Saturday, January 5, 2019

op ed review 1/6

Job growth surges by 312,000 in December, almost twice the expectation. U.S. Economy Surpasses 150,000,000 Jobs for First Time Ever.
Manufacturing industry posts biggest annual job gain in 20 years
4.8 Million More Americans Employed Since Trump Took Office
President Trump has made good and then some on his pledge to slash costly federal regulations, issuing the fewest new rules in recorded history in his first two years, according to a new analysis.
President Trump is challenging EPA regulations that cost $7.4 billion to $9.6 billion annually, but provide only $4 million to $6 million annually in health benefits. Naturally, liberals are upset because they just use the environment as an excuse to kneecap American industry and our economy.
Military vets give Trump high marks for job performance, poll finds

Media all giddy about “Most diverse Congress ever, ready to confront President Trump”.
Here comes the 'Green New Deal…A Radical Mandate for Government Control of American Society”
Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) compares Trump to Hitler
New House Democrat Rashida Tlaib: “We're gonna impeach the motherf****r”
Pelosi defends Tlaib: “freedom of speech…..I don’t think we should make a big deal of it.”

Facebook slapped evangelist Franklin Graham with a 24-hour ban over a 2016 post about North Carolina’s so-called “bathroom” bill.
Twitter wouldn't allow promotion of 'illegal aliens' tweet, immigration group claims

NYC Muslims’ new community patrol group, with squad cars, have residents worried about ‘creeping Sharia’

German Chancellor Merkel reveals the globalist goal: “Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty” and that the will of the people on issues like immigration and border security doesn't matter.

'Violent mob' repelled in attempt to storm U.S. border in San Diego.
How Mexican Mafia affiliates known for murder, extortion and drug trafficking are tied to the California 'cop killer'.  “one of the most feared criminal enterprises in the US”.
Facebook censors post honoring slain Officer Cpl. Ronil Singh because they didn’t like his killer named as an “illegal alien”.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System said that it has turned away 7,836,600 attempted gun purchases by “illegal/unlawful aliens” this year.
Were California's famed ballot-harvesters, who flipped places such as Orange County blue in the last midterm, actually citizens?
Gofundme for border wall shatters records

To DNC elites the border fence is “immoral”, but keeping people away from their convention is a good idea.  DNC erects four-mile eight-foot tall fence around Philly convention site”

2019 is shaping up to be the year of Chinese aggression and challenges to the west. On the technological front, they just landed a spacecraft on the dark side of the moon. Far more troubling is the increasing level of military saber-rattling going on. After launching their first domestically constructed aircraft carrier, one of their admirals suggest that they might sink a couple of ours. And now, renewing a diplomatic battle that’s been going on for decades, China’s president is suggesting that they will bring Taiwan back under the direct control of Beijing, even if they have to do so by force.

Boulder’s newly enacted “assault weapons” ban is meeting with stiff resistance from its “gun-toting hippies,” staunch liberals who also happen to be devoted firearms owners.

New revelations confirm the Steele dossier was planned as Hillary's insurance policy not to prevent Trump’s election so much as to harm him if he won.
For nearly two years now, the intelligence community has kept secret evidence in the Russia collusion case that directly undercuts the portrayal of retired Army general and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn as a Russian stooge.

?? British Army puts out a recruitment poster call to all “snowflakes, phone zombies, and binge gamers.” Posters praise “binge gamers” for their drive, “phone zombies” for their focus, “me me me millennials” for their self-belief and “snowflakes” for their compassion.

After allowing Barack Obama to walk all over him in 2012, Mitt Romney finally made it to Washington, and immediately attacked President Trump.
Rand Paul hits ‘Big Government’ Romney, calls Trump an ‘actual conservative’
Fox Business host Lou Dobbs called Romney a “treacherous fool” on Wednesday, then expressed disbelief that “the people of Utah elected this creep.”
Mitt Romney’s History of Backstabbing Trump
Limbaugh: “President Trump isn’t the enemy, Mr. Romney”

Investors Business Daily  ½

Despite all the hand-wringing about a government shutdown, President Donald Trump still has a strong hand. The amount he's asking for is a relative pittance. And the shutdown is exposing how useless much of the federal government is.

Start with Trump's demand for $5 billion to start construction on the border wall. That number might sound like a lot, but it is less than a rounding error in the federal government's $4 trillion annual budget. It's the equivalent of going less than three miles on a 2,802-mile cross-country trip. It is less than a teaspoon in a gallon of milk. Or 10 seconds of a 2-½ hour feature film.
The government could cover Trump's $5 billion request many times over simply by rooting out a small portion of the taxpayer money federal agencies waste either through incompetence, duplication or outright fraud.

In one year alone, Medicare wastes almost 10 times what Trump is asking for, because of what are euphemistically called "improper payments," according to the Government Accountability Office. The Mercatus Center found that Medicaid, the federal unemployment insurance program, and the Earned Income Tax Credit each waste more in one year than the $5 billion Trump wants for his wall.

The GAO found that the government spends about $18 billion a year on 47 job training programs scattered across nine federal agencies — none of which could demonstrate their effectiveness.

The government shutdown itself is exposing how much fat taxpayers are financing. According to various news accounts, federal agencies sent about 400,000 "nonessential" workers home during the shutdown. (Another 400,000 "essential" workers are putting in hours without pay.) Not counting the Postal Service (which is self-funded) and the military, there are about 1.7 million federal workers. That means that at least one quarter of the entire federal workforce is "nonessential."

Since Congress had already funded three quarters of the government before the government shutdown, the remaining agencies are bearing the brunt of the shutdown. CNBC reports that the shutdown affected about 30% of Transportation Department workers, 86% of those at the Commerce Department, and 95% of workers at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

What does it say about these agencies that huge portions of their workers are nonessential? Yet, even with these offices largely emptied out, few are noticing any difference. Even liberals admit, as did National Public Radio, that "the practical impact is most Americans won't really feel this." The government shutdown hasn't kept TSA workers from screening airline passengers. The government-run Amtrak trains continue to operate. Social Security checks are going out. Medicare is still paying bills. Food stamp and welfare are unaffected. The national parks remain open. The National Weather Service continues to issue weather updates.

Indeed, the only concrete examples of problems caused by the shutdown are overflowing trash cans and closed bathrooms at national parks. (But this simply argues for having the national parks pay for themselves through entrance fees. As it stands, the National Park Service spends $2.9 billion a year operating national parks,  but collects only about $400 million in fees and concessions from its more than 300 million annual visitors.)

By hanging tough, Trump can make serious gains on border security, while at the same time exposing the vast amounts of wasteful spending in the federal government. That's what we'd call a win-win.

If Trump folds, on the other hand, he will roil his base and gain nothing in return from Democrats, except derision for being a loser at the bargaining table.


 “A wall or fencing is relatively mild as far as immigration enforcement goes. It doesn’t involve deporting anyone. It doesn’t separate families. It doesn’t prosecute and detain anyone. It doesn’t deny any illegal immigrant currently working in the United States a job. All it does is seek to avoid getting in a situation where these other things are necessary in the first place. A wall doesn’t close down the border, or close us off to the world. There are still ports of entry. People can still travel to and from Mexico. People can still, for that matter, fly to Paris. It just diminishes illegal entry at certain strategic points. … The wall isn’t the most important immigration enforcement measure. Requiring employers to verify the legal status of their employees would be much more consequential. But the wall has taken on great symbolic significance. What it denotes, perhaps more than anything else, is the growing irrationality of the Democrats on immigration.”
       -Rich Lowry

“Trump, say the Democrats, is ‘unwilling to compromise.’ But when he asks for only $5 billion for a project with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection estimated price tag of $18 billion spent over 10 years, that is already a compromise. … Obama, after insisting he lacked authority, used an executive order to create Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — even though immigration law is up to Congress. But Trump can’t use $5 billion from this year’s $700 billion defense budget for a down payment on a border wall for national security, the principal job of the commander in chief?”
                -Larry Elder

In a stirring 15-minute monologue on Fox News Jan 3, Tucker Carlson blasted America’s ruling classes for not caring about fellow Americans and demanded that they put “families first.”
“Tucker Carlson's monologue last night was one of the most powerful moments in cable news history….”
“Tucker Carlson for President”
Here’s a transcript “We Are Ruled By Mercenaries Who Feel No Long-Term Obligation To The People They Rule”

Video surfaces of Washington Post op-ed contributor chanting ‘Death to America’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Super Wealthy be Taxed Up to 70% to Fund ‘Green New Deal’

Elizabeth Warren’s “Dukakis Tank” moment….Tries to be one of the cool kids like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by livestreaming herself drinking beer in her kitchen, but comes across more like Mike Dukakis on his disastrous tank ride.
Pocahontas in pursuit of the White House

Despite increasingly apocalyptic warnings from U.N. officials, 2018 has seen a number of high-profile defeats for policies aimed at fighting global warming. Politicians and voters pushed back at attempts to raise energy prices as part of the climate crusade.

“My opinion of Mitt Romney has changed over the years. When he lost the Republican nomination to John McCain in 2008, I thought he was a classy guy with a future. When he lost the general election to Barack Obama in 2012, I thought he was a good man with a glass jaw. When he repeatedly got on his high horse to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, I thought he was an opportunistic sleaze bag gorging on sour grapes and his own monstrously selfish sense of virtue. But now, after reading his Washington Post jihad against Trump, I finally figured what Mitt Romney really is … an idiot.”

The Boy Scouts’ Bankruptcy Is Not Just Financial. It’s Moral.  Scouting’s problems go beyond the financial, deep into the problems with America’s civil culture today.

“Early in his term, I was concerned about whether President Trump could stand up under the pressure. No one in our history, with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln, had been subjected to such vicious abuse. I wondered whether any human being could tolerate it for four years. I don’t worry about that any longer. The irrepressible Donald Trump keeps on giving the Democrats at least as good as he gets, and seems to enjoy doing it….”

The Falsehoods That Drive ‘Open Borders’ Theory

“Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism”

Race car driver Jeff Gordon disguises himself and pranks salesman on car test drive.

Tucker’s monologues

President Trump tweeted a brilliant video about the crisis at the border and it shows Sen. Schumer up for the lying hypocrite he is.

Top 50 Conservative Websites for 2018

Trump's Top 10 Achievements of 2018

Twenty most annoying liberals of 2018

Michael Medved’s Best Movies of 2018

This guy is very good at connecting dots and identifying hidden agendas:  Long read but explains why Trump doesn’t have his wall yet.  In a nutshell, on some issues like immigration, the elites of both parties (he calls it the “Uniparty”) are in the pockets of Wall Street and the US Chamber of Commerce.

“A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired.” —Alexander Hamilton (1775)


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