Saturday, June 29, 2019

op ed review 6/30

Chaos and confusion at the democrat debates.
Bernie pushes plan to cancel all student loan debt.
Warren seconds:  “I’m calling for…Universal free public college and cancellation of student debt”
Bernie: Hell Yes, My Single-Payer Healthcare Plan Would Cover 11 Million Illegal Immigrants
Democrats want to move ahead on slavery reparations, could carry a $17.1 trillion price tag.
Elizabeth Warren promises reparations for gay couples.
Eric Swalwell Tells Hispanics to Fight Trump in the Streets
Beto O'Rourke: If Minor Illegal Immigrants Can't Get Abortions, We're 'The Handmaid's Tale'
Biden Likens Cultural Effects Of Trump’s 2016 Victory To RFK’s Assassination
Byron York: In debates, Democrats move toward open borders

Hawks rip Donald Trump for keeping America at work, not war
Trump slams Dems for backing health care for undocumented immigrants
President Trump Announces New Platform to raise reelection funds

After years of social engineering by the left, polls show Americans think 23.6% of population is gay.  Actual number is less than 5%.

Pelosi caves, agrees to pass Senate border funding bill after McConnell defeats House version
Syrian Muslim Refugee Plotted a Black Church Massacre.
Pelosi On Enforcing Immigration Laws: ‘What’s The Point?’
New high poll numbers say immigration most important issue facing the country.
California's Gov. Newsom puts out a video for illegals on how to obstruct ICE
Caught on camera:  African migrants raft cross Mexico border - with no National Guard in sight
Obama Built The ‘Cages’ for Illegals, Not Trump, Says Obama ICE Chief

Dalai Lama warns: “Europe is for Europeans,” EU will become “Muslim” or “African” if migrants allowed to stay

Supreme Court decisions handed Republicans a huge political victory on gerrymandering.
But “Roberts The Mind Reader” Joins Liberal Justices On The Census issue

Insider Blows Whistle On Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020. Guest on Tucker Carlson estimates that Google can swing 15 million votes by how they stack search engine results.
Project Veritas Exposes How Google Gives Billions of in-Kind Value to the Democrat Party
New leaked Google Document describes Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, as ‘nazis using the dogwhistles’.

Alabama car dealership offers free shotgun, Bible and American flag to customers

State Senate Republicans in Oregon successfully block climate bill, now dead.

Great-nephew of British National Health Service founder dies after blunders at two hospitals.

A U.S. bishop has issued a “prayer” card that celebrates homosexual “pride” and includes an image of a crucifix with rainbow colors coming from it.

Vijay Jayaraj   6/23

On June 29, 2017, the Dailymail in UK ran an article headlined “Four years to save the Earth: 2020 is the deadline to avert climate catastrophe, experts claim in chilling commentary.”
Two years later and halfway to deadline, the earth has not changed much. If anything, the El Niño of the 2016-17 season gave way for much cooler temperatures across the globe and the past two years have been colder than 2016.
This is just one of the many climate doomsday news articles that gets published in our mainstream news media every single day. How seriously should we treat the climate doomsday claims?

In mid-2000s “Arctic sea ice melting” became the buzz word and the star of the climate apocalypse movement. Since then, the melting of Arctic sea ice became the central theme of climate doomsday theories.

In 2007, news media across the globe warned that the Arctic would soon be ice-free because of the excessive melting from global warming. It came on the heels of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, a 2016 documentary on how global warming is melting Arctic ice and killing Polar bears.
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013,” was a BBC headline. The article justified its claim by referring to the modelling forecasts of climate scientists. It read, “using supercomputers to crunch through possible future outcomes has become a standard part of climate science in recent years … modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.”

But instead of disappearing, the Arctic sea ice grew. The 2013 minimal sea ice extent in the Arctic outgrew the 2012 levels. The ice-free predictions have been proven to be wrong and extremely inaccurate. The minimal sea ice extent today (2018) is much higher than that of 2012.
This was not the only case where the computer models failed in their predictions.

During the past 19 years, the computer climate models used to forecast global temperatures failed to predict the temperature levels accurately. Even worse, the models failed to capture the apparent slowdown in the warming of earth. These are the very same models that are currently being used to justify climate policies like the Paris agreement. With a two-decade record of dismal failure in predicting temperatures, the model outputs can hardly be trusted as valid indicators of future climate.

Other climate gaffes include the claims about the worsening of extreme weather events due to climate change. Contrary to popular belief, there has been no observable increase in extreme weather events. In the U.S., tornado activity was at its record low in 2018 and the severity of wildfire has actually declined. Studies also indicate that the global area burned by wildfire has declined during the past few decades.

And these are just the incompetency of doomsayer’s claims with the current state of climate. If we contextualize the present-day climate in comparison to the climate during the past 10,000 years, then most of the doomsday theories lose their sting.

Arctic sea ice, for example, is at one of its highest levels in the Holocene (last 10,000 years). The temperature levels have constantly swung in the past, including the well-studied two warm periods (Roman and Medieval) and one cold period (Little Ice Age) in the past 2000 years.

More surprisingly, throughout the history, the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration levels followed the temperature levels and not vice versa. In other words, atmospheric CO2 concentration were not the primary drivers of the rise in temperatures (whenever they occurred). This was reflected in the temperature measurements between 2000 and 2018, when the exponential increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration failed to cause a rise in global temperature levels.

It is a gentle reminder that we should take the doomsday claims with a pinch of salt. Neither are they scientifically accurate nor are they put through rigorous scrutiny before being disseminated to the masses.

Vijay Jayaraj  holds a M.Sc. in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia, England

“Progressives want to create a system without risk, where students aren’t responsible for their debt and schools aren’t responsible for their costs. Once colleges know that prospective students can get any loan for any major they desire, incurring no risk whatsoever, what motivation do these institutions have to offer degrees of value? And, in the end, forgiveness does nothing to lower costs. Then again, when the state takes control of private institutions, it inevitably turns to price controls and all the usual tools that destroy industries. … The world doesn’t owe you a dream college or a dream house or a dream job. You have no right to someone else’s labor and time. If you want to attend free college, ask professors to offer you their lectures gratis or ask school administrators who run massive endowments to open their doors to everyone. Or, maybe, ask them to bring down their tuition prices.”
            -David Harsanyi

At Renton WA public library, drag queen on all fours roars, growls incoherently at library ‘pride’ event for teens. One twitter: “This is what demonic possession looks like.”

Rise of the religious left? DNC hires faith outreach director to address party's 'God problem'

Restaurant employee spits on Eric Trump.  She gets “placed on leave”, but she’s a hero with the left, GoFundMe page started for her.

UC Santa Cruz will remove 'offensive' mission bells from campus after lefties complain.

A "nonpartisan" dark money group that regularly files litigation against President Trump's administration is powered by money from the Center for American Progress (CAP), the liberal think tank founded by former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.

Tampering Past The Tipping Point

Global warming?? Colorado's snowpack is 40 times normal after rare summer solstice snow dump.

Americans' plastic recycling is being dumped in landfills, investigation shows.  Doesn’t matter because it still helps liberals feel good.

Why Are Democrats So Incredibly Ignorant About ‘Medicare for All’?

Capitolism [sic]: The defining issue of the 2020 elections

Democrats point to Nordic nations as models of socialism. Here’s how they actually work.

The Middle Class Will Pay Bigly For All The Dems’ ‘Free Stuff’

California: Here Be Monsters

Here is how the LGBT movement gained legal, cultural and political supremacy over Christianity in America in just 50 years. It advanced through five stages and four Supreme Court rulings. The five stages of homofascism are: 1. Tolerance 2. Acceptance 3. Celebration 4. Forced Participation 5. Punishment of Dissenters. 

“No, Teen Vogue, you should not promote prostitution as a career choice”

“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
            -Thomas Jefferson


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