Sunday, November 3, 2019

op ed review 11/3

AG Bill Barr Announces Durham Probe is Now a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION
U.S. Attorneys Prosecute 110.5K Illegals in 2019, Highest Level in History
GOP making gains in 2019 after 2018 'blue wave'
Physicians Praise Trump for Choice of Private Health Care over Medicare

ISIS Leader Killed In Trump-Authorized Military Raid
Trump's Syria pullout lured the big ISIS rat out of his hole and ... boom!
NBC denounces Trump taking ‘Victory Lap’ after killing ISIS leader
Washington Post Mourns Passing of “Austere Religious Scholar” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi…
Here Are The Real Reasons Media Lost Their Minds When Baghdadi Died: 1) Positive News Coverage Hurts Media Efforts To Destroy Trump  2) ISIS Founder’s Death Complicates Media’s Syria Narrative 4) Trump Foreign Policy Successes Undermine Media Impeachment Drive

Best article to understand the big picture surrounding impeachment. “…what the impeachment circus is about is protecting Democrats, particularly the Obama administration officials who sought to sabotage President Trump both during the 2016 election campaign and after Trump won…..They must destroy the president in a desperate effort to prevent Americans from learning what Obama, the Democratic Party, and “deep state” bureaucrats did to Trump.”
Speaker Pelosi: Investigating Democrat political corruption is grounds for impeachment.

Anti-Trump 'Whistleblower' was a CIA John Brennan protégé, previously kicked off the National Security Council for suspected leaks, worked with DNC operatives and Joe Biden.
Leaks on Trump Phone Calls Were Intelligence Products concocted by CIA Obama holdovers.
Former Obama CIA acting director pulls back curtain: 'Thank God for the Deep State…..people doing their duty and responding to a higher call.”  (Never mind democracy)

Schiff directing witnesses NOT to answer GOP questions
Dan Crenshaw challenges entire premise of Ukraine impeachment efforts.

New York Times calls for more “fundamental transformation”: “Refugees Needed to Fill 'Void of Cultural Diversity' in White Towns”

This is so sick:  Heroin addict 'drags' NYPD cop with his car, forcing another lawman to shoot and cripple him, wins $11 million in court. “potentially life-saving action was deemed “not within department guidelines” in an internal NYPD review.”

Nancy Pelosi targeted in ethics complaint filed by 40 conservative groups

Bernie Sanders: ‘We Will Change the Value System of This Country’
Bernie: 'I Don't Have To' Explain How To Pay For Socialized Medicine
You can’t make this up.  Elizabeth Warren Demands Protection For Transgendered illegal aliens
No shame:  Joe Biden has a brand new Super PAC in his corner, and it’s being run by a registered foreign agent for the government of Azerbaijan.
Black accent? Joe Biden goes Hillary Clinton one better and claims he went to a black college.
It’s about time.  Biden Denied Communion at SC Church Over Abortion Stance

Judge Reverses Ruling, Allows Covington Catholic’s Sandmann to Sue Washington Post

Texas Court Gives 7-Year-Old Boy A Reprieve From Transgender Treatments

Sebastian Gorka  10/20
“When does it count as a coup?  Not only do they want to subvert this president and the will of
63 million Americans, they want to make sure that they never lose an election again.”

Freedom is not our norm. In the history of mankind, and even today, oppression and political corruption are the standard, with the people of more than 90 nations living without the freedom we take for granted in America.

Thomas Hobbes was right. Unless we decide, together, to live in peace under a mutually agreed upon and respected social contract, life is invariably nasty, brutish, and short

But the question for us who live in the freest nation today, is at what point would we say—with justification—that we have lost too much of our liberties and that our nation is being stolen from us right now? Would we even realize if there were a concerted attack on our freedoms? Or, like the proverbial frog in hot water, would we only work out what was going on once it was too late? 

As a warning to those who think the Left can never turn back the clock and that our freedoms always increase and never diminish, here is a warning. Not only are we living in the most divisive time in the republic’s history since the Civil War, but we are also right now witnesses to an ongoing plot to subvert the duly elected President of the United States.

Here are the incontrovertible facts:
1) Under the Obama Administration, CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey initiated Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the first-ever counterintelligence operation in America history targeting a presidential campaign. 
2) During the operation, the CIA and FBI deployed multiple human intelligence assets to attempt the entrapment of members of the Trump campaign and link them to Russia. 
3) Knowing it would be illegal to spy on Americans without a crime having been committed, or without even the predicate of a crime, John Brennan circumvented the Constitution and used British intelligence to target Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s political adversaries. 
4) Clinton and the DNC paid millions of dollars to a former British spy, Christopher Steele to manufacture an opposition research file using Russian propaganda in order to smear candidate Trump. 
5) Comey’s FBI and Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department used that propaganda dossier to obtain secret surveillance warrants illegally from the FISA courts to spy on members of the Trump campaign, illegal because the FBI and the Justice Department deliberately hid from the FISA judges exculpatory information as to the political origins of the dossier and the political agenda of Christopher Steele. 
6) The DNC itself sent a Ukrainian American, Alexandra Chalupa, to the Ukrainian embassy in D.C. to coordinate further smears against candidate Trump. 
7) The National Security Agency’s unparalleled surveillance capabilities were repeatedly abused by contractors to spy on the Trump campaign, contractors who weren’t even allowed to access NSA databases, until Obama’s NSA Director Mike Rogers took it upon himself to warn President-elect Trump of the operation against him
8) Peter Strzok, head of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, planned an “insurance policy” to knee-cap the Trump Administration should Clinton lose the election, a plan he bragged about to his mistress Lisa Page in texts over government devices. That insurance policy would become the Mueller probe.
9) After the election, General Mike Flynn, President Trump’s new national security advisor, was framed for a process crime by acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who asked Flynn to meet with his agents for an interview without warning him that he was under investigation, or warning him of his rights under interrogation, telling him he had no need for counsel during the meeting. 
10) We now know, thanks to Judicial Watch, that Obama’s Ukraine ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, illegally instructed her team in Kyiv and the State Department back in Washington, D.C. to monitor leading American journalists and conservatives, including Donald Trump, Jr., Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, John Solomon, Lou Dobbs, and this author. 

Each of the above represents a far greater crime than the bungled burglary that would become the historic Watergate scandal. Together they constitute an attempted coup for which not one person has gone to jail. For the record, 40 government officials were indicted or imprisoned after Watergate. 

But this isn’t simply about the 2016 election and candidate Trump. It is about the survival of our republic as a republic founded on the principles of its birth. 

There is only one reason that the Democrats are openly suggesting that the Electoral College be abolished, that 16-year-olds should be allowed to vote, that the Supreme Court should be packed with their nominees, that lawfully owned guns should be confiscated, and that the president should be impeached based on any and every pretext, regardless of the facts. Not only do they want to subvert this president and the will of 63 million Americans by overturning the last election, they want to make sure they never lose an election again. 

Are you willing to do whatever it takes politically to make sure that doesn’t happen? 

Important read:  The Long Game on Impeachment:  “1) The impeachment spectacle is Democrats’ prebuttal to the investigations by Horowitz and Durham that likely will expose the plot to rig and undo the 2016 election. The coup plotters hope to divert attention by staging an even more spectacular show. 2) The current impeachment effort dragoons the legislative branch into serving in political war against President Trump in the 2020 cycle. 3) We Don’t Need an Elected Government, we have the bureaucracy 4) The impeachment spectacle is a warning any future pretender to the throne: Do not go this way.

Sen. Rick Scott: We need to fight for the values that made America great

“There was more coverage of Trump posting a meme of a dog getting a fake medal than there was of Trump giving an actual war hero the Medal of Honor… That tells you everything you need to know about the Mainstream Media. They hate Trump more than they love America.”
           -Charlie Kirk

 “To think that your ability to dribble a ball, throw a football, and/or decline a White House invitation makes you more of a hero than the bodies that are sent home in coffins laid under our American flag is why Donald Trump won!  I’ve had enough of these overprivileged athletes.”
           -Candace Owens

“The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn’t work out.”
           -comedian Dave Chappelle

“I’m reading one of the best books I’ve ever seen, historian Yuri Slezkine’s ‘The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution’. The book has given me a breakthrough in understanding why so many people who grew up under communism are unnerved by what’s going on in the West today, even if they can’t all articulate it beyond expressing intense but inchoate anxiety about political correctness.”

‘No Safe Spaces’ Film Premieres Today As PragerU Goes to Court

Museum Promotes Kids “Punching” President Trump

Obama headlines fundraiser for the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) at Alex Soros’s New York City home

Poll: 61 Per Cent of French Say Islam 'Incompatible' with Society

Thousands of Children Subjected to female genital mutilation in IRELAND, Experts Warn

Dearborn Public Schools Spark Protest by Adopting All Halal Meat Policy

Liberals Smash All Norms of Civility

LGBT Activists Won't Admit Anything's Wrong With Man Flashing Children

Biological Male Named Female Conference Athlete of the Week

First Common Core Graduates Worst-Prepared For College In 15 Years

Democrats remove ‘so help me God’ from House committee oaths

From Woke to Broke:  The political contradictions of progressivism

“The Left’s fixation on climate change is cloaked in scientism, deploying computer models to create the illusion of certainty. Ever more convinced of their role as planetary saviors, radical greens are increasingly intolerant of dissent or any questioning of their policy agenda. They embrace a sort of “soft Stalinism,” driven by a determination to remake society, whether people want it or not—and their draconian views are penetrating the mainstream. “Democracy,” a writer for Foreign Policy suggests, is “the planet’s biggest enemy.”

One of the world’s leading experts on polar bears is fired from her job at University of Victoria for reporting the inconvenient fact that polar bears are thriving, with their populations burgeoning.
Don Surber: Polar bears fired as mascot of climate socialists.

California Is Burning and It's Not Because of 'Climate Change'

“What do widely diverse crises such as declining demography, increasing indebtedness, Generation Z’s indifference to religion and patriotism, static rates of home ownership, and a national epidemic of ignorance about American history and traditions all have in common? In a word, 21st-century higher education.”

What thirty years of educational malpractice has done:  “1 In 3 Millennials See Communism As Favorable, Survey Finds”

“America’s newest religion is secular, and its zealous missionaries are focusing their efforts on the country’s youth……while it is not a requirement yet, the new religion is most definitely thriving…..many students currently are being taught about “colonialism, state violence, racism, intergenerational trauma, heteropatriarchy and the common thread that links them: ‘whiteness.’”

Prager:  ‘Your Past Is Terrible, and Your Future Is Terrible’ America’s history, according to the Left, is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy, and colonialism. That’s a terrible lesson for young people.

Three Far-Left Economists Are Influencing The Way Young People Think

Censoring Shakespeare: Agenda-driven education is plaguing our universities

VDH:  Democrats, NeverTrump Republicans, left-liberal celebrities, journalists, and academics all revile Donald Trump because he is trying and often succeeding to restore a conservative America at a time when his opponents thought that the mere idea was not just impossible but unhinged.

“My home county of Fairfax, Virginia was once a safe suburban area with some of the best performing public schools in the nation.  It's now a blinking warning sign to America as it hangs on the edge of complete disaster thanks to unchecked immigration and Democrat takeover of the government.”

The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax

In Jorge Bergoglio, the world has witnessed its first post-Christian pope — a UN-style religious relativist who loves every religion except his own.

Liberal criminologists outnumber their conservative counterparts by a ratio of 30-to-1. Ideology almost perfectly predicts the position of criminologists on issues from gun control to capital punishment to harsh sentencing.

Young Adults Fed Up with SJW and LGBTQ Tyranny

“The search for the perfect impeachable offense against President Trump is reminiscent of overzealous prosecutors who target the defendant first and then search for the crime with which to charge him. Or to paraphrase the former head of the Soviet secret police to Stalin: show me the man and I will find you the crime.”
“What we are facing now is not partisan warfare, it’s not a mystery novel, it’s not politics-as-usual. We are facing an attempt to tear down the foundations of our republic by corrupt, unelected bureaucrats who have decided the will of voters is subordinate to their will to power. It represents a fatal threat to our system of government, and if this coup succeeds — whether through impeachment proceedings, or through an election that the other side is clearly willing to steal by hook or by crook — the nation will cease to be a constitutional, democratic republic.”

More reasons for a border wall:  How The Sinaloa Cartel Just Beat The Mexican Army

WSJ: Trump Is Converting GOP to Populist, Pro-Employee Party

Bozell:  Media Can't Stand Trump Winning -- Ever

“I want my vote back, Mitt. (Editor’s note: and my money too!) In 2012, I voted for this insufferable establishment icon, this inept goof who the Democrats wish every Republican would emulate. Some nights, I wake up sweating and screaming when I relive it in my nightmares. I should have taken my ballot, lit it on fire and flushed it down the Schiffhole. But Romney does serve a purpose, as hard as that is to see through his pathetic antics. His perpetual groveling for approval……is so shameful.”
Senator Pierre Delecto ends the career of Senator Mitt Romney

Obama Successfully Hunted Trump Campaign Aides Instead of Terrorists

WALSH: ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life,’ And Four Other Pieces Of Horrible Marriage Advice

“It must be admitted that the tendency of the human race toward liberty is largely thwarted, especially in France. This is greatly due to a fatal desire….that our writers on public affairs have in common: They desire to set themselves above mankind in order to arrange, organize, and regulate it according to their fancy.”
            -Frederic Bastiat

“Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that today is at the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity.”
             -William Howard Taft


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