Sunday, May 5, 2019

op ed review 5/5

Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969. Average wage $27.77/hr.
Trump soars in the polls for his stellar economy
Democrats search for ways to downplay Trump’s great economy.
Remember when Obama made fun of Trump's 'magic wand' to fix the economy?

Trump Revives National Program to Exclude Illegals from Jobs
Rent-A-Child Services Thriving At The Border
Illegals pour out of manhole in busy El Paso intersection, flee into darkness.

Outrage of the week: Following a King County Executive order, King County airport operators will stop serving ICE deportation flights. On average, roughly 360 people were shipped through the airport every month.  (The highest volume was recorded occurring in 2011 under the Obama administration, but that was no problem then)
Another outrage:  A Seattle judge sent a homeless man who punched a complete stranger in the mouth to jail.  The man had 72 prior convictions. City attorney denounces this as too harsh, writes letter accusing the judge of violating judicial ethics.

Alabama House approves near total abortion ban
Denouncing the ban, Democrat state Rep. John Rogers said while debating the bill,  “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later.”

New York Times finally admits  Obama admin used multiple spies against Trump In 2016.
Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

Trans insanity. Canadian Court Warns Father He'll Be Arrested if He Calls His Daughter a Girl.”  The Canadian Government Is Now a Dangerous Big Brother

Pope Francis Denounces “Excessive Demands” for National Sovereignty
Pope sends aid to migrants at US border
Meanwhile, Christian persecution 'at near genocide levels'

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): 'This Is Not Going to Be the Country of White People'
AOC: 'I Don't Care If You're Undocumented'

As Venezuela continues to crumble under the socialist dictatorship of President Nicolas Maduro, some are expressing words of warning – and resentment – against a six-year-old gun control bill that stripped citizens of their weapons.

Adviser Downplays Biden Ukraine Corruption as 'Conservative Opposition Research'.  Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in United States loan guarantees if Ukraine’s leaders did not dismiss the country’s top prosecutor, who was investigating a company on which Biden’s son served on the Board.
Steve Hilton: China Is 'Funding Biden Family Businesses' with 'Billions'

High School Mulls Removing George Washington Murals Because They 'Traumatize' Students
Founding Fathers under attack: Students demand Thomas Jefferson statue removal
Massachusetts Democrats want to remove 'God' from oath of office
California wants to ban schools from suspending pupils for disruptive behavior because it's 'racist'

Conservative Host Ben Shapiro Target of Death Threats, FBI Makes Arrest

Chelsea Clinton made $300K for attending just six IAC board meetings and now holds $6.3M worth of stock in the company run by family friend Barry Diller.

New York Times Apologizes After Publishing Anti-Semitic Cartoon

Don Surber  5/3
The Washington Post headline was meant to be scary but it was hilarious. It read, "Trump is already set to use the government to destroy the Democratic nominee." Really? How is he going to do that?

Is President Trump going to use the IRS to punish critics? Obama did. Is President Trump going to use the NSA to spy on opponents? Obama did. Is President Trump going to use the FBI to infiltrate opposing campaigns? Obama did. Is President Trump going to use contacts with foreign governments against his opponent? Obama did. Is President Trump going to obstruct justice to avoid indicting his party's nominee? Obama did.

The Obama administration was the most corrupt in history. His vice president threatened a Ukraine prosecutor so his sticky fingered son could avoid jail. His first secretary of state took hundreds of millions from foreign governments through her fake charity, which she laundered to help finance her campaign and her daughter's wedding.

In his post-presidency, Obama is collecting for favors granted. His book and Netflix deals alone pocketed him $130 million. He is well on his way toward becoming a billionaire. Small wonder he shows such contempt for the country and the press. He pulled a fast one on them. Twice.

Now I am supposed to worry that President Trump may do the same thing to Democrats. Hahaha……


 “Remember, every Democrat running for president wants you just as disarmed and defenseless as the Venezuelan people are in the face of their socialist masters. Obey the Founders. Buy guns and ammunition.”
                   -Kurt Schlichter

“Dems can’t fund a $5 billion wall, but can spend $2 trillion naming roads after themselves.”
                   -Erick Erickson

Barriers Against Barbarism: One of the most fashionable manifestations of Trump derangement syndrome—the assumption that Walls Never Work—is crushingly debunked in historian David Frye’s eye-opening history of 4,000 years of barrier-building, from the Fertile Crescent to the Malibu Colony, “Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick.”

Rich Dems Spend $60 Million to Hide the Party’s Far-Left Agenda

It’s called Sudden Jihad Syndrome…NOT “mental illness” as the Left tries to explain away every Muslim terrorist attack

Subway stores in UK remove pork after 'strong demand' from Muslims.

Mohammed is Number One Name For Baby Boys in Berlin in 2018

Shocking video of children in Philadelphia Muslim Society: 'We will chop off their heads' for Allah.

Sri Lanka Bombings: A Story of ISIS and Wealthy Terrorists

One of the oldest and greatest guides to understanding American politics is captured in the sage advice: “follow the money.” As America is the richest nation on the globe, there is a lot to be followed. The federal leviathan is awash in trillions of dollars in cash. Countless lawyers, lobbyists, and public officials, by their control of or access to our government, have grown rich. Hillary and Bill Clinton notoriously are Exhibit A, but we are in the process of learning that the current front-runner in the Democratic sweepstakes for the 2020 nomination, Joe Biden, also managed successfully to siphon off a few million for himself and his family.

Twenty-six years ago, from April 29 to May 4,1992, much of Los Angeles was ablaze. The LAPD pulled out and basically told folks in the worst-hit areas that they were on their own. But a small section of Los Angeles known as Koreatown, located just north of South Central, didn’t burn. Why? Because the Korean business owners banded together, exercised their Second Amendment rights and protected their property, their businesses, and their livelihoods.
“Be A Rooftop Korean”

Attorney General Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday offered a preview of coming attractions. He means to get to the bottom of the “spying” conducted by the Obama administration on the Trump presidential campaign….Of course, you had to tune out the Democratic static and listen to Barr’s exchanges with Republican members to pick up the preview, but it was unmistakably there. The Democrats’ hysteria reflects something more than motiveless malignity; Barr is the Attorney General Democrats should fear.

What I Witnessed on the Border.  Main points: 1. Democrats and liberal reporters do not come to the border. Only Republicans and Sean Hannity ever come to see with their own eyes what is going on. 2. President Trump and conservatives are not lying.  3. It's not regular Mexicans who cross illegally. They mostly cross legally at checkpoints.  4. The illegals are criminals in Mexico. They don't want to be detained in Mexican jails……

‘Very Fine People on Both Sides’

What everyone needs to know about education.

The 8-Year-Old Ocasio-Cortez Impersonator Is Back, And Her New Video Is Killer

USAFacts….Non-partisan Government Data

“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. Subject opinion to coercion: whom will you make your inquisitors?”
          -Thomas Jefferson (1781)


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