Sunday, March 17, 2019

op ed review 3/17

President Trump issued the first veto of his presidency, rejecting a congressional resolution that would have blocked him from funding his border wall without congressional approval. 12 RINO senators voted with Democrats! 

Trump releases 2020 budget seeking additional billions for border wall, and work requirements for welfare programs.

Lisa Page said FBI discussed charging Hillary Clinton with 'gross negligence' in 2016, and Obama DOJ told them to stand down.
Hillary Clinton received what amounts to a secret pre-pardon from the Obama DOJ

Media Magic: How a Democrat Pedophile Became a ‘Trump Scandal’

Trump blasts California governor for halting executions. “Defying voters, the Governor of California will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone cold killers. Friends and families of the always forgotten VICTIMS are not thrilled, and neither am I!” Trump tweeted early Wednesday.

Social justice warriors are outraged by the second annual report of the California Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board, which found very few incidents of racial profiling by police across the state.

More than half of all illegal immigrants arrested at the US-CANADA border are Mexican.
2,287 Illegal Aliens Detained for Exposure to Contagious Diseases
Man ordered detained by ICE 9 times arrested on suspicion of San Jose woman’s stabbing death.
While everyone sleeps, the courts are abolishing all immigration enforcement.
It's Official: Democrats Want Illegal Aliens Voting in U.S. Elections

Pentagon signs directive to implement transgender military ban

Tucker Carlson: “We will never bow to the leftist mob's attempts to silence us, no matter what”

Democrats Push to Make Washington, D.C., the Fifty-first State

Two contrasting views of where America is heading:
Conrad Black is an optimist:  “The Emerging Democratic Minority”  The biases of the media are so pervasive that there is little recognition of the steady disintegration of the Democrats, though it is occurring every day. Rational and intelligent members of the center-Left write to me every week with new concerns about where the Left is going. The Democratic National Committee’s decision not to allow Fox News to put on one of their candidates’ debates confirms the weakness of the party and of its leaders. The process of atomizing society into smaller and smaller bearers of less and less widespread grievances, on each of which the whole movement of protest, uproot, reveal, and punish is in constant paroxysms of righteousness, is becoming louder and faster and more absurdly overwrought by the day.”

Pat Buchanan offers a darker view: “How Middle America Is to Be Dispossessed.”  In all but one of the last seven presidential elections, Republicans lost the popular vote. George W. Bush and Donald Trump won only by capturing narrow majorities in the Electoral College. Hence the grand strategy of the left: to enlarge and alter the U.S. electorate so as to put victory as far out of reach for national Republicans as it is today for California Republicans, and to convert the GOP into America’s permanent minority party……If the new U.S. electorate of, say, 2024, includes tens of millions of new voters —16- and 17-year-olds; illegal migrants; ex-cons; new legal immigrants from Asia, Africa and Latin America who vote 70 to 90 percent Democratic, the political future of America has already been determined.   California, here we come.

Interesting view of Trump: “Trump Is an Army of One”
Presidents typically have the backing and support of their political party. Although all presidents have the bully pulpit to broadcast their messages, the presidency is a busy job, and the president must delegate messaging and branding to surrogates, including elected officials in the president's party. Barack Obama had legions of apologists and defenders. Every congressional Democrat and scores of leftovers from the Clinton administration were ready, willing, and able to defend all things Obama, as well as viciously pounce on any of his detractors…..Then along came Donald Trump……He was not part of either party's ruling cabal, having never held elective office or political appointment.  He did not campaign or arrive at the White House with an entourage of advisers and staff from previous stints as a governor or senator.  Trump was an army of one. Now, in the second half of his first term in office, he remains the king of a nonexistent political party, at least in Washington, D.C. His actual party is "yuuuge," with a political base that elected and likely will re-elect him in 2020. Trump hovers around 50 percent in the polls with 90-plus-percent support among Republicans. Yet Trump is largely alone.  Where are Republican members of Congress?  Where are the pundits?  Defenders are as scarce as moderate Democrats. Nancy Pelosi is on television more in one week than Paul Ryan was in two years. Fortunately, Trump is a fighter.  No other Republican could withstand the daily blistering barrage from the media and both political parties ganging up on him to destroy his presidency.  Imagine how much more he could have accomplished in his first two years with solid support from the GOP, advancing his agenda and pushing back against spy-gate tricksters?


“I don’t miss it. You know, everything now … everyone has to know your politics. I tried to use Johnny’s model, and I would get hate mail from both sides equally and thought, ‘Well, that’s fabulous. That’s exactly what I want.’ But when people see you as one-sided, it makes it tough. And, you know, I did it when Clinton was horny and Bush was dumb, and it was just a little easier. Now it’s all very serious. I’d just like to see a bit of civility come back to it.”
          -Jay Leno

“For most kids, college is about the ‘experience.’ For parents, it’s about social status and credentials. For administrators, it’s about money. For many professors, it’s about ideological indoctrination. Few people in any of these groups care about the actual education.”
           -Matt Walsh

“Years ago, a white friend told me her son came home from middle school in tears, overcome with guilt. He was taught that his white ancestors were responsible for horrible things done to native Americans, blacks, and women. Today, her son is a young adult communist. He hates America and believes white men are the greatest source of evil in the world. He actually said he will not have children because he does not want to bring more of his kind into the world.”

During a guest lecture at Boston University, University of Washington Professor Robin DiAngelo told the audience a “dangerous white person” sees people as individuals rather than by skin color.

Generation Z has a more positive view of the word "socialism" than previous generations, andalong with millennials — are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations, according to a new Harris Poll.

Universities have created a generation of intolerant white liberals. Here’s how.

Dennis Prager:  Leftism Eradicates Character

Global Cooling: The Real Climate Threat

Montana just endured one of the nation’s most exceptional cold spells on record

Christian Basilica in Paris Muslim Suburb Heavily Vandalized

No comment from her office about Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) following an Instagram account depicting Jews as rats.

Ocasio-Cortez blasts capitalism as an 'irredeemable' system

AOC: Those Without Jobs 'Are Left to Die' in US

Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Rasputin

Exposing the Real Costs of “Green” Energy

5 Hysterical Environmentalist Claims debunked.

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio Announces 'Meatless Mondays' In Public Schools To 'Save The Earth'

Why do Republicans still back Trump? The answer is simple: Attitude and gratitude

VDH:  The 21st century is in danger of becoming an era of statue smashing and historical erasure. Not since the iconoclasts of the Byzantine Empire or the epidemic of statue destruction during the French Revolution has the world seen anything like the current war on the past.

Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham

Media Matters has been throwing stones at Tucker Carlson from its own glass house
Mark Steyn: I've had the pleasure of appearing on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show. But, even if I hadn't, I would watch it. It is by far the most interesting show on cable news.

Return of the Sowell Man

I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham.

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”
        -C.S. Lewis


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