Friday, November 23, 2018

op ed review 11/25

Four new House Democrats and the “radical new Democratic ideas” they’ve come to advance: free health care, free college, the abolishment of ICE and an infrastructure project designed to address impending climate catastrophe that they’re calling the “Green New Deal.”
An energized Democratic electorate wasn’t enough to defeat Texas Sen. Ted Cruz this month, but in the state’s most populous county (Harris), it created a blue landslide that wiped out Republicans in the largest county in Texas.
House Democrats are planning to “immediately” investigate the reason President Donald Trump wants American citizens counted on the upcoming 2020 Census.

Election fraud scheme bribed LA homeless with cigarettes or dollar bills for signatures.

University refuses campus Chick-Fil-A after admin poll revealed it was students’ top choice. “..their corporate values have not sufficiently progressed…to align with (ours).”
House Democrats hosting a “Thanksgiving-type meal” for their first caucus meeting reportedly banned “ideological food” such as Chick-fil-A.

President Trump has given Defense Secretary Mattis the authority to allow troops at the Southwest border to perform “military protective activities” he deems necessary to protect troops and border patrol agents.  Those activities include “a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention, and cursory search.”
Illegal immigration soars to the top American concern.
Migrant caravan at US border is harboring more than 500 criminals, Homeland Security claims
?? Has Hillary Clinton changed her position on immigration?  Says Europe 'needs to get a handle on migration' in order to halt rise of rightwing populists.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts scolded President Trump’s claim that an “Obama judge” had blocked his effort to deny asylum to those entering the country illegally. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) notes that Roberts was silent when President Obama attacked the Court during the State of the Union address in 2010.
Joe diGenova:  “Justice Roberts’ attack against President Trump was blatantly political and wrong”

President Trump’s critics are belittling him for not buying the lefty narrative that global warming is to blame for the California wildfires. Instead, Trump points to decades of mistakes by government agencies that caused the woodlands to become overly dense and blanketed with highly flammable dead wood and underbrush.  wo months ago, the state legislature quietly enacted a measure that would expedite the removal of dead trees and use “prescribed burns” to thin forests. In other words: the very same reforms that Trump is now being mocked for proposing.

Alan Dershowitz says Democrats on the extreme left are "tolerating anti-Semitism" to avoid alienating their base.

Obama suggests Trump is a confused, angry racist and has 'mommy issues' that are making him incapable of fixing the country's problems.  This from a man whose mother abandoned him at age ten.

Former Senior Ohio Lawmaker Arrested for Murder of His Estranged Wife, Media Plays 'Guess the Political Party'

The police chief of Republic, Washington says the state's new strict gun laws are violating the US Constitution. Chief Loren Culp has refused to enforce the new state gun control laws. “it's clear many in the town support making Republic a “Second Amendment Sanctuary City."”

New socialist Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez Has No Idea What The 3 Branches Of Government Are.
“Ocasio-Cortez represents ideology that's 'destroyed civilizations'

Marina Medvin  11/22

I am thankful to be an American. I am thankful to live in a free nation protected against its government by the Constitution. I am thankful for American food, the abundance, the diversity, and the deliciousness.

I am thankful to live amongst the American people, the most caring and charitable people in the world. I am thankful for free enterprise, thankful that I was free to choose a career and pursue that career without ever having a single family member in that field to help me along.

I am thankful that I was free to choose who to love and marry. I am thankful to be free to choose to practice any religion or none at all. I am thankful for the diversity of American state laws and the freedom to choose to live in a state with laws that conform to my values. I am thankful for my parents who have taught me to be the best that I can be and to respect my country and its laws.

I am thankful that my president is as proud to be an American as I am. I am thankful to live amongst the free and the brave, amongst men and women who volunteer to protect our great nation. I am thankful to be an American.

I am thankful that I do not live in a socialist county, where the government is in complete control of its people. I am thankful that I do not have to wait in line for food like I did when I was a little girl in the USSR. I am thankful that my food choices are not limited by my government (albeit, I do not live in California).

I am thankful that my parents were wise enough to know that we are not Russian-Americans. I am grateful to my parents for always reminding me that we came to America to be Americans. I am thankful for the opportunity to pursue the American Dream. I am a thankful American.

“Marina Medvin is a capitalist, conservative columnist and political commentator. She is also an award-winning trial attorney in Wash DC.”

Ben Shapiro  “(America) is the result of the greatest governmental philosophy ever committed to paper: God-given individual rights protected by limited government. We haven't always lived up to that philosophy -- in some areas, we've progressed mightily, and in others, we've regressed. But the overall success of the United States should be ringing proof that at the very least, we should be grateful and proud to live here…Yet as of July 2018, fewer than half of Americans surveyed by Gallup said they are extremely proud to be American. Just 32 percent of Democrats, down from 56 percent in 2013, said they are extremely proud to be American; only 42 percent of independents said they were extremely proud to be American. That's ridiculous…..If Washington could urge gratefulness in 1789, we'd be fools not to do so now, when our lives are so much better in every material way(long list in this article). This Thanksgiving, let's remember what we have -- and let's remember the eternal ideas that provide the groundwork for our prosperity.”

“Collective farming nearly starved the Pilgrims. It also starved tens of millions in the Soviet Union and in Communist China. And it’s not just a farming problem. Doing anything collectively, especially if you do it involuntarily, is a bad, inefficient idea. Government can force everyone into the same centrally-dictated plan, but in doing so it stifles individual initiative and drive. Economists call it the ‘tragedy of the commons,’ and it happens whether the individual’s goal is to make food, build houses or invent a better running shoe. This holiday, I’ll be thankful that the Pilgrims were smart enough to stop doing things the hard way. Modern America should learn from that.”
           -John Stossel

Marine Corps reservists attacked in Philadelphia. The Marines were down the street from a “We the People” rally when they were approached by a group of people who called them “Nazis” and “white supremacists.” After the name-calling, the group sprayed mace at the Marines and began punching and kicking them.

The University of Oregon hosted an event, titled "Thanks But No Thanksgiving," which labeled the holiday as a "celebration" of "ongoing genocide."

Recent media studies show ‘pretty much all of journalism now leans left’

You can’t make this up: Lecturers at a UK university have been told not to use capital letters in assignments because it might frighten students into failure.

The Left’s Accusation That The Right Is Fascist Is Simply Psychological Projection

The New York Times Reveals the Horrors of Capitalism—By Showing China’s State-Run Hospitals ?

California Gov. Jerry Brown Issues Another Bogus Global Warming Prediction

European women are to blame for being raped by Muslim men. Such is the latest position – the latest apologia – being offered by those dedicated to exonerating undesirable Muslim behavior, particularly in the context of accepting more Muslim migrants into the West.

A federal judge on Tuesday declared the country’s female genital mutilation law unconstitutional, dismissing nearly all charges against two doctors in Michigan and others accused of subjecting minor girls to genital cutting at a clinic in Detroit.

VDH:  Did 1968 win the cultural war?

Defining the Blue Wave Down

Prager:  “Even Astronauts Fear the Left”

Five Hollywood Conservatives We Are Thankful for This Year

Must see:  Lightning striking the Grand Canyon and a magical dive into an abyss: The stunning winners of the panoramic photography awards revealed.

A Social Justice Warrior’s Guide to a Woke Thanksgiving

“I do recommend and assign Thursday … next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.”
         -George Washington 1789

“The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.”
         -Charles de Montesquieu


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