Sunday, January 5, 2020

op ed review 1/5

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: “Their turn is over”

Pelosi’s son cashes in:  Shortly after Nancy Pelosi became Speaker, in 2007, Paul Pelosi Jr. was hired by InfoUSA at $180,000 a year as vice chairman for Strategic Planning, despite the fact that he has no expertise within the firm’s major enterprise actions.
Pelosi’s son Paul also involved in business with Ukrainian energy companies…and Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company.

Bloomberg: We Can't Just Let Average Americans Have Guns
Joe Biden threatens to put fossil fuel executives in jail.  Whoops, wouldn’t that include his son?
Mayor Pete Wants to Decriminalize 'Meth, Coke, Ecstasy,' Not Just Pot
Mayor Pete’s Husband Will Call Himself ‘First Gentleman’ if Buttigieg Becomes President
Joe Biden Brags Trump Impeachment Gives Him "Advantage" in 2020 That Hillary Clinton Didn't Have in 2016
When asked about coal mining jobs, Joe Biden suggests coal miners should learn how to write computer code
Yes, Bernie Sanders Could Be the Nominee—and It Would Be an Epic Nightmare for Democrats
On Friday the Wall Street Journal ran an extra-long and remarkable editorial about the agenda of Elizabeth Warren, which is so far beyond extravagant that “socialism” seems an inadequate adjective. She makes Bernie Sanders look cautious by comparison.

“When some idiot tried to carry out a mass shooting at a church in Texas, several other people immediately pulled out their own guns and stopped him. We’ll never know how many lives they saved.”
Bitter Clingers in Texas Shoot Back
Texans are smarter than New Yorkers, Californians and progressives everywhere

US kills Iran's most powerful general in Baghdad airstrike (what was he doing in Bagdhad?)
Pompeo: We took out Soleimani to stop an "imminent attack"
CNN's Berman Calls Killing of Soleimani “Murder”
Demonstrating that it learned nothing from the backlash after it called ISIS top dog al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar,” the Washington Post called Soleimani Iran’s “most revered military leader.”
Treason? Former Obama Officials Are Telling Iran to Wait Out Trump -- Then America Will Go Back to Appeasing Iran
Rep. Ilhan Omar is Pretty Upset We Just Killed the World's Leading Islamic Terrorist
Some of the $1.5 billion cash that Obama gave to Iran traced to Iran-backed terror groups.

United Methodist schism:  Methodist church announces plan to split over gay marriage.

Marine Corps Authorizes Concealed Carry on Bases Following Recent Shootings

Gallup: Record 27% in 2019 Said Government is America’s ‘Most Important Problem’

Trump's DHS Takes Aim at States Giving Illegals Driver's Licenses
4.3M Migrants Caught at SW Border in Decade -- More Than Population of Los Angeles
A German university found that a 10.4 percent increase in violent crime was linked to an influx of migrants into the country's southern region.

Fox News Ratings Hit 23-Year High

President Trump Will Launch “Evangelicals for Trump” Coalition to Support His Re-Election Bid

Laura Hollis  1/2
Take a Stand in 2020

Happy new year. Our rights are under siege. I wish that statement were hyperbole. But the events of 2019 make clear that Americans cannot sit back, go about their business and assume that things will be fine.

Economically speaking, yes, things are very good. But law-abiding Americans are experiencing unprecedented attacks, physical and otherwise, at levels that would have shocked earlier generations -- and should deeply disturb us, if we are paying attention.

For example, Jews in New York and New Jersey have been the victims of frequent violent attacks in the past month. The past week saw one such attack everyday, culminating in a machete attack at a rabbi's home during a Hanukkah celebration Saturday night that sent five people to the hospital.

It isn't just Jewish people being targeted. On Christmas Day, Salon writer Amanda Marcotte published an essay titled "Hallmark movies Are Fascist Propaganda." Yes, she's serious. People who like Christmas trees, small towns, Labradors and love stories are a threat to others and to the country, in Marcotte's view, because of their "authoritarian" and "aggressively conformist" attitudes. Conservatives also get swept into Marcotte's big tent; she calls The Federalist "ground zero" for "generating frankly fascist 'culture war' arguments." (Someone needs to let Marcotte know that when you're telling ordinary people they're fascists, you're starting the war.)

UCLA professor Kian Goh took the opportunity last week to suggest in The Nation that California's wildfires are a sign that we should abandon private homeownership.

Why does it matter? First, it should concern us when a writer for a mainstream left-wing publication accuses ordinary Americans of being fascists -- especially when we now have Antifa, the violent anarchist group that targets so-called fascists with screaming protests, property destruction and personal violence. Antifa has attacked disabled veterans, the elderly and conservative journalists. What's next -- midnight raids on women watching cable in fuzzy socks and drinking mugs of hot cocoa?

More to the point, these ideas get put out there, laughed at as "extreme" and yet somehow, within a year or two or five, become mainstream leftist thought. Until fairly recently, it was safe to assume that Democrats and Republicans shared a dedication to certain fundamental values -- at least those basic principles set forth in the U.S. Constitution. That is no longer a safe assumption; in fact, it is a dangerously flawed one. With very few exceptions, Democrats have shown themselves to be all too willing to capitulate to their lunatic fringe. (Look how quickly the "Party of Science" fell in line with the viewpoint that a man could cut off his genitals and become a woman. No one really believes this. But it's politically expedient to pretend that they do -- and to use the law to force others to say that they do.)

Democratic Party stars like Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are already trying to take down capitalism, the engine of American prosperity. It would take very little pressure from the likes of Amanda Marcotte, Kian Goh and their comrades in academia and Hollywood for national Democrats to start denouncing small towns and homeownership. (I'm still holding out hope for Democratic politicians at the state and local level)

In this climate of crazy, it's foolhardy to blithely assume that what has happened in countries like Venezuela cannot happen here. Our collective New Year's resolutions in 2020 need to be the following: First, we must take proactive steps to protect our rights from those who would dilute or eliminate them. Good examples are the counties in Virginia declaring themselves to be sanctuaries for responsible and lawful firearms ownership, and the law in Texas permitting concealed carry in houses of worship. (That law saved dozens of lives at a north Texas church this week.) We need voter-integrity laws and conscience-protection laws for medical professionals and religious hospitals, among others -- to prevent their having to perform abortions or euthanasia, or having to endorse absurd and unscientific theories about sexuality and gender.

Second, it's time to call out and marginalize the nutcase voices on the left. That means cutting off financial support for the media, entertainment and academic institutions funding them. Don't buy their products or services. Don't support the companies that advertise with them. Don't send your children to school there (or even -- horror of horrors -- support their sports teams). Those who want to take down the United States have their constitutional rights to free speech; we just don't have to fund it.

And third, it's time to send packing any politician who gives those fringe elements and their ideas any credence. They cannot be ignored; they cannot be indulged; they cannot be humored -- and they cannot be given the force of law. If we ignore current trends and tell ourselves that our rights and liberties are safe, then we are as dumb as the frogs sitting in a pot of cold water on a lit stove. Because that water won't stay cold much longer.


“Does anyone doubt that if Obama had ordered this attack [on Qassem Soleimani], every Democrat in the country would be hailing it as a bold and brave act of strategic brilliance? These people are snakes. No integrity at all. And the thing is, the reverse isn’t true. If Obama had ordered it, most Republicans wouldn’t be criticizing the attack. They’d celebrate it just like they celebrated bin Laden’s death. Democrats are far more tribal when it comes to this sort of thing.”
      -Matt Walsh

“The longer I live, the more I understand a cardinal truth about the human condition — evil often leaves virtue with few good options.”
       -David French

Radical changes imposed on our military by progressives, begun in earnest during the Obama administration, are negatively impacting our combat readiness and jeopardizing the lives of our men and women in uniform and, ultimately, our national security.  In “Stand Down:  How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America’s Military”, author James Hasson elucidates how Barack Obama fundamentally changed military culture to make our nation less secure.

Tucker Carlson Makes Some Good, and not-so-Good Points on Iran.

Muslim population of England passes the three million mark for the first time. 
Demography is destiny: Muhammed is the most popular baby name in UK.

ISIS terrorists mark Christmas by beheading 10 Christians on video

The latest call to action from some lefties: “Abolish the police.” From the streets of Chicago to the city council of Seattle, and in the pages of academic journals ranging from the Cardozo Law Review to the Harvard Law Review and of mainstream publications from the Boston Review to Rolling Stone, advocates and activists are building a case not just to reform policing—viewed as an oppressive, violent, and racist institution—but to do away with it altogether. ''If cities can eliminate poverty through affordable housing and “investing in community, the police will become unnecessary. Others argue that cities must simply “help people resolve conflicts through peace circles and restorative justice programs.” (everybody sing Kumbaya!)

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: Progressive Insiders Want Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Run for President

Economic vs. Cultural Marxism: The Most Important Distinction

Bill Gates calls for increasing taxes on wealthy Americans.  When asked why he doesn’t just pay more taxes voluntarily, he says that won’t work because it’s ”not scalable.”

One of the nation's biggest school districts will let pupils out of school to take protest days.

New Marvel transgender hero

Hustler Magazine sends graphic Christmas card to lawmakers depicting Trump’s assassination

Triggering A Recession Tops The Dems’ Presidential Agendas

Fairfax Virginia Is Now A Marijuana Sanctuary City

Extinction Rebellion Founder Confirms That Global Warming Is Voodoo Science

Climate Predictions – Doubling Down on Stupid

“For several years now the climatistas have liked to point out that the Pentagon—the military industrial complex!—is down with climate alarmism, issuing a series of reports saying that climate change might be a serious security risk in the future. I always enjoy this celebration, because it is the first time I can remember that the left has embraced with complete credulity something coming out of the Pentagon, which they otherwise wish to gut if not abolish.”

Very interesting survey that shows republican voters much more informed than democrat voters..  Take the quiz yourself.

2019: The Left Goes Over the Edge

Why Trump will win again in 2020

Believe it or not, the New York Times just got a little worse than it already was in terms of the debasement of the English language. In its fake reporting on the latest in a recent string of despicable anti-Semitic attacks on New York City’s Jewish population, the Times manages to publish 500 words without ever even mentioning that the assailant, who stabbed 5 people in the home of a Hasidic rabbi with a machete, was reportedly not a white man.

Today’s demand for total conformity as far as free speech is concerned does not come from any government, but from the media, the film industry, and university campuses. When you think of it, it’s really quite unique. Governments have been suppressing free speech since time immemorial, but for the first time in man’s history the abolition of free speech has taken place through osmosis, by the very people who teach and make movies and write about freedom: the universities, Hollywood, and the media. The key words that are used for restricting speech are racist, sexist, homophobic, nationalist, white supremacist, and other taboo words I cannot think of right this minute.

Some progressive ideas sound good and seduce the young and naïve with their idealism. Socialism, for example, pretends that selfishness and indolence would not result from common ownership of the means of production…. But some other ideas, currently being taken seriously by American progressive intellectuals are so self-evidently ridiculous that it is hard to believe that anyone could take them seriously…..The latest call to action from some criminal-justice activists: “Abolish the police.”
Huh?? 15 GOP governors are asking for more refugee resettlement in their red states. Follow the money.
Do these governors not know this is political suicide?  “Mass migration gives Dems 24 more seats, electoral votes in 2020.”

World's most feared drone: CIA's MQ-9 Reaper killed Soleimani

Beclownings: Top 25 Ridiculous Democrat Moments of 2019

Top 20 Conservative News Sites to Read in 2020

Top 10 Most Bizarre Viral Hoaxes of 2019

Exclusive: Trump list shows 319 'results' and promises kept in three years

The 24 Most Absurdly Politically Correct Moments of the Last Decade

Top 12 Get-Trump Bloopers of 2019

The 2019 Breitbart News Fake News Awards

25 of the Wildest Celebrity Quotes of 2019

Commemorative calendar showcases 12 lesser-known Hubble images

“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
          -Henry David Thoreau


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