Saturday, July 27, 2019

op ed review 7/28

Mueller's Testimony: A Complete Disaster For Democrats
“Bumbling, rambling, confused testimony”
Mueller’s serial senior moments reveal he was a front-man for Trump-haters.
 “Mueller was a 'figurehead' in 'hoax' run by '19 leftist Clinton-donor lawyers' “
Mueller’s testimony equals end of any Trump impeachment talk

Deregulation explodes under Trump, 13 regulations killed for every new one, $33B saved
Bookies overwhelmingly pick Trump to win reelection, pollsters still have no clue what's going on.
Trump leads 'a socialist' candidate by 6% in latest ABC-WaPo poll.
Trump campaign, RNC, training army of volunteers in key 2020 states.
Top Democrat Think Tank Warns Party: You’re Losing Immigration Messaging War to Trump
But here’s reason to worry:  'Not a Single' Demographic Trend 'Favors Republicans' in Elections

By the numbers:  From October through the end of June, the Border Patrol apprehended more than 688,000 people, over half of them families and unaccompanied children.
Record 61,000 migrant children surge over border, $230M spent for snacks, diapers, baby formula.
MAJOR GOOD NEWS:   Supreme Court allows use of Pentagon funds for border wall.
Democrats stunned, call border wall ruling 'regrettable' and 'nonsensical'.
Sanctuary King County, Washington Frees Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Charged with Felonies
Drudge stirs the pot by noting that no new miles of border wall have yet been built.  That’s because priority is on the existing dilapidated wall in high traffic areas. “Completed Sections of Trump’s New Wall Helping Secure Border, Say Agents.”

Conservatives are told that President Trump is a racist on a daily basis by the MSM. So, leftists can pardon our confusion when we read on the State Department's page that the Trump administration honored a Muslim Imam from Nigeria who put his own life in danger to protect Christians fleeing from persecution.

Jewish Model Says She Received Rape & Death Threats For Supporting Trump

Bernie Sanders Campaign Accused of Retaliating Against Staffers for Unionizing
Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pledges Witch Hunts Against Pro-Israel Trump Supporters
As a lawyer, Elizabeth Warren worked to limit Dow Chemical's liability to breast implant victims.

Rep. Omar Berates Questioner for Asking Her to Condemn Female Genital Mutilation
Rep. Tlaib: The federal minimum wage 'should be $20 an hour'
Rep. Tlaib: Take Money from Rich and Give It 'Back to the People that Earned It'
Mainstream media to the rescue:  “MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Says 'Squad' Members Are Not Socialists”

A sure sign Democrats are scared of the revelations coming in IG Horowitz's report on the FISA warrants.
IG report to allege Comey lied to Trump -- and spied on him.

Ken Blackwell  7/25
Democrats Use the Specter of Racism to Sow Racial Discord

Democrats routinely blame Donald Trump for exacerbating racial tensions, but they're the ones who made the stoking of ethnic conflict a hallmark of their electoral strategy long before 2016.
President Lyndon Johnson, for instance, reportedly viewed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act in purely cynical and racist terms, predicting that the new laws would enable Democrats to secure the black vote for generations to come.  Democrats then spent the next several decades baselessly impugning their Republican opponents as racists, but the practice really ramped up during the administration of President Barack Obama.

As the militant Black Lives Matter movement began calling for violence against police officers and rioting in the streets, Obama added fuel to the fire with his pronouncements on race.  When the nation was divided over the killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin, for instance, Obama remarked that if he had a son, he would look like Martin.

When Ferguson, Missouri was turned upside-down by protesters after a police officer shot a black teenager who was trying to escape custody, Obama offered perfunctory support for law enforcement yet simultaneously validated the protesters by saying he thinks their concerns are justified.  When a black college professor raised a national furor because a white police officer confused him for a burglar as he was trying to enter his home through a window, Obama's immediate response was to condemn the police department for "acting stupidly."

Obama's divisive comments on issues of race made him sound tone-deaf to the nation as a whole, but they were perfectly tailored to appeal to the increasingly radical Democrat base. Particularly after the 2010 Census, many Democrats reached the conclusion that demographic change was the key to forging a dominant electoral coalition that would last in perpetuity.  Once the United States became a "majority-minority" country, the thinking went, Democrats would be able to reap the electoral rewards using their well honed strategy of racial pandering and fear-mongering.  The end result would be nationwide one-party rule, mirroring the Left's dominance of the State of California.

Democrats have embraced this perspective wholeheartedly in recent years, turning the politics of racial resentment into a cornerstone of the modern Left.  Even so-called "centrists," such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, have built their presidential campaigns on foundations of radical identity politics just as intently as the party's far left wing. 

Today, one is just as likely to hear talk of "structural racism" and "white privilege" from the lips of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, or Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke as from Senator Elizabeth Warren or Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Biden, who is trying to run as a consummate centrist, even made the discredited Charlottesville hoax the center of his campaign launch. 

Their goal is to galvanize minority voters by stoking the unfounded fears of white revanchism and by portraying Republicans as an imminent danger.  While Democrats have long deployed racial division as a political tactic, today they appear to be constitutionally incapable of discussing anything else. 

This has clearly had a pernicious effect on how Americans perceive race relations.  In 2012, it was considered beyond the pale for then–DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to smear Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's welfare policies as racist dog whistles.  In 2019, though, those sorts of senseless accusations of racism are daily and ubiquitous.  No wonder people think racial tensions have increased.

But they also recognize that the deterioration of race relations has been driven by the full-on embrace of racial identity politics by the mainstream media, Democrat politicians, and liberal cultural elites.  Even left-wing outlet Vox recognizes that the trend began well before President Trump came to power, referring to the change in public sentiment as a "Great Awokening."  

After President Trump's recent tweets criticizing the quartet of radical representatives who have taken control of the Democratic Party, liberal journalists and politicians predictably came out in full force to slander the president as a "racist."  Their efforts to lay the blame for racial division at the president's feet, however, are contradicted by the toxic rhetoric they themselves have used to exploit and exacerbate existing racial tensions. Mother Jones commentator Kevin Drum, for instance, has even called for a "literal or figurative war" against "[r]eactionary whites," a sentiment shared, albeit not often expressed in such explicit terms, by many other liberal commentators. 

Unlike Barack Obama, President Trump was elected because he offered an agenda designed to empower all Americans, not divide the country into arbitrary categories based on race.  If you are a citizen of this great nation, President Trump stands for you and will fight for your interests. 
Democrats, on the other hand, fear the powerful appeal of this commonsense, patriotic approach and have tried to balkanize the American electorate in hopes of exploiting isolated identity groups with grievance politics.  Their selfish attempts to seize power have done real damage to American unity and our ability to believe in a shared future. 

The American electorate must firmly reject the Democrats' attempts to divide and conquer along racial lines.  The best place to do that is at the ballot box.  President Trump's re-election might be the only way to convince the Democrats to finally give up on their divisive, race-baiting political strategy.

Pat Buchanan notes:  “…most of the Democratic candidates have admitted that, if elected, the border wall will never be built, breaking into the country will cease to be a crime, ICE will be abolished, sanctuary cities will be expanded, illegal immigrants will be eligible for free health care and, for millions of people hiding here illegally, amnesty and a path to citizenship will be granted. America, they are saying, will be so unalterably changed in a few years, your kind will never realize political power again, and your America will vanish in a different America where the Squad and like-minded leftists set the agenda. Will the deplorables, who number in the scores of millions, accept a future where they and their children and children's children are to submit to permanent rule by people who visibly detest them and see them as racists, sexists and fascists? Will Middle America go gentle into that good night?”

“Do You Understand that Democrats will Destroy America?

“Democrats overwhelmingly support impeachment. Forty percent of adults in the most recent Economist/YouGov survey say Congress should try to impeach President Trump. That number rises to 70 percent among Democrats. It is no wonder why. Trump is a one-man rebuke of progressivism, of political correctness, of a humanitarianism that does not recognize citizenship or national borders. Since 2016 an entire media-political infrastructure has been built to push the messages that Trump's election was illegitimate, Trump's actions in and out of office are criminal, and Trump ought to be excised from the government as quickly as possible. Even if Mueller and his report fade from view—and there is no guarantee they will—the president's adversaries will continue to search for the annihilating angel who will deliver them from Donald Trump. Why? Because the impeachment debate is not about what Trump has done, is doing, or might do. It is about whether he and the social forces he represents are entitled to rule.”
             -Matthew Continetti

“The conclusion one must draw is significant and far-reaching. The 448 page dossier commonly referred to as the Mueller Report was not written by Robert Mueller, nor did the Special Counsel apparently review its findings or familiarize himself with the investigation that led up to those findings. It is the Weissmann dossier, and it was written by the highly partisan Democrat lawyer and Hillary Clinton supporter Andrew Weissmann.  Weissmann is best known for wildly famous cases of prosecutorial overreach, including his overturned prosecution of Enron officials and the auditing firm Arthur Andersen LLP, which destroyed both firms and put over 100,000 people out of work.”
            -Kenneth Timmerman

Can’t get any more clear than this:  “Of the Republican Party, MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes said the other day: “It must be peacefully, nonviolently, politically destroyed with love, compassion and determination, but utterly confronted and destroyed. That is the only way to break the coalition apart…….The heart of the thing must be ripped out. The darkness must be banished.” In other words, the new progressive message is that…..the Trump base must be destroyed.”

?? Jesuit Magazine Makes ‘Catholic Case for Communism’

Major library association conference features training on how to handle "community resistance" to drag queen events.

'Manhole' becomes 'maintenance hole' as Berkeley switches to gender-neutral language.

When she stays off the subject of Trump, former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan still has some perceptive observations about the Left.

“According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control released on Thursday, people with inside, compromising knowledge of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s financial and political dealings are 843% more likely to commit suicide…Interestingly, in spite of their increased suicide risk, people with dirt on the Clintons rarely show any warning signs of suicide, and they never leave a suicide note.”

Babylon Bee: “Representative Ilhan Omar has introduced a resolution to the House of Representatives condemning the three things she finds most dangerous to society: racism and white men and "also the Jews."

Two Democrat Senators unveil carbon tax bill that would cost Americans $2.5 trillion in 10 years.

The One Person Who Shows Just How Unhinged Global Warming Alarmism Has Become

Climate Obsessed Democrats Wrong on the Summer Heat Wave

California solar panel mandate could cost new homeowners big
California's latest descent into liberal madness – Berkeley bans natural gas.

The Fake Science of Global Warming

 “The Mueller performance was so jarringly disjointed that this man offered up as a rock of virtue and competence has been reduced to the image of a figurehead, installed so that his brand could add heft to a futile undertaking. One is left to wonder whether Mueller himself has read the report that bears his name. As Mueller’s testimony day passes into memory, many will conclude that it was a dud, a zero, a misfire. It was far worse. It was a gut-punch to the entire Democrat storybook, a disaster that will drain the interest of all but their sharpest partisans. And it goes beyond the simple stain of failure; it casts doubt on the basic instincts of the promoters of this pitiful moment of political theater.”

The Death Penalty Is Pro-Life. And Those Who Oppose It Usually Aren't.

Spengler is always worth reading:  “Conservatives ponder how to bell the cat”

Charlie Kirk: Trump Breaks Globalist Bush-Obama Uniparty Consensus

Liberal nightmare: Takeover of federal judiciary by “larval Scalias” is devastatingly close to completion”

The Democrats' Blueprint To Steal 2020 From The Voters Of America.

Chevy redefines an American icon with the $60,000 2020 Corvette Stingray: 495 HP, 0-60 in 3 seconds.

“The virtues of men are of more consequence to society than their abilities; and for this reason, the heart should be cultivated with more assiduity than the head.”
             -Noah Webster


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