Saturday, September 7, 2019

op ed review 9/8

CNN's 7-Hour 'Climate Change' Town Hall was a man-made disaster for Democrat presidential candidates
For their next trick,  CNN will Host LGBTQ Democratic Presidential Town Hall

Trump goads GM to shift its operation back to ‘HOME’ from China
Trump allies raise money to target reporters at top outlets ahead of 2020
Union Bosses Fear Workers Will Stick with Trump: 'It's a Serious Problem'

Dems explicitly vote to condemn 'religious liberty'

Mad Dog Mattis: You won't believe how Obama and Biden bungled Iraq and allowed the rise of ISIS
Obama Swept Iran Terror Plot Under the Rug

AOC to Small States: Drop Dead (And What Small States Can Do to Stay Alive)
Ilhan Omar: Turn the US-Mexico border over to the UN
Sources: Omar's husband confirms she was married to her own brother
AOC denounces Republicans for “trying to scare people away from socialism”

Major League Soccer Team Bans Betsy Ross Flag, Calls it a 'Symbol for Hate Groups'

California Gov Newsom signs bill, citizens may now refuse police officers' request for help.
AOC Squad Democrats Raise Money to Help Activists Arrested in Boston, Including Antifa Goons Who Assaulted Cops
San Francisco Declares NRA a 'Domestic Terrorist Organization'

Bernie Sanders says he supports worldwide funded abortions, global population control to combat climate change
Elizabeth Warren comes out against nuclear power
Buttigieg: Climate Change Fight Maybe Worse than World War II
Fracking has made America energy independent, but Sanders calls for a  'Full Fracking Ban'
Julián Castro Wants Conservative Ideas Expelled From Schools

Poll: Increasing Immigration is Most Unpopular 2020 Political Position

Four years after allowing universal ‘concealed carry’ law, Maine rated the safest state in the nation for crime

HBO Producer Asks God to Wipe Out Mar-a-Lago with Hurricane Dorian

Deal With the Devil? Vatican Caves to China’s Demands on Bishop Appointments
Patients in China Forced to Divulge Their Religious Faith before receiving hospital treatment

ABC Whines: Texas ‘Moving in the Opposite Direction’ on ‘Gun Reform’

NASCAR Begins To Inject Left-Wing Politics Into Racing

Six Illegal Aliens Accused of Stabbing 21-Year-Old Man to Death Maryland

Ann Coulter
Couldn’t America have a little self-respect? Japan, Denmark and Israel do.

Year after year, for decades, America has accepted more refugees than the rest of the world combined. No country we admire does anything close to this.

These aren’t immigrants the host country specifically wanted. We’re not saying, "You know, this country could use some people who know how to restore 17th-century woodwork" or "Wow, this guy and his wife are both neurosurgeons!" Refugee admissions to America are so reckless that this country has taken in Iraqis who deployed IEDs against our own troops and, in at least one case, one of the perpetrators — not victims — of the Rwandan genocide.

The idea of humanitarian immigration is that people are being persecuted in their own countries and must immediately seek safety elsewhere. Naturally, therefore, most nations accept refugees from their area of the world. The transport is shorter, the climate and culture are similar, and it will be easier for them to go home once conditions improve.

Since the civil war in Syria, for example, millions of Syrians have sought refugee status abroad. The majority resettled nearby, in the Middle East and North Africa. About 20 percent headed for Europe’s generous welfare states. But the U.S. also took in Syrian refugees — more than 21,000 of them. Why did we take any? We’re two oceans away! "Help me! Help me! Just get me anyplace but here — actually, I think I’d like to go to Los Angeles. I want a house like in 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air."

How about this? The U.S. will admit as many Syrian refugees as France takes in Central American asylum-seekers. Why is it unthinkable to send Central Americans to France but perfectly logical for Eastern Europeans, Middle Easterners, Asians and Africans to resettle in the USA? Japan is closer to Syria than America is. Guess how many Syrian refugees Japan has granted asylum? Twelve. Not 12,000. Twelve.

In fact, Japan barely allows in any immigrants at all. Less than 2 percent of Japan’s population is foreign-born — and most of those are Chinese and Koreans. No one denounces Japan for “racism.” To the contrary, Business Insider rushed to explain that Japan had reasons for refusing refugees that are more “complex” than they appear. (Not really.) The New York Times explained Japan’s highly restrictive immigration policies as proceeding from a desire to preserve their culture, a goal echoed by some conservative groups in the United States.” (Duh.)

And National Geographic clarified that Japan’s policy was simply a matter of the Japanese preferring “a racially unique and homogenous society.” Luckily for the Japanese, they aren’t white, so this utterly logical, natural position on immigration didn’t trigger “white nationalist” alarm bells in our mainstream media.

Denmark is white! That happy, homogenous country is hailed by American liberals such as Bernie Sanders as a socialist paradise. Of course, the precise reason Denmark has been able to maintain those munificent social welfare programs is that it shut the door to immigrants with low “integration potential.” For nearly a decade, the “integration potential” test effectively operated as a Muslim ban — long before the Muslim ban was a twinkle in Trump’s eye. Eventually, Denmark dropped the “integration potential” — and soon thereafter suspended its participation in the United Nations refugee resettlement quota program (apparently after noticing that it was a country and not a subdivision of an international debating society).

To be extra sure their prelapsarian society would not be disrupted, during the migrant crisis of 2015, Denmark suspended railroad service from Germany. Government services for refugees were cut back, and an incentive was offered to those who learned Danish. Indeed, a law was passed allowing authorities to seize cash and valuables from refugees to help defray the costs of their resettlement. In addition to the gushing tributes from American liberals, Denmark routinely ranks as the No. 1 or No. 2 “happiest country.”

Another country with a basic sense of self-respect is Israel. Syria is in Israel’s backyard. Guess how many Syrian refugees Israel took? Zero.

A few years ago, more than 20,000 Eritreans and Sudanese fled to Israel seeking asylum —"they just wanted a better life!”  Israel initially granted refugee status to a grand total of seven Eritreans and two Sudanese. The rest were put directly into detention camps and given a choice: stay locked up or leave. Israel closed the camps in 2018 after accepting thousands with conditions and deporting others to third countries or their homelands. Maybe Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) should have gone to cry at those camps.

The Israelis, who seem to be fairly competent at running their own affairs, also built a fence — 15 feet high —along their entire 150-mile southern border. In year one, illegal immigration was reduced by 99.8 percent. After a few more wall enhancements, the number of illegal immigrants crossing Israel’s southern border was cut to — let’s see, checking my notes … ZERO. Why doesn’t House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tell Israel that a wall is “immoral” and “ineffective”?

Our country is being inundated with 100,000 Latin Americans every month. That’s in addition to the thousands of refugees being admitted each month from the rest of the world. Did we vote for this? I’m fairly certain we did not. In fact, as I recall, Americans have voted for the exact opposite every time they’ve been given the chance to vote on immigration. We even chose an utterly implausible individual as president of the United States — because he was a developer and he said he’d build a wall.

Another good read:   “A Republican president starts on day one with a disloyal bureaucracy, a hostile media seeking to destroy him, and relentless fire from the entire cultural heights.  Every day of his presidency is like Groundhog Day when it comes to this dynamic. (Every day) starts with incendiary headlines and stories screaming his villainy. Within this context, President Trump's counterpunches are a real act of courage. He is representing and defending his many supporters and setting the example for other Republicans to follow his lead.  He is almost always punching back against someone who has attacked either him or a supporter. While I am concerned about how some of those counterattacks are perceived in the suburbs, particularly when twisted by the media, Trump is almost never the aggressor. Republican presidents before President Trump have been unwilling to take on the liberals' overwhelming control of the cultural heights. Trump has changed that dynamic by turning one of their tools, Twitter, against them. He has inspired plenty of other Republicans to join him in the fight..”

“For the richest Americans, Democrats want to shift toward taxing their wealth, instead of just their salaries and the income their assets generate. The personal income tax indirectly touches wealth, but only when assets are sold and become income.’ … If raiding retirement funds occurs, it will start at the extremes, as most outrages do. … After socking it to the rich, Democrats won’t stop there. Having established a precedent….they will ultimately find a way to come after your IRA and 401K accounts, which harbor money you have earned for your retirement and pay taxes on as the funds are withdrawn…..Irresponsible spending by both parties is sufficient reason not to give politicians more of our money.”
        -Wall Street Journal

 “Climate change is a bunch of rich people telling poor people how they have to make their lives worse so the rich people’s beachfront property doesn’t get messed up.”
        -Frank J. Fleming

“Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History” by  Gregg Jarrett

“Still Winning: Why America Went All In on Donald Trump-And Why We Must Do It Again” by Charles Hurt

“Unfreedom of the Press” by Mark R. Levin:

“Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left's Plot to Remake America”  by Jeanine Pirro

Power Grab: The Liberal Scheme to Undermine Trump, the GOP, and Our Republic” by Jason Chaffetz

Review: ‘C.S. Lewis: A Very Short Introduction'   National Review

'Will & Grace' star calls for straight-up blacklist of Hollywood Trump supporters

Saints quarterback Drew Brees denounced by the Left for appearing in a Focus on the Family video promoting “Bring Your Bible to School Day.”

Antifa Gives Progressives a Tin-Pot Dictator High

“According to Tom Perez, Chairmen of the Democratic National Committee, socialist candidates are the future of that party. But anyone who has paid attention lately knows that they are its present. Almost all of the Democrat candidates for president support socialism.”

NOAA debunks assertions that global warming has spurred more hurricanes

NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels

Climate Theology

Stone-Age Democrats Are Crazy With the Heat

Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change

Seattle Might Ban New Homes and Buildings From Using Natural Gas

Rush:  “The Democrat Party Is the Largest Hate Group in America”
'Grey's Anatomy' Star Isaiah Washington Explains His Decision To Leave The Democratic Party

Thoughts of a hungry but woke white man

National Right to Work Act: Union membership shouldn't be forced

How Obama turned the military into a social-justice experiment

John Lott: Twitter's Political Bias

The Lies of the 1619 Project

“The powers of the general government will be, and indeed must be, principally employed upon external objects, such as war, peace, negotiations with foreign powers, and foreign commerce. In its internal operations it can touch but few objects.”
         -Joseph Story (1833)


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