Friday, April 5, 2019

op ed review 4/7

Nearly 20% of world's migrant population now lives in the US
Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants
The United States is projected to add about 1.5 million illegal aliens to the American population by the end of the year
Migrant surge overwhelms San Antonio
Trump cuts aid to Central American countries as migrant crisis deepens
Congress’ Catch and Release policy has required the release of 24,000 foreign family members who crossed through the border over the course of two weeks this month.
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos brags: “might as well legalize them because…nobody can really stop them” from entering the United States.

Ungrateful? Rep. Ilhan Omar, Somali refugee, elected to Congress, trashes living in USA: “It’s an everyday assault….so racist and hateful.”

The National Rifle Association has recovered from a membership drop after President Trump’s 2016 election and is now at the highest levels in its history.

??Jussie Smollett hate-crime hoax charges dropped by leftie prosecutor; “His Record Has Been Wiped Clean”
Smollett nominated for an NAACP Award
A member of a black church in Mississippi has pleaded guilty to burning down his own church, trying to put blame on Trump supporters.

The amount of time and energy that the media elite — cable news, big newspapers, etc. — have spent talking and writing about the notion that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia is incalculable, but here’s one calculable slice: From Inauguration Day through March 21, 2019, ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts produced a combined 2,284 minutes of “collusion” coverage.
Less than one year ago, the Washington Post and the New York Times won Pulitzer Prizes for coverage of something that, according to Mueller’s report, did not exist.
“The Most Epic Media Failure in U.S. History”
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow bursts into tears — after the past two years of her reporting was revealed to be nonsense.
Denial:  84% of Democrats Still Believe in Trump Collusion
The Only 2016 Campaign That Deliberately Colluded With Russians Was Hillary Clinton’s
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Tells CNN Obama Ordered the Trump-Russia Spying Operation

The Associated Press faced backlash after writing that Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke spoke “in his native Spanish” at a rally in El Paso, Texas.  Although O’Rourke speaks Spanish, he a fourth-generation Irish-American whose full name is Robert Francis O’Rouke.
Fox’s Tucker Carlson Beat All of CNN’s Prime Time Shows … Combined

If you haven’t seen a commercial for Unplanned, an anti-abortion movie critical of Planned Parenthood, it isn’t for lack trying on the part of marketers, whose efforts have been consistently rebuffed by TV networks.
Despite intense media opposition, an "R" rating from the MPAA, and big tech censorship, pro-life film "Unplanned" is wildly outperforming expectations at the box office.
The movie “Unplanned” now has more Twitter followers than Planned Parenthood.

Poll: Majority Of Registered Voters Are Open To Re-Electing Trump

Republicans trigger ‘nuclear option’ to speed Trump nominees

King County will use taxpayer money to facilitate efforts to pay bail for low-income people, to promote “equity and social justice.” So if the defendant skips, who pays?

New study published in a highly respected medical journal found that high-potency marijuana can make you psychotic. In fact, about half of all cases of psychoses in Amsterdam could be prevented “if high-potency cannabis were no longer available,” the data suggest.

Noemie Emery  3/26

No, the Electoral College isn’t a plot. Yes, it is needed.  Without it, the recount in the 2000 election could have gone on forever. Without it, we could never have founded the union, as the small states would have never accepted the loss of their power. Without it, candidates could win by running up numbers among their own backers, whereas now it takes a diverse coalition with backing both deep and wide.

This isn’t to say that we haven’t seen oddities, such as for instance in 2016. Never had two candidates been so disliked and dishonest, never were votes cast with such apprehension, and never had the gap between the electoral vote and the popular vote been so wide and so glaring, or so entirely caused by one state.

The claim of the Left, from Nov. 9 onward, has been that the Electoral College defied the will of the nation by giving the White House to Trump. But this isn’t quite accurate. The will of 49 of the 50 states of the union combined was to elect Trump by a popular vote margin of about 1.5 million. California, the biggest and most populous state in the union and a political and cultural outlier by anyone’s standards, voted for Democrats by a massive two-to-one-margin, giving Clinton her popular vote win.

It was as if there were two different elections in 2016. Clinton became the first woman president of Tinseltown by the popular landslide she always had wanted. Since California had pondered secession before, on the grounds that the country just doesn’t deserve it, the right time to act might be now. But the Electoral College calms the fears of the founders that an outlier state could distort the whole process.

That isn’t its only purpose, either. Wars and depressions are historic events that never fail to get our attention; fires and floods are local events, but dramatic enough to get our attention so that help will come quickly. But what would occur if a crisis came slowly by increments, so that one factory closed at a time, impoverishing a town and those who lived in it, so that over time a whole way of life disappeared? What if the damage were concentrated in the manufacturing towns of the Midwest, places where people had voted for the Democrats since President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the 1930s, but now cast their eyes toward Trump?

Trump was the first one in ages who voiced their concerns, or even suggested he knew they existed. Slowly, reporters noticed that people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the upper Midwest were changing their registrations from “D” to “R” so they could vote in the primaries.  Trump won with the help of the Electoral College, which had done what the founders expected. It rewarded the party that spread its votes over a very wide range of precincts, instead of the party that ran up the score in just one place. The rich weren’t permitted to ignore the less fortunate. Because of the founders, Fantasy Land was forced to feel the pain of the Rust Belt, which was a long time in coming. The founders would be happy for that, and so should we.

Another good read, John Stossel “The Socialist Fantasy”

“Ilhan Omar’s country collapsed as a child. She lived for years in Kenya in that refugee camp. She may have died there without outside help. But help came, from where? From here, America. And this country didn’t just welcome Ilhan Omar to America, we paid to relocate her family and many others from a foreign continent purely for the sake of being good people, for altruism. Because no country in history has been as generous as we are. To places we have no ties to and no obligation to, we have been kind anyway because that’s who we are. Despite her humble and foreign birth, Omar has been elected to our national law-making body. And good for her. So how does she repay her adopted country, the one that may literally have saved her life? She attacks it as hateful and racist, and for that she is applauded by the Democratic Party because they view this country as hateful and racist too. Maybe our immigration system should prioritize people who actually like this country and are grateful to be here.”
        -Tucker Carlson

The father of Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was a Marxist professor who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin.

Ocasio-Cortez compares impact of climate change to 9/11

California bans state-funded travel to red states, latest is South Carolina

Hollywood threatened Georgia with a boycott if the state passed a bill that limited abortions to the first six weeks. Peach State lawmakers passed the bill and left-wing celebrities are erupting.

Soros-Funded Group Paid Trump Dossier Author and Company Nearly $4 Million
Soros also funded the campaign of the Chicago State Attorney who let Jussie Smolett off on hate crime hoax charges.
Soros foundation gave $1 million to a nonprofit that favors choosing the president by popular vote.

Do Left-Wing Billionaires ‘Own’ House Democrats?

San Antonio’s left-leaning city council recently banned Chick-fil-A from becoming a concessionaire at the city-operated international airport.

Pope blames illegal migration to capitalist countries ... on capitalism.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has decided that it is illegal to criticize the Islamic prophet Mohammad for marrying a nine-year-old girl. It was decided that pointing this fact out is “likely to disturb the religious peace” so freedom of speech has to be curtailed, to satisfy the desires of the third-world invaders prone to violence.

At a campaign rally stop in Cleveland, Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke came out in favor of vehicular homicide, arguing that the decision to run over a victim in cold blood should be between the driver and his car.

Trump Was Not Just Spied Upon But Entrapped

A concise history of Russiagate:  “It is possible to see Russiagate as a political assassination attempt, using law enforcement as the weapon. Someone might do well to double-check if Christopher Steele was in Dealey Plaza during the Kennedy assassination.”
Why the collusion myth might destroy the Democrats in 2020

“Throughout the 2016 campaign, elitists said Donald John Trump wanted to bring back the 1950s. A New York Times headline mocked, "Voters Who Long for ´Leave It to Beaver.´" Well, he´s already returned us to 1966. This time without the war. The University of Michigan´s latest monthly survey showed consumer sentiment rose to 98.4 from February’s 93.8….So while the media and other Democrats chased their tails looking for collusion with Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, President Trump was fixing the economy. Those jobs the idiot Obama said are not coming back came back.”

“There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong.”
                -James Madison


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