Monday, February 17, 2020

op ed review 2/16

Gallup:  A solid majority of Americans say they are better off now than they were three years ago.  The 61 percent “better off” rating is the highest percentage recorded during the re-election year of any incumbent president since Gallup first asked the question in its surveys in 1992.
Trump will propose big boost for NASA to return astronauts to the moon
More than 18 years after the United States invaded Afghanistan, President Trump has conditionally approved a peace deal with the Taliban that would withdraw the last American troops from the country, potentially beginning the end of America’s longest war,

Brutal! Is Joe Biden's New Ad About Mayor Pete Homophobic?
Pete Buttigieg, Interior Decorator?
In NH, Pete Buttigieg Speaks Spanish to Illegals: ‘This Country Is Your Country Too’
Mayor Pete: Red Diaper Baby
Biden to New Hampshire Voter: 'You're a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier!’

Joe Biden shocked a group of black mayors last year when he told them black parents “can’t read or write themselves.” The liberal mainstream media only decided to report on this on Thursday as Joe Biden’s campaign circles the drain.
Bernie Sanders Excommunicates Pro-Life Democrats: Being Pro-Choice Is ‘Absolutely Essential’

Man Deliberately Rams Vehicle Into GOP Tent Full Of Volunteers

Harvard, Yale under investigation over foreign gifts totaling hundreds of millions of dollars

Say goodbye to womens’ sports:  A biologically male marathon runner who identifies as a transgender woman is set to compete in the USA Olympic trials later in February.

Red States Increasingly Hold Economic and Demographic Advantage
But don’t get too cocky Republicans: the Turnout Numbers Say Democrats are Jazzed

Trump and RNC raise $117M over impeachment outrage.

Locking in their advantage: Virginia Dems Advance Bill to Give Driver's Licenses to up to 300K Illegals

Pompeo warns governors of Chinese infiltration into US: 'It's happening in your state'

Former Romney Campaign Spokesman Says Romney's Impeachment Vote All About Jealousy & Bitterness

Nevada Union Refuses To Endorse A 2020 Democratic Candidate “They All Suck”

Trump: The Hero Modern America Needs
JB Shurk  2/10

Somewhere in the darkness, where private thoughts can be snuffed out before spoken out loud, there is a Democrat who understands that President Trump is now legend.  After the State of the Union, one woman in Carthage, North Carolina said it clearly: "We need to put a cape on his back, an 'S' on his chest, and call him Superman.  No mortal man could take what he has took in the last three years and do what he has done."  The entire diner where she was being interviewed exploded in enthusiastic cheers.  She seemed to have expressed a feeling that others were feeling, too.  Can you hear that John Williams score in your mind?  Is it getting louder and louder?  I can assure you that the Democrats are beginning to hear its beats.  They've dedicated their lives to destroying President Trump one way or another, but in their all-consuming hatred and rage, they misapprehended what they were doing: through their villainy, they created a hero.

You can't have a hero without hardship.  If descending a golden escalator conferred greatness, if no adversity were required to prove a man's worth, then "hero" would lose all meaning.  It is the struggle of the journey that separates the successful from the heroic.  In rejecting the 2016 election results, sabotaging the transition of power, and threatening the president's life and freedom daily, the Democrats have made President Trump Heracles by their own hands.  He is the warrior slaying the nine-headed Hydra of the federal government, the swamp-drainer clearing the mass of dung piled high within the bureaucrats' Augean stables, and the defiant spirit who rages against the Democrats, NeverTrump Rump, and Deep State trying to bury him by bringing their three-headed Cerberus back from the gates of hell and mocking the beast in celebration before the assorted media in mourning.  Donald Trump won the presidency all by himself, but the Democrats made him legendary, and every labor they throw his way simply adds to his growing mythology.  They want him gone; they've made him immortal.

Here is where President Trump's journey differs from Heracles or Achilles or Odysseus, though.  Almost all of his State of the Union address immortalized not himself, but the American heroes all around us.  He redirected the spotlight away from himself to the wife and son who will always bear the pain of an American soldier's sacrifice for our freedom; to the parents of a devout Christian whose life was stolen, even as she saved the lives of so many others around her; to a man who refuses to let his brother's murder go in vain just because California cares so little for the lives of its own citizens.  Like a great storyteller passing our history from one generation to the next, President Trump brought back to life the Tuskegee Airmen from our past and connected them to the Space Force of our future.  He honored our military and our law enforcement officers and the men and women who protect our borders, but he also honored the sacrifice of the military family missing a loved one and the struggles of a twenty-one-week-old baby who fought for life, of a drug-addicted American who fought to reclaim life, and of a fourth-grade girl who fights for the right to seek an even better life.  He reminded us that friends of freedom are forever rare and that the space between Venezuela's gulags and American liberty is fought by those who exercise their free speech, even while facing a lifetime of threats from those who want to control what can be said and heard.

Throughout his presidency, President Trump has asked his fellow citizens to do two things: (1) remember America's greatness and (2) believe in America's destiny.  In the not so distant past, these would have seemed like unremarkable requests.  Today, they are shots of adrenaline bolting us awake from a nightmare we never chose.  America's enemies have spent so many decades distorting our history and shaming our heroes that we have become a nation of walking wounded, uncertain about who we are as a people or where we want to go.  But ours is a magnificent story.  A story of sacrifice and hardship and struggle and great perseverance.  A story of the underdog who never submits, the bloodied hero who always returns to his feet.  A story of dreamers and builders and fighters and winners.  A story of freedom.  We are being asked to remember all we have accomplished as a people, and once you begin remembering, it becomes easy to see.  Our problem has never been too few heroes; our problem has been a culture that blinds us from seeing them standing right beside us.  President Trump used his State of the Union address to shine a bright light on who we are.  He is indeed a hero, but he is a hero leading a nation of heroes, too.  More and more Americans are remembering this truth and beginning to whisper it among themselves.  But the thing with whispers is that if you put enough of them together, you get a roar.  That may be President Trump's most Herculean feat yet.

The sage lady from Carthage is right to see shades of Superman in the president, but I am reminded of another John Williams score growing in symphonic strength in the background of his journey: Star Wars.  When he decided to sacrifice comfort for his countrymen, he became for many "A New Hope."  For four long years, we've endured while "The Empire Strikes Back."  But if the State of the Union and the president's post-acquittal press conference told us anything, it's that "The Return of the Jedi" has just begun.  He said it clearly last week while Speaker Pelosi protested: "The best is yet to come."  Best to believe a man who gave America her very own Space Force.

Another must read:  Is It Time to Call Democrats 'Evil'? You Decide

The legendary Charlie Daniels warns against the socialism of Bernie, AOC, Warren

“Elizabeth Warren [on Friday] said that banning semi-automatic firearms will work. A few minutes later, Warren says that banning abortion does not work because people can still get abortions on the black market.”
            -Ryan Saavedra

“Did you know: The California homeless population grew by around 21,306 people in 2019. This is more than the national increase in 49 other states…COMBINED!   Mike Bloomberg just said that California is a model for the rest of the nation. Is this what he was talking about?”
             -Charlie Kirk

“Imagine if, 30 years after winning the Cold War, America elects a communist as president. What a tragic farce that would be. The kind of thing that will baffle historians for centuries to come.”
             -Matt Walsh

New Film Shows How the War on Poverty Failed and the Real Hope for America’s 'Forgotten' Cities

Far-left Democratic Representative Ayanna Pressley (MA) declared on the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday that women are “still shackled” and not “free” in the United States because the U.S. Constitution is “sexist by its very design.

Radical anti-American financier George Soros recently unveiled a scheme to sink $1 billion into a new global university to fight nationalism and climate change, twin phantoms he emotes are “threatening the survival of our civilization.” Why is this a bad thing? Because global warming is a hoax and nationalism--at least in a good nation like the United States--is a good thing, and because Soros is a living, breathing malignancy who has devoted the past several decades of his life to advancing evil in the world.

Leftist thuggery: Political violence accelerates against Trump supporters
Breitbart News is updating its list of credibly reported hate crimes against Trump supporters since September 2015.

Unhinged leftist activist Michael Vall was arrested in Eureka, California after vandalizing and apparently trying to burn down the Humboldt County Republican party office. To no one’s surprise, it turns out dude is a Bernie supporter.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a social mental illness that manifests itself in the refusal to accept the results of the 2016 elections. This ailment belongs to the category of political psychosis. Unlike most other mental disorders, TDS is a contagious disease that can cause epidemics and even pandemics. This syndrome is caused by the new neuropathologic coronavirus Bacillus Anti-Trumpicus (2016-nCoV). The virus, entering the human brain, selectively eats only those neurons responsible for a coherent political worldview. Theoretically, the disease is incurable, although some countries have announced successful attempts to combat the epidemic and control the spread of infection....”

Survey Finds People Who Identify as Left-Wing More Likely to Have Been Diagnosed With a Mental Illness

Liberal groups and high-powered New York attorneys swoop into Detroit to help the city fight a lawsuit over its voter roll irregularities, which included thousands of deceased individuals appearing on the rolls.

Lefties call for boycott of MSNBC after Chris Matthews goes off about Dems and socialism:  "I'm Seeing What Socialism's Like. It's Not Only Not Free. It Doesn't Freakin Work!"

Bloomberg's climate lawyers promote green agenda behind scenes in state governments

Never mind energy independence, AOC officially introduces a national fracking ban in the House.

Global Warming In a Few Charts:   Climate change hysteria has been dialed up to 11 over the last year or two. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who knows little or nothing about the subject, apparently will continue being nominated for a Nobel Prize until she wins one. But, hype aside, what is actually going on with the Earth’s climate?

After three years of apocalyptic wailing and gnashing of environmentalist teeth over President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the job and economy killing Paris Climate Accord, it is ironic that the one country that faces the brunt of criticism from climate change zealots such as Greta Thunberg is leading the world and the European Union in lowering emissions and promoting cleaner energy, such as natural gas, all the while not hurting the economy:

If we didn’t have a “homelessness problem,” the left would have to invent one. Which is what they’re now doing here in my town of Aspen. The local lefties, which is to say nearly the whole town, have decided to throw more taxpayer money at ending the homelessness epidemic here. “Epidemic” is of course a relative term. Anecdotal and observational evidence suggests that this very, very rich town of 6,500 people holds exactly one homeless person. Everyone calls him “The Homeless Guy.”

“Democratic pols and media gasbags — not to repeat myself — have finally found somebody they hate nearly as much as they hate President Trump: Bernie Sanders. It really is amazing to watch the comfortable Democrat poobahs wring their hands in agony as they watch Mr. Sanders rack up these impressive wins in the Democratic primary.”

I know a couple of people who are going to be in trouble with the Woke Science Community. Colin M. Wright, an evolutionary biologist at Penn State, and Emma N. Hilton, a developmental biologist at the University of Manchester, have collaborated on an article published in the Wall Street Journal this week. They put forth the revolutionary and highly controversial theory that human beings are born as one of two distinct sexes, male and female. And no amount of philosophical meandering is going to change the incontrovertible medical fact that sex is binary and does not exist on some sort of “spectrum.”

Ben Shapiro: Bernie Sanders is unstoppable -- even if Democrats won't admit it

Can Trump (and Kanye) Vanquish ‘Identity Politics’?

Rush Limbaugh's Heartwarming Account of the State of the Union

The Benefits of Being Joe Biden’s Brother

In Appreciation For Primary Win, Bernie Promises To Make New Hampshire The Site Of His Very First Re-Education Camp

Hilarious Pictures: Mega-Trumpy Edition, examples:  “You have to really admire Trump, does anybody realize he just made all the Democrats attend Rush Limbaugh’s award ceremony.”
“If you think about it, Trump is basically the new boss at a company where employees have been stealing for years.”

“Bernie Sanders walks into a bar and yells ‘Free drinks for everyone!  Whose buying?”

“All socialism involves slavery. … That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labors under coercion to satisfy another’s desires. The relation admits of many gradations. Oppressive taxation is a form of slavery of the individual to the community as a whole.”
     -Herbert Spencer

“Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.”
 -Thomas Jefferson


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