrad Black:  Dirtiest Trick In U.S. History Comes Into Focus

“Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government-- in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.”
    -Milton Friedman


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