op ed review 9/30
An extraordinary week.
“When Brett Kavanaugh
showed up for his confirmation hearing (two weeks ago), he was affable and
cheerful. He made a joke about his daughter’s television debut. He complimented
senators from both parties. He was a non-controversial nominee looking to go
through the process and then move on to the Supreme Court. But now Judge Kavanaugh, the sober
calm jurist stayed home; instead Mr. Smith came to Washington….The Kavanaugh who showed up
to the Senate hearing Thursday had been through 10 days of hell. He came in
holding his wife’s hand, and holding the anger and pain inside until he was
ready to speak. He could have played it safe. Any political advisers he had
would have told him to read a measured denial, to express respect for the procedures
of the Senate and a humble willingness to serve. Or withdraw. Brett Kavanaugh did neither.
Instead he angrily denounced the confirmation process as a “national disgrace”,
and called out the left-wing activists, the billionaire donors and the media
activists behind that disgrace. And he made it clear that no matter what they
did to him, he would never withdraw. “Your coordinated effort to destroy my
good name and destroy my family will not drive me out. The vile threats of
violence against my family will not drive me out. You may defeat me in the
final vote, but you’ll never get me to quit. Never,” he declared….The last time
the Democrats put a Republican nominee through hell, he became the most
conservative justice on the Supreme Court. Looking at Kavanaugh’s anger, it’s hard to believe that he’ll
Late breaking news, Kavanaugh nomination out of committee
for floor vote but shameless RINO Sen Jeff Flake (R-AZ) says he will not
support unless there is another week of FBI investigation. Rush says: “The reason for the delay is for
new allegations to be brought forth — and I’m telling you, the Democrats
already have them in their back pockets like cards waiting to be played.” This
will give the Left another week to manufacture dirt. Flake’s DC office: 202-224-4521, Flake’s Phoenix office: 602-840-1891
Fishing for useful dirt on Kavanaugh, CNN’s Chris Cuomo asks
a female classmate of Brett Kavanaugh if he was “known at Yale as a virgin”. The
classmate, who was obviously caught off guard by the inappropriate and personal
question, could only respond: “I have no idea.”
200 Women Testify to Kavanaugh's History of 'Treating Women
With Respect,' Going Back to High School
More Than 60 Georgetown Prep Alumni Defend Kavanaugh against
Latest Charge in Letter to Judiciary Committee
Gallup: Republican
Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years
Democratic lead over Republicans has narrowed on this week's
Rasmussen Reports Generic Congressional Ballot.
The Democratic Party’s advantage among women suffered a six
percentage point swing over the past year, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.
Same Democratic operative who designed attack ads against
Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas is advising Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser.
Senator Hirono (D-Hawaii) didn’t always tell men to ‘Shut Up’ and believe
accusers….she had the opportunity to choose sides in the 1990s when credible
allegations were made that her mentor Daniel Inouye, then a Democratic senator
representing Hawaii, had engaged in a pattern of sexual assault…the senator’s
hairdresser for 20 years said she had been forced into nonconsensual sex back
in 1975 and had suffered persistent gropings since then….Hirono maintained a
studied and consistent silence…..An inquiry into Inouye’s behavior was
inappropriate, she explained, because “there is no victim.”
President Trump delivered a sharp rebuke to globalism, while
touting the virtues of America First, during his highly-anticipated address
before the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday.
Every quarter, CNBC surveys its Global CFO Council to gain
insight into the status of the current global economy…..in the third quarter
survey the CFO’s note that only one economy in the world is currently
improving, the United States.
illegal immigrant population is as high as 29.5 million, far more than the 11
million accepted by experts and the government, according to an explosive new
report from three Yale University experts.
Build the wall. Caravans
of migrants continue pouring over US-Mexico border….more than 2,000 migrants
during a three-day period at a tiny area known for illegal border crossings.
The groups consisted mainly of migrant families and unaccompanied children from
Central America.
Poll: Plurality of Latinos ‘Less Likely to Vote’ for
Candidates Who Want to Abolish ICE
The New York Times is appalled: “Trump Administration Aims to Sharply
Restrict New Green Cards for Those on Public Aid….The regulation, which the
administration said would affect about 382,000 people a year, is the latest in
a series of aggressive crackdowns by President Trump and his hard-line aides on
legal and illegal immigration.”
New Trump Rule Rejects Migrants Who Cannot Speak English
Mike Pence warns Christian conservatives against complacency
in midterm elections. "The other
side is mobilized, and some say they’re motivated as never before…..But I say
we must match – in fact, I say we must surpass – the energy of the American
left and their enthusiasm and passion."
Chinese Agent Living In Chicago Arrested For Spying On US
Michelle Obama Encourages People Who ‘Know Nothing About
Nothing’ to Vote…“Voting
does not require any kind of special expertise.”
Roger Simon 9/27
Far be it for me, someone who spent the better part of his
life as your typical secular agnostic, to talk about God. But that was what I
have been thinking about in the hours since I spent my day, as many of us did,
watching the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.
I guess it first hit me when Judge Kavanaugh, in the midst
of his powerful and heartfelt opening statement, one few expected him to make,
choked up, fighting back tears as he spoke of his ten-year old daughter's
desire to pray for Dr. Ford. I had trouble choking back my own and it dawned on
me I was watching an event that I thought was political being transformed into
a spiritual one.
Nothing was as expected. A real rape had taken place but it
wasn't the one everyone was talking about. It was simultaneously a rape
of Judge Kavanaugh, his family, and the American people themselves. The
collateral damage was Dr. Ford, her friends, and her family. And the
perpetrator was the Democratic Party, principally their Judiciary Committee
members, their ranking member, and the minority leader.
And then Lindsey Graham said what so many of us were
feeling, making the most magnificent, impassioned speech I have heard in
Congress since Joseph Welch's famous "Have you no shame, sir?" to Joe
McCarthy. No, scratch that. I was a little kid then and was told
to despise McCarthy by my parents. I could be all or partly wrong about
that, but I'm not about Graham. He hit a home run with the bases full in
the seventh game of the World Series.
He was so good, in fact, that for a moment the Democrats
seemed chastened. But it didn't last long and pretty soon that ranking
member, Ms. Feinstein, was up to her old tricks, doddering as she may have
become, reading with her head down a litany of recent accusations against
Kavanaugh so ludicrous even the New York Times wouldn't print them……But,
for all intents and purposes, the hearings were already over.
Louisiana Senator Kennedy formally ended them, appropriately
enough, by asking Judge Kavanaugh to swear to God that he never sexually
assaulted anyone. He so swore.
Kavanaugh, I predict, will soon be Justice Kavanaugh.
It all goes back to Senator Dianne Feinstein. The shady
allegations suddenly becoming public. The late hour shenanigans. The lying to
colleagues. The using of a clearly damaged Christine Blasey Ford. The dragging
of Brett Kavanaugh and his family through this fetid mess. Every part of this
is the ranking Democrat’s fault. Finally, at the end of the day, Senator Cruz
and then Senators Cornyn and Grassley confronted her about her perfidy……The
Republicans resisted the urge to say anything and shut up. Thank God. It would
have been a disaster. Both Senator Graham and Senator Cruz could have made
short work of Dr. Ford’s monster-truck sized holes in her story, but that
wasn’t the point. The point was to recognize the political game
being played and refuse to play it. Their restraint should be saluted. If this
were a criminal trial, Dr. Ford’s allegations wouldn’t make it past a police
officer’s desk. Everyone in that room knows this. The only purpose was
spectacle and to portray Republicans as malevolent Old White Men. Sorry, Dems,
you got outplayed on this one……It won’t be videos of the male Republicans that
will be the legacy of this farce, it will be Senator Feinstein: fumbling,
shocked, caught in a trap of her own making. She should pay for her malice
dearly, she’s caused incalculable damage to many innocent people — not least of
all the American citizens she claims to represent.
Kavanaugh Hearing Was The Democrats' Worst Nightmare…….In
almost forty years of broadcasting and writing, I’ve spent a lot of time
tracking the fates of the Republican and Democrat parties. In recent years, the
main conservative thirsts have been for a more muscular and unapologetic
conservatism and for the bright light of truth to be directed onto the darkest
habits of modern leftists. The election of Donald Trump has propelled us down a
road featuring satisfying helpings of both. But on one stunning day, September
27, 2018, there arose Republican resolve like nothing in recent memory.……as
soon as Judge Kavanaugh completed his opening statement, it became clear what
the afternoon matinee would contain: Republicans showing more spine than they
have in years, accompanied by Democrats making total asses of themselves. This
is what Kavanaugh’s riveting certitude did to both sides. It energized
Republicans to solidly back the judge, and additionally inspired them to call
out committee Democrats for the shameful scam they have deployed to poison the
nomination process…Any Republicans still wondering about his worthiness need to
have their heads examined. There may even be Democrats up for re-election in
Trump states rethinking the “no” votes that seemed defensible just days ago……history
will well remember Lindsey Graham’s fiery rebuke of Democrats for the behavior
they have displayed for decades…..Compactly contained within one day witnessed
by millions, we saw Democrat behavior so unhinged and repulsive that
Republicans finally came out of their shells and called them on it. It was
glorious. The confirmation of Kavanaugh is now a moral necessity—so that a good
man’s reputation can be restored, rules of basic decency upheld, and viciously
craven political tactics dealt the death blow they deserve.
Lindsay Graham’s Finest Moment
Wall Street Journal, “Confirm Brett Kavanaugh”
“Republicans didn’t want Merrick Garland confirmed, so they
just didn’t vote. Democrats don’t want Brett Kavanaugh confirmed, so they
accuse him of serial gang rape. And that is the difference between Republicans
and Democrats.”
“Up next: Democrats will accuse Brett Kavanaugh of drinking
so heavily he drove off a bridge with a young woman in the front seat, fled the
scene — leaving her to drown, then later finding out she suffocated to death
Parenthood forces cancellation of 'Gosnell' screening
Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm
strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies…..suggests
that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus
on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry…..during
the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and
never talk about their "nighttime activities."
Antifa Sends Threatening Message To Ted Cruz After
Disrupting His Dinner: ‘You Are Not Safe’
Founder Of Group That Harassed Ted Cruz Tweeted About Dead
Cops, Assassinating Mike Pence
spokesman for left-wing billionaire financier George Soros is acknowledging
that he indirectly funded Fusion GPS, the firm behind the Steele dossier which
started the Mueller witch hunt.
George Soros’s Son Pours Nearly $3 Million Into Democratic
Coffers for Midterms
Top ‘Resistance’ Member Admits He Gets Paid by “Higher Ups”
to “Sow the Division”
Swiss voters approve ‘burka ban’….Switzerland's largest Muslim organization, tells women
to continue to cover their faces as it vows legal action.
Anyone who believes that the way to punish RINOs is to give
Congress back to the Democrats needs to stop skipping her medication. The sane
strategy for getting rid of weak Republicans is to replace them with strong
Republicans. What we are seeing now is nothing compared to the crimes against
democracy the Democrats will commit if they capture a majority in either house
of Congress. The only way to stop them is show up at the polls in November and
crush them like the insects they are. Then President Trump and the Republican
Congress can get back to the business of carrying out the will of the voters as
expressed in 2016.
The Kavanaugh furor: How to execute an attempted political homicide
If there is one organization that knows how to fight, it is
the National Rifle Association. The NRA has released this ad supporting Judge
Kavanaugh and denouncing the Democrats’ smears. It features NRA President Lt.
Col. Oliver North. The ad is titled “We Stand With Brett Kavanaugh.”
should discount the polls – the picture heading into the 2018 elections is
brighter than it seems. There are at least eight ways in which poll numbers are
likely exaggerated against Trump – and thus Republicans in general:
Why the left is consumed with hate.
How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with
so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between
political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the
hatred they bore to his political opinions.”
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