Saturday, April 20, 2019

op ed review 4/21

Mueller report released: no collusion, no obstruction, no coordination, no conspiracy.
But liberal talking heads say that doesn’t matter, he’s still guilty…..mention impeachment an astonishing 309 times during their coverage the of the Mueller report Thursday.
Trump donations soar after Mueller Report.

Priest punched in the face at a convenience store in Washington State believes the cross around his neck 'enraged' the suspect.  “The man who struck him…asked, “How’s Trump?” Have you seen the man in this photo?
Turning Point USA leader reportedly stalked, says almost victim of a hit-and-run on Seattle campus.

Subliminal message?  CBS drama 'The Good Fight' sparks outrage after tweeting a list starting with the words,  'Assassinate,' 'President,' and 'Trump'

Border agents capture 1,800 illegal immigrants in one day.
The Trump administration is proposing a new rule to try to block some 32,000 illegal immigrant-led families from claiming section 8 public housing assistance, saying it’s unfair to hundreds of thousands of Americans who are stuck on waiting lists. The plan would scrap Clinton-era regulations that allowed illegal immigrants to sign up for assistance without having to disclose their citizenship status.
How illegal aliens arrive here as ready-made Democrats.
'Climate refugees' -- Democrats' new tool to kill U.S. borders.
Yuma, Arizona declares state of emergency over surge of migrants.
Putting American flags on police cars sparks controversy in Laguna Beach CA. Flag is “hurting people’s feelings who might be immigrants or visitors”…”..threatening, intimidating, racism..”

Trump Proposes to Bus Illegals to Sanctuary Cities
Sanctuary Cities Should Welcome Illegals, Unless Liberals Are Lying

The New York Yankees have stopped using TV/radio star Kate Smith’s rendition of Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” during their home games because of allegations of past racism in the late singer’s choice of songs in the 1930s.
Yankees’ ban of Kate Smith’s ‘God Bless America’ is a new PC low
A historic mural depicting white children playing outside in winter was removed from an Illinois middle school because school officials said it failed to represent the school’s diversity.

Google Leftists Panic About Leaks, Threaten Employment Of Colleagues
Middlebury College Cancels Conservative Philosopher's Lecture on Totalitarianism
Major U.S. bank shuts down 'alt-right' accounts

Don’t know what started the fire, but ISIS fanatics warn of a future attack on fire-ravaged Notre Dame
European Churches: Vandalized, Defecated On, and Torched "Every Day"
875 Catholic Churches in France Were Vandalized in 2018 by Radical Secularists and Muslims
Some French lefties say Notre Dame rebuild shouldn't be 'overburdened' with Christian meaning
Photos inside ravaged cathedral
???Muslim prayers and Koran readings were held at the Vatican for the first time in history on Sunday.  Lefties think this is wonderful, but Muslims read this as Christian weakness.

Should Senator Cory Booker Pay Slavery Reparations to Himself? He can write a check from the 45% of his European DNA to the 47% of his African DNA.

2020 Democrat Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg says he and his husband want a child soon.
Step aside, First Ladies: it’s Chasten Buttigieg’s time to shine….”BuzzFeed reporters and other Peter Pans discovered a potential future occupant of the East Wing who is exactly like them: a zany manchild obsessed with eating, Harry Potter, and cute animals.”
Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity
The Vigilante From South Bend

Almost All of You Paid Less Taxes in 2018, And Bernie Sanders Wants That Money Back.
What the lying media isn’t telling you about the Trump/GOP tax cuts: They really ARE cuts.
50,219,667 Tax Return Filers Paid $0 or Less in Income Taxes

Obama Adviser’s Book Is Ranked 1,030 On Amazon. How Did It Make NYT’s Best Seller List?

NYC council votes to ban employers from testing job applicants for pot use.

Robert Stacy McCain, American Spectator, 4/19

For approximately 3 million people, nothing in the Mueller report could exonerate President Trump of “Russian collusion,” obstruction of justice, and various other high crimes and misdemeanors of which they are certain he is guilty. For those 3 million people (a number reflecting the combined average weekday primetime audience of CNN and MSNBC) Trump’s guilt is an indisputable fact, his presidency an ongoing crime against humanity, his 2016 election a fraud. In a nation of 325 million people, of course, 3 million is less than a single percentage point. However, that hard-core audience of obsessive Trump-haters includes every Democrat in Washington and the vast majority of our nation’s journalists, university faculty, and other such members of the intelligentsia. Therefore, their deranged idée fixe has enormous influence, calling into existence a sort of anti-Trump industry that manufactures a constant output of rage-inducing propaganda. The CNN/MSNBC bubble is the cable-TV equivalent of a cult compound, where dissent from their political religion is forbidden. For the past two years, the fanatics have been told every night by Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, et al., that the final destruction of Trump was at hand — “the walls are closing in!” — and the left-wing faithful awaited their deliverance from the evil man in the White House.  

“Orange Man Bad”— that’s a shorthand label for the anti-Trump mentality, coined by an anonymous contributor on a Reddit forum in 2017, mocking the robotic mindlessness of the president’s enemies. No fact that might contradict their Trump-hating beliefs has any validity to them, because Orange Man Bad. By obverse principle, anything done to harm Trump or his supporters, including libel and violent assault, is considered legitimate, because Orange Man Bad. Living inside a media-generated echo chamber where everyone shares their simplistic worldview, the Trump-haters tune in nightly to their MSNBC/CNN religious revival and are catechized, so to speak, with the latest reiteration of the Orange Man Bad gospel.

What else can explain what happened Thursday, after Mueller finally delivered his 448-page “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.” The delivery of the special counsel’s report was preceded by a press conference at which Attorney General Barr summarized the result of the investigation. Barr “made clear that, after two years of investigation, thousands of subpoenas, and endless media speculation, the ‘Russian collusion’ story was, as some of us had noted all along, a story about nothing…Contrary to what MSNBC and CNN viewers had been told night after night for month after month, Trump is not a Kremlin stooge and yet: “Orange Man Bad!”

Proven wrong on the matter of “Russian collusion,” the anti-Trump media sifted through the Mueller report in search of evidence of other wrongdoing by the president, who of course must be guilty of something. The Twitter feeds of media types filled up with excerpts of the report proving… what? Well, Trump was very angry about being falsely accused of “collusion,” and he didn’t enjoy watching his former associates being investigated and prosecuted as part of what he considered a partisan witch hunt, inspired in large measure by the phony Steele dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. But we already knew that. Trump’s animus toward the Mueller investigation was certainly no secret, but being angry is not a crime and, however angry he was, nothing Trump did amounted to obstruction of justice. Because there was no “collusion,” and thus no crime to conceal, it would be hard to figure out how or why justice could be obstructed in such a case. The innocent don’t fear justice, and if Trump was innocent of “collusion” (as Mueller concluded) why should he engage in obstruction? Never mind basic logic, cried the Trump-haters, because Orange Man Bad!

CNN went into complete meltdown mode Thursday afternoon, led by the network’s chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who declared the Mueller report was “pretty bad” and “very damaging” for Trump. CNN commentator Ana Navarro ranted on Twitter that Barr is “complicit… duplicitous” and “disloyal to the Constitution,” and harrumphed: “I don’t know how anyone can read [the] Mueller Report and conclude Trump did not attempt time and time again to obstruct justice.” Things were no better on MSNBC, where Chris Matthews reacted to Trump’s written answers to Mueller’s questions: “My God, it was like he had failed an Alzheimer’s competency test.” MSNBC commentator and former CIA director John Brennan, who’s spent two years promoting the Russian collusion narrative, claimed that the Mueller report, which effectively exonerated Trump, nonetheless contained “really quite extensive” information supporting his own view. Brennan said the Mueller report showed Trump’s “conduct was unethical, unprincipled, dishonest and I would say it really does back up political corruption.”

Their minds are made up, and mere facts cannot penetrate their ironclad certainty about Trump’s maliciousness. Thus, a 22-month, $25 million federal investigation that disproved their Russian conspiracy theory was really just a waste of time and money; The anti-Trump media and Democrat politicians in Washington continue to believe what they have always believed: “Orange Man Bad!”

On Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program last night, the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel said bluntly, “It’s over.” No collusion. No obstruction. No more indictments. The whole Russians-stole-the-election narrative has been conclusively debunked, and despite the Mueller report’s detailed accounting of Trump’s angry outbursts about the investigation, justice was never obstructed. Yet the 3 million viewers of CNN and MSNBC may not realize this, because those networks are still saying the same thing they’ve been saying since 2016: “Orange Man Bad!”

What can be done about the anti-Trump cult? It’s obvious that they cannot be persuaded by rational argument to abandon their paranoid delusions, and they’ll still be ranting about Russia until the day Trump leaves office. They never believed he could win the 2016 election, and the Russian “collusion” theory was a way to deny the reality of his victory. Now we are barely a year-and-a-half away from the next presidential election, and Trump’s chances of winning a second term have significantly increased. The nearly 63 million Americans who voted for Trump seem to be sticking with him — his job approval numbers have gained about 7 points in the Real Clear Politics poll average since December 2017 — and the Democrat field for 2020 is a clown car full of left-wing crazies. Despite what his enemies in the media might believe, the end of the Mueller probe is a clear victory for Trump, and if the economy keeps roaring along like it is now, the odds of him being re-elected are quite good.

None of these facts matter to the 3 million who watch CNN and MSNBC, the cable-TV echo chamber defined by the anti-Trump cult mentality of Maddow and Matthews, Joe Scarborough and Erin Burnett, Chris Hayes and Chris Cuomo. The good news is that this alternative universe appears to be shrinking. Maddow has lost nearly a third of her audience since last April, and CNN recently recorded its worst ratings week of the year. It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, and this is exactly what Trump’s media enemies seem to be doing. The more often the president mocks them as “fake news,” the more determined they become to destroy him, and the more they limit their audience to the most fanatically deranged Trump-haters. However, it never seems to occur to them that they might be mistaken, no matter how often they find themselves humiliated in the ratings. They know only one thing, and they are completely committed to it: “Orange Man Bad!”


“It’s nearly impossible to listen to college presidents, provosts and other administrators talk for more than 15 minutes or so before the words diversity and inclusion drop from their lips. But there’s a simple way to determine just how committed they are to their rhetoric. Ask your average college president, provost or administrator whether he bothers promoting political diversity among faculty. I’ll guarantee that if he is honest — or even answers the question — he will say he doesn’t believe in that kind of diversity and inclusion. According to a recent study, professors who are registered Democrats outnumber their Republican counterparts by a 12-1 ratio.
              -Walter Williams

Know Thine Enemy: Essential Reading for Conservative Americans…. “a page-turning reading for anyone wanting a deeper understanding of the threat to America’s culture, politics, and future posed by the Left’s radical agenda.”

Democrat Politician Visits Cuba to Learn About ‘Economic Development’ and ‘Quality of Life’……dutifully performed all the traditional Democrat rituals mandatory for such visits, primarily hailing Cuba’s glorious “healthcare and education!”   “there is much to learn from Cuba.

‘Shadowy’ dark money network behind left-wing causes exposed in new report

Watching Bernie at the Fox News Town Hall: Memories of the Soviet Union

Couple behind Ocasio-Cortez viral video starts pro-socialism TV show.

Wounded SEAL and freshman Congressman Dan Crenshaw mocked by the left as ‘captain sh*thead,' Nazi, 'eyeless f**k'.  Rep. Crenshaw, 35, who wears an eye patch after losing his right eye in Afghanistan, has received two Bronze Stars,  the Purple Heart, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor.

A leading academic and cleric from World Cup host country Qatar has filmed a shocking video guide on how Muslim men should beat their wives.

Environmental Purity, Not Common Sense, Motivates California’s Ban On Plastic.

Eco-warriors' plan to shut down London Heathrow Airport

Flat Broke & Busted: German Wind Turbine Maker Senvion’s Spectacular Financial Collapse

Amazing to see this in the Washington Post:  “Admit it: Fox News has been right all along”

Dennis Prager:  Notre Dame: An Omen
Rebuilding Notre Dame Requires Rebuilding the Culture That Created It

If Entrepreneurs 'Didn't Build That,' Who Did?

Candace Owens Has Shown Us the Way

MyPillow founder Mike Lindell tells Mark Levin about overcoming his lifelong battle with addiction.

U.S. Intelligence Institutionally Politicized Toward Democrats
Don Surber: Obama turned the FBI into the KGB

In the Trump Administration, Delivering Results Is The Only Source of Job Security

Illegal alien families sense that they are vital to progressive agendas of fundamentally transforming the country by importing first-generation, loyal constituents—a sentiment that is slowly replacing the prior idea of mostly young men coming to work off the books. In an increasingly tribal America, they expect on arrival to be recalibrated instantly from Mexican nationals without any experience of America into “Latinos” and “Hispanics” with historical grievances against the majority population of United States, to be remedied by reparatory hiring and admission, and facilitated by ethnic operatives. Some polls in the past have suggested that a third of Mexico’s population would immigrate to the United States if possible….In theory, 50 million could cross the border in the next two decades, which poses the question: what are the theoretical limits on illegal immigration?

Excellent website gathering together Democrat-Russia collusion evidence.  “In late May 2016, a man calling himself Henry Greenberg contacted Trump advisors Michael Caputo and Roger Stone offering negative information on Hillary Clinton. Both Stone and Caputo refused Greenberg’s offer.  Turns out “Henry Greenberg” is actually an alias of Gennadiy Vasilievich Vostretsov, who says he has been an informant for the FBI.”   !!??

A new book, previously banned by American publishers, documents Democrat-Russia collusion during the Cold War, using material a Russian dissident stole from the Soviet archives.

Must see!  Little girl does outstanding AOC imitation. Hilarious!

“Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others?”
               -Thomas Jefferson


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