Sunday, June 16, 2019

op ed review 6/16

The latest Leftist meltdown: President Trump’s comment about taking campaign-related information from foreign powers. “When a Republican benefits, it’s treason; when Democrats are in charge, the intelligence agencies serve their candidates.”  Are you seeing how this works?

Press paints Trump as hater for saying 'no' to gay rainbow flags flying over U.S. embassies.

Hundreds of Illegals From Ebola-Ridden Congo Dumped in Texas, 350 More on The Way.
African migrants pass through San Antonio and swiftly fan out across the country. Can’t stop them unless Congress acts.
Islamic State defector reveals ISIS plot to send jihadis into US from Mexico
Human traffickers reap up to $2.3B in illegal immigration, offer 'all-inclusive' packages.
Senate Dems: Americans 'Have Obligation' to Give Amnesty to Foreigners
California to pay full health benefits for illegal immigrants.
Pew: Illegal Alien Population Booms in Red States Ahead of 2020 Election

Billionaire Koch Brothers to financially back democrats pushing for amnesty, free trade.  Don’t give any more money to Koch backed Americans for Prosperity.

2020 Poll: Rising share expect Trump to win a second term
Worrisome poll: Public support for liberal policymaking at 60-year high?
CNN Iowa Poll: Creepy 24%, Crazy 16%, Dopey 14%, Spank Me 7%, and Pocahontas 15%

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Banning Sanctuary Cities

Feds to warn immigrants about welfare use.

Facebook's Process to Label You a 'Hate Agent' Revealed

California moves to let felons serve on juries.
California School Has ‘Condom Race’ Where 10-Year-Old Girls Learn How to Put On Condoms
New York state lawmakers introduce bill to decriminalize “sex work” i.e: prostitution.
Maryland Government Building Replaces POW/MIA Flag With LGBT Flag

Must be an election coming up:  House to Hold Hearing on Slavery Reparations
Biden promises he'll 'cure cancer' if elected president

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson's Bakery case.

FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing. How shocking!

???? The top executives of more than 180 companies have signed a letter that says “abortion is essential in order for people to be successful in their businesses.”   (They also say that open borders are necessary because America doesn’t have enough workers.)
Democrat presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand says being pro-life is like being racist.
Abortion advocates sue Trump administration over 'conscience protection' rule for health care providers.
Texas Town Outlaws Abortion, Declares Sanctuary City for the Unborn.
Deroy Murdock: Taxpayer-funded abortions make as much sense as taxpayer-funded guns for all

John Solomon  6/14
If you read the newspapers, tuned into the cable TV pundits or received an email from one of the Democrats running for president, you’d swear Donald Trump was back to his treasonous ways.

All that was missing was an annoying OMG text exclamation punctuating the unfounded claims that Trump might violate the law in 2020 by accepting intelligence on a political rival from a foreign country. The inference, of course, is that it would come from a hostile power such as Russia or North Korea or Iran.

Actually, what Trump told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos was that he’d consider taking intelligence dirt about a rival from a friendly ally. (Norway was the actual example he used.) Sound familiar? That is EXACTLY what the Obama administration did in 2016. It’s something no one in the media or the political space grasped during the tsunami of breathless reaction that followed the interview.

In July 2016, the Obama administration accepted unsolicited information from Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat who just happened to have helped arrange a $25 million government donation to the Clinton Foundation years before. Downer said that he had witnessed a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, bragging about some dirt that the Russians supposedly had on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Though Downer’s claim was reported two-plus months after the alleged event, and was only hearsay gathered at a London tavern, the Obama administration gave it to the FBI which, in turn, thought it was weighty enough to justify opening a counterintelligence case against the lawfully elected Republican nominee for president. In other words, the Democratic administration accepted dirt from a foreign friendly and used it to justify investigating its GOP rival. And then, OMG, they did it again just a few weeks later.

In October 2016, less than three weeks from Election Day, the Obama Justice Department approved a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to spy on the Trump campaign through its former adviser, Carter Page. The primary evidence supporting the warrant? A dossier written by a foreign friendly named Christopher Steele, a retired MI6 intelligence agent from Great Britain. Of course, the Justice Department and the FBI forgot to tell the courts that Steele actually was working on behalf of the Clinton campaign, but that’s a small detail for the purpose of this column.

For the second time in three months, the Obama administration took dirt on Trump from a foreign ally — this time, from one in Europe — and weaponized it for a criminal investigation.

No offense, but the media really are giving Trump way too much credit for the idea he floated on ABC News. The real scandal is that he’s just plagiarizing a playbook already used by Obama, Clinton and those 2016 Democrats. And every Democrat and media pundit who accuses Trump of treason for considering taking dirt from, say, Norway in 2020 has now, by extension, accused the Obama administration of committing treason in 2016.

Of course, you’d never know that from the way the media and politicians have treated it. The whole episode reminds me of one of my earliest memories as a professional journalist. When I first hit the presidential campaign trail as a reporter chasing the likes of Bob Dole, Jesse Jackson, George H.W. Bush and a young Al Gore across the farm fields of Middle America in 1988, I stumbled across a silver-haired man at a greasy-spoon restaurant in La Crosse, Wis. He was an old factory worker at the local brewery. A blue-collar company man who leaned Democrat. I was sitting at the table across from him, obliviously banging on the keys of my Radio Shack Tandy 103 computer (a model now relegated to the Smithsonian’s heap-pile of technology) when he asked me the obvious: “You one of those reporters?” “Yes, sir,” I answered politely.

“Do me a favor. Don’t dumb-down politics,” he said. “We’re smarter than you think.” I’ve kept that sentiment close to my heart for three decades. And those looking to twist Trump’s ABC News interview into something it was not should take heed of the wisdom I was offered that day in La Crosse. American voters are a lot harder to fool than the political elite think.

Another good read:  “We Know the Real Donald Trump, and America Needs Four More Years”
George Sorial and Damian Bates  6/14

“The American media used to believe in telling facts and truth. Now, the press narrates stories that are borderline fables to help their partisan friends.”
         -Erick Erickson

“According to the Founders’ vision, American political life was to be vibrantly local and limited in scope. Our contemporary obsession with national politics, the natural result of the centralization of enormous political power in Washington, was not what they intended.”
         =Robert Curry

“Until the conservative movement makes a serious, long-term effort to train young people to manage the federal bureaucracy competently until it can be reduced, the swamp will keep winning.”
            -Lyman Stone

“I’m hoping that some of my Democratic colleagues will take more seriously that Christopher Steele was a foreign agent paid for by the Democratic Party to gather dirt on Trump.”
            -Sen. Lindsey Graham after Trump said he’d “take it” if a foreign government offered dirt on a political opponent

John Lott reviews two books on the history of gun ownership in America.

Bernie: ‘A Lot Of People In The Country Would Be Delighted To Pay More In Taxes’

George Soros Wins in Virginia Elections; Opponents Say He 'Bought’ Race.

CNN’s Bill Maher: “Trump is winning. I'm sick of winning”

Leftism Makes People Meaner: Reflections on the Torture of Paul Manafort

Pope Francis Urges Carbon Tax to Avert Climate ‘Catastrophe’

PG&E's bankruptcy: Renewable energy costs at 800% of market rates.

Great Lakes Reveal a Fatal Flaw in Climate Change ‘Science’

Michigan mosque leader says 'wife beating' is a way to remind a woman she 'misbehaved'.

Trump vs. Che Guevara on Gay Pride—A Media Comparison

Trump’s Mexican-tariff move was a true victory

Rush Limbaugh Satire:  “My Marketing Idea for the 180 Execs Who Say Abortion Is Necessary for Success”   “Having abortions, having abortion opportunities, having the chance for abortions promotes our values and is good for business. It [promotes] our ability to build diverse and inclusive workforce pipelines, recruit top talent across the states, and protect the well-being of all the people who keep our businesses thriving day in and out” by killing future customers. Uh, no! We didn’t mean to say that…”

K-12 Education Has Become Progressive Sunday School

Matt Schlapp: ‘Medicare-for-all’ is a $32 trillion utopian taxpayer-funded fantasy. Don’t be fooled, America

Time for the LGBT Movement to Leave the Kids Alone

Dangerous New Trend: Governments Defining Christian Doctrine

“No man in his senses can hesitate in choosing to be free, rather than a slave.”
               -Alexander Hamilton


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