Saturday, March 2, 2019

op ed review 3/3

The same day President Trump is trying to get Kim Jong Un to give up nuclear weapons, House Democrats schedule testimony from Michael Cohen, allowing New York Times to run the headline:  “Michael Cohen Accuses Trump of Expansive Pattern of Lies and Criminality”.  This may have emboldened Kim, leading to collapse of the talks. Trump, echoing Reagan at Reykjavik: 'Sometimes you have to walk.'
Media jackals predictably are braying that President Trump failed at the Hanoi summit. Nothing could be farther from the truth. President Trump wisely sent North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong-un, back to Pyongyang from Hanoi, where he can tell the generals and security police commanders, on whose support he depends, that they are not going to get sanctions relief without giving up their nuclear arsenal.
GET TRUMP! Democrats, Media Go All In On Michael Cohen: Broadcast, Cable News Nets to Air House Hearing Live; Politico Publishes ‘Bombshell’ Opening Statement
If their behavior at the Kavanaugh hearings that they engineered with a hoax accusation did not convince people of the craven unscrupulousness of the Democratic Party, the clown show Democrats put on Wednesday certainly will.
CNN, MSNBC Spend 428 Minutes on Cohen, only 12 minutes on North Korea Summit
NBC & CBS Promise Russia Investigation Will Continue Regardless of Mueller Report Findings

?“Michael Cohen turned on the President because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years”

After he won in the Supreme Court, President Trump’s Travel ban has now cut migrants 80% from the 8 broken nations where visas are worthless.
Thanks to Trump, the liberal 9th Circuit is no longer liberal.
The Trump administration's new rule to eradicate family planning funds for Planned Parenthood and other organizations that perform or promote abortions received high marks from pro-life leaders.
The Left is appalled:  “Planned Parenthood Stands to Lose Millions!”

Gallup: Liberals outnumber conservatives in only 6 states, down from 9.

Seattle’s homeless, ‘prolific offenders’ responsible for thousands of criminal cases

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee joins 2020 Race, wants to be the new Al Gore.

Bernie Sanders hires illegal immigrant to be his press secretary.

This will ruin women’s sports:  “Transgender sprinters finish 1st and 2nd at Connecticut girls indoor track championships”

Nearly Half of New Mexico’s Counties Declared ‘2nd Amendment Sanctuaries’

Adam Schiff has collusion problems of his own. The ski resort meeting between Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and the founder of Fusion GPS shows that the House Intelligence Committee chairman is the wrong person to trust with leading a serious, unbiased inquiry.

Remember Democrat Virginia Gov Northam and his racist yearbook page?  His wife is now being criticized for handing out cotton to black students on governor’s mansion tour.

The Chinese government has infiltrated nearly every sector of the U.S. education system via a package of programs and monetary schemes that seek to indoctrinate American children and bring the Communist government's propaganda into the classroom, according to a new report by a Senate investigatory body.

44 Democrats Vote to Support Post Birth Abortion…

According to a new report, illegal immigrants, and their children, cost American taxpayers $135 billion annually—$8,075 per alien per year.  For the sake of comparison, the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey in 2017 cost $120 billion. Illegal immigration is a national emergency.
Border smugglers now ramming down weak corrugated border fences with trucks in San Diego.
NYPD: MS-13 Planning To Target Off-Duty Cops At Their Homes
N.J. gave 500 undocumented immigrants tuition money. Here’s where they are going to college.
???The George W. Bush Presidential Center is urging the government to help CEOs and investors hire an unlimited number of foreigners in place of white-collar and blue-collar Americans.
Thirteen Republicans Voted for Ending Trump’s National Emergency to Build the Wall.  Sorry to say this includes Rep. Jamie Herrera Butler (R-WA) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA). Would someone please ask them what they are thinking?

Courageous:  United Methodist Church strengthens ban on same-sex marriage, LGBT clergy

The percentage of Americans willing to participate in telephone polls has hit a new low, according to a new report, raising doubts about the continued viability of the phone surveys that have traditionally dominated politics and elections, both in the media and in campaigns.

Democrats were all in when they decided to push universal background checks on all firearms purchases, but they quickly recoiled when Republicans amended the legislation to use the same law to alert federal authorities when an illegal immigrant tries to purchase a firearm illegally (a felony). Dems fear this would lead to deportations;  can’t have that!

Ocasio-Cortez Is No Outlier
David Limbaugh
The main problem in American politics is not the obvious polarization but the underlying reasons for it. Partisanship, angst and divisiveness are all preferable to surrendering the culture and fundamentally transforming the republic.

The Democratic Party has deceived much of the public into believing that its positions aren't extreme, but the truth is coming out now for all to see. Such veritable crackpots as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not merely fringe fruitcakes; they are just bringing the party out of the closet.

It's as if half this decadeslong leftist conspiracy to turn America into a socialist hellhole has finally been exposed by the unwitting soldiers of the revolution, who have understood everything about it but were told to keep their mouths shut about their ultimate goals.

The party's ostensible centrists are panicking, realizing that unless they can successfully cast AOC et al. as outliers, the party faces an electoral bloodbath in 2020. But there are few remaining Democratic centrists.

How many national Democratic officeholders are pro-life? How many really believe in enforcing the country's borders? How many reject the rampant practice of identity politics and the racialization of virtually every issue? How many object to the coarsening of the culture? How many defend religious liberty for Christians? How many champion the free market? How many oppose lawless judicial activism? How many support equal opportunity rather than equal outcomes?

There will be an interesting tug of war in the Democratic Party over the next few years as its pragmatic elements attempt to muzzle AOC before the reality of the party's extremism is irreversibly planted in the minds of American voters.

Can you imagine the hysteria in the smokeless-filled rooms of the Democratic National Committee, with half the party's bosses desperately conspiring to shut AOC up and the other half warning against anything too overt, knowing that the party's rabid base is every bit as radical as AOC and company?

I am cautiously encouraged by the left's premature self-exposure, because President Trump will handily win re-election if Democrats continue this pattern of defiance. No matter how much they demonize Trump, they'll fail in direct proportion to their openness about their radical agenda.

But my optimism is tempered by the Democrats' survival instinct and warrior spirit. They still have time to stanch the bleeding and stage a transfusion by quickly calling an audible, awkwardly persuading AOC to get back in the closet, pretending to moderate themselves and somehow, in the midst of all this contradictory confusion, mollifying their base and principal benefactors.

The most gratifying development to date is that for once, Republicans are positioned to capitalize on the Democrats' potentially fatal confessional. Indeed, President Trump jumped right on this in his State of the Union speech in starkly contrasting the parties' respective visions for America.

By presenting the Republican Party as bullish on America — the party of optimism, growth, life, opportunity, the rule of law, robust liberty, national sovereignty and peace through strength — and showcasing the Democratic Party as the party of death, malaise, identity politics, lawlessness and open borders, Trump has thrown down the gauntlet and set the stage for the 2020 campaign, which is now fully underway. Contrary to the prevailing narrative, Trump is anything but a policy extremist.

Trump is ideally suited to lead the GOP (and the nation) at this pivotal moment because he is nothing if not a warrior, and we stand to lose this country for generations — and possibly for good — if we don't take this fight to our opposition and engage in it with intensity that is equal to or greater than that of the indefatigable Democrats.

Let the usual leftist suspects and their media comrades lecture us about partisanship and divisiveness, but they are the ones assaulting the principles, traditions and constitutional framework that have made this nation great, and it would be an immoral abandonment of the nation and everything we believe in to surrender just to stave off this bogus criticism and win the accolades of the left.

Some people don't have a taste for the fight and believe that lukewarm overtures across the aisle could result in glorious harmony — as if pretending to get along were better than saving the nation for our children. How many times will we have to be short-sheeted by Democrats before we realize there is no compromising with them? Don't the recent border negotiations show which party demands concessions, gives none and paints the other as the partisan wretch? The vaunted history of bipartisan compromise has consistently resulted in the Democrats marching the football further down the field toward the socialist goal post. Our failure to fight back has resulted in the urgency that now confronts us.

Sure, we must fight fairly, but that includes exposing the left's real agenda and its disastrous consequences for America and every day highlighting the dramatic differences in the parties' visions and emphasizing, in no uncertain terms, that only one of those visions is compatible with the survival of the republic as founded.

Charlie Daniels: Many in America Have Fallen for ‘Big Lie’ of Socialism
Socialism is not about doing good for people. It is about power, about an all-pervasive government that controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives, consigning them to a colorless, mundane, hand to mouth existence, while the ruling class fly around in private jets and live in splendor. That’s the big lie about socialism. It doesn’t make everyone equal. It just transfers money to those in control.
Socialism is basically baby communism, and when it becomes full grown, it is an evil, godless human attempt at totalitarianism. It has never created anything but misery. Defeat it, America, or it will defeat you..
Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem. God Bless America
—Charlie Daniels

“Here is the sad truth about socialism: Socialism drives economies into the ground in exact proportion to its prominence in the economy. Capitalism creates prosperity. It’s convenient for Sanders and company to point to the Nordic countries as models of socialism when they are obviously founded on free markets, with socialistic redistribution schemes stacked atop that free market foundation. But deep down, Sanders knows that the truer reflection of socialism lies in Venezuela, Cuba and the Soviet Union. And that’s why Sanders simply can’t bring himself to disown Venezuelan socialism, even to prop up the lie that socialism wasn’t truly tried in Venezuela.”
           Ben Shapiro

“Remarkably Cohen’s testimony exonerates Trump. He says Trump never directly told him to lie, he has no evidence of collusion, and Trump only worked on the Moscow project because he thought he wouldn’t win, which means he wasn’t trying to leverage the presidency for financial gain.”
         -Matt Walsh

“The only response to any Democrat argument from now on should be: ‘You support the murder of infants.’ That point undermines everything they say and every position they take. It means they cannot be taken seriously on any topic, at all, ever again.”
          -Matt Walsh

Pro-life film 'Unplanned' assigned surprise R-rating by MPAA  Decision could emphasize that abortion is 'act of violence,' fimmakers say.

The mainstreaming of climate change hysteria into the public schools, beginning in early grades, has probably more to do with the overwhelming leftist sentiments of the rising generations than any other factor, including demographic shifts in the population. Preferring socialism to capitalism is linked to the belief that corporations, particularly certain kinds, are responsible for rising temperatures, and only government can change the direction and save the planet.

Report: Leftist Interest Groups Calling the Shots at Many American Universities

Not many presidential candidates in American history, outside perhaps a Eugene Debs or Gus Hall, would announce a presidential bid vowing to “transform the country” and complete “the political revolution.” Then again, not many candidates have been like Bernie Sanders, a lifetime socialist who, in the 1980 presidential campaign, when normal people were deciding between Carter or Reagan, served as a presidential elector for the Socialist Workers’ Party. And yet, this onetime Trotskyist and member of a Marxist-Stalinist kibbutz received 13 million votes in the 2016 Democratic Party primary, or 40% of Democrat votes. This isn’t your granddaddy’s Democratic Party, junior.

Another Democrat cooks up a health care plan even crazier than Bernie's.  Is rabidly far-left rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) trying to become the Ilhan Omar of the health care industry?

PayPal CEO Admits Partnership with Far-Left SPLC to Blacklist Conservatives

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: ‘Child Care Should be a Fundamental Right. Period’;  also backs reparations for slavery.

Lifestyles of the rich and socialist: Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, makes millions.
Joe Biden gets fierce blowback from the Left for calling Mike Pence a “decent guy.”

There’s A Vladimir Lenin Statue In Seattle, and Republican Lawmakers Want It Gone

So now the Social Justice Warrior Left has dug up an old Playboy interview with John Wayne and discovered -- surprise! -- that the Duke was not politically correct by the standards of 2019.
LA Times: “It’s time to take John Wayne’s name off the Orange County airport”

California professor “reprimanded” for saying police ´need to be killed.´
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive.
Teenager Arrested For Throwing 81-Year-Old Trump-Supporter to the Ground Over His MAGA Hat

British troops find severed heads of 50 infidel sex slaves in former Islamic State stronghold in Syria.  Author notes: “The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as sex slaves is sanctioned in the Qur’an.  (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50)”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Could Cost $93 Trillion

Radical environmentalism has attained the status of theology and their catechism is the “Green New Deal.” A wish list framed as a set of policy proposals, the Green New Deal demands the obliteration of our nation's energy infrastructure as penance for our sin of material prosperity and requires faith that something will come along to replace it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, God’s gift to conservatives, is at it again. The Valley Girl socialist says, like, it may not be OK to have children, because, like, the planet is doomed:

The nearly successful campaign strategy of Beto O’Rourke in exacting detail. “He laid out the exact numbers of potential voters the campaign believed it should try to reach, how many of those voters had a cellphone contact available, and—with a bit of arithmetic—a critical sum that would drive the campaign's final push: the exact figure of volunteer phone-bank shifts he believed would be necessary to win the state.”

The most coveted donors for 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are not Wall Street financiers or Hollywood producers:  small dollars are a bigger deal because they can help organize and engage a large and committed group of supporters who invest more than just money in a campaign.

Joe Biden is getting advice from social media executives on how best to appeal to young voters

Really important article by a lifelong environmentalist: “Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet”.  Appearance on Tucker Carlson.

How’s that global warming working out for LA?  For the first time since forecasters began recording data — at least 132 years — the mercury did not reach 70 degrees in downtown Los Angeles for the entire month of February.

Earth is greener today than it was 20 years ago thanks to 'human activity,' NASA study shows.

Former Deputy Assistant to President Donald Trump Sebastian Gorka, speaking at the CPAC conference in National Harbor, Md., on Thursday, said the Democrats’ Green New Deal is “a watermelon,” because it’s “green on the outside” and “deep, deep red communist on the inside.”

Diamond and Silk bring CPAC to its feet with fiery address on socialism, Dems in Congress.

From Trayvon to Jussie — Poll Shows Media Hoaxes Have Destroyed Race Relations

“The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War” by Conrad Black
Former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova “There’s two standards of justice, one for Democrats one for Republicans…The press is all Democrat, all liberal, all progressive, all left. They hate Republicans, they hate Trump….So the suggestion that there’s ever going to be civil discourse in this country for the foreseeable future is over…It’s going to be total war….And as I say to my friends, I do two things – I vote and I buy guns.”
TOENSING: “DOJ Planned A Coup Against Trump — And The Press Doesn’t Care”

There is a particularly horrifying episode of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone titled "It's a Good Life" (1961). It stars Billy Mumy as a mind-controlling six-year-old boy ("the monster") who lives with his parents in Peaksville, Ohio. The town is completely isolated from the outside world thanks to the satanic powers of little Anthony Fremont. He has taken away cars, electricity, and machines because he doesn't like them. The town subsists only by growing its own food and on other household items they have on hand but are dwindling. He sends people who anger him to the cornfield, never to be seen again. Everyone in the town lives in fear of him. At the end of the episode, he causes heavy snow to fall, which will kill the crops; the town will soon starve. Does this not sound like what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has in mind for all Americans?

Back in 1983, the British Labor Party, traumatized by Margaret Thatcher, contested a general election on a platform calling for unilateral disarmament, stepped up socialism, and other crazy ideas that the British press called the longest suicide note any political party had ever proposed. Thatcher crushed Labor, in one of the largest landslides in British history.  Now the American media is starting to get alarmed that the Democratic presidential field is lurching too far to the left, and may be assuring Trump’s re-election.

The Democrats' 2020 Census Goal: Turn Purple States Irreversibly Blue

Clever satire piece that will make liberal heads explode:   “Why My Wife And I Decided To Abort Our Unborn Gay Son”

In a message timed for the Oscars, the NRA rolls out its biggest gun to call on the country to focus on teaching children their Constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment, instead of tearing those rights down in a drive to socialism.  Featuring historical footage from the late Charlton Heston, the former NRA president and two-time Academy Award winner, the new video from the pro-gun group juxtaposes his words on American rights with the anti-gun messages and images from Hollywood, Washington, and media critics.

“Steven Crowder might be my favorite internet personality. He's hilarious, intelligent, extremely articulate, and expresses a conservative point of view in a very entertaining fashion.”

Amateur colorist Olga Shirnina uses Photoshop to breathe new life into black-and-white photos, has an incredible talent for transforming historical black and white photographs into haunting color images:  “..the person looks back at you as if he’s alive..”  Russian history, Hollywood stars, historical figures, WWII, etc.
More Shirnina: Captivating Colorized Portraits of Russian Fighters In World War 1.
The 1960s American Car and Road Trip In Kodachrome

Melissa Ohden is a survivor of a failed abortion attempt. She is a Christian pro-life public speaker, and speaks of her life as an abortion survivor. Her blog:

Milton Friedman on the four ways you can spend money.
1.You can spend your own money on yourself. When you do that, why then you really watch what you’re doing, and you try to get the most for your money.
2.You can spend your own money on somebody else. For example, I buy a birthday present for someone. Well, then I’m not so careful about the content of the present, but I’m very careful about the cost.
3.I can spend somebody else’s money on myself. And if I spend somebody else’s money on myself, then I’m sure going to have a good lunch!
4.I can spend somebody else’s money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else’s money on somebody else, I’m not concerned about how much it is, and I’m not concerned about what I get.


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