Saturday, June 22, 2019

op ed review 6/22

Joe Biden has 85 at big Iowa rally -- Trump has 100,000 sign up in Florida -- Line Starts 42 Hours Early, Outdoor Jumbo Screens Ordered
Trump's Orlando Speech: Unprecedented and Remarkable

Democrat Leaders Pelosi and Schumer Caught on Camera Doing Victory Dance After They Thought They Goaded Trump into War with Iran

5.8 Million Individuals Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump
Appeals court clears way for Trump administration rule targeting Planned Parenthood
Mexico to target human traffickers in immigration crackdown
Democrats fear Trump’s wooing of Hispanic voters in Florida

Poll: Support for Florida Gov. DeSantis Surges After Sanctuary City Ban
“Washington man” (illegal alien) assaults woman days after being released from King County Jail for raping her last year.

Rjode Island Democrat Gov. Raimondo Signs Bill to Allow Abortion Through Birth

Black intellectuals surprise Democrats by telling them who owes the tab on reparations.
Democrats’ talk of reparations inspires things like this:  Man arrested for rape in NYC allegedly told witnesses ‘she deserved it’ … ‘for slavery’

Supreme Court upholds cross on public land in Maryland
But Alaska government meeting opens with 'Hail Satan' prayer

Fox News beats CNN, MSNBC combined in ratings, tops all of cable

Poll: AOC disliked, distrusted, unwanted in her own NY district

'I don't see why not': Pete Buttigieg open to “having kids” with husband in White House

The first two states to legalize recreational marijuana are starting to grapple with teenagers’ growing use of highly potent pot…. “Horrible things are happening to kids,” said psychiatrist Libby Stuyt, who treats teens in southwestern Colorado and has studied the health impacts of high-potency marijuana. “I see increased problems with psychosis, with addiction, with suicide, with depression and anxiety.” Says the Chair of pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Hospital “I hope we don’t lose a generation of people before we become clear we need to protect our kids’ brains”
Marijuana damages adolescent brains, two prominent health professionals write in NYT op-ed.
Testing of sewage from the City of Tacoma confirms marijuana use doubled in three years.

Only thing sadder than Swalwell's gun control proposal? His anti-gun 'rally' numbers outside NRA's headquarters (18 people)

Abraham Miller is emeritus professor of political science, distinguished fellow with the Haym Salomon Center, 6/19

“Multiculturalism Is a Nation Killer”  6/19 Politics is about power, how to get it and how to keep it. Politics is about mobilizing votes.

It should come as no surprise that candidates can say one thing on one day and another on another day because they will say whatever needs to be said to appeal to the electorate. Joe Biden instantaneously flip flops on abortion. Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were as much against illegal immigration as is Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was once against gay marriage…..

Politics in America is about the competition of interest groups for political power. Once victorious an interest group does not go away; it escalates its demands. The civil rights movement started out with demands for basic human dignity. Once those were met, it legitimately demanded equality of opportunity, and once that was achieved, it demanded preferential treatment where equality of opportunity was redefined, in Orwellian fashion, as equality of result. Flush with success, it now demands reparations where those who never were enslaved will receive compensation from those who never owned slaves, all in the name of virtue and justice.

By nature, humans are tribal. Tribalism is the easiest way to organize people and mobilize them politically. Until very recently, America was a multi-ethnic society with a dominant culture. That culture is breaking apart as we become more tribal, and we begin to think of ourselves in terms of tribal loyalties, as reinforced by political elites.

Multiculturalism is the great myth of our time. The cliché is, “Our strength is our diversity.” But is it? Military officers sent to Vietnam learned that the enemy’s strength was a homogeneous culture, language, and identity.

There is no real multicultural society on the planet that has not tumbled into barbarism or devolution. Whether Lebanon, which institutionalized multiculturalism in its constitution and exploded into ethnic warfare, or Rwanda, where tribalism descended into barbarism, multiculturalism does not work.

Switzerland is not a multicultural society. It has different language groups with one strong, unshakeable identity. The Swiss know who they are. Something we seem to be forgetting. Ask the white farmers who are being hunted in South Africa like animals, with the eager justification of some black political elites, if Nelson Mandela’s vision of the rainbow society is working.

Minorities will support the idea of multiculturalism as long as it advances their own interests. Consequently, tribalism ironically finds its justification in multiculturalism. In the name of multiculturalism, Muslims want public schools closed on Muslim holidays and halal food in the school cafeterias. Somehow the tribal aspirations of all cultures are legitimate, unless those tribes are white or Christian. In the name of multiculturalism, schools have segregated dormitories, student unions, and even graduations. But imagine if whites wanted to segregate the student union, to have white-only dormitories and graduations? The virtue signalers would descend on the campus in outrage.

Muslims in Seattle wanted their public-school students greeted with a Koranic blessing during Ramadan but let a dozen Christians stand beneath the flag and silently pray in the name of Jesus, and one would think the Constitution was being eviscerated.

The advocates of affirmative action hiring in the name of diversity almost never seek to hire whites where there is a preponderance of minority employees. Diversity is only good when it means hiring minorities in white-dominated situations, not the other way around.

No man or woman wants to be a stranger in their own land, told their culture is illegitimate, or the aspirations of their children must be sidelined because of historic injustices of which they had no part, save that someone with similar skin color was advantaged by them.

We are told it is the essence of bigotry to see the disproportions of black crime and not look beyond race to social and economic factors, but when it comes to the evils of enslavement, all whites are guilty, even those whose ancestors never owned slaves or had not stepped foot in America until slavery was long gone.

The mobilization of tribal instincts is the means for elites — especially the identity-obsessed left — to advance their quest for political power. But in politics, as in physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton’s Third Law embraces the political world. Do not expect whites to sit by idly and be told their culture is illegitimate, and they are responsible for all the evils in the world. Expect that they too will be mobilized on the basis of identity.

In the end, if we devolve into a multicultural society, we will have the same political instability as other multicultural societies. The mobilization of people by identity will create a society that is inherently not viable. It is what the left’s myopic obsession with phony multiculturalism and identity politics will bring.


“Most of the best parts of our constitutional order are undemocratic and act as counters to the popular passions of democracy, which our Founding Fathers understood, feared, and held in contempt for good reason.”
              -Kevin Williamson

“This is your daily reminder the Attorney General of Minnesota is someone who is accused of multiple incidents of domestic abuse with 911 calls and bruises as evidence. His name: Keith Ellison (also former DNC Deputy Chair). Democrats pretend to ‘believe women’ until real abuse happens within their own party.”
              -Charlie Kirk

Clarimont:  “….why Tucker Carlson has become the de facto leader of the conservative movement—assuming any such thing can still be said to exist. He didn’t seek the position. I doubt he wants it. He’d probably disclaim it, in fact. But the mantle settled on him nonetheless, partly by default, though it’s more than that. First, there’s the show. Carlson is something of a Rush Limbaugh for the Trump era….. Second, Carlson’s message is in tune with the times. Limbaugh became famous in part by grasping, early, where conservatism was headed in the immediate post-Reagan era. Carlson is similarly more in tune than anyone else with the mix of populism, economic centrism, immigration restrictionism, and war fatigue that motivates today’s disaffected Right.
Lefty cop haters celebrate murder of young female Sacramento rookie cop.

‘Socialist’ Countries’ Retreat From Bernie’s Socialist Health Care Solution

Venezuela: A Humanitarian Crisis The Left Couldn’t Care Less About

Oberlin’s cultural rot went far beyond SJW politics into a ‘culture of theft’

Pandering to the Left, Joe Biden Suggests Starting ‘Physical Revolution’ To Deal With Republicans

Lomberg:  Sorry, banning plastic bags won’t save our planet

Two Chicago-area men convicted of providing support to Islamic State

VDH:  “California: America’s First Third-World State”

How the GOP Will Retake the House in 2020

Oberlin's Racial Hucksterism Comes Home to Roost

Does anyone doubt that Trump is the Rocky of American politics?

Trump Just Revolutionized Health Care — And Nobody Noticed

We Must Reject LGBTQ Craziness Becoming America's Accepted Norm

Babylon Bee  “House Democrats Draft Legislation That Would Make It A Hate Crime To Eat At Chick-Fil-A”

“We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honest men to live in.”
                    -Thomas Paine


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