op ed review 10/14
Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed, Possibly Most Conservative
Supreme Court Since 1934
A savage, frothing Left has united Republicans around Trump
Hysterical liberals break down sobbing
Protesters claw at Supreme Court doors while Kavanaugh sworn
Anti-Kavanaugh protesters paid to help make 'viral moments.’
George Soros funded the anti-Kavanaugh activism.
The lawyer for Christine Blasey Ford's "beach
friend"-- the one who worked for the FBI in the office of former Schumer
staffer Preet Bharara--just so happens to be the FBI official who oversaw the
Clinton e-mail and Trump Russia probes. What a coincidence!
Blasey-Ford now a Hero of the Left: nominated by her alma mater for its
distinguished alumna award for “speaking truth to power.”
“In a sane world, accusing someone of Kavanaugh’s reputation
and public visibility — absent any evidence and at a time when the accusation
was clearly intended to halt a career progression — would be called slander, or
defamation of character, and could rebound on the accuser by way of a legal
suit. But in the minds of the left, Ford’s accusations are called courageous.”
The assertion from the Left that false allegations of rape
are extremely rare is rebutted by a number of studies…One academic study showed
that as many as 40 percent of sexual assault charges are false. The Pentagon
issues an annual report on sexual assaults in the military. Nearly one-quarter
of all cases last year were thrown out for lack of evidence….
Hillary Clinton Calls for Incivility Against Republicans
Obama AG Eric Holder tells followers to “Kick” the GOP.
Several family members of Colorado Republican Sen. Cory
Gardner have had their names and home addresses made public, and Gardner’s wife
has received a “gruesome” video of a beheading.
writer from the Stephen Colbert show tweets that "Whatever happens, I’m
just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life.”
Sen. Hirono (D-HI) says protestors forcing Republican
Senators to leave restaurants is justified “because when you look at white
supremacists and all that..”
A public school teacher posted a solicitation for the murder
of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Portland Antifa protesters caught on video bullying elderly
motorist, woman in wheelchair
Truck with pro-Trump stickers set on fire in Vancouver
Sen. Rand Paul’s Wife: I Sleep with a Loaded Gun Thanks to
Leftists’ Threats
MSNBC: “Kavanaugh
Confirmation Means Racism, ‘Back to the '50s’”
CNN: “Founding Fathers' Would Be 'Upset' Today; Americans
'Ought Not Have Faith in Their Supreme Court”
After losing the war on Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats are
thinking about becoming even “more ruthless.”
Their next strategy: Obama
AG Eric Holder questions legitimacy of Supreme Court after Kavanaugh
The New York Democrat in line to become chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee if Republicans lose control this November, promises
to open formal investigation into Brett Kavanaugh if Democrats take the
New video has many questioning Justice Ginsburg’s health. “Dem
leadership is streaming “Weekend At Bernie’s” for clues on how RBG can make it
through the upcoming SCOTUS session.”
“What will democrats do next time? Witchcraft charges against Amy Coney Barrett?”
A new poll from Washington’s eighth congressional district
shows Republican Dino Rossi raking a commanding lead over Democrat Kim Schrier
in the wake of Democrats’ failed smear attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett
Kavanaugh. “The fact that Republican Rossi is so far ahead of Democrat Schrier
in this district is nothing short of an amazing development for Republicans.”
Marsha Blackburn Opens Up 8-Point Lead In Tennessee Senate
Race On Heels Of Trump Rally & Kavanaugh Confirmation
Republican Martha McSally opens up 6 point lead over
Democrat Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona race to replace Sen Jeff Flake. McSally is a former air force pilot with 100
combat hours flying the A-10 Warthog. Her
opponent, Sinema, brags about being a “Prada Socialist” and owning 100 pairs of
Josh Hawley Opens Up 8 Point Lead Over Democrat Claire
McCaskill Following Vicious Brett Kavanaugh Attacks
Poll shows Sen. Ted Cruz now up 5 points on O'Rourke in
But reasons to worry:
poll finds Dems hold 30-point lead over GOP among millennials
The Democrat challenging Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has a
secret: his grandfather was the “leader
and operational head” of Black September, a notorious Palestinian terrorist
cell, who orchestrated the murder of 11 Israelis at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Alaska GOP considering whether to throw Murkowski out of GOP
for opposing Kavanaugh
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will introduce a bill
this week that will fully fund President Donald Trump’s planned wall along the
U.S. border with Mexico, thereby setting the midterm elections up as a
referendum on immigration policy
Study: Economic Boom
Largely Ignored as TV's Trump Coverage Hits 92% Negative
Reuters Publishes Trump-Free Story about how China is
magically cutting tariffs.
Morgan Stanley: Belief in 'American exceptionalism' among
global investors has never been higher.
Looks like the “Trump of the Tropics” candidate is going to
be Brazil’s next president.
Bob Barr 10/10
October 27, 1964,
Ronald Reagan, still two years away from serving in public office himself,
delivered one of the greatest speeches in modern American history. Delivered to
a nationwide radio audience in support of then-GOP presidential candidate Barry
Goldwater, the former movie star declared America at a crossroads. Failure to
grasp and aggressively defend against the dangers then faced by our country
would, Reagan warned, push us into “a thousand years of darkness.”
the specific dangers about which Reagan then spoke were external, his call to
action against existential threats applies with at least equal validity to
internal forces tearing at the foundations of our freedom.
back at the last month of insanity surrounding the confirmation process of
now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it seems we are standing at Reagan’s
shoulder, staring directly into that black abyss.
disturbing level of irrational hatred and willingness to use violence
demonstrated by those protesting Kavanaugh was outshone only by the level of
contempt Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein, Mazie Hirono, Cory (aka
“Spartacus”) Booker, and Chuck Schumer displayed for their constitutional
“advice and consent” duty. And, if not for Sen. Lindsey Graham slapping many of
his Republican colleagues (notably Sen. Jeff Flake) back to their senses, we
might have just taken that last step into darkness.
mobs of seething liberals may have physically receded temporarily from the
halls of Congress and the steps of the Supreme Court, but the effects of their
psychotic breakdown remain. Already in the Beltway media, liberals are pushing
the idea that Democrats were insufficiently “ruthless” in their
resistance and political chicanery. Enabled by the lack of pushback from
local governments, Leftists grow bolder still; literally overtaking the
streets, destroying
public property,
and threating public officials with whom they disagree.
historical parallel with Nazi “Brown Shirt” groups that were formed
specifically for the type of political intimidation we see today, is apt if not
ironic; but a more accurate comparison is with Ancient Rome.
the waning years of that empire, leaders were routinely murdered whenever
dissatisfaction with the status quo peaked. The constant changes of
leadership dramatically weakened Rome’s ability to effectively control its vast
territory; but the real damage was the undermining of the rule of law in Rome.
Thus was bred unsustainable instability as public confidence in
government eroded. Eventually, the empire became too weak to stand, and fell to
the barbarians crashing the gates.
modern times, a civilization’s fortifications against barbarians are not as
much physical as they are legal and philosophical. A codified system of
government responsibilities, undergirded by the rule of law, ensures society
can function freely, peacefully and productively. However, when the rules become
fluid or systematically ignored, violence seeps through fissures and
accelerates the structural decay. This can be as clearly seen in Ancient Rome
as in Venezuela today.
Founding Fathers understood these dangers, and provided firm and workable
safeguards for our Republic to protect the rule of law, as much as individual
liberties, from mob rule. The Electoral College protects high population
enclaves from exerting undue power over low population areas; the balance of
power among the three branches prevents rogue action by presidents, Congresses,
and even the courts; and, due process ensures liberty for individuals,
regardless of what regime may be in power at the time.
the New Left would undo all of this because it finds itself currently out of
power. Combine philosophical anarchy with an embrace of violence in society
writ large, and one can see just what is in store for America if this strategy
of Leftist mob rule continues. Reagan’s thousand years would be quickly upon
path to avoid the darkness created by rejection of reason and due process, is
not an easy one, but it is clear; and here again, we can learn from Reagan’s
speech 54 years ago. The always-easy path of appeasement and
accommodation to radicals – whether foreign or domestic – will yield only more
of the same. It is the very rejection of reason, logic and due process
from which the New Left draws energy.
Trump, Majority Leader McConnell, and Judge Kavanaugh were right to stand rock
solid against the mob rule fueled by Hollywood elites, George Soros money, and
hyper-partisan members of Congress. If voters fail to back them up on
November 6th, we will have taken that awful step into that darkness
against which we were warned by the 20th Century’s most prescient
“‘Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer’
debuts in theaters nationwide on Oct. 12. I do believe this groundbreaking
film..is the most important movie in America right now — a true-life saga of
good vs. evil, deadly medical malpractice, systemic government malfeasance and
cultural apathy toward the most vulnerable members of our society. I first
reported on this real-life horror story nearly eight years ago, but you’ve
probably not heard or read a word about ‘Gosnell’ in the mainstream press, TV
news or online. The conspiracy of silence is the result of both malign neglect
and active suppression of inconvenient truths…”
-Michele Malkin
“The longer Hillary Clinton remains the Democrats’ idea of a
standard-bearer, the better off the country will be. She should run in 2020.
And in 2024. And forever.”
-Kyle Smith
“Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marx's Radical Dream” (download for free), author Justin
Haskins tackles an imminent threat to America.
Tucker Carlson kicks Bob Woodward out of #1 spot on New York
Times bestseller list. “Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing
America to the Brink of Revolution”
That’s funny, Amazon claims to be out of stock…..get it from Barnes
& Noble.
Nancy Pelosi, being unusually candid, explains the “wrap-up
smear”. admits to willful smearing, lying, then getting their friends in the
press to pile on. "It's a tactic."
Rich, white leftie billionaire Tom Steyer denounces rich,
white men who want political power.
University cancels West Side Story production after white
students landed lead roles
This is why the left will keep on losing. The "Equality
Institute" Twitter page says we need to be more inclusive and stop using
the term "pregnant women" and use "pregnant people" instead
“because men can get pregnant too.”
The mask slips:
Meteorologist Eric Holthaus wrote on Twitter that "The world's top scientists
just gave rigorous backing to systematically dismantle capitalism as a key
requirement to maintaining civilization and a habitable planet." Funny how
the Left's goals always seem to come to that, isn't it? Never have any doubt
what their end-game is, fully revealed again today: The sacrifice of human
liberty, wherever it can be found, on the altar of "scientific
But let's hold them to their own ecological standards, shall we? With that in
mind, I'd like to compare this country's ecological record to that of any
state-directed economy……
A $240 Per Gallon Gas Tax to Fight Global Warming? New UN
Report Suggests Carbon Pricing.
New UN report says we’re on a path to “unprecedented
environmental destruction” that will destroy life on earth as we know it. Stephen Moore calls BS: “Wait a minute. In
2017, the country that reduced its greenhouse-gas emissions the most wasn’t
Canada or Britain or Germany or Australia or France. It was the United States.
That’s right — the one country that pulled out of the phony Paris Climate
Accord reduced its carbon emissions by 0.5 percent, the most of all major
More than 100 leading scholars from 12 countries have issued
a report contending “the global war on fossil fuels … was never founded on
sound science or economics” and urging the world’s policymakers to “acknowledge
this truth and end that war.”
At 12:30 in the afternoon on September 27, I don’t think
there were many serious political thinkers or activists on the Right who
thought Brett Kavanaugh would survive that morning’s testimony by his accuser,
Christine Blasey Ford. Eight days later—today—Kavanaugh all but secured his
appointment. The question is, how did this happen. The answer is: Kavanaugh
happened. In his unprecedented speech following Ford’s testimony, Kavanaugh not
only blasted the process but made no pretense when it came to those who had
manipulated it—liberal groups, people angry with Donald Trump, people wanting
to take revenge for the Clintons. The speech electrified the right. There is no
other word for it.
Fanatical Democrats finally have unified the GOP behind
Trump. NeverTrump pundits like Bret
Stephens of the New York Times: “For the first time since Donald Trump
entered the political fray, I find myself grateful that he's in it….. I'm
grateful because ferocious and even crass obstinacy has its uses in life, and
never more so than in the face of sly moral bullying…I'm grateful because he's
a big fat hammer fending off a razor-sharp dagger….” Erick Erickson seems to have had an
epiphany: “I find myself in an odd position where, for the first time, I see
myself, one of the original “NeverTrump conservatives”, voting for President
Trump in 2020.”
National Review’s Rich Lowry: Brett Kavanugh is on the Supreme Court and
the biggest reason is Donald Trump. When he won the nomination in 2016, it
wasn’t unreasonable to think that Trump wouldn’t win the general election, he
wouldn’t be true to his promise on judges even if he won, and even if he
nominated the right people, he wouldn’t care enough about the Court to see
through a difficult, high-stakes confirmation fight. We can now say of these
presumptions, wrong, wrong, and wrong.”
The bruising Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings fueled
feminist fury and Democrat disgust across the country — but the hearings also
gave the GOP, and Republican mothers in particular, a sense of righteous anger
that could turn midterm congressional races red. “We are the ‘Mama Bears,’
absolutely….and it has really fired us up to vote.”
Liberal roadmap for war on conservative Supreme Court: “What
happens when Democrats take back the legislative and executive branches? What
if Democrats pass Medicare for All, and the Supreme Court strikes it down, with
Kavanaugh casting the decisive fifth vote? It’s not hard to envision Democrats
marching in the streets, demanding that the president and Congress ignore the
We are in the midst of a cold civil war. The crux? Realizing
politics is part of life, one side believes America is fundamentally a good
country requiring some prudent improvements upon which reasonable minds may differ.
On the other side, the Left, thinking politics is life, believes America is a
hopelessly unjust nation requiring “fundamental transformation” and this is a
point on which no reasonable minds can differ. The Kavanaugh confirmation
evinces the political abyss between us; and the pathetic depths to which this
divide drives the Left to “win.”
Watch for the Left to have strange new respect for judicial
minimalism. As Harvard Law professor Adrian Vermeule remarked, “Law review
editors: brace for a tidal wave of legal academic theories supporting judicial
minimalism, Thayerianism, and strong — very strong — theories of precedent.
Above all: the Court must do nothing without bipartisan agreement, otherwise it
is illegitimate.” The past
half-century’s enthusiasm for judicial activism will vanish, as legal academia
turns on a dime to promote theories that will constrain the court until a
left-leaning majority returns, at which point they’ll turn on a dime again.
In the past, whenever the Republicans won something, the
first gesture has always been to reeeeach across the aisle. To tout the virtues
of comity and bipartisanship. To call for the 'healing of wounds.' We aren't
seeing that (now). After a colossal war of attrition waged by the Democrats,
loaded with lies, mud-slinging, foul faith, and filthy dirty tricks, an
unprecedented no-holds-barred political warfare, we are now seeing from Republicans dances with
glee, with zero apologies. To
heck with reaching across the aisle...
Megan Fox:
“Hysterical 'Kavanope' Harpies Set Women Back 100 Years”
Clarice Feldman: “Seedpods from the Garden of Stupid” Long definitive list of reasons not to
believe Christine Blasey-Ford.
Two Women Unravel Blasey Ford’s Story
Prof. Janice Fiamengo explains why Blasey-Ford’s testimony
was nonsense. (Must see)
In Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s defense he charged the Democratic
senators on the committee with sowing “the wind for decades to come…[and]…the
whole country will reap the whirlwind.” The whirlwind is already here. To
really grasp what’s going on in the political tumult of contemporary times it’s
necessary to go beyond the players, parties, and immediate issues and
understand the sources of cultural transformation that set the stage for all
contemporary politics to play out…For about the last two and a half generations
there has been a subtle but growing assault on…..the foundational institutions
of American society—the family, educational institutions, manners and civility,
respect for law and order, and merit-based outcomes... (Article traces the Left’s
“long march through the institutions” with Critical Theory and Postmodernism to
show how we got here.)
Cheryl Chumley: “I
have two sons. One is in his 20s, well on his way into adulthood. The other is
16 and, given the way the Brett Kavanaugh nomination process is headed, walking
a tight rope between college preparation and jail. As President Donald Trump
noted in recent comments about the runaway train called Supreme Court
Nomination, it’s “a very scary time for young men in America.”
10 things Democrats will take away from us if they win
control of the House and Senate
Map of competitive House districts:
The Congressional Leadership Fund is a super PAC dedicated
to protecting and strengthening the Republican Majority in the House of
Representatives. They are running TV ads in competitive districts, and
organizing grassroots get-out-the-vote efforts.
I just sent them some money, maybe you should too.
By contrast, the Left has initiated a $3M "Knock the
Vote" campaign with a logo depicting a silhouette of President Trump's
head being punched.
They are behind this contemptible ad (must see) that shows
how Democrats divide America: Elderly white “Trump supporters” tease young
voters: “we’re doing fine, are you?”
Did you move since the last election? Did you turn 18
recently? Do you have right-leaning family or friends who moved or turned 18?
Guess what? Time is running out to register to vote. Voter registration
deadlines for each state:
The Cato Institute fiscal policy
report on America’s governors is out. New
Mexico Governor Martinez is at the top of the list, Washington Governor Inslee
is dead last.
Ann Coulter’s eighteen examples of mainstream media
denouncing “white men” on the Senate Judiciary
‘Standup for America’ football jersey is Trump’s latest
attack on NFL kneelers.
Ronald Reagan comes back to life at presidential library –
via virtual reality.
“The Constitution … is a mere thing of wax in the hands of
the judiciary which they may twist and shape into any form they please.”
-Thomas Jefferson
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