Sunday, October 21, 2018

op ed review 10/21

Nancy Pelosi Says Amnesty and Gun Control Among Top Priorities if Democrats Win
List of all the things the Democrats are promising to do if elected:  single-payer health care, $15 minimum wage, abolish ICE, repeal Trump tax cuts, free college, net neutrality, $1 trillion for “infrastructure”, defense cuts, limit executive pay, global warming tax.

Democratic candidates for Congress have raised a record-shattering $1 billion this election
99.7 Percent of Donations from Hollywood Executives Go to Democrats
Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-checked
Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate brags that illegal aliens will be part of the Democratic Party’s "blue wave" in the upcoming midterm elections.
Minnesota Democratic-Party leader says Republicans should be brought “to the guillotines” after the November midterm elections.
The executive director of the county Democratic Party in Pittsburgh lost his job when Democrats  found an old picture of him and his wife on Facebook, with two phrases superimposed: “ I stand for the Flag,” and “I kneel at the cross.”  Democrats deemed this to be “insensitive” and even offensive.

Witches in New York City organize public “Hex Ritual” to curse Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, the Arizona Democratic nominee for Jeff Flake’s U.S. Senate seat, once summoned witches to her anti-war rally.
Sinema once described stay-at-home moms as leeches.
Sinema in 2002: It'd be 'inappropriate' to condemn destruction of property by anarchists.
Sinema: 'I don't care' if people go to fight for the Taliban against US.

Nationwide, Democrats have a 53-42 percent edge in the generic ballot for the House. But inside the 66 districts that are tossups or leaning,  Republicans are up by 1
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds.
In NPR/PBS/Marist poll, 41 percent of Hispanics approved of President Trump.
Zogby: Democrat House win ‘far from certain..' Senate 'nearly impossible'
Another prediction:  “Republicans are going to remain in control of both the House and the Senate in a couple of weeks…..the Republican base is more energized now than at any point since November 2016.”
“A number of anecdotes and a patchwork of early/absentee voting numbers is suggesting that even some of us who predicted a (Republican) hold in the House and a big gain in the Senate may still be underestimating the extent of the Republican wave that may be coming.”
Democrat pollster shocked: Women are less likely to support abortion rights than men
After Taylor Swift Endorsement, Phil Bredesen (D) Falls to -14 Against Blackburn (R) In Latest Poll

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit.  Whoops!  Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts”
The United States returned to the top spot as the most competitive country in the world for the first time since 2008 according to the World Economic Forum.
Trumponomics:  Walgreens Announces $150 Million Payroll Wage Increase in FY 2019….
Trump KO’s ’60 Minutes’ on ‘climate change’ – Trump’s skeptical remarks were ‘scientifically, politically and economically accurate’
Judge Dismisses Stormy Daniels Lawsuit – Requires Ms. Daniels to Pay President Trump’s Attorney Fees…

Migration Horde Advances, Next Stop USA – Mexico Puts Up Token Resistance, Promises To Call on United Nations…”This is a transparently constructed political operation; with the migrant arrival timed to arrive at the U.S-Mexico border at the same time as the 2018 midterm election.”
To hear the left and its complicit press tell it, the great 4,000-strong caravan of Hondurans snaking through Guatemala and Mexico on their way to the U.S. to claim asylum, are just desperate refugees, traveling in a group to ensure their safety. That was how the New York Times wrote it up. Well, no. Turns out they're being paid, in money, standing in line for their paychecks…..Soros?
More Illegal Aliens Giving Birth to Anchor Babies in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

Great idea!  Hungary bans gender studies at universities, “an ideology, not a science”.

Why France is doomed:  “French hero, who sacrificed himself to save a hostage from an Islamist, won’t have a place named after him because ‘it may offend Muslims’”

According to her DNA test, Sen. Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas” Warren may be less Native American than the average U.S. white person.

In a victory for freedom of religion and speech, the Atlanta city council agreed to pay former fire chief Kelvin Cochran $1.2 million in damages and attorneys' fees for firing him after he wrote a book expressing biblical views on sex and marriage.

Just in time for Halloween: Democrat-led voter intimidation!
Douglas Herz  10/21

If we have learned anything about liberals, it is that they will do nearly anything to gain power. This election season their strategy is all about enhancing turnout by ginning up their base with hateful negative messaging, divisive identity politics, demonization of president Trump, and threats of violence.

Witness the perfectly timed hit job on Trump's pick for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, designed to scuttle his confirmation or at least whip up an anti-Trump frenzy and perhaps separate the supposedly fragile "suburban white female voter bloc" from the Republican Party. In recent days, another exquisitely orchestrated assault on the president's border policies, a "caravan" of "migrants," is headed toward our southern border from Honduras, gathering human and political momentum with each mile. Is the media hysteria over the death of an obscure Saudi journalist meant to embarrass Donald Trump, who has been cozying up to the Saudis lately as a regional counterbalance to Iran? Even the curiously scheduled Sixty Minutes interview of the president last weekend appeared to be designed by the left as a game-changing hatchet job, although, fortunately, it did not turn out quite as they had planned.

One thing is certain: expect further outrages as the Democratic Party apparatchiks dig deep into their bag of dirty tricks to influence the outcome of the November midterm elections in their favor. Who knows? Maybe even Robert Mueller will pop up along with the witches and goblins of Halloween to scare us all.

A serious concern is voter intimidation. The left has shown, as with Philly Voter in 2008, a willingness to use intimidation and threats at polling places to distort election outcomes.  It worked well back then, as Barack Hussein Obama and his right-hand goon, A.G. Eric Holder, obfuscated this clear case of voter intimidation into oblivion. As the Democratic Party lurches farther into leftist fascism and continues to promote violence and intimidation as political tools, we should all beware. Watch for demonstrations, mayhem, and scuffles as out-of-towner mischief-makers swarm into sensitive swing districts come November and police are ordered by cowardly local politicians to stand down. The recent takeover of Portland by a cadre of Antifa thugs, who are increasingly serving as the Democratic Party's paramilitary arm, was perhaps just a rehearsal.

Halloween is a time of scary fun and enjoyment for most. However, in true fascist fashion, the Democratic Party may use only the scary part on us in November.

Something has happened to the Democratic Party, something dramatic and awful. It wasn’t that long ago that the Democratic Party liked America, and its members weren’t afraid to say it. Now saying positive things about the country will get you run out of the party and possibly attacked by a mob. Their media minions will cheer it all. And, if things go as expected next month, these people could retake the House of Representatives. These people in power should scare everyone…….Maybe someday the Democratic Party will shift back to one that actually embraces American exceptionalism, or at least isn’t hostile to the ideals on which this country was founded. Until then, they must be defeated. Because if they’re willing to do these things, and much worse, to obtain power, just imagine what they’d do if they got it.


“When you realize Democrats staying in power is completely dependent on minorities and women doing poorly, you wonder how actually determined they are to see progress.”
       -Allie Beth Stuckey

 “In addition to stopping all payments to these countries, which seem to have almost no control over their population, I must, in the strongest terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught — and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!”
         -Donald Trump

“Halloween is a gung-ho, gun-loving, liberal-trolling, capital-punishment-backing conservative manifesto in the format of a slasher flick.”

Pro-life film on the trial of Kermit Gosnell defies the odds with ratings triumph.
Media ignores Gosnell opening.
Why ‘Gosnell’ Movie Could Rock Hollywood Abortion Debate
OER reader Judy says “It’s well done, informative, eye-opening.  In spite of the grim subject, there are also heart-warming sub-themes. It’s in theaters now in our area and I recommend going to see it.”

Leftie group places severed pig heads at "polling places and campaign offices" in and around the Austin, Texas, area. The group is calling for revolutionary violence rather than participation in the “bourgeois elections.”

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is offering a course this semester focusing on what it calls “Trumpaganda.” “Students will examine Trump’s “war on facts, press and democracy,” according to the eight-week course title.”
Walter Williams:  “Colleges: A Force for Evil…How higher education is threatening the future of the country.”

A radical organization closely associated with Florida Democrat gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, compiled an education tool for U.S. teachers that glorifies the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a deadly terrorist organization. The project pushes “rebellion”… and quite literally calls for “the destruction of the Zionist state.”

Fifty one years ago this week, Ernesto "Che" Guevara got a major dose of his own medicine. Without trial he was declared a murderer, stood against a wall and shot. If the saying "What goes around comes around" ever fit, it's here.

Antifa Website Promotes HOME ABORTION CLASSES to ‘Dismantle White Supremacist Bio-Medical Patriarchy’ In Response to Kavanaugh

Pope Francis gets chummy with Michael Moore

Actor Alec Baldwin calls for 'overthrow' of Trump administration

Vandals hit NYC GOP headquarters: ‘Attack is merely a beginning’

Comedian Amy Schumer wonders whether white NFL players who don’t kneel are “complicit in racism.”

Why U.N. climate report cannot be trusted

NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity

Levi Strauss & Co, "a pioneer of the American West," announces they will donate more than $1 million to gun-control groups.  Time to switch brands.
Gallup poll:  Majority now opposes banning semi-automatic guns.

Camille Paglia: Feminism Based on Destroying Men Is ‘Absolute Poison’ to Culture

What has transformed the Democratic party into an anguished progressive movement that incorporates the tactics of the street, reverts to Sixties carnival barking, and is radicalized by a new young socialist movement? Even party chairman Tom Perez concedes that there are “no moderate Democrats left,” and lately the rantings of Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez confirm that diagnosis.
Since November 2016, when Donald Trump was elected president, the American Left has been engaged in one long crackup—a juvenile tantrum of epic proportions marked by hideous screams, rolling eyes, copious tears, foam-flecked lips, and flailing fists and feet that finally allows us to see them for what they really are: a giant 2-year-old in the midst of a frustrated, impotent meltdown.

Spreading lies to benefit the Democrat Party is what the establishment media do. For example, over the weekend, NBC News fabricated the lie that President Trump gushed over Confederate General Robert E. Lee. This was a deliberate lie to smear Trump as racist, and it was only corrected by NBC after the lie had run its course. Over the same weekend, CNN crafted its own lie to make Donald Trump Jr. look racist.

Blasey-Ford’s polygraph was BS, here’s why.

Huh?? Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly forced to apologize for praising 'racist' Winston Churchill
The ridiculous PC pushback on Winston Churchill.

“Pedophilia Isn’t The Main Problem With Catholic Priests, Homosexuality Is”
Home videos discovered in the basement of a Catholic church in south central Illinois show up to a dozen local priests dressed in drag and engaging in homosexual acts, according to sources claiming to have viewed the videos.
A Vatican Cardinal was present at a homosexual drug-fueled party raided by the Vatican police in the summer of 2017 at which his secretary, Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, was arrested.

Faith based voter’s guide for Washington State.
iVoter rates candidates on a scale from conservative to liberal.
Heritage Foundation scores members of Congress.

List of President Trump’s 289 accomplishments.
President Trump lists 14 things he’ll do if Republicans hold the house and senate:

Watch: GOP Ad ‘The Left: An Unhinged Mob’

The Democrats' 2020 Platform: Free Everything For Everybody!!

About 100 CEOs whose companies are components of the S&P 500 have been willing to fly a markedly Democratic or Republican flag in their political giving as individuals during the current election cycle.  Here’s the list:

'Make America Date Again': Pro-Trump Dating App Launches

MUST SEE:  “Welcome to Portland – A Progressive Paradise”

“When People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
              -Samuel Adams (1775)


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