op ed review 2/10
President Trump hit a home run with his State of the
Union: "We stand with the
Venezuelan people in their noble quest for freedom — and we condemn the
brutality of the Maduro regime, whose socialist policies have turned that
nation from being the wealthiest in South America into a state of abject
poverty and despair..Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to
adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence
- not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we
will stay free."
Chants of 'USA' after Trump says 'America will never be a
socialist country'
President Trump: ‘We’ve Got to Get Out of These Endless
GOP Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming properly summed up
the behavior of the white-and-blue-clad Democrat women at last night’s State of
the Union message with a single devastating tweet: “Things my Democrat women
colleagues wouldn’t clap for at #StateOfTheUnion2019 tonight: America, freedom,
free enterprise, law enforcement heroes, record low unemployment for women
& minorities, the right of babies to live. Things they did clap for:
Mainstream media stunned: Both CBS and CNN Polls: 76 Percent of Viewers
Approve President Trump’s State of the Union Speech; CBS: 72 Percent Approve
His Immigration Ideas
Another Trump Miracle: US Predicted to Drill More Oil Than
Saudi Arabia and Russia Combined by 2025!
Tom Brady’s 6th Super Bowl Win Infuriates Trump Haters
Brady trolls media with epic ‘Reagan’ Play: “a run to the right!”
National Prayer Breakfast Cheers Donald Trump’s Pro-Life
China caved to President Trump’s Trade War demands as
state-media published plans that foreign investors will no longer be subject to
compulsory technology transfers.
Pelosi and other Democrats caving to border wall funding?
What would you do if you’re at a press
conference, fighting for your political life after a week during which you
endorsed outright infanticide and got caught wearing black face, and a reporter
asks if you can still do the Michael Jackson Moonwalk? –Well,
if you’re Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, you look around to see if there’s
room to do the Moonwalk and are just about to say “Hold my beer!” until your
wife – who thankfully was there to stand by her racist, baby-killing man –
tells you that these are “inappropriate circumstances” in which to show off
your dancing skills.
CNN tries to relabel Virginia Gov. Northam a Republican
With Virginia’s top three elected officials engulfed in
scandal, fellow Democrats were rendered practically speechless, uncertain of
how to thread their way through the racial and sexual allegations and their
tangled political implications.
Looking at the possibility of losing the Virginia governorship
to the Republicans, some liberals are calling for adjustments to the political
correctness penal code. Maybe blackface isn’t a “firing offense.” Maybe “giving people a second chance…might
serve…the greater interest.”
Reminder: Ralph Northam Won Election After Calling Republican
Opponent a Racist
Welcome to California, land of 1,000 laws — and that’s just
this year!…. example: only milk and water are now to be published as beverage
options on kids’ menus in sit-down restaurants.
Apple Gives Deep State Access To Roger Stone’s iCloud
Account, After Refusing To Violate Privacy of San Bernardino Terrorists.
New border crisis: 1,809 illegal crossing attempts a day,
‘ticking time bomb’
Maybe it’s time for a moratorium: Census Bureau says 75 million more immigrants
by 2060, 95% of future US growth.
Google seems to be concealing this study: “Illegal aliens are incarcerated as much as
five times the rate of legal residents – and on average three times the rate of
legal residents – in states where they are most heavily concentrated, according
to a new study published by the Federation for American Immigration Reform
??? Senator Mitch McConnell Announces He is “Especially
Proud” of Legislation Rebuking President Trump… The only Republican who voted against perpetual war
in the middle east and supported President Trump was Rand Paul. …Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has one
major career alliance that has been unbroken and unchanged for well over two
decades. That alliance is with the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce and specifically with CoC President Tom Donohue. Mitch McConnell is stealthily working
against the efforts of President Donald Trump. The effort is to support his
primary Wall Street financial benefactor.
Mitch Fires Trump Impeachment Warning with U.S. Senate: Demand
to Keep Troops in Afghanistan/Syria…
McConnell warns Trump: We might vote to block your emergency
decree on the wall, you know
Senate Dems introduce bill to block Trump from using
military funds to build wall
Your tax dollars at work: Vivaldi-listening Cats, Coked-up
Quails, and Monkey Marriage Proposals
Effort to Allow Full-term Abortion Defeated by Republicans in
Rhode Island’s Catholic Democratic Gov. backs abortion bill
overturning all pro-life laws
San Francisco, most liberal city in America — where drug
addicts outnumber high school students
Americans love paid family leave, until they learn what it
Nancy Pelosi Keeps Quoting Her Favorite Bible Verse. The
Mystery: It’s Not Actually in the Bible.
How to get your child to just say no to socialism 2/4
mountains of historical evidence revealing the dangers associated with socialism, support for Karl Marx’s collectivist
ideas is steadily increasing. In an August 2018 Gallup Poll, 51 percent of
young people aged 18-29 said they have a favorable opinion of socialism, compared to just 45 percent who said
they view capitalism positively. Compare that to 2010, when 68 percent of young
people said they view capitalism favorably. That’s a remarkable 33 percent
decline in just eight years.
parents who support the traditional American values of self-responsibility,
individual liberty and free markets, have been left to wonder how they can
teach their children the truth about collectivism and resist the rise of
socialism. Below are strategies for talking to young people about the dangers
of communism, socialism and other progressive ideas.
the meaning of socialism and why it’s immoral. Every conversation
about socialism should begin with a discussion about what it actually entails.
Survey data show most Americans have no clue what socialism is, despite the
fact that it’s regularly discussed in the media. Socialism is the collective
ownership and management of property. In a purely socialist society – an idea
Karl Marx called “communism” – all or nearly all property is owned and managed
by the collective.
such a scheme, people have very little power over their own lives. Even their
homes are owned collectively. In the case of democratic socialism, this means
that people are forced to live according to the desires of the majority. In
many situations, a small group of people is given power by the majority, and
that group typically ends up becoming tyrannical, as we’ve seen in China, North
Korea and Venezuela.
this model in place, minorities don’t really have any rights. If the majority
thinks people should live or work in a certain way, everyone is required to
obey, even if it violates their deeply held beliefs. For example, in a
socialist country, vegetarians would be required to be part owners in a
socialism, individual “rights” are mere illusions. Even free-speech rights are
limited if they are deemed “harmful” to the rest of society – which means these
“rights” don’t really exist at all. This is why human rights abuses are so
common in countries that try to enact socialism.
charity, not government coercion. For most young
Americans, socialist ideas are appealing because they genuinely want to help
those who are suffering. They believe single-payer health care, a “Green
New Deal,” and other similar
policies are compassionate. Conservatives have a tendency to dismiss these
ideas without providing alternatives. This leaves younger people feeling
frustrated. “Government social programs might not be perfect,” young liberals
and socialists often tell me, “but at least liberals and socialists are trying
to fix difficult problems like poverty. Conservatives and libertarians don’t
care what happens to people who are suffering.”
parents discuss socialism, they should always explain that it’s important to
engage in charitable activities. Advocates of freedom do support helping
others, they just don’t believe the government is best equipped to do it. This idea is best reinforced when families
engage in charitable activities together. Parents must show their kids that
motivated, compassionate conservatives care for those most in need and make the
world a better place.
conversation allows parents to make a very important moral argument: Charity is
morally positive, because it means people are voluntarily helping those in
need, but government welfare programs – however well-intentioned they might be
– are not forms of charity. They require the government to use force and
coercion. Those who don’t want to pay for a government program because they
think it isn’t helpful – or perhaps believe it’s harmful – are forced to pay
their taxes and participate anyway. Those who refuse can end up in prison. Or,
put simply, conservatives support people freely helping others, while those on
the left advocate for forcing, manipulating and controlling people to
accomplish their goals.
that there’s never been a successful socialist nation in world history.
Here’s a startling fact about socialism that every child should hear:
During the past century, tens of millions of people have been killed, exiled or
imprisoned by socialist and communist parties, and no country has ever
successfully enacted a system that matches Marx’s vision for the world – a
reality even the staunchest Marxist will admit. Kids often respond to this fact
by saying that there are many examples of socialism working successfully. Like
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., they point to Denmark, Norway
and Sweden.
idea that Nordic nations are little socialist utopias is a gigantic myth.
Denmark, Norway and Sweden are absolutely not “socialist” nations. Some parts
of their economies have been socialized, like health care and higher education,
but they are still market-based economies, and in many respects, their citizens
are freer than Americans. For example, in the Heritage Foundation’s “2019
Index of Economic Freedom,”
Denmark, Norway and Sweden all score higher than the United States in numerous
categories, including “property rights” and “business freedom.”
history has repeatedly shown that government can’t fix many of our most complex
societal issues, even when it socializes just one part of the economy. For
example, since the ObamaCare health insurance exchanges first opened, insurance
premiums have doubled and deductibles have skyrocketed.
about the dangers of socialism with kids isn’t easy. Children are constantly
being bombarded with pro-socialist messages from Hollywood, the music industry,
professional sports and, most importantly, their teachers and professors. But
if parents aren’t willing to put in the time to address these important ideas,
who will?
“I’m not surprised, but some part of me can’t believe we’re
at a place where the President of the U.S. said ‘we renew our resolve that
America will never be a socialist country’ and the Democratic speaker of the
House deliberately did not applaud.”
guess I’m supposed to well up with tears of pride because a bunch of women were
elected to Congress. Sorry, no. Most of the new congresswomen are
self-obsessed, infanticidal, socialist radicals. The fact that they happen to
have two X chromosomes is no consolation.”
-Matt Walsh
”The Theft of America’s Soul: Blowing the Lid Off the Lies
That Are Destroying Our Country” by Phil Robertson (Mr. Duck Dynasty) “one of the most recognized voices of
conservative Christianity in America, believes that little by little,
generation by generation, America has allowed the lines of morality, decency,
and virtue to be erased.”
“Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe” by Roger McNamee.
The story of how a noted tech venture capitalist, an early mentor to
Mark Zuckerberg and investor in his company, woke up to the serious damage
Facebook was doing to our society and set out to try to stop it.
Another University Just Blocked Conservative Ben Shapiro
From Speaking
Leftists are masters of projection. They are constantly
accusing the right of the crimes they commit themselves. Leftists think of
everything in terms of race, yet they call conservatives racist. Leftist
feminists judge women by whether they meet male measures of success, yet they
call conservatives sexist. Leftists want the government to be able to control
every thought, word, action, and dollar in the country, yet they call
conservatives fascist. They think they are looking at conservatives when they
are really looking in the mirror.
President Trump is making some leftists sick ... literally. Politico
Magazine reported this week that the president is causing all sorts of maladies
in his political opponents, from sexual dysfunction to flat-out depression, and
in some cases the president is so single-handedly responsible for patients'
psychological instability that qualified therapists have made him into a
diagnosis: Trump Anxiety Disorder.
Militant progressive ideology is enforced by destroying,
personally and professionally, those who dissent. You don’t need the secret
police when you have taught people to police themselves according to your
totalitarian principles.
Venezuelan socialism victims send message to American
'Green New Deal' details emerge, as Ocasio-Cortez proposes WWII-level
mobilization to ‘save the planet’
Overview of the Democrat “Green New Deal” which threatens
"a massive transformation of our society." 1) Rebuild every single building in the U.S. 2.) End all traditional forms of energy in the
next ten years. 3.) Ban nuclear energy within 10 years if
possible. 4.) Build trains across oceans and end all air
travel! 5.) Don’t
invest in new technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, just plant trees
instead! 6.) Mandate
all new jobs be unionized. 7.) Carbon
taxes, cap and trade, etc. How
will it be paid for? Don’t worry about that. “The Federal Reserve can
extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can
be created to extend credit”. But as Ocasio-Cortez says, “the question isn’t
how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity”
Another list: The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green
New Deal
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could utter absolute gibberish
and the media would swoon before her and her supporters would declare her a
genius. How do
we know? Because Ocasio-Cortez frequently utters gibberish and the media and
her supporters swoon before her. Ocasio-Cortez doesn't "misspeak." She
doesn't make gaffes. She doesn't "err," get tongue tied, have brain
farts, or get mixed up.
She is fundamentally, a monumentally stupid woman who knows so little
about so much that she doesn't even try to hide it.
But this is not good:
Surveys are
showing overwhelming support for raising taxes on top earners.
Doctor and former MP Marcus Franz says white
girls in Vienna, Austria find that they have to wear Islamic headscarves to
prevent street harassment by male Muslim migrants.
Sunni Islam’s highest authority, Ahmed el-Tayeb, believes
that Christian converts should be “killed” and has said so on several
Louis Farrakhan calls for separate state for Black
Americans, says that's 'what God wants'
Extremely respectful and supportive of Islam, Obama was more
hostile to Christianity than any other U.S. president. With the
election of president Trump, prayer has made a striking comeback in the
political arena.
Let me preface the following praise by saying I have a tough
time listening to our president. His style of speech and mannerisms tend to
drive me up the wall in spite of the fact I am in near total agreement with his
political agenda and actions as president. Tonight, my wife had to call me away
repeatedly from this computer to get me to come listen to the State of the
Union speech. After the introduction of the WWII vets, I, reluctantly, and
grumbling that I really didn't want to do this, got up and went in to join Miz
Poe in watching the speech. All I can say is that I am ever so glad that I did. To my absolute amazement, Donald J. Trump
gave one helluva State of the Union speech, punching my conservative buttons
while putting the Democrats in checkmate by cleverly appropriating every one of
their major issues as his own. It was amazing to watch those Democrats
initially sitting on their impolite rear ends, refusing to applaud even major
positive accomplishments for their constituencies, like historically low black
and Hispanic unemployment. By the time his speech was completed, Trump had
large numbers of those same Democrats standing and applauding – even when he
pronounced firmly that this nation will never become a socialist country,
earning standing applause from even Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, much to the
chagrin of Bernie Sanders and AOC.
Remarkable article: “As
he stands to address the nation tonight, President Donald Trump represents a
genuine crisis in the American political order, but it is not the crisis we
hear about from rage-addled Democratic hyper-partisans and their media
cheerleaders. The fundamental cause of our current convulsion — studiously
ignored by almost all concerned — is this: In the United States, the ruling
class does not rule. At least, it does not rule right now…..What
Trump represents is the fact that while Wall Street and Harvard and Silicon
Valley and the New York Times have one view of
this country, its values, and its role in the world, a very large number of
their fellow citizens — who are not monsters — have another view. And there are
enough of them to win a presidential election…..ours is a politics of
hinterland Hutus and coastal Tutsis bound in mutual antagonism by
status-jockeying, generations of real and imagined slights and offenses, and a
sacramental politics centered on the devotion to the holy/unholy person of the
president/pretender into which these resentments and insecurities are channeled…..The
presidency is just one more bauble to be fought over, one more opportunity to
exercise power, an instrument for the domination and humiliation of the other
tribe. As it happens, the tribe that has
every other kind of power is for the moment denied the power of the presidency.
And that tribe has gone mad.”
Ben Stein’s Socialist Smackdown
Covington Teen's Lawyer Releases Brutal 14-Minute Video
Showcasing Lies of Nathan Phillips and Media.
This shows the entire event in perspective.
Forbes most liberal, least liberal cities list Seattle is #3 most liberal.
Washington State Legislature email list:
Amazing photos from the Sony World Photography Awards.
“It will not be denied that power is of an encroaching
nature and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits
assigned to it.”
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