op ed review 6/9
President Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs, Mexico caves:
“New Deal Reached, Mexico To Take Action Against Illegal Immigration”.
Could have made a better deal if RINO Senate Republicans, in
the pocket of US Chamber of Commerce, hadn’t
threatened opposition to the tariffs.
Even so, “Trump Deal with Mexico Likely Ends
Catch-and-Release, Defunds Cartels”
Mexico notes that some migrant caravan funding comes from
U.S. and England.
New border surge prompts 10% jump in 2019 prediction to
1,072,000 illegal immigrants
More than 55,000 children caught at border in May
116 migrants from AFRICA caught on video wading across Rio
Grande into U.S.
Just in time for the border surge, Democrats vote to hand
out amnesty to 2 million DREAMers
‘Sanctuary City’ releases MS-13 Illegal Aliens Who Then
Murder 14-Year Old Girl.
Judge rejects House Democrats' attempt to block border wall
New York Times helpfully drafts “The Articles of Impeachment
Against Donald J. Trump” for Democrats.
Impeachment not working out for Democrats…..Now it’s Donald
Trump’s 'deteriorating' mental health to be examined in Democrats' town hall event
But what about the mental health of these Democrats? Pelosi tells Dems she wants to see Trump ‘in
Bette Midler Suggests Someone Should Stab President Trump
Democrat Congressman from CT: “My ‘Lizard Brain’ Wants ‘Bad
Things’ To Happen to Trump”
President Trump Delivers Stunning D-Day Speech On 75th
Hell freezes over as CNN’s Jim Acosta, MSNBC’s Joe
Scarborough praise Trump’s D-Day speech
When ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Saved The World: “It
seems we have decided that we no longer need those kinds of men, that their day
has come and gone. I disagree. Rather than trying to domesticate and feminize
our boys, hoping that they will grow into manly women or womanly men, we should
point to those men on that beach and say, "Be like them. Be a man. Be who
you are." Because as long as there is evil in this world, we will need men
laden thick with toxic masculinity to rise up and meet it. That was the case in
1944 and it is still the case today.”
Kamala Harris promises to end right-to-work…everyone compelled
to join a union.
Joe Biden flip-flops on Hyde Amendment: “Campaign Confronted Him on Abortion”
Biden Says Flip-flop is Republicans’ Fault
The Planned Parenthood sex scandal you aren't reading about
Trump ending fetal tissue research by federal scientists.
issues a "guidance reminder" to employees, instructing them in how to
frame abortion news. “Babies
are not babies until they are born.”
Jury awards Gibson's Bakery $11 million against Oberlin
Catering to the leftist mob is going to cost Oberlin College
big bucks
Twice-Demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr received a $28,000 bonus
and a raise during his work on the Steele Dossier.
How is this “progressive”?
Virginia Tech Offers 10 Different Graduation Ceremonies for Black, LGBT,
Asian Students.
6 Gun Lies (And One Truth) Obama Told In Brazil
Always So Angry?
5/3 Issues and
Sanders is mad. He fulminates about the abundance of consumer choices, such as
“23 underarm spray deodorants” and “18 different pairs of sneakers.” He rails
against credit card companies because he thinks their interest rates are too
high. He thunders over the prices Americans pay for prescription drugs.
Democratic senator from Vermont, who is truly a socialist, having campaigned
for a Marxist group in the 1980s, is perpetually upset with the way private banks conduct
their business, and forever enraged at corporations for making profits. When he
speaks, he comes off as that bitter man who shakes his fist at those darned
neighborhood kids. There’s a reason Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and others have
called Sanders the “crazy uncle in the attic.” He’s mad because everyone won’t
do as he says.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is another angry democratic socialist. She rages when
her sophomoric Green New Deal is questioned. She was incensed when Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he was going to let the Senate vote
on her legislation. She’s annoyed that cauliflower is grown in urban gardens,
apparently because it’s a “colonial” vegetable. Columnist Peggy Noonan said
Ocasio-Cortez was “sullen, teenage and at a loss” during President Trump’s
State of the Union address. Her very manner is that of someone who is mad at
the world and is always just seconds away from lashing out.
Elizabeth Warren carries anger around with her like a purse — it’s always there
within easy reach. She’s “mad as hell at the influence of money in
Washington, D.C.,”
and is equally venomous toward Wall Street. Other things that make her furious:
Congress’ reluctance to “refinance student loan interest rates” (whatever they
are); “billions of dollars” in private sector profits; billionaires in general;
the minimum wage.
anger and negativity on the left isn’t gushing forth from only these three scolds.
They’re just the most visible. As a party, today’s Democrats, which include
nearly all members of the media, are constantly frothing about something. Taxes
aren’t high enough, a good part of the country doesn’t wish to join their
health care collective, so many Americans want to exercise their First and
Second Amendment rights. The political left is unhappy that there are natural
differences in incomes and in wealth, that people of faith dare practice their
faith, that school administrations sometimes allow conservatives to set up
tables on university campuses and hand out written material, and that the
working class resists its demands to conform.
and their traveling comrades are enraged that Israel exists as a nation, snarl
about “white privilege” and “whiteness” every time they see a microphone or an
open reporter’s notepad, and curse that Trump is president. They’re indignant
that the rest of us don’t want to behave and think exactly as they tell us we
is the outrage new. In 2008, Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman
thought Hillary Rodham Clinton was too “angry” to win that year’s election.
“And to hear Republicans tell it,” The Associated Press reported, “Clinton is
just one of many Democrats with an anger management problem. Former Vice
President Al Gore is angry. So is Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. The party
is held hostage by the angry left.’ “
years earlier, Howard Dean shrieked like a madman after losing the Iowa
Left’s anger and seething resentment of the achievements of Western civilization
is puzzling, especially when it’s directed toward America, and American
institutions and traditions. To borrow the words of President Reagan in his
first Inaugural address, no other nation has “achieved so much.” We have
“prospered as no other people on Earth.” “Freedom and the dignity of the
individual,” said the 40th president, “have been more available and assured
here than in any other place on Earth.”
this country perfect? Of course not. It has flaws. There are things to be angry
about. But they’re not the ones the Democratic-socialist-left-wing mob
routinely has tantrums over.
“This was a week when all Americans should have been united
in celebrating two of our historic victories in World War II and the brave
young soldiers and sailors who made them possible. … America had thousands of
great heroes in the Pacific and in Europe during World War II, but we’ve done a
terrible job of celebrating success stories like D-Day. We’ve also done a lousy
job of teaching our kids the extraordinary things we did to defeat the twin
evils of fascism and communism. I don’t ever want to run into another 28-year-old
American man — as I once did — who didn’t know why there is a cemetery filled
with thousands of American soldiers on the coast of France. I also don’t ever
want to talk to another young American standing where the Berlin Wall once was
and have him tell me that the United States put up the wall to keep the
Communists out of their sector.”
-Michael Reagan
“Joe Biden held the same position on the Hyde Amendment for
46 years. He flipped on it in 24 hours of fringe leftists attacking him.”
AOC shows how leftists think: Everyone has to be guaranteed
a home before anyone is allowed the 'Privilege to Earn a Profit'.
Dem 2020 Candidate Booed for Denouncing Socialism
Google Fires Republican Engineer Who Spoke Out Against
‘Outrage Mobs’
Pope Francis criticizes traditionalist Catholics who 'safeguard
the ashes' of the past
Even Showers Are A Luxury in Venezuela Now
Venezuela: There’s No Disaster Quite Like The Collapse Of
National park quietly removes Obama era warnings that glaciers
‘Will All Be Gone’ by 2020 after years of heavy snowfall.
Australian government pays Al Gore $320k to conduct climate
training as rare snowfall hits
150 lakes in the Tahoe Basin are still frozen, and it's June
Recycling: America’s False Religion
Tucker Carlson monologue blisters establishment republicans
for not supporting Trump on Mexico tariffs.
Carlson began quoting an unnamed public figure denouncing companies that
"wave the flag, but … have no loyalty or allegiance to America." Then
came the big reveal: The person Carlson was quoting was none other than
left-leaning Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.),
whom Carlson praised for sounding "like Donald Trump at his best."
The Libertarian Mises Institute, while offended by Tucker’s economic
nationalism, concedes some of his points.
And a real provocative view of this: “Carlson is trying to lead the Republican
electorate from his Fox News perch to a right-wing embrace of the economic
patriotism Warren is currently advocating from the left. He'd be uniquely well
placed to take this platform all the way to the White House in 2024.”
Exposing the RINO Underground By Smoking Out the ‘Never
Trumpers’ One-by-One
And that includes these RINO idiots and their TV ad: “Republicans for the Rule of Law”
Trump’s Citizenship Question Is Racist? What About Clinton’s
and Obama’s?
The real cost of illegal immigration, and it's not avocados.
Americans pay $200 billion annually in illegal immigration costs.
Confessions of an Accidental Culture Warrior “There’s a
culture war afoot … whether you’d like to admit it or not. One side wants to
silence debate, rewrite the Constitution and enact policies that have sent
other nations into ruin. I’m ready to
fight … are you?”
Why objectivity and honesty, not politics, must drive
Read this carefully and donate wisely (best is directly to
candidates). Some “conservative PACs”
don’t deliver much money to the cause.
Surber: "We are left, then, with this paradox: 'Spygate
is the first American scandal in which the government wants the facts published
transparently but the media want to cover them up.'" "That tells you
all you need to know about the state of American 'journalism' in 2019."
Why the world can thank American exceptionalism for
successful D-Day. General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded the battle
for Europe…..But it was Henry Ford who won it.
D-Day, then and now. Startling photos take a while to load
but let you drag a line back and forth revealing the same scenes in 1944 and 2019.
Pictures from downtown LA capture the problem it faces with homeless,
trash, rodents, and disease.
“Statism is a system of institutionalized violence and
perpetual civil war. It leaves men no choice but to fight to seize political
power — to rob or be robbed, to kill or be killed. … Statism survives by
looting; a free country survives by production.”
-Ayn Rand
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