Saturday, December 1, 2018

op ed review 12/2

Republican Senate win in Mississippi gives Mitch McConnell three votes to spare to confirm Trump judges.

Democrats flipped six, possibly seven Congressional seats from Republican to Democrat in California.  Here’s how they did it.  “…a direct result of ‘ballot harvesting’ allowed under California law for the first time. That directly caused the (Republican candidate) from being ahead on election night to losing two weeks later……You can’t just run a traditional campaign as you did before…..If one party’s harvesting ballots, both parties need to do it.”

Violent caravan clash after media minimized Trump's warnings.  Rock throwing draws tear gas response from Border Patrol.
Democratic Senator suggests tear gas is like using 'chemical weapons' on poor migrants..
But wait a minute, “Obama Used Tear Gas At Least 80 Times at Border”
U.S. News Media Falsely Portrays U.S. Officials as Aggressors in Border Invasion
91 Percent of Central American Asylum Seekers Have Bogus Claims
170 Fake Families Separated At The Border In Just Under 6 Months
Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez likens the would-be illegals crashing the gates of the U.S. southern border to Jewish Holocaust victims and families fleeing Rwandan genocide in the 1990’s.
But a new study by USC, hardly a conservative source, finds that caravan migrants and others like them are overwhelmingly job-seekers and people looking to join their families.  What they're not is people fleeing violence and persecution. “…improves their incomes by 1,200 percent by moving to US”
Lice, hepatitis, TB, chicken pox, scabies plague a third of the caravan migrants.
Seven in 10 Mexicans have a negative view of Central American caravan migrants. The survey also found that 52 percent of Mexicans oppose giving work permits to the migrants, 52 percent want those without legal documents blocked from entering Mexico and 55 percent support cracking down on future caravans.
Howie Carr: Asylum caravan's future Democrats dream of life in the Land of the Free Stuff.

President Trump is appealing a federal judge’s decision to block the administration’s new policy on refugees.

Clintons’ speaking tour event in Toronto had 83% of the seats empty

'I don't see it': Trump says people like him aren't global warming 'believers' and he doubts people cause climate change – one day after apocalyptic report comes out of his own administration.
Holdover Obama officials prepared the dire report.
Brazil's New Top Diplomat: “Climate Change is a Marxist Hoax”.

Cardinal Müller Warns of 'Mafia-Like' Homosexual Network Wreaking Havoc in the Catholic Church

Twitter Permanently Bans Feminist For Writing That ‘Men Aren’t Women’

Model for future leftist Big Brother: Beijing to Judge Every Resident Based on Behavior by End of 2020.

??? FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation and Uranium One

The "War on Christmas" has returned once again this year: Huffington Post skewers a beloved Christmas classic and now lectures parents on why they should teach their children to say the more inclusive "Happy Holidays" greeting in December instead of the age-old classic, "Merry Christmas.”
The media have returned for the time-honored tradition of bashing the first lady Melania Trump’s White House decorations for absolutely no reason. After the official unveiling of the decorations Monday, a large chorus of reporters online have called the First Lady’s Christmas decorations the likes of “creepy,” “Christmas from Hell,” and “spooky.” The Washington Post devoted an entire article to criticizing her decorations. Vice said it was a “Christmas from H**l.” MSNBC hosts said it looked like a scene from ‘The Shining.’ Slate wondered ‘What message is Melania Trump sending with her red Christmas trees of death?’

New York considers bill that would not only deny, but revoke, gun licenses over ‘slurs’ and ‘biased language’
Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Stopping Active Shooter Situations

Will Brewster 11/29

With every mass murder, bloody war, sexual assault, and gang-related shooting, there is usually one common denominator: men.  Universally, violence, ambition, aggression, and conquest appear unique to the male psyche.  When unchecked, these attributes are what many refer to as "toxic masculinity."  The solution to war, crime, violence, and greed is glaringly obvious to some.  We just need to make men less masculine, right?  Would not the world be more peaceful if all men were more like women?  I do not believe so.  Today, we need more masculinity, not less.

Trying to make men more like women does not result in less toxic masculinity. It results in more. Bad men become good when they are no longer bad, not when they are no longer men. Violence, aggression, greed, and ambition cannot be plucked from a male's nature, but they can be harnessed.

The same masculine traits that cause violence were also found in those young boys who went to Europe in 1942, chasing Adolf Hitler to his doom.  Those same masculine traits that lead to selfish ambition also led to an American flag being planted on the Moon. Those same masculine traits that cause greed also led to the development of the American economic juggernaut.  And those same masculine traits that lead men to make immature and reckless decisions are also those found in Smokejumpers, the Special Forces, and Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers.  Less masculinity is not the solution to our problems, but rather better masculinity, and more of it. 

Masculinity is a father working hard to provide for his family; a teenager holding the door open on a first date; a kid who stands up to the school bully; a team like the Granite Mountain Hotshots, made up of 19 men who burned alive in 2,000 degree heat, fighting a wildfire in Arizona that everyone else was running from; and a man like Navy SEAL Officer Michael Murphy, who selflessly sacrificed his life in Afghanistan so his teammate, Marcus Luttrell, could live.

The growing problem in today's society is not that men are becoming too masculine, but rather that they are not masculine enough.  When men embrace their masculinity, they become providers, protectors, leaders, and heroes.  On the contrary, when masculinity is lacking, men run away from their true nature, and the country is littered with the consequences: fatherless homes, leading to an increased likelihood that their kids will experience anxiety and depression, get in trouble with the law, and drop out of school; the growing idea that winning, running up the score, and competition are suddenly a bad thing, leading to a generation of boys that never learn a crucial lesson in life: failure; and fewer men brave enough to step up when the times are toughest, protect the innocent, and engage those who wish to do harm. 

Without true masculinity, toxic behavior is not only increased, but allowed to run rampant, as few good men are left to stop it. We need more masculinity, not less.


“It’s no coincidence that as societies become more progressive, they also become less Christian, and vice versa. This has obviously happened in Europe, and numbers show it’s happening in America. Government replaces God.”
                 -Allie Beth Stuckey

CBS is cutting bait with its re-booted, President Trump-bashing sitcom, Murphy Brown, announcing it will not renew the show after its first 13 episodes, according to reports.

A Conservative Late Night Host is Coming

Outlaw journalist Mike Cernovich is about to debut his long-awaited movie about “fake news,” a visual broadside on the hypocrisy seen often in liberal media and the clearest explanation yet of his tactics popular on conservative social media channels.

“For a truly in-depth analysis of Mr. Trump’s grasp of the American psyche, it’s worth spending an hour watching “The Trump Effect: Deprogramming the American Mind,” a remarkable film by Cuban emigre Agustin Blazquez…..explains, with many visual illustrations, Donald Trump’s successful reading of the American character and why his crusade as “deprogrammer-in-chief” against political correctness translated into electoral success.” (and why liberals hate him so much)

Progressive CNN contributor and Temple University professor calls for the elimination of Israel.  After blowback, CNN reluctantly fires him.

Billionaire leftie Tom Steyer: ‘No Question That This President’ Has ‘Met the Grounds for Impeachment’

A group of nooses discovered hanging off trees near the Mississippi state Capitol were not a warning from a white supremacist group, but rather a "protest" by leftists against Mississippi Republican Senate candidate Cindy Hyde-Smith.

Teacher Evacuates Classroom Because Student Is Wearing MAGA Hat — Calls Kid an “Assh*le” in Front of Class

Gus Klein, a veteran of the Afghanistan war, said he worried about his family’s safety after someone burned a ‘Trump 2020’ flag flying outside of his home in Burlington, Vermont, and then threw it on his front porch. Now, Klein is due to get a new ‘Trump 2020’ flag — from the Trump family themselves.

The U.S. Global Change Research Program has released its latest doomsday climate report. The results of the many models are simply averaged together to create an ensemble of climate models that is used to make the doomsday predictions. Instead of using the best model to make predictions, all the models are used as if every model is as good as every other model. The reason for this is political. If a “best” model were selected, the scientifically correct approach, that would be breaking the rice bowl of all the losing modeling groups.
‘A Political Report Masquerading as Science’: The Truth About the New Climate Report

Global Warming: Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda

Don't Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling

California Burning: How the Greens Turned the Golden State Brown

French Riot Against “Green” Policies

President Trump is putting the economic screws to Mexico to control the flood of Central American migrants storming our southern border. Unlike prior presidents, Trump is driving a hard bargain. Exports are Mexico´s economic lifeblood. A staggering 81 percent of those exports go to the United States. That´s why Trump´s threat to close the border -- even for short time -- gets results. Shutting the border shuts down Mexico. Period.
The mainstream media and Democrats have criticized the Trump administration’s response to the migrant caravans storming the nation’s southern border. Many of the critiques either don’t provide full context or are factually incorrect.  Here are three narratives that are wrong.

Liberals constantly assert, without citing any data, that the U.S. is alone among civilized nations in suffering the phenomenon of mass shootings. Like so many claims, it suits the Left’s narrative while being entirely untrue. “Of the 97 countries where we identified mass public shootings, the U.S. ranks 64th per capita in its rate of attacks and 65th in fatalities. Major European countries, such as Norway, Finland, France, Switzerland and Russia, all have at least 25 percent higher per capita murder rates from mass public shootings.”

Walsh:  In the playpen that has become our politics, feelings are everything. It doesn’t matter what the facts are, only the emotional effect those facts and their attendant consequences might have on the party holding the short end of the stick. Lose an election? Whine and sue. Don’t like the notion of a sovereign nation defending its borders from an attack using non-lethal means? Emotionalize and propagandize a picture of a mother and her children fleeing. Everything must have an emotional component, behind which lies the unspoken accusation: how would you like it if this happened to you?

Congratulations to the leftists who've taken over the nation's public education system. They're now producing generations of Americans who know little about their own country, other than that they hate it. That's what a new survey shows, anyway.

What’s the matter with Portland?

John Hawkins:  “There Are No Oppressed People in America”

Here’s The List: The Top 10 Crimes Committed by the Corrupt and Conflicted Mueller Investigative and Legal Team!

“If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds. This forms a complete barrier against any material oppression of the citizens by taxes of this class, and is itself a natural limitation of the power of imposing them.”
                =Alexander Hamilton


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