Friday, February 1, 2019

op ed review 2/3

Making Freedom Great Again: U.S. Jumps Six Spots On Global Freedom Index
Payrolls surge by 304,000 in January, smashing estimates despite government shutdown
Hispanic pastors praise Trump for work on border security.
Trump gets NATO allies to pony up $100 billion, earning praise from NATO Secretary General.
Trump donates his 3rd quarter salary, $100K to alcoholism research.

Weeks after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., made headlines by calling for a top marginal income tax rate of 70 percent in an interview with “60 Minutes,” her fellow freshman congresswoman, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., suggested that the rich could pay even more.
Pelosi says Democrats were elected to end the “sinful” pay disparity between workers and CEOs.

It’s been a full week since the state of New York legalized late-term abortions, yet none of the major national TV networks has bothered to mention the story. This deafening silence is in stark contrast to the alarmist coverage seen whenever a state passes legislation that the media see as curtailing “abortion rights.”
Virginia Democrat Delegate Kathy Tran proposed a measure last week that would not only allow abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy in the state, but would also permit a woman to decide whether she wants to “abort” her baby as she is dilating and about to give birth.
“Moderate” Virginia Gov. Northam (a pediatrician!) praises Abortion Bill: Infant Could Be Delivered and Then ‘Physicians and the Mother’ Could Decide If It Lives.
Virginia Delegate Who Proposed Infanticide Bill Has A New Cause: Saving Caterpillars
The Party of Death, out in the open.
Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse says Gov. Northam shouldn’t serve in government if he supports leaving babies to die after they’ve been born.
Follow the money:  Gov. Northam received nearly $2M dollars from Planned Parenthood.
A Texas Catholic bishop called a video showing New York state legislators cheering at the passage of a radical abortion law last week a “scene from Hell.”
Abortionist holds dismembered baby, says patient can now ‘get on with her life’

Democrats‘ new border security proposal would cut the number of detention beds available to hold illegal immigrants for deportation, effectively forcing Homeland Security to release more people into communities.
140 House Democrats Refuse to Condemn Illegal Aliens Voting
Border protection agents in Arizona make largest fentanyl bust in US history, enough of the drug to kill 50 million people.
Migrant Caravan Swells to 12,000 at Mexico’s Southern Border
Rich Russian women flock to Florida to deliver American anchor babies.
Rich Chinese women flock to California to deliver American anchor babies.

Historic shift: More Hispanic than black voters in 2020, whites decline to 66 percent.

This is not good: “60 Percent of College Students Value Tolerance Over Free Speech, Survey Finds”
“Bad Ideas Are Born in Bad Universities”

Sen. Kamala Harris vows to get rid of private health care plans: “Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on”
Kamala’s town hall notes: I’ll take away your doctor, your guns, your wealth, your free market, your wall. Any questions?
Former California State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top.

Elizabeth Warren is not proposing a tax; she’s proposing asset forfeiture.

Judge Napolitano:  “Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles…Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights. Four agents approached the front door holding a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted by two rifle barrels aimed at his head. This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative. It was a peaceful American in his own home -- a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone. Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.” (Oh and CNN was tipped off to send a camera crew)
The special counsel’s indictment of Roger Stone contains no allegation of a conspiracy to collude with Russia or to steal emails from Democrats,  and appears to undercut some of the logic behind Democrats’ collusion narrative.
Sean Hannity: If Roger Stone’s arrest is a sign of things to come, we’ve lost our country. Say goodbye.

Stone’s crime?  Lying to Congress. Obama administration CIA Director John Brennan lied notoriously and repeatedly to Congress, yet he remains at large. He is not under indictment. The FBI has not sent a heavily armed battalion to raid his home and take him into custody in front of his friends at CNN.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn): “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”
Anti-Semite Rep. Omar facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS.

The sheriffs resisting Washington State’s new gun laws: 'I'm not going to enforce that'

So who to cheer for in the Super Bowl?  Patriots owner praises Trump for working for country’s ‘best interests’

Karin McQuillan  1/29

The country should be unified and full of bonhomie. The whole world has advanced to inconceivable levels of global peace and prosperity. Life is easier, healthier, and more comfortable for more people than ever before in history. Socialism and Communism—those tragic sisters from the 1800s that led to the greatest human suffering, poverty, and mass starvation in human history—should barely be remembered. Instead, they are ascendant in the Democrat Party. Cultural Marxism and socialism are the new Democrat chic.

The entire country is in an uproar. Everyone feels a sense of doom and gloom…..Conservative pundits have latched onto the fun words “hysteria” and “Trump derangement syndrome.” These words, though cute, mask the seriousness of what is actually happening. The mass hysteria is a goal and a tactic, whipped up by cool-headed, purposeful people. It was not caused by Trump’s tweets…. It has everything to do with a long game to change our country. Things are so weird in American politics on purpose, or rather, for radical left purposes….The tactics of the Trump #Resistance were developed decades ago by Leninists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven along with Alinksy. They were taught by Barack Obama as both a community organizer and a University of Chicago lecturer…

The socialist plan to create anger and chaos to undermine America is happening all around us right now. Yet we ignore it. It doesn’t fit into our image of America. It comes with an aura of unreality. We’d rather make snarky comments about snowflakes and peoples’ heads exploding than get serious. You can’t defeat an implacable enemy you refuse to name or wilfully underestimate. Today, the American Left is empowered with unprecedented funding. Soros is only one among a number of radical billionaires, from the Green promoter Tom Steyer, to the Pritzkers of Chicago (Hyatt Hotel heirs), who launched Obama’s U.S. Senate run. One of the Pritzkers is transsexual and a Democrat mega-donor. ActBlue raised well over $1 billion dollars for Democrats in 2018….

Conservative groups aren’t even playing the same game. The Koch brothers don’t make the list of top 50 “heavy hitter” political donors in the country, compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics—only two out of the top 20 give to Republicans. David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin in their book The New Leviathan, count 122 leftist foundations worth $104 billion. Conservative political groups? Eighty-six in the whole country, worth a measly $10 billion. Radicalized progressive groups also get federal funding not given to conservative groups, under the guise of being apolitical nonprofits for health care, poverty programs, the environment and even for helping illegal aliens…..

America is in trouble. We never understood that a community organizer is not a feel-good social worker looking to help people. (I was a social worker, so I know.) A community organizer is a paid agitator, out to make poor people so mad they will storm the barricades and destroy the system. They don’t respect political norms. They are out to smash norms and politicize everything…….Out here in Realville, we better get real about our opponents. They are not well-meaning liberals. They are dangerous. The target is not Trump. They are out to get all of us.


“I had some thoughts about walls. Kind of like the front door of my house.  You don't just walk into my house; you come to the front door and knock.  I'll go to the door and decide whether I even want to talk to you.  If I do, we'll talk -- through the door. If I decide I want to let you in, I will -- otherwise, I won't.  Same thing with this county. This is our COUNTRY. You don't just walk into this country. You want in? There are procedures you must follow. And walls.  Walls are immoral? Anyone who says walls are immoral is an idiot. Plain and simple.”

“When you’re trying to cross a border, and there’s a 20-plus foot steel slated barrier in your way, it seriously inhibits your ability to cross. A sensor tells a Border Agent, miles away, that they have to find you now. I wonder which one works better.”
          -Dan Crenshaw

“Obstruction of Justice: How the Deep State Risked National Security to Protect the Democrats” by Luke Rosiak, forward by Newt Gingrich.  Dana Loesch says “My jaw hit the floor; one of the most amazing miscarriages of justice I have ever seen. This book illuminates everything you need to know about a Nancy Pelosi-controlled House. Luke Rosiak is a bulldog, never ceasing until every last detail of the most explosive cover-up by Democrats is made known.”

Democrats are worrying about former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz running as an independent for president in 2020. They say it will only help President Trump. But the only reason this lifelong Democrat is thinking about an independent bid is because the Democratic party has moved so far to the left.

(Democrats’) political agenda comes first, everything else takes a backseat. It’s what they are. If the 100 million murdered in the name of their philosophy in the 20th century didn’t cause any soul searching, what’s the murder of a college student here or a police officer there going to do?
The American Left has dropped all pretense of moderation. They don’t simply want to defeat the president and his supporters at the ballot box. They want to exterminate us. They call Trump Hitler, but it’s the Democratic Left who would do to us what that monster did to the Jews.

No more melting pot. NBC's Tom Brokaw was forced to apologize over his comments on "Meet the Press",  that Hispanics should work harder at assimilation and “should make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English.”

The California Department of Education is working on a plan to teach kindergartners that there are at least 15 different “genders.”

Joe Biden denounced by the Left  for praising a Republican congressman as a champion in the fight against cancer.

In China even the dead cannot be religious….Chinese persecution continues into the afterlife, as authorities remove crosses and crescent moons from tombstones.

Media blame record cold weather on global warming.

Global warming?  Chicago is colder than parts of Antarctica.

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Expects Global Cooling

Is abortion constitutional? Let’s ask the founders. One of the most authoritative sources for learning law during the founding era was William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England. American law students studied his work so religiously that Thomas Jefferson wrote to a friend that “Blackstone is to us what the Koran is to the Muslims.”  Here’s what Blackstone said.

Rush Limbaugh's December 2018 Limbaugh Letter has an article titled "Demonizing White Men." It highlights -- with actual quotations from people in the media, academia and the political and entertainment arenas -- the attack on white men as a class. Don Lemon, a CNN anchorman, said, "We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.

Howie Carr: More than 200 years ago, John Adams observed that “our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Which explains why the Democrats now shun Catholics and born-agains and anyone else who tries to live by any traditional western faith. They’re standing athwart Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. So they must be destroyed, or at the very least shoved into the back of the bus.

During the attempted electronic lynching of the Covington Catholic high school boys on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the mask hiding the Left’s genocidal rage slipped and was momentarily visible. The reality of the confrontation was inverted 180 degrees by the duplicitous mainstream media so that a smiling white teenager was made to face the wrath of an Orwellian two-minute hate that stretched on for days, even after the factual record was corrected. Accelerated by social media, the virtual lynch mob called for, among other horrors, MAGA-hat-wearing teenage boys to be fed headfirst into wood chippers, or for them to be locked en-masse into their school and the school to be burned to the ground.
No one is talking about the most disturbing aspect of the confrontational incident involving the Covington Catholic school boys. Those boys were not speaking. No one was trying to silence their voices or shout them down. They were merely standing there wearing MAGA hats. Not content with just silencing conservatives, the left is now actively trying to chase conservatives out of the public sphere and society at large.
In case anyone still needs confirmation, the rage and frenzy surrounding the supposed standoff caught on video last week between Covington Catholic High School students and an anti-Catholic, Native American activist demonstrates as nothing else has lately that the political left’s primary aim, the end game of identity politics, is the demonization of white Christian men.
VDH:  The Covington Lie offered the perfect occasion for the electronic mob to pounce—after temporarily licking its wounds following the BuzzFeed fake news hysteria. And it did so without shame or even much regret after the fact….The entire psychodrama boiled down not to what the facts on the ground showed, but rather who each party was perceived innately to be.

Hindsight:  massive historical study, the first major military review of the Iraq war’s lessons, conducted by half a dozen field grade officers at the US Army War College, conclusion: Iran was the only beneficiary of Iraq war.

Washington Post:  “The bright red Make America Great Again baseball cap…has transformed into an open wound, a firestorm of hate and a marker of societal atavism….Has there been in recent memory any other item of clothing — so specific in design and color — that pits neighbors against each other, causes classroom altercations, sparks both rage and fear, and ultimately alludes to little more than a mirage?

Can the Republic Survive the Mainstream Media?

President Trump has often noted that America’s rich and powerful choose to live behind large walls for protection, much like the wall he is trying to build across the U.S.-Mexico border.  “Walls Across America: Celebrity Edition”

Funny satire site “The Peoples Cube” America through the eyes of a former Soviet agitprop artist..  Cut and paste the URL, right click open doesn’t work.

Trailer for new documentary about World War I by Peter Jackson (took four years to make).  Old film and newsreels colorized and sharpened with startling results. Jackson:  'I wanted to reach through the fog of time and pull these men into the modern world, so they can regain their humanity once more - rather than be seen only as Charlie Chaplin-type figures in the vintage archive film.”

“Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.”
           -Thomas Jefferson


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