op ed review 1/27
Feeling pressure from his fellow Republicans to reopen the
government, President Trump announced Friday afternoon that a deal was reached
for federal employees to come back to work as negotiations on border security
are given a little more time. Some call this a cave-in to Democrats, but see
the column of the week below.
The viral video of a group of MAGA-hat wearing teenagers
waiting for their buses last Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial has been paraded
by news outlets as a confrontation with a Native American elderly man and has swept the weekend internet like the
storm that is gripping most the nation. It pushed all the liberal buttons: “privileged”
white boys from pro-life march, MAGA hats, “mocking a native American elder.” But it was all fake.
MSNBC Claims Anyone Wearing MAGA Hat Is Looking to Fight,
Covington Kids Are Symbol of White Privilege
Leftie actress Alyssa Milano ‘The Red MAGA Hat Is
the New White Hood’
Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat
After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits
Nobody should be all that surprised that leftist mobs and
their mainstream media allies perpetrated a false story about Covington
Catholic schoolboys in MAGA hats supposedly "mocking" a Native
American…. But what isn't good is the embrace of the dishonest narrative
from the kids' own school and their own Catholic diocese, falsely
condemning them in some amazing public calumny they have yet to
retract. It's shocking, actually.
The Bishop of Covington now admits that he was
"bullied" into condemning the students and fully apologizes. ”..there have been death threats to some of
the students and their families. The vitriol and hateful comments on some
online stories, some of them appearing on websites that purport to be Catholic
and pro-life, have been beyond belief and anything but pro-life."
Rush Limbaugh: “Our
old buddies at National Review were among the first to pile on these kids..”
“Five Days Later, NBC is STILL Pushing the Totally-Debunked
Covington Catholic Narrative”
Savannah Guthrie of NBC interviewed the Covington student
who was confronted by the Indian elder. "Do you think if you weren't
wearing that (MAGA) hat this might not have happened? Do you feel from this experience that you owe
anybody an apology?”
Further insult: NBC creates
fake news claiming openly gay valedictorian at Covington Catholic was banned from
making commencement speech. Complete fabrication.
“A political scalping occurred in Washington D.C. last week.
Once again the liberal media and Democrats played the predictable race politics
to attack Iowa Rep. Steve King, while members of the GOP political class fell
in line—obliging the left and piling on one of their own in the act of
political cannibalism…Why Do GOP Politicians Obligingly Eat Their Own?”
The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment
benefits fell to more than a 49-year low last week
Supreme Court Allows Trump to Temporarily Enforce Trans
Soldiers Ban
Women’s March in DC draws about 10,000. Protesters called
for free abortions for all, President Trump’s children to be caged, and for
Trump to “drop dead.” Heavy media coverage.
March for Life mostly ignored by the mainstream media. One estimate: “well over 300,000”
3 Reasons Why the March for Life Was So Much Bigger Than the
Women's March
New York Senate Democrats have passed the
euphemistically-named Reproductive Health Act, which allows abortion up to the
moment of birth, loosens restrictions on who performs abortions, and removes
abortion from the state's criminal code.
“Governor Cuomo Directs One World Trade Center and Other
Landmarks to be Lit in Pink to Celebrate Signing of the Reproductive Health Act”
Microsoft puts fake news filter NewsGuard into mobile
browser “green-red rating
signal if a website is trying to get it right or instead has a hidden agenda or
publishes falsehoods, propaganda…Among the green-rated websites: CNN,
Buzzfeed, New York Times and Washington Post. Ones rating the red warning label:
UK Daily Mail, Breitbart and the Drudge Report.
A new poll finds that support for a single-payer health care
system depends on how the question is framed. When people were told
"Medicare for All" would guarantee health insurance as a right,
support rose to 71 percent. But when taxes were brought up, it plunged to 37
percent. Meanwhile, as the 2020 gets into swing, progressives embrace calls for
a "Medicare for All" plan.
74 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning adults want Ocasio
Cortez to run for president. They will have to wait until she is old enough.
Plurality of Democrats want US to move toward socialism,
according to Fox News poll.
Media shuts out prominent Hispanic pastor who agrees with
Trump on border.
Texas Finds 95,000 Non-US Citizens Registered To Vote --
58,000 Have Actually Voted In Recent Elections
Kurt Schlichter 1/25
“Gee, I Guess Now I’m Going To Have To Be Happy With Only
90% Of The Stuff I Wanted Trump To Do”
chill. The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the hardcore conservative side over
Trump’s delaying action in the battle for the wall is way over the top and
typically overdramatic.
We’re doomed! Pelosi annihilated him with her master stratagems and
it’s all over for conservatism!
please. Lighten up – and many of you are my pals. But you need this bucket of
cold water. What happened Friday doesn’t matter. Not at all. Well, that’s not
quite accurate. It could matter, if you decide to keep doing exactly
what Nancy Pelosi wants you to do, freaking out. That’s why she employed her
brilliant stratagem of just saying “No” (actually) it wasn’t brilliant – it was
obvious. She was counting on you to set up as a do-or-die test for Trump over
something where she and Chuck Schumer held a veto. Thanks to Paul Ryan and the
RINOS, the House belongs to the Democrats, and the Senate can’t pass anything
without 60 votes and we have 52 plus Mitt. So Trump can’t build a wall
without their OK, and the emergency power thing is no panacea – it will last
about 30 seconds before some Obama judge enjoins it.
were going to let your support for Trump be entirely contingent on the
Democrats’ approval? What were you thinking? You weren’t, and I get it. You’re
emotional. No one has been used and abused worse than conservative voters.
We’ve been lied to by decades by pseudo-conservatives who promised to do what
we wanted but never did it even when they could. Sure, they could always manage
to do the stuff the donors wanted – how about a new tax cut! – but the stuff we
really wanted? Nah.
I get that you have trust issues. You should – you’ve been burned so often
you’re crispy. But now we crispycons have a guy in the White House who actually
wants to do the stuff but can’t, as opposed to the establishment jerks who
didn’t want to but could have. So spazzing out makes zero sense. Get a hold of
yourself. So we lost this round? We’ve
lost before, and we’ll lose again. This is for the long-haul folks. It’s a
marathon, not a sprint. There’s no magic wand where one term of Vitamin D cures
a century of progressive pathology.
instincts have been right all along. We doubted he could win. He did. We
doubted he would actually remake the courts. He has. We doubted he’d fight for
the wall, but he did, and he paid a price. Who else would have withstood the
heat this long? Who would have even picked the fight? Mitt? Jeb!? Chet the
Unicorn? Name the Republican you want to replace him with. Who’s the guy who is
going to stand up to the cultural fascists like Trump? Who’s going to fight for
you harder? What’s his name?
not ready to even accept that we’ve lost the battle – let’s see what happens in
three weeks. But what was the better plan for the shutdown skirmish? Keep it
going? Friday morning was bringing reports of airport shutdowns. That might
have made it real to the Normals. See, we political types were watching and
caring, while they weren’t. But it looked like they were about to start. Maybe
Trump’s instincts, which you have to admit have been remarkable, told him it
was time to cut his losses. Remember Alinsky Rule No. 7? “A tactic that drags
on too long becomes a drag.”
any of you see any indication at all that the shutdown tactic was about to
deliver us victory, that it was not becoming a drag? Me neither. Cut your
losses. Pull back here, counter-attack there. We’ve been attacking for two
years, racking up conservative triumphs you’ve never experienced unless you
were one of us who was of age during the Reagan years. Justices Gorsuch and
Kavanaugh – what other GOP president would have held course and made them
happen? Trump’s remaking the courts and rebuilding our military. He gutted
Obamacare and Obama’s regulations. He’s pulling us out of useless wars, useless
agreements with Iran, and useless climate change scams. He’s got clarity on
Israel, on the garbage mainstream media, and America’s useless elite…
winning, politically and culturally. Yeah, they’re fighting back, except that’s
what opponents do, and opponents sometimes score. But if this was baseball, we
and Trump would be batting .900, yet some of you can’t accept net success. It’s
like some of you are only comfortable losing, but that’s not your fault. Thanks
to the useless GOP establishment, you’re just used to losing.
about it – what do Nancy and Chuck want you to do right now? They want you to
say “Gosh, Trump didn’t get the wall yet so I’m going to stop supporting him”
and to give up in despair. Maybe you should do as I do, and make it a rule not
to do what Chuck and Nancy want you to do. So calm down. Don’t be manipulated.
If you want the wall, keep backing the only possible politician who has any
chance at all of delivering one…if you don’t support him, your chances drop to
zero…..if you want to see what will happen if we abandon Trump like the Democrats
are trying to manipulate us into, check out my latest novel, Wildfire. We better get our heads right and look at the long-term
fight instead of wetting ourselves every time stuff doesn’t go our way. We’re
going to lose a lot of fights before we win this war.
Kurt Schlichter was personally recruited to write
conservative commentary by Andrew Breitbart. He is a successful Los Angeles
trial lawyer, a veteran with a masters in Strategic Studies from the Army War
College, and a former stand-up comic.
“If Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., were a
conservative, all anyone would be talking about is how uninformed she is. She
would be facing trick questions from reporters designed to expose her lack of
knowledge, and brutal sketches on ‘Saturday Night Live’ mocking her
intelligence and fitness for office. Instead, SNL fawns over her, while CBS’s
‘Late Show’ host Stephen Colbert — far from making jokes at her expense — eats
ice cream with her…..Boy, it’s good to be a socialist. … Once people decide you
are ignorant, it’s hard to recover — just ask Sarah Palin or Dan Quayle. Of
course, they were conservatives, so the standards are different.”
A. Thiessen
“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview on
Monday that she believes a system that allows people to become billionaires is
“immoral. Wrong, fool. A system that doesn’t permit people to keep what they
earn, that punishes success and achievement while rewarding legalized plunder
of the unearned for political gain is immoral. A system that results not in
economic prosperity and a rise in the standard of living for each generation,
but instead results in stagnation, mediocrity and ultimately despair–THAT’S
Michael Hurd
Ocasio-Cortez: It’s ‘Immoral’ that our system ‘allows billionaires
to exist’
Not to be outdone, Elizabeth Warren proposes new wealth tax.
Elizabeth Warren also calls the border wall a “monument to
Immigrant activist says Pledge of Allegiance 'rooted in ...
white supremacy'
New York Times reporter fishing for dirt for his
#ExposeChristianSchools piece.
World Economic Forum agrees for the first time to promote
LGBT ‘global order’
”The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.
But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the
socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without
knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate
for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”
— Norman Thomas, six-time
presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new Al Gore….the 29-year-old
former bartender who’s putting the “socialist” back in the Democratic Party says:
“The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”
“There’s a reason fake climatologists keep making outrageous
predictions based on flimsy science: Money. Mr. Gore’s net worth is in excess
of $200 million. He jets everywhere to give his doomsday speeches (often
$100,000 per), and he lives in a 10,000-square-foot mansion that expends 21
times more energy than the average U.S. household. But do as he says, not as he
1500 Private jets fly into Davos World Economic Forum so
they can discuss global warming.
“The alarmists’ models predict warming over the poles. That
would reduce severe weather events, which are largely driven by the temperature
difference between the poles and the equator. The corrupt alarmist kleptocracy
ignored this rather obvious fact and propagandized a non-existent increase in
severe weather events to keep the cash flowing. However low your opinion of
global warming hysterics may be, it isn’t low enough.”
“The Covington chronicles: on hating the face of a teenage
boy” “the anger unleashed resembles Orwell’s Two Minutes
Hate….In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell wrote
of the feeling stirred up in the audience—interestingly enough, by a propaganda
film designed for the purpose: “A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to
kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow
through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even
against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.”
Ben Stein: “Stalin, Hitler 'Came to Power Promising Same
Things Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Promising’”
Candace Owens Interview: Why Black People Should Leave The
Democratic Party?
news media in the United States is horribly, perhaps irrevocably, broken. We’re
well past the point of urging the press to do better. Something is seriously
What if the FBI Had Probed Obama to see if he was an agent
of Iran?
The Oscar nominees for Best Picture were announced today and
you’ll be shocked to learn that all of the films in contention, save one or
two, have a “woke” (liberal) social message to offer.
The Shaming of Karen Pence
On Tuesday, Egard Watch Company released an advertisement on
YouTube in response to Gillette’s controversial ad regarding alleged
"toxic masculinity. “What is a man?”
8 Things We Saw At The 2019 March For Life
How Pro-Life Is Your State? Here Are the Top and Bottom Ten
(Washington State is dead last)
Beyond BuzzFeed: The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media
Failures on the Trump-Russia Story
gymnastics performance by Katelyn
Ohashi. Judges give perfect score.
“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations,
entangling alliances with none.”
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